Guys. My corner is an incredible place to be. And its largely in part to how many beautiful people are in it. And I do mean YOU 💜
Yesterday was honestly so fun. I felt like a celebrity. Cher posted about me on her Insta and FB. She shared my post. I shared my post. I posted on Insta and FB stories. And you guys answered back with unabashed support and interest!
As much as it seems like maybe I just wanted to be the centre of attention, it actually took a lot of guts to put that stuff out there. Like everyone else, I have my share of insecurities, and sharing stuff like this is very much on that list. The fear of people thinking I’m an attention suck. That I’m trying to rip people off. That I’m just bored. That the items aren’t actually special, when I feel they really are. But I decided that maybe those worries can be bypassed and I could just be excited, and maybe others would feel the same!
And you guys really showed up 💜 It was awesome, and overwhelming, and SO appreciated.
The question I struggle most with came up a handful of times yesterday, so I’m just going to put it out there. These blankets take a LONG time to make. They are tedious labours of love, but I truly enjoy making them! That being said, I HATE pricing them. Its horrid. But with prices of materials going up (like everything else in the world) as well as the monumental hours that go into them, I can safely say they start at about $300. Thats for the smaller “throw blanket” sizes. They go up from there into bedspreads that would be closer to $500.
As I said yesterday, they are luxury. I don’t expect everyone in my circle to pop up and order one. I am very aware of their expense. I wouldn’t spend that kind of money on a blanket. So its VERY hard to price them that way.
This is a true joy for me.

“Scandi Birds” by Abi McIntyre (@GetYerHookOn)
You don’t have to buy from me for me to feel your support and care. It is a true honour to have so many of you in my corner.
Thank you for sharing in my joy 💜