My Corner

Guys. My corner is an incredible place to be. And its largely in part to how many beautiful people are in it. And I do mean YOU 💜

Yesterday was honestly so fun. I felt like a celebrity. Cher posted about me on her Insta and FB. She shared my post. I shared my post. I posted on Insta and FB stories. And you guys answered back with unabashed support and interest!

As much as it seems like maybe I just wanted to be the centre of attention, it actually took a lot of guts to put that stuff out there. Like everyone else, I have my share of insecurities, and sharing stuff like this is very much on that list. The fear of people thinking I’m an attention suck. That I’m trying to rip people off. That I’m just bored. That the items aren’t actually special, when I feel they really are. But I decided that maybe those worries can be bypassed and I could just be excited, and maybe others would feel the same!

And you guys really showed up 💜 It was awesome, and overwhelming, and SO appreciated.

The question I struggle most with came up a handful of times yesterday, so I’m just going to put it out there. These blankets take a LONG time to make. They are tedious labours of love, but I truly enjoy making them! That being said, I HATE pricing them. Its horrid. But with prices of materials going up (like everything else in the world) as well as the monumental hours that go into them, I can safely say they start at about $300. Thats for the smaller “throw blanket” sizes. They go up from there into bedspreads that would be closer to $500.

As I said yesterday, they are luxury. I don’t expect everyone in my circle to pop up and order one. I am very aware of their expense. I wouldn’t spend that kind of money on a blanket. So its VERY hard to price them that way.

This is a true joy for me.

“Scandi Birds” by Abi McIntyre (@GetYerHookOn)

You don’t have to buy from me for me to feel your support and care. It is a true honour to have so many of you in my corner.

Thank you for sharing in my joy 💜

Fearless Friday: Luxury Crochet

I’ve been keeping my latest crocheting venture under wraps while I found my feet with it all, and now that I have a few projects under my belt, I’m excited to share some new things with you guys!

This new technique is called mosaic crochet, and it produces the most beautiful, luxurious items.

Each item is an absolute labour of love, but is worth every single stitch. And I do mean every stitch.

Thousands upon thousands of stitches 😅

Thanks to the crazy amount of small stitching, this method is highly customizable!

The back of the blankets don’t look like much, but they’re tidy, and there are no weird chains or loops to hook on things. They’re completely flat and smooth.

It also means that the blankets have less stretch in them than your standard crocheted blanket. No holes for your toes to stick through! Heyooo!

The borders are thick and sturdy.

In my humble opinion, these blankets are the epitome of luxury. They are thick and warm and very cozy.

The people who create these patterns are powerhouses, and I have the utmost respect for them!!

Abi McIntyre (@GetYerHookOn) designed this tree pattern, called Sholach.

Ana Morais Soares (One Skein of Love) designed the festive “Winter Wonderland” pattern.

Mosaic crochet has truly felt like a new art form. Like a new medium, even though its still just yarn and a hook. I feel it has bolstered my skills and while it goes against my grain to self-promote in any way, shape, or form, I view myself as an advanced crochet artist at this point. Mosaic crochet isn’t for beginners, and I love how much I am loving it! This is my most favourite blanket I’ve ever made! Its the Sholach pattern made in Hudson’s Bay colors 😍 Isn’t it pretty???

Anyway, here you have it, friends! I’ve been afraid to share these things because realistically speaking, these blankets will be available to sell, and they will not be a cool $50. Not even a cool $200. They are luxury, and will cost what luxury costs. I have had fear in that regard, but I decided to share because I LOVE them, not because I’m aching for sales 💜 So please, be excited with me about my new venture, and come alongside me as I sort out whatever, if anything, comes next with it!

Thank you for always being kind and supportive 💜


Perfect Timing for Sickies

I say perfect timing very loosely because there really is never a good time. But alas, the kids have a long weekend, and a few of them are using it to cook up some fevers and empty their sinuses. Fun!!

It began with Solly 💜

I have not had a kid fall asleep on me in a looooong time. I loved it so much, even though I was scared of him breathing on my face.

Very quickly, Solly passed his sickness on to Dekker, as we all do to our roommates.

The buckets are insurance policies. No one is barfing, thank goodness!

This morning, Wavy woke up feverish as well.

A quick shoutout for Laela here! Laela really struggles to find the balance between being a helpful leader and being super bossy. A month or two back, she actually came to me and said “Can you help me learn?” Which felt groundbreaking, to be honest. She was seeking a way to do well rather than me making her change. So she has worked HARD and in these times, she is absolutely killing it!!! And when I correct her and point out that she’s being a bit too “mom” and not “sister or friend” enough, she accepts it and shifts her way. These sick days, she spends reading stories and offering to do extra jobs, retrieving water bottles, and helping Wavy in the night. Just last night, Wavy was so zonked that she peed in her pull-up more than usual. She lulled away and told Laela, and Laela changed her into a fresh diaper, lay a towel down in her bed, and ran downstairs to get her a fresh blanket, putting the wet one in the washer. She is absolutely crushing it. I am SO proud of her.

Meanwhile, Rowan has managed to stay healthy and well!

I’m sure it helps that he has his own room, thank goodness! While he is well, he is doing a mountain of dishes, saying yes to anything thats asked of him, and keeping a low profile, playing lego and singing along to The Greatest Showman soundtrack! Rowan has recently been earning a bit more freedom than he’s had in a long time, and he is noticeably appreciative of it! He does not take his extra time for granted, and he is more accepting of things he isn’t happy about.

Brady has today off, for which we are SO grateful! There are lots of jobs to do and lots of little children to nurture! Gonna be a gooder! 💜

New Hair, Who Dis?

Except we all know who dis is.

This morning, I gift you the super unflattering pictures along the way to my hair getting a refresh, haha! I always spend a good few hours in the salon with my hair girl, and I record the ugly stages along the way for the sick entertainment of my husband and my best friend 😆

First, the before pictures. Wavy joined for those.

Then I went in, and I sipped coffee while the work began! Roots!!

I got no roots…

Now usually there is a color remover step, but I was going darker this time, so it wasn’t as important to get my hair flawlessly even.

We skipped the color remover altogether and went tooooooo BLUUUUUE!!!

This was the part where I sat and waited and scrolled and sipped and just generally relaxed. My hair girl has her own room now, so its really nice to be able to watch some things and let down in a real way.

As usual, my four-ish hours in the hair chair paid off, and I am officially refreshed!

I haven’t rocked blue hair in a good while, but it definitely suits really well for a winter color.

My hair girl and I laughed and reminisced about the first time I went blue. I was concerned, and told I was scared to look like cookie monster. Well folks, we went full cookie this time around, and I have zero regrets. ZERO. Its really fun to be so bright blue 💙

Happy hump day, friends! Kids are off school where I am, and it feels like a weekend!

All the Snow and ALL that comes with it

Yesterday was very blowy and snowy, but it didn’t stop my two die hard evening walkers from getting their fresh air!!

Its possible there was mild regret when they got back from their walk, but I was SO proud of them for still going out! I love their together time!

It blew and snowed all night, so this morning, I went outside while Brady got ready, and made sure the driveway was clear. We had managed to fit his van into the garage for the night (not well, but good enough) but that still leaves the driveway to get through. The snow was fluffy enough that he could’ve gotten out, but since I was already there, I shovelled it clear. Rather do it when its light and fluffy than packed down!

Brady left for work and I gave myself ten minutes before I got the kids up. There was a lot that needed doing this morning, and then the kids laid the smackdown.

“Mom, can you make me a poppy?”

I crocheted them poppies a couple of years ago, and only two could be found this morning. And they wanted them. I told them the jobs that needed doing, and they eagerly volunteered to help if that meant I’d make poppies. So we did it!

Rowan did dishes and garbage.

Laela sorted laundry and put in all the socks and underwear.

Dekker shovelled the ramp.

And I crocheted the remaining poppies that the big kids needed before they could go to school! They turned out!

The kids left a little later than usual, but everyone was in good spirits, myself included. It was a pretty busy morning but also a pretty successful morning.

Once the big kids were out the door, I made Wavy’s poppy. She was just so stinking cute this morning.

And once that was done, Cher arrived to spend the day with me!! Because reading week!!! Heyooooo!!

Today is the last day of school before the kids have a few days off! Its going to be a beautiful day 💜

The Younger Man of the House

Dekker has absolutely become Brady’s sidekick when it comes to outdoor jobs. We work pretty hard to kibosh the stereotypical gender roles of women doing housework and boys working outside. You’d better believe the boys do laundry and dishes, and that Laela dug trenches with Tom in the yard. But that being said, Dekker definitely prefers an outdoor job. Always. Garbage. Running to the shed. Getting something out the garage. Running to the store for something. All that stuff is his jam.

So this weekend, while Brady worked on some outside jobs, Dekker was right in there like a dirty shirt. Brady was installing some different plugs for the vehicles that need to be plugged in, and Dekker ran our cords out to where our friends and loved ones can plug in when they are here.

He also helped change Cher’s tires over. And by “help” I mean he did pretty much everything. I know Brady helped him place the jack, heave the tires up onto the car, and he torqued the lug nuts at the very end. Dekker did everything else!!

I am just SO impressed with how hard he works and how much he can do. He is incredibly capable and confident. I cannot wait to see what kind of man he grows into. If the eleven year old version of his is any indication, I am STOKED.

The Best Supper We’ve Had in a Long Time

In case it was unclear, today’s supper was absolutely bomb, and worthy of being on record as one of the best supper’s we’ve had in a LONG time. Even I had seconds. It was so good.

First off – the company was excellent. My mom and Cher both joined us, which was absolutely wonderful. It had been a really long time since we’ve all shared a supper together, and it felt so normal in that good comfy way 💜

Secondly, our meal was really, really good. Wavy doddled pretty hard towards the end, but otherwise, everyone LOVED it. I can’t remember the last time the kids ate so well. Our food was not fancy, but it was delicious. We had rice with just butter, broccoli with a cheese sauce, and the little fish sticks from Costco. Have you had those?? They look exactly like mozza sticks. They’re just little guys. Man alive, they are SO good! Everyone ate them beautifully! Even Wavy! It was the rice she dragged her feet on. Laela was my biggest surprise, as she eats everything but doesn’t give a food compliment too easily. This evening, she said over and over again “We should have this more often.” Never would I have thought I’d hear that. From her. About fish.

The icing on the cake was the very literal icing on the cake. Towards the end of supper, Rae showed up in our entrance, with half a chocolate cake in hand! So we all had a piece of cake to top off our delicious supper.

I haven’t bought that fish in years, but I think I’m going to have to start again. That was too good and too easy. Definitely worth a try and a buy!

Winter Purchase Quandaries

It is SO hard to know where to spend money. Isn’t it? Money is a hard subject, we all know that. We know we need it for necessities. We know we’re not rolling in it. We also know we sometimes need to bite a bullet and make a big purchase or two. And sometimes, a handful of things come up at once and it’s a bit bigger of a bullet than you’re expecting. And you need to talk it out. So, here I am. Talking it out.

We bought the minivan for Brady to take the work. This was a very wise choice. It is SUCH a good fit for Brady’s needs! But as the snowy season rolls in, we need winter tires for it. Thats inevitable. As he’s pricing things out, we’re considering getting tires on rims for it. They’re not crazy expensive, they’d save the tires the fuss of being taken on and off every season, making them last longer, and rims save us the cost of having them changed at the tire shop every season. So that makes sense.

While we’re talking about rims for the minivan, we’re thinking rims for the bus also. We’re both a little wishy washy on doing that part this season, because they’re more expensive, and we’ve gone a few years without them. Yet, it would make the tires last longer, and once again eliminate the cost of tire changes. So that feels like it would pay for itself eventually.

Aside from the winter tires, we are seriously considering a garage heater this year. It would be SO beneficial. It would keep Brady’s van warmed, avoiding the issue of trying to run it and warm it up in the mornings inside the garage. It would just already be warm. It would also make our bedroom a lot nicer. Not perfect, but its already frigid up there. I’ve been sleeping with a heating pad for a couple of weeks now. Having a heated garage would absolutely aid in that. Lastly, our entrance is absolutely bursting with winter gear for months, spilling out of the closet and onto the floor. It is such a mess. We really don’t have enough space in our entrance for five kids trying to get dressed into winter stuff, plus a wheelchair. It was hard before the wheelchair, and now its next to impossible. So if our garage was heated, the outerwear could live in the garage. It would be SUCH a relief. It would keep the wet much out there, too. But! Even with a good discount, the garage heater will set us back a good amount of money. And we’re in the busiest season for plumbers, so I’m not even sure we could get it installed. Brady says it has to be installed by someone with a gas fitters license, which we do not have. Your basic Joe Handyman isn’t allowed to fit it. So again, is it worth it to buy it for SO much money if we can’t even confidently have it installed anytime soon? Ack!

So many decisions.

So little money.

Money is SO expensive.


I would welcome your input! What would you do?

Waverly’s Speech

Wavy has always had really good language. She is a very clear communicator with her words. She is my first child who will explain herself if she knows we’re not understanding her words. For example:

Wavy: That toy is soap!
Me: Its soap? What do you mean?
Wavy: No, soap! Yike… yike a knife is soap.
Me: Sharp!

She’s little, and doesn’t have every letter sound down pat, but she is still very clear and easy to understand. I am consistently SO impressed by her.

She has always called Laela “Yaya.” I think part of it came from us often calling her Lala, and her inability to pronounce the L sound. Even when she was mad at her sister, you could hear her angrily screech “Yaya!!!!” I loved it so much, hahaha!

Recently, she has been trying to actually pronounce Laela’s name. It started at “Yay-ya” but that was hard to muddle through, it seemed. Then, she graduated the Y sound altogether and made a hybrid letter somewhere between a G and some phlegm. It was pretty gurgly but it was a lot closer, and we all praised her up for it!

Today, she showed off to Auntie Cher by saying it perfectly for the first time ever!!!

Laela. Somehow, that name has never sounded quite so sweet 💜

Wavy is incredibly proud of herself, and now is something of a broken record, replaying Laela’s name over and over and over again. Laela! Laela!! Laelalaelalaelalaelalaela…..

I am SO impressed at how clearly she speaks, but man. She sounds SO much older now. I’m not ready.

The Oldest Kids and the Snow

Yesterday was our first significant snowfall. It may or may not stay, but I won’t be surprised if it kicked around. I’m fine with snow. Snow is pretty and refreshing and it kills bugs before they get gigantic. I see the value. I struggle with the things that come with the snow. Wind, ice, bad driving, being chilled to the bone twenty-five hours a day, etc. Its not my favorite. However, my big kids were not put off at all by the snow!

Dekker and Laela go for a walk together most days. They both put in extra efforts to have that time to spend together in the evenings, and I want to nurture that the absolute best way I can! Yesterday, they were very eager to go get out in it 💜

When they got back, Laela told me they went to the school, found a snow covered sidewalk, and drew pictures in it, making the other guess. I thought that was really, really cute.

These two compete for the spot of the oldest absolutely every single day. But these walks are their time where they build their very real friendship, and I love that SO much.

They’re terribly cute. They always have been.

I’m so happy they’re building a solid foundation of a friendship 💜 I hope it lasts absolutely forever!