That Last Day

Today is the LAST DAY before Christmas holidays are in full swing! So Wavy and I made the most of it and were productive!

Once the other kids were out the door, Wavy and I put together some party mix for the upcoming season!

It is the BEST party mix I’ve ever had, so I hope everyone likes it again this season, because I bought a lot of crackers.

We had a coffee break with Cher before she had to head in for errands, and Wavy and I headed in for our own errands. Specifically, Costco.

Wavy was hit at the grocery store, as she tends to be. She wanted to do as much of the work as she was allowed, so that left her throwing butter into the cart, and hauling boxes of cereal and granola bars off the shelves. Every time she would tip a box off its shelf, it would come down and bonk her forehead. Everyone near her would gasp, and she would giggle, loving the attention. It was VERY cute. But by the end of the shop, she was fading quick.

$650 later 🤮 we headed home! Unfortunately, I had no boxes, so loading and and unloading the van was an incredible undertaking. But Wavy ate while I worked, and it all got done! We are very well stocked for the next couple of weeks!

Once all was said and done, I put Wavy down for a little rest and heated some lunch up for myself. But the reminder went off all too soon that nap time was over and it was time to go get the kids from school! The littlest monkey was less inclined to go get them. I managed to startle her awake and get a quick punch in the eye. Its ok, though. She’s super cute. I’ll let it go.

Christmas holidays are officially upon us! For the kids, anyway. Brady still has a day ahead, but then he gets some holiday time, too! 💜

Music is pumping. Kids are opening gifts from teachers. Homework has been put away until the new year. Treats are out in full swing. Everything is lighter. I am so glad this day has finally come and we can all let down together.

Merry Christmas holidays, friends!!! 💜

Christmas Concerts: How They Went

Every time there is a school event, I’ve been hit with a pretty overwhelming sense of gratefulness that we have some of that normal stuff back. Simple things like entering the school were taken away from parents for a time, which was really hard. I KNOW the staff did their absolutely BEST with what they had to work with, and I am so thankful! But I am SO happy to be back in the school, doing all the normal stuff.

The Christmas concerts brought me to that place again – overwhelmed and happy and proud of my children, as well as the other staff and students involved in putting these beautiful productions together.

I’m sad to not share many pictures, but I imagine the parents who intentionally don’t put their kids on the internet would appreciate it. You’ll just have to take my word for it when I say they were SO cute.

I’ll start with Waverly’s class, because it was first.

Wavy’s cute little class sang and recited a few little numbers, including some sign language to go along with “Away in a Manger.” They closed with a rousing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” It was VERY cute. The last preschool Christmas I was able to attend was Laela’s, so its been a while. I felt so proud of Wavy, and she stood in her spot, recited every word, and did the actions. She didn’t freeze up, and she followed the directions. Then, Wavy’s teacher gave all the kids a gift, and we all went to the gym for snacks and a lot of running around. Snaction. We sat with friends and had a really nice visit. It was a good morning!

We went home and had lunch before heading back out to the elementary school to line up for the afternoon showing of their Christmas program. It was FRIGID out there. I yanked Waverly’s toque over her face and she did not object.

We froze, but we got good seats 🙂 Once we got out of our cold jackets, we started to warm up and settle in. Even got to see Dekker before it all began. He ran the spotlight and took it very seriously!

The grade six kids ran the whole production, and the other classes filed in and out, singing cute songs that they had clearly worked very hard on!!

Solly’s class rocked “Frosty the Snowman,” all decked out in comfy winter hats and scarves. Sol opted for a pink and grey infinity scarf that I made a couple of years ago, hahaha! It was really funny. He struck a very crusty pose in the front row, arms crossed, belly out, but he sang along to every word. Brady and I laughed SO HARD.

Rowan’s had to be my favorite. They did Mariah Carey’s “Baby Please Come Home” with choreographed dance moves and all. It was SO FUNNY and SO CUTE. Rowan wore a concerned expression the entire time, but he diligently sang every word and participated in every move. I was SO impressed!! There has been some cool change in Rowan recently that I haven’t discussed on here yet, but I kid you not – a few weeks ago, he would NOT have cooperated so smoothly with all of this! I was also really happy to see that Ro was placed beside two of his closest friends, so that is always helpful and just an extra thoughtful thing I felt like his teacher did for him, and probably other kids.

Laela’s class did “Carol of the Bells” which I thought was kind of awesome, and an unlikely choice! I’ve never heard it sang so clearly, and by children! They did great, and Laela once again sang every word and followed along really smoothly. You could tell on her face that she was taking it really seriously, nodding along with every diiiiing, donnnnng, and that she was really proud of herself. She also got to stand beside her closest friend! A very nice touch! Thank you, teachers, for reading that so well and letting kids be with their people!

The program wrapped up with the whole school singing a song or two together, as it always has. This year, they actually closed the program with a song by our family’s favorite band, Walk off the Earth, called “We Got Love.” And I’ll admit, it got me all teary eyed, hearing them sing a well-loved song, arms around one another, all together in a group 💜 It just felt like a “we have arrived” moment, you know? Like, we’re baaaaack! Finally!

I was so proud of each child individually, for knowing the words, doing the actions, and following along with their teacher and fellow students. No one froze or acted out. Everyone participated happily 💜 It did goooood things for my heart!

When the concert wrapped up, Dekker came to find us right away, and asked if he could poach Wavy. So he did, and I found him showing her how to point the spotlight at the back. It was awesome. I love how much he loves her.

I don’t know, guys. I don’t know if this year was actually SO much better than others, or if I was just SO happy to have everything back to “normal” but it was an amazing season of Christmas plays. It lifted my heart. I bet lots of you can relate to that feeling 💜 Good job, everyone!!!

Christmas Concert Day

Its hard to get up for school this close to Christmas 💜

I always feels like I’m doing something wrong when I have to wake kids from dead sleeps. Laela is never the kid I have to wake. Ever. But today she was out cold. I climbed onto her bed with plans to snuggle her awake, but Wavy unceremoniously climbed on top of her and woke her up slightly less gently than I was planning. Laela is a good sport, and just grunted once, and received her welcome wagon graciously. It was cute.

Today is the day we hit the Christmas concerts. At least we’re gonna try. Brady took the day off in an effort to make it to both events in the same day! The elementary school’s concern is rushed seating, which we understand and respect, but is going to be trickier for us than it used to be. Still, we’re going to give it a try, and hopefully find an end seat!

Dekker is in full black, taking his stage crew role very seriously.

Laela is in her brightest, most summery dress.

Rowan is in a dark button down that he chose, and feels very classy in.

Solly is wearing a bright green reindeer sweater, and I’ve been told he wears an elf hat to school every single day. Even though his class hasn’t been. Its just him.

Wavy is in her red long sleeved dress, with a pink flowery Gap hoodie over top.

We are not fancy people, turns out. But its going to be a cute day. I cannot promise pictures, because I don’t want to post other people’s kids, but you’ll have to take my word for it!

Stay warm today, friends 💜

The Last Few Days of Cute

So so many cute little moments are going to get missed if I don’t do a quick photo dump post soon, so here it is!! Enjoy some cute little details!

Priority one is obviously Cher laughing like a ten year old boy when Rowan read the word “blowhole” out of his green bag book 🙌

Wavy and Solly were pretty excited about our new-to-us dehydrator, and wanted to just stand and watch it. But be careful! A watched dehydrator never makes anything crusty! Except it does. Thats going to be its own post.

The evening we delivered Christmas cards all over down was actually very sweet. This is Rowan heaving Wavy up to stick a card in a mailbox 💜 Be still, my heart.

Brady and I got contacts!! FINALLY! Bradys first time ever, and my first time back since high school! No more foggy glasses for uuuuus!

Wavy and I baked cookies together. We’ll probably do round two, today. Her favorite part is licking the “sticks.” Lol!

And she even helped wash them at the end!

We were on the receiving end of yet another Christmas basket this year, which we did not expect 💜 We got a huge haul of groceries and a couple of grocery gift cards. I liked how our basket was labelled 🙂 I’m happy for our bright identifier!

Wrapping the very beginnings of the one million presents…..

Our van window is finally repaired!!! Whew! Its a LOT nicer in there now! Whew!

In the last couple of weeks, things have lightened up in some ways over here, and everything with our kids is softer and nicer. And they are SO extra snuggly, I cannot get enough!

And the post can close with the fireworks from last night. I could not get a good picture of the actual sky for the life of me, but you’ll have to take my word for it that it was beautiful 💜 We crammed all the kids up into the front seat to watch, and it was absolutely awesome and sweet.

There has been a lot of chaos and a lot of beauty. I’m sure there is a lot more of both of those things to come. I’m very much looking forward to Christmas starting and all the lead up being done with, lol! Bring it on!!!

Christmas Date Deets

Cher and I had a REALLY fun day of shopping, eating, driving, chatting, laughing, and taking selfies.

Cher’s pictures are vastly better than mine, so most of these are hers. Except the ones of her, of course, such as the super extra nice ones of her at the Lawson mall food court while I was blinded by the Santa photographer. We didn’t start there, though.

We started with a Tims breakfast, and then hit Value Village for some Christmas presents, some shirts, including a Dunder Mifflin shirt for Brady, a mug, and an artsy print. When I say we “hit” Value Village, I mean that we went, not that we stole. Another couple did, though. And that sucked.

After VV, we went to Lawson. We walked the mall and didn’t end up buying a whole heck of a lot, but we didn’t need to make purchases to enjoy some laughs.

We did, however, get some New Years appies from M&M before we got that lunch I told you about a minute ago.

Something about food court asian food is just SO good, and Lawson has the best of it! We shared a HUGE plate of lunch before we headed out to the next thing!

From there, we went to 8th St and did McNally. Unfortunately we didn’t find what we wanted, but it was just a quick trip over to Indigo! We found some of what we went there for – one of the big important things – and we were about to leave before realizing we hadn’t gotten our token Sbucks drink yet! So we did that, too. Caramel Brûlée lattes this year.

Cher just decided to order what I ordered, and I was SO happy she absolutely LOVED it!

After Indigo, we went further south and shopped that Value Village, where we found yet more Christmas gifts, and a couple of small extras.

Walmart was the big sop, with some groceries, a few heavier things, and a couple of Christmas things. It wasn’t a big shop as in a big haul, but a lot of walking. Cher and I were both absolutely exhausted by the end of it. So, to Montanas we went!!

We were told there would be a half hour wait, and we were absolutely fine to sit and wait for a little. The promising 30 minutes was a lot more like 15, and we moved to a booth. Cher sat sideways to rest her feet and be cute, but she kept whacking her head on the picture behind her, lol!

She didn’t like it, but I did.

We both ordered fish and chips, and I ordered the boozey lemonade they had on special. It was incredible, honestly. Pink lemonade! Yum!

We made one more stop on the way home to pick up a few more appies, and then came home just a few minutes before my mom arrived home with Dekker after their date! Dekker went to bed, and Brady, mom, Cher, and I watched a movie all together until waaaaay too late. We were all BEAT! What a fabulous day it had been!

Thank you for spending a busy day oot and aboot with me, sweet Cherice 💜 I absolutely LOVED spending those hours with you, even with all the hustle and bustle and the occasional overwhelm. We crushed it, with productivity and lightness 💜

I love you and I like you! 💜💚🧡

Merry Christmasdate to yooooou!

My Christmas Date with Cher

Its SO LATE. The day has officially wrapped up, and the stories deserve more than a rushed post before I fall asleep in the next five minutes.

What I can tell you now is that I spent the entire day, start to finish, with this sweet little morsel 💜

We ate good food, enjoyed good coffee, shopped in so so many stores and tied up all kinds of loose ends for Christmas. We saw some familiar faces, some people robbing stores, a lot of friendly, helpful people and a handful of pretty impatient, grumpfolk. But on a Saturday before Christmas, everyone is out and about, doing their things, including us.

But we had the most fun 💜 Easily.

Brady kept incredibly busy in the day as well. I am SO grateful to be able to be gone all day and have a willing, capable husband to be with our children, and even get so much else done. What a great day 💜

Now, everyones feet hurt, and its time to snuggle them into bed and not get up until well into the morning.

Family Pictures 2022

Courtesy of my dear best friend, Cher, we were able to once again have some excellent family pictures taken this summer. And I do mean excellent.

Not only were they taken by a professional photographer –

Not only were they taken by someone who is invested in us and loves us and who we love –

Not only were they taken at a place we treasure –

But we LOVE how they turned out!

We finally did it. We went full funny face on our cards. And I have NO regrets. Of course we love the nice ones too, but the funny faces were just SO much more “us.”

Our kids are so stinking beautiful. Man alive.

Such goofs, and SO beautiful.

Its almost like their parents are also super weirdos 🤷🏼‍♀️ They come by that honestly.

I really love my family. I am so grateful for our life 💜 Changes and all. We are stronger than ever, ALL glory to God!

I hope our card gave you a giggle, and let you know we appreciate having you in our life.

Thank you, sweet Cherice, for taking these 💜 What a gift, year after year. I appreciate you!!

Have the merriest of Christmases, all!!!

Short Days and Deaf Kids

Two of my kids are deaf as a post, which is a fun after-sickness thing. I dropped Wavy off at preschool and warned her teacher. Solly already told his teacher, though I’m sure she’s noticed, based on his extra loud volume these days. Ah well. Lots is going around, I’m sure I’m not the only one going through this!

This morning, I got the kids out the door, and had a coffee with Cher. Then I got Wavy to school, and picked up one of the gift exchange gifts on the way home. I haven’t done too terribly much since I got back from preschool. I was gifted a dehydrator recently, so I got that humming away on my counter for the first time! So I did that, I guess! I responded to a doctor text, and did a little more communication. I’m expecting a courier or two to pop by today with some orders. Hopefully not while I go get Wavy innnnnnn right now.

So there is no shortage of things to do, but my body is reacting SO BIG to all the busyness that I have to account for downtime or I might explode. Not actually, but almost. So it may sound like not a lot, but I am working hard to do the things and also take care of myself. Its a frustrating balance but I hope to find it, or something close to it anyway.


The Van is IN

I am SO relieved that our bus is at the auto shop to get that side window fixed!!

If you’re behind, you might’ve missed it. We replaced the bus’s windshield earlier this season. Then the minivan got a big ole bullseye right in the line of vision, so we put that claim in. And while we were waiting for that, the bus’s side window got completely obliterated. So. We’re not good at glass, apparently. Brady has been working with a really nice, accommodating auto place in Warman, and when he spoke to them about the bus, they regretfully informed us that they wouldn’t be able to replace both the side window and the van’s windshield before Christmas. Brady and I completely agreed that the bus needed to happen first, and thanks to a last minute cancellation, the bus could go in TODAY!

And they want it for three days. Which is a lot for us.

Thankfully, after the hail damage debacle a few years ago, we upped our insurance to include loss of use, and we were granted a rental car for these bus-free days.

So today, I drove to Walmart to do some pantry stocking and a little bit of Christmas supplies shopping in what felt like a teeny little vehicle! I don’t think its actually little. Is a RAV4 little? I’m not sure. But its a lot littler than what I’m used to! It was fun 🙂

At Walmart, I got the makings of the desserts and treats I want to make. I got a couple of gifts. I got one ball of yarn, because there was only one in the color I needed, lol! I bought an absolutely boatload of noodles. I got some chicken breasts, which I haven’t had in my freezer in a while, and for good reason, because MAN they got pricy! Anyway. I stocked up on some good things 🙂 My pantry is overflowing, but likely not for long!

It was a successful day, and I am now appropriately tired. Its gonna be a macaroni kind of night around here! But I’m content. Its been a really nice day. Thank you, Cher, for taking a couple of hours away from your day and adding to mine 💜 It was lovely. I feel tired and fresh all at once.

Too Many Lists, Can’t Do a Countdown

I had the thought of doing a “X# of days until Christmas” series of posts, but I can’t be bothered, haha! All I know is that its SOON!! Does anyone else’s island look like this the entire month of December??

I hate how messy our island gets. Its actually a pretty wicked source of frustration for me, and in the last few months, I’ve been able to keep it managed, and I’ve been a bit more of a stickler of what lives on it and what doesn’t. But that is ALL out the window in December because I need to do things with pretty much ALL of that stuff. They’re all good things, don’t get me wrong! Christmas cards, a beautiful speciality candy cane advent calendar, chocolate to pass out, gifts to give, broken ornaments to glue back together, a stack of notes and lists, aaaaaand do you see my dehydrator?! Someone GAVE it to me as a beautiful gift, and I have a few small plans of things to try before Christmas hits! Eek!

So far today, I took this little nug to school…

and bought a stack of stamps. Stamps have been applied and envelopes are sealed. I’m going to run those back and drop them off when I go pick her back up.

She’ll come home and lunch and nap. I have a counselling appointment this afternoon. I’m expecting a parcel to be delivered sometime today also. I have to feed everyone something, sometime. I definitely need to make a grocery list. And I have a giant hamper of socks and underwear staring at me right this moment, but I’m thinking I’ll leave that one for the kids to sort out after school.

Never a shortage. Ever.

Hopefully we get our local Christmas cards delivered really soon! Whooooo did what I said and got a mailbox?? 🙋🏼‍♀️