Apparently today is groundhog day. I won’t lie. I entirely missed the memo on that this year. Anyone else?? No one came home from school talking about it, so I just missed it. Until this morning, when I was educated. It went like this.
Me: Morning, Sol.
So. That was that. Today is groundhog day. I’m going to be straight up with you and tell you I have no idea what the groundhog saw or didn’t see. One thing I read said he saw his shadow. Then I did the same google search with the word “Canada” in it, and it said it didn’t see its shadow. Come to find out, one fo the groundhogs that people keep an eye on actually died today. So who even knows. We know where we live. There is more winter to come. Is there ever not??
Wavy made a groundhog at preschool today. That was pretty cute.

That’s really all I can tell you about groundhog day. The entire month is positively slammed, and this particular event wasn’t even on my radar. What I can tell you about February so far is that yesterday, I drove the kids to school, remembered Laela’s show and tell, got Brady to a doctors appointment, got results, heard from his surgeon, got some important emails out of the way, got some paperwork in hand, got Laela to and from an audition, fed and watered everyone, and we fit in a few rounds of tile rummy with Cher 💜 It was a very productive, positive day, and there are so many more like it to come. February is a marathon for me. And once its done, the groundhog can do what it wants, because the days will be longer. The sun will be out more. Things will inevitably start to melt. Spring will be on its way.
I am ready.