Brady’s been working on some computer stuff recently. Its backlogged back before his surgery, and its a gigantic job. Sorting through pictures. Thousands upon thousands of pictures. However, its a little bit fun to go back over all the memories. Last nights batch of pictures were full of her as a bald little two year old, somehow rocking that buzzed look better than any other girl could.

Aaaaanyway. Brady found himself in December 2020, setting up for Christmas. We knew something was wrong at that point, but didn’t know what. He could hardly walk, but life had to keep moving forward! In this picture, he’s setting up our Christmas tree 🙂

And that looks great! Until you look a liiiiittle bit closer.

See that left foot, all curled up and weird? We never even noticed stuff like that at this point. But where normal people can feel when to shift their feet or just naturally how to gain more stability in how they stand, he couldn’t tell, and his feet would just roll. It was stuff like this that left him falling on the stairs or off the bumper of his work van.
I’m not sure what I’m getting at beyond the fact that it is just so bananas to look back at this stuff sometimes and see where we were and where we are now. Now, Brady wears shoes and a brace in the house absolutely at ALL times. Otherwise, he would still have stuff like this going on, only worse.
I am incredibly thankful for where we are now, and that we know what we know, and that Brady is will and thriving 💜 Thank you Lord for carrying us through one million miles of the darkest waters. We needed it, and we still do.