My goodness, guys! The day has wailed by!!! I cannot believe its already 3:00!! I won’t go into every detail but I can tell you the day has been an absolute whirlwind and I am POOPED! But in a good way, I promise. Nothing bad. Just busy. And I’m not afraid of busy.
A few small but cute wins!
Solly lost yet another front tooth last night!!! Forgive his bloody, messy mouth, but he was stoked!

This morning, I found Wavy cleaning excess toothpaste out of the sink long after teeth had been brushed, rather than just leaving it there to solidify!

Aaaaand I discovered Rowan’s bed fully made, without any prompting from me, or even acknowledgement, as I didn’t notice at the time. He just did it on his own.

They may be small things, but they count and are worth celebrating!! Good job, little ones!
Now if you’ll excuse me, the kids will be home shortly and there are things to dooooo! Where has the day gone?!