Yesterday, I took Waverly to the doctor. She was just doing SO badly. Maybe you saw on Instagram. Her sickness escalated pretty good in the afternoon. So, to the doctor. Laela came with me, because, big sister rights.

I won’t lie. It was a pretty bummer appointment. Walk-in clinics are just hit or miss, I suppose, and we really missed :/ We got some minimal information but zero help or efforts towards Wavy’s comfort. I felt very belittled and unimportant. It didn’t feel like she wanted to help Waverly.

This morning, she was still pretty bad off, despite everyones best efforts to cheer her up, so we texted Dr. Guselle and updated her, as per her request the day before, and she said Wavy should be seen. She couldn’t see her directly, but there were doctors in her clinic today who were available. So we took one! I got her into fresh clothes with brushed hair, and some warm honey water in a water bottle.

Brady came home from work to join us for the appointment, as he is feeling just as sick as Waverly, and was really interested in what the doctor might have to say on the subject.

We didn’t have to wait too terribly long before we were put in an exam room, where we waited to see a very lovely young doctor who was just finishing out her residency.

When the doctor did come in, she just fawned over Wavy 💜 And Wavy LOVES that kind of attention. She was still very quiet and sick, but she was SO cooperative and friendly.

We left this appointment with vastly more information than the first one, with actual compassion from the doctor. She cared about the fact that Wavy is so young and SO miserable. She cannot speak, laugh, cry, breath, eat, or play without pain. It was not your standard “Its viral, it’ll go away” thing. She agreed that her breathing is not ok, and took time to speak with her and evaluate everything a couple of times.
We were really grateful for her time and knowledge. She’s been swabbed, and we’ll know where she’s at in a few days. Meanwhile, Brady is home from work for the rest of the day. He is just too stinking sick :/ So if Wavy gets a result, we’ll probably know where Brady is at, too.
While we wait for further instruction, the humidifier will pump, and the advil will flow. And for now, thats ok.