Our dear little girl – Waverly Violet – turns FIVE today.

While I remember her birth so vividly that it feels like it happened yesterday, it’s also been a full five years of having her in our family, and I’d never trade it! She is a bright light!

Wavy continues to come into her own. She loves to sing, and she makes up her own songs as she plays. She loves to run and be outside. She loves to tease. She loves to draw people and write her name. She loves her friends and she cannot wait for school! She is positively FULL of life and fun!

Waverly is beautiful in all the ways. She is a smiley girl who loves to laugh and be sweet. She is pretty and strong. She wants to help and contribute to her family. She wants to care for our newest family member, even if there are tears or struggle involved.
She is not afraid of much. And even when she is scared or sad, she is still very brave!

I’ll be honest. I could watch her play and be comfortable and at ease all day long.

She is a total light in our home, and I believe she radiates that in many other homes as well. With auntie. With grandma. With Tom and Rae. With the Dahlsjos. She spreads love and joy in all directions. I am so grateful for Waverly. I know I’m not the only one. To know this girl is to love her.

Thank you, auntie, for taking the beautiful pictures, yet again 😘

Thank you for joining us, Miss Wave. I hope you feel so loved and happy on your birthday today 💜💖☀️🌺🌸

Here’s to FIVE!!!