There is never a shortage of firsts over here. Whether its regarding fostering, childrens milestones, Bradys health, house stuff, or any number of other avenues, there are always firsts. Lots are good. Some are not. Some are more of a nuisance than anything. But regardless, they come around absolutely always, and we roll with them, like it or not.
While we have some daunting firsts on the horizon, Brady and I got experienced some fun firsts this week!! We both got our first tattoos!! I went Monday evening. Cher came along and took pictures, visited, and witnessed this first with me 💜
It hurt a bit more than I thought it would, but with time I got used to it and it was smooth sailing.

We laughed a LOT with my tattoo artist. He is a riot, and had a good way of teasing me but also being amazing at his job and reassuring to me. I knew I was in good hands.

Zero regrets. ZERO. Not. Even. One.

There is SO much love in this tattoo. In part, it is meant to represent the love we pour into children in foster care, regardless of their length of stay. There are specifics also that I cannot share on here, but I’m happy to talk to those who would like to know!
Bradys tattoo was the next day. He took the afternoon off of work, anticipating a long sitting. Conveniently, he could barely feel his tattoo happening, and it went faster than expected!!! Midway…

His artist freehanded the entire piece, which was a first for him, and turned out amazing!

To Brady, this tattoo is a symbol of God’s power and presence in his life.
We are both thrilled with our results, and will likely only feel better about them as they heal and settle in. Every time I use my left arm and catch a glimpse of mine, I feel so peaceful and content with my choice, and I know Brady feels the same.
If you don’t like tattoos, thats super ok!! No bad feelings over here! 💜 But thanks for respecting our choices to get our own!
Yet another first to cross off the list! It was a lot of fun 😍 Hopefully some more fun firsts to come!!