Food News and Productivity

After breakfast, I knew I had to make todays post about my kids and their food. But then I was productive and I have to share that too! Often, in this predicament, I just make it into two posts, but I know I’ll forget everything by tomorrow! And I’m hoping to continue to be productive with my house and it’ll all run together.

The kids slept in a tiny little bit this morning, which was nice. 7:30 ish. But the kids talked and laughed at each other for a while before I felt the urge to go into their room and get them up. They were both happy to be up and at their spots at the table, watching the rain outside the patio doors. I got Dekker his breakfast and Laela some toys, and went to do some dishes. I talked back and forth with Dekker, and he continually requested that I come sit with him. I almost always do, so I would tell him I needed to quickly wash bottles so Laela could have breakfast too, but then I would come. He accepted that, and continued with his cereal. Until he said “Detter wants smooch.” I looked over at him, and he was peeking at me coyly over his glasses. So I made a mischievous face back at him, whipped my towel down and raced towards him. He giggled like crazy, but met me with big pursed lips, results in a LOUD smooch! It also resulted in my face being covered in butter. Worth it.

Dekker asked for a fruit cup afterwards. We discovered we had some in our pantry so Dekker’s been enjoying them once in a while. Turns out the jello ones look exactly like the not-so-jello ones, so Dekker accidentally got jello for breakfast. He was sooo excited, but he was so annoyed with how flimsy it was that he gave up halfway through!! Kind of blew me away, but its not like I was planning on force feeding him breakfast jello.

We went downstairs afterwards so Dekker could play and I could give Laela her bottle. Not only is she getting so much better at holding it herself, but She drank very hungrily at a good pace. Once she was done, I celebrated her and what a great job she had done, and Dekker came running up, passed me a burp pad, and said to her “G’job Laela!” I like that he likes to celebrate her small victories as well.

My last fun food news is about Laela’s progress with solid foods. I’m not sure how much I’ve talked about it on here, but she was sooo no pumped about spoon feeding around six months, so I just left it. She’ll eat eventually, and I didn’t want to stress. But the other day, in giving Dekker a mandarine orange fruit cup, I snagged one orange slice out and broke it into tiny pieces. I snuck one into Laela’s mouth to see what would happen. I knew she wouldn’t choke, since those oranges crush and immediately become juice. She winced a bit at first, with the strong flavor. But when I offered her more, she leaned into it and opened up her mouth. She never once opened her mouth for a spoonful of food before!! So this evening, I sliced a chunk off of a banana and mushed it up pretty good. and she LOVED it! Took it from me on the end of a fork, no sweat. So I cut off another slice ad mushed it considerably less. And she ate that too! I’m so excited! Its finally starting, and you know what, waiting was the best think we could have done. We didn’t have all the tears and fussing and frustration. Instead, we waited until she was good and ready, and now we can confidently get started. I’m pretty pleased with that. Solid food was really hard for us with Dekker, so this is looking like it might not have to be such a challenge.

So. As for organizing, here’s what I’ve got!

Last night, I cleaned out the magazine wrack in our bathroom and threw out over a years supply of several magazines. Then, upon deciding that a magazine wrack next to the toilet gets incredibly dirty, I threw out the wrack. Clean!!

This morning, I did dishes.

I moved the cradle and change table downstairs. That was mildly treacherous…

I tidied up a bunch of yarn laying around our room. Sadly, there is still a bunch downstairs that I have to deal with.

I did probably eight loads of laundry. I just kept finding stuff. I washed old linens for the baby cradle so I could fully pack that up.

I sold (pending pick up on Friday) the first double stroller we bought that we didn’t end up loving. Cha-ching!

I went through our snack cupboard and threw away over half of it. Because a) we don’t need to eat all of that, b) it takes up way too much space, and c) I don’t remember getting most of it.

I tidied up the basement. No, not completely, as I still have two little playful ones, but its better than usual.

I took out the downstairs garbages.

I actually put the laundry away!!  Anyone else think that is just the worst part of doing laundry?

I threw out a ton of stuff! It was garbage day, and our dumpster is almost already full. I threw out tons of gift bags, old boxes from things we’d purchased in the past, candy, shoes that don’t fit or that I never wore, and just general garbage. Its amazing how I could walk into a room and just looking around, I would spot multiple things to throw out.

I currently have Brady doing a couple of jobs too 🙂 He’s finding a place for his old Handyman magazines that he doesn’t want to throw out, spraying spider stuff around our windows and doors, and he said he’d sweep the floor. To me, sweeping the floor after a clean like this is the worst part. Our room is tidier, but its waaay grosser. I hate all the disgusting dust bunnies that have been hiding underneath all my garbage. Its awful. So he’s agreed to do it. Thanks Brady!!

If I can come up with the motivation to keep going, I may try to tackle the bathroom drawers tonight. I recently cleaned my makeup drawer, but the “medicine cabinet” drawer in overflowing and in pretty rough shape. But honestly, I feel like I’ve done enough for the day so I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Maybe this was enough. Whew!

So as I reread this, it really doesn’t sound like lots. But it sure feels like lots! I don’t often spend my days doing housework, so this is a big change for me. It feels big and exciting and I feel better about my house. Or at least I will once its swept.

All I need now is a filing cabinet and some tubs, and I’ll be ready to go! Donations are joyfully accepted.

It’ll be tidy one day, right?

As I looked around my home today, I became super annoyed with the mess. No, I don’t mean the general disarray that comes with having kids, and being a mom that is more concerned about playing toys and less concerned about mess. However, the mess that is my fault (or the fault of the adults in the house 😉 ) is driving me up the wall. I’m here to ask you guys if you have any kind of decluttering plan you follow? I’ve found a few online that I actually really like, but I like things that have some reviews attached to them from people that I know. Anyone??

I have recently been annoyed with how messy our master bedroom is. Anytime we just need something to be put out of the way, it goes into our bedroom. We also still have Laela’s cradle in there, even though we haven’t had her in it in a couple of months now. And we have the second change table, which we also never use! Well, we don’t change the kids on it, but it holds diaper and wipes for when one kid is napping in their room and the other needs a change. I’m pretty sure we could put that stuff somewhere else and ditch the change table. So I’m annoyed with all the clutter, right? But I can’t carry those things downstairs on my own, so I was thinking I’d just tidy up everything else and ask Brady to carry the furniture downstairs when he gets home.

What did I accomplish? Throwing away all the tags and garbage that accumulated in our walk in closet, and made the bed. And then I felt discouraged and gave up! How lame is that?! I didn’t give up on productivity completely. I saved another couple of months of blog posts. I finished up August 2013. Still sooo much to go, but considering I started blogging in June 2012, its better than nothing! Did you guys know that?! I’ve almost been blogging for TWO YEARS!!! Kind of a crazy thought to me, as its pretty much just routine for me now. I’m glad it is though. It helps somehow.

So. To go back. How do you guys keep your home clutter-free without panicking and tearing out your hair? I want to enjoy my kids and my life, but I also want to enjoy the house that I live in. Ideas??

Extreme Day

I hope everyone who was in youth ten-ish years ago is singing Toby Mac. “These are extreeeeeeeeeme, extreme daaaaays! We’re livin’, we’re livin’, we’re living in extreme days days…” Anyone?! Am I the only dorky one here? Probably.

Today was filled with a LOT of emotion, I won’t lie. I know I don’t exactly qualify for the most emotionally steady person, but it was a I was already anticipating nervously, and then more came.

We’ve been having some issues with our basement bathroom the last week or so. The other day, I peed in the toilet and when I flushed, it acted like it was plugged. I didn’t think anything of it, and tried to flush it again a minute or two later. Same story. I told Brady, and when he tried to plunge it, the water came out the drain in our bathroom floor where our sump pump runs. Sooo nasty! We called about it last week, but finally got some help out this morning. Our plumber said it wasn’t him that we needed, but actually the town people. I am completely thankful that they came, because everything is fixed. However, Dekker was scared of them and was losing his mind the whole time they were in our house. Not their fault. However, the smoke smell and the dirty wet boot prints all over my carpet and all through my house are. It was hard for me to swallow. I know they had to make multiple trips to their truck and stuff, and then would be working with nasty toilet stuff, but its just hard to see muddy footprints everywhere I look. Our furnace room was already a wreck, but now its even worse. Thats not their fault at all, as it was us who filled it with boxes. Basically, I’m thankful that they fixed everything, but the clean up for me is looking pretty daunting. I finally got the kids loaded into the van to head to Laela’s eye appointment.

*Fun story about the morning! Dekker called his corn pops amaza-pops!!!

I dropped Dekker off at Grandma Willa’s first. When he saw her, he squealed with excitement, and bolted from the van. He went with her and didn’t look back. What a relief!!! It was great to know he’d be completely happy while we were gone.

We got into Laela’s preliminary testing almost  half hour early, which was great. She did quite well through her tests, and the orthoptist said she looks great! Its hard to know anything for sure, being that she can’t really tell us anything, and also because she’s still little enough that she can’t see as far as maybe you or I could. But she did as well as any other 8.5 month old baby would. We waited a bit longer and got in with Dr. Rubab at our scheduled time. Again, Laela did fairly well, until it was eye drop time. She was piiiiissed! Luckily, she’s still little, and I could just lay her on my lap and hold her hands, and Dr. Rubab could put in the drops. Laela cried and cried, but once we left the exam room she perked up. We had a 30-45 minute wait after her drops went in before we’d see Dr. Rubab again, so we went down to grab a coffee. My little light-sensitive girl was getting tired, but was still fairly content. Just a bit twitchy. Oh! And she clapped her hands together by herself for the first time ever!! She’s such a sweetheart. My little sweetheart, however, was pretty finished by the time we saw Dr. Rubab again. She cooperated for a couple of minutes but wouldn’t have the last and most important test. Again, we had to lay her down and force her eyes open so Dr. Rubab could look behind them.

The little miss has a pretty wicked astigmatism. For a refresher, that means her eyes are shaped more like footballs. The rest of us has small ones. Dekker’s is the biggest at 1.00, then me at 0.75, and Brady at 0.25. You don’t have to know what those numbers mean, but Laela’s is 2.50. Her vision seems fine otherwise, from what we can tell, but if I came in with the same situation, with the same astigmatism of 2.50, I would be given glasses based solely on that. However, because she’s still so little, her eyes can still change shape. So. No glasses! Not today. We’ll go in again in about eight months. Her appointment is on the one year anniversary of Dekker’s eye surgery, haha! Gross, hey? At that point, if her eyes haven’t developed far enough, she will be in glasses.

This was sort of a good news/bad news situation to me. I’m so glad her vision looks good and normal for her age. But I’m sad that her astigmatism is bigger than it should be. As I drove away, I struggled with wishing we hadn’t gone, because then I wouldn’t have to stress about everything for the next eight months. Yet, if we went for our first time in eight months and she came out with glasses, I’d be really disappointed and more caught off guard. At least I know the possibilities. I don’t know. I’m pretty mixed about the whole thing.

Another thing I was planning on dealing with today was Dekker’s glasses. His one year warranty rolls over on Friday and I was hoping to get his frames replaced before then. I called this morning and was given a pretty serious run around, so I was going to go in. I had a friend lined up to come help and everything. But after Laela’s appointment, I was feeling so emotional and upset and just generally off kilter that I knew I would go in, and bawl my eyes out. Today just wasn’t the day for it 🙁 I know I’ll have to drive in again just for that, which is unfortunate and expensive, but it just wasn’t in me today. Instead, I went and picked up an iced coffee and drove home.

I’m so relieved that my house doesn’t smell anymore! No smoke is leftover, nor the stench of all the chemicals that were dumped down the drain. I was nervous about that when I left, but it all seems back to normal, minus the footprints. The toilet even flushes.

I probably should feel more relaxed and happy to be home, but I just feel heavy. And cold. And like I might implode at any moment. So I’m hiding downstairs. The kids were wiped out so they slept in the van. Dekker only for the last fifteen minutes or so, so there’s hope he’ll go back down. He’s in bed, anyway. But Laela was asleep before we were out of the city, so she’s up. I’m sure she’ll have a rest at some point still, but she’ll definitely stagger with Dekker. Thats ok. I love my kids. I’m just feeling pretty overwhelmed.

Just want things to be in order. But doesn’t everybody?

Unexciting Fathers Day 2014

I woke up a lot last night and felt like garbage in the morning, so I opted out of church and stayed home with the littles. We had a completely quiet morning and toys and snacks and cuddles. Dekker is all of a sudden really, really good at drawing! Ok, so not actually great at drawing, but his pictures make sense. Behold!




and a bus! Can you see them?

When Brady got home from church, I gave him gift. I had given him part of his gift (new board shorts) a while back so he’d have them for Fairmont, but I gave him some BBQ stuff today too. Can’t wait til he gets out there and starts grilling!

We made scalloped potatoes and delicious fish fillets for supper again. I’m sooo happy about the new fish! What do you guys like to do with fish fillets? So far I just fry them up with butter and salt. Anything delicious that I don’t know about? Favorites?

Supper was delicious, but lead into a pretty trying evening with the kids, sending them to bed a half hour early. It would have been more too, if I thought they’d sleep past 7:00am, but them won’t. And tomorrow, I’m nervous about. Laela has her appointment for her eyes, and its a bit weirdly timed. If she doesn’t sleep in the van, she’ll be in quite a state. She’ll also need to eat right around her appointment time, so she may hate life. I’m not sure how it’ll go. But she’s a baby, and the people she will see work with kids all day, so I’m thinking they won’t be too put off. I can only do so much! Once again, Willa has offered to take Dekker for the hour or two that we’ll be at the hospital, so that is completely awesome. We’ll be able to focus solely on Laela 🙂 Thanks again!

I’m so looking forward to this evening. Laela is just finishing off her milk, the bath is run, and there are fresh peaches stinking up our cupboard, and I mean that in the best possible way! Can’t wait!!!

I know my kids are certainly blessed to have Brady as their dad!


Who would have ever thought that the two of us would make such incredible children?! If not for Brady, I wouldn’t be a mother! And we wouldn’t have Dekker and Laela. I love you, hubs.

Sleep deep, all. And to any male readers (if I have any??) the happiest of Fathers Day to you, whether current  fathers, or potential 🙂

Small Town Garage Sales

Brady and I went to bed at least an hour earlier than usual last night, which was awesome and restful and we clearly needed it. I’ve decided to bite the bullet and reveal my current bed head situation to all of you.


Gorgeous, right? I know.

Today was my towns garage sale day. While we didn’t come out of today with any riveting purchases (or any purchases at all) all four of us took a walk around town for a solid hour this afternoon. It was windy and overcast but not too terribly cold, so it was actually the perfect day! And it totally helps when your kids are as cute as my kids.


Upon getting home, we topped Laela up on her milk and napped both kids. We rested while they rested. When Dekker woke up, he was still all groggy. Brady brought him into our rood to change his diaper so he didn’t wake Laela, and he and I lounged in bed watching some funny music videos.



We had perogies for supper. Dekker fights supper, as I’ve mentioned a number of times, unless its a few certain meals. Eggs and toast, macaroni, fries, and so on. Bad kid food. But today, as I cut up only two perogies for him, he was itching to get his plate in front of him. He ate them in good time and asked for more. Its so nice seeing him solidly hungry and not screaming at his food.

We spent the last hour or so downstairs playing ball and cars. Oh, and Laela practiced…sock eating?!


She’s such a weirdo. Chews on everything soft that just makes my skin crawl. Oh, and you know that horrendous stage of tooth grinding?! Aaaaahhhhh!!! We are most certainly there!

Deks is now tucked in and Laela is drinking some milk. The bath is run and I’m trying to think of what our snack will be. Poor Brady wants everything he can’t have, and so do I. Soft food gets so boring!

The Day No One Had Wisdom Teeth

In case any of you live under a rock and haven’t heard, today is not only Friday the 13th, but also a full moon. I’m not a superstitious person at all, but I do notice that full moons change things like sleep patterns. Anyway, I don’t think anything else is really dependent on these things, but of course I could resist heckling Brady a little bit. Of all days to have his wisdom teeth extracted, it had to be today.

I had my wisdom teeth yanked fairly quickly after Brady and I got engaged. Two of the four had just recently surfaced and I knew they’d need to come out one day, but since I was under 25 and living at home, I was covered by my parents insurance. Therefore, I basically had them pulled recreationally, haha, to avoid having to pay that ugly $1600 later in life.


Don’t I look sooo pretty here?!

Willa showed up this morning around 10:00. Our plan was to leave around 11:00, so that would give Dekker some time to get reacquainted. Incredibly enough, Dekker either remembered Willa (its probably been since Christmas) or just sensed how much she loves him, but they got along like pb and j right off the hop. We ended up leaving a half hour early, and Dekker didn’t even flinch. Awesome sauce! It was a good thing we had that extra time, because we were met with construction everywhere!! Even on the highway. It was insane. We had about fifteen minutes to spare, which we used to stuff Brady full of some fast food. Soft, mushy food can only fill a person so much, and we didn’t know how he’d feel afterwards.

He was in the back office for less than 45 minutes before he surfaced. We paid a measly $250 for his extraction, and headed over to a nearby Superstore for some Tylenol. Apparently we’re completely lost without our diaper bag and hadn’t planned to bring any pain relief. It was fine though. Just a quick stop. Brady was happy. He even smiled for a picture!


Hahaha! I love that smiling frozen face 😀 No, I promise I’m not being a jerk, he told me I could put this up! We laughed hysterically and he drooled and laughed and drooled. It was sooo funny!

We came home to super happy and incredibly tired children. Everyone had played hard since we left, so they both went down for naps right away. We lay low while they slept, and watched some tv. Brady started burping up blood, which is disgusting, so we got him some orange juice to mask it. Its always nice not to throw up, right?

Something that I actually really enjoyed about today was supper. I’m not a very adventurous cook (or really a cook at all) but we had to make soft foods that Brady could eat. I know my husband, and he would starve on soup alone. So I dug around in our freezer and found some thin fish fillets we bought a while back to try but hadn’t gotten there. We made mashed potatoes with cheese, and I lightly fried up the fillets in butter and salt, and myyyyy goodness, they were delicious! Even Dekker, who boycotts supper daily, liked the fish! Brady ate it without any real discomfort. I was so relieved that I tried a new thing and it worked out for the picky boy and the injured one too! Success all around 🙂

The kids are all tucked and in bed, and a bath is run. I think I’m gonna go whip up a quick treat of some instant pudding for Brady and I, and then some episodes of House before bed. I LOVE our evening routine. Today really worked out, considering.

I’ll leave you with a super cute picture of Laela. Sweet dreams!


Love her.

Whats to Come

I won’t lie. I was suuuper unproductive today. I did a solid amount of toy-playing, Duggar-watching, eating, and Facbook/Instagram-creeping. Yup, I am that person. Luckily, my kids are still alive and they still love me. Hopefully I’m not the only person who has days like this.

Brady got home a decent ways into the evening so we had a really quick supper and played toys until Laela just couldn’t take it anymore. It was about twenty minutes later than usual. My kids and their specific routine. I swear, we would never choose to live such a scheduled existence if they didn’t want to!

Tomorrow we’re having Willa over for the first time since Christmas, I believe! I am sooo thankful for this, since Brady is having his wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow, and now I can take him! The lucky duck only has two wisdom teeth, and they’re decently grown through already, so he’s able to just get them pulled in the office with some freezing. However, Brady has never had any dental done past a cleaning, much less a surgery or even stitches. So without sounding mean, I’m not sure how much of baby he’ll turn into, haha! I’m confident he’ll be fine, I just heckle. If all of a sudden he’s offered some kind of laughing gas, this way he’ll be able to take it. So I’m relieved to have someone I trust implicitly with my kids.

Willa has also volunteered to watch Dekker on Monday when – ominous music plays – I take Laela in to see Dr. Rubab. No, I haven’t seen anything in her eyes that makes me worry, but because of Dekker’s situation, my doctor suggested she be seen at our earliest convenience. Instead of taking Laela to an optometrist, which we could have easily done, Dr. Rubab said she was very willing to see her. So we got a referral and the appointment date was pretty down the road. Its bugged me for a while now, just because I’m anxious to get the all clear. Babies can be seen as early as 6 months, for everyones information, and Laela is about 8.5 months now. Again, I’m fairly confident she’s fine, and I’m actually more curious than anything about what tests they’ll run to check her condition. But if those who pray would like to, we’d certainly welcome!

So to recap, Bradys wisdom teeth tomorrow, and Laela’s first eye appointment on Monday. Trying not to look at it from the perspective of negativity surrounding a weekend. More like, getting some stuff out of the way and seeing where it takes us 🙂 Yay positivity!!!

See you tomorrow, Grandma Willa!

Sleep and Productivity Go Hand in Hand

For the first time since last summer, Dekker fell asleep on me. Before last summer, it had been over a year before that. My boy loves to sleep in a bed and nowhere else, really. Maaaybe a car seat. But today, I had the pleasure of having his sweaty head on my chest for about fifteen minutes before I moved him to bed.

Very shortly before he fell asleep, we were playing toys in the basement. Laela was awake alive alert enthusiastic (any camp people out there?) and Dekker was starting to fade. He requested to sit on my lap, and once he was settled, he asked to hold hands. So rarely does he want to just snuggle and hold hands.

The wakeful one
The wakeful one


We cuddled and watched Laela play for a while, until I felt Dekker twitch. It felt like one of those annoying twitches I sometimes get when I’m just getting to sleep. I suspiciously turned on the camera on my phone and turned the picture around so I could see his face without moving us too much. Sure enough, he was out.



Sooo comfy! I didn’t want to move him, but I wanted him to sleep nice and long. Since this so rarely happens, I could only imagine how tired he was! I jostled him just enough to get him to sit up a bit, and then I picked him up and carried him on my shoulder. As soon as I got up, he was pointing to our chair, asking me to sit back down. I suggested his bed instead, and he relaxed, and quietly whispered “ya.” He tucked in easily.

My biggest challenge was trying to decide whether to put Laela down with him. They always nap together but she seemed pretty wide awake when I left. I didn’t want to ruin the nap Dekker clearly needed. I got back downstairs and Laela was squealing her head off, with tears in her eyes. A BIG tired sign around here. So I brought her up too. She flapped and chatted and rolled around for a while, but eventually they were both silent. They slept together for about two hours, and then Dekker slept for another hour and a half. In that time, I saved a ton of blog posts to my laptop! The nicest way to save them requires Brady’s help, and there just isn’t time, so I’m saving them a considerably less pretty way, but they are being saved anyway. I saved from October 2012 through March 2013. I still have a long way to go, but that is some solid progress that I feel very, very good about.

When Brady got home and Dekker finally got up, we had fries and chicken strips for supper, which was super delicious! Turns out that fresh seasoning salt makes a huge difference. Yum!

Once we get a burp out of Laela here, she’ll be down for the night and I can get my bath! Oh!! It happened already, wow!

On that note… BUBBLES!

Dekker’s New Stuff

Our kids are growing sooo fast these days! I just wanted to document a few adorable things that Deks is doing so I don’t forget! As I’ve mentioned before, this blog is fairly therapeutic for me to write. Its nice to be in the groove of it, and I don’t know if I would keep up so well with it if it was just for me, on paper. But it is sort of a memoir type of thing, in the way that I hope to go print it off and have a hard copy for my kids to read. So this is more an info post that is mostly for my enjoyment 🙂 Hopefully some of you can appreciate it.

Dekker is an entertainer. He wants to be watched all the time. “Watch Detter! Watch Detter!” He will get down on the floor to Laela’s level and say “La smile at Detter” and wait until she does. He loooves Laela. This morning, both kids were in high chairs at the table, and Dekker came down out of his first. As usual, he went over to Laela to say hi to her and check on things before heading to his toys. Normally, he just says “Hiiiii Laaaaaa” in a higher, wandering voice. I guess its his baby voice 🙂 But this morning. He was a bit more serious, and said “Hi. Lay. La.” He glanced over at me to make sure I caught it. Yup, I did. In the last few days, he’s been using her whole name more. Its nice to hear it! So anyway, he greeted her, and then assessed the situation. She had thrown/dropped all of her toys onto the floor. Dekker threw his hands up and said “LAEla, uh-oh! Toys!” and he picked them up for her. He is the best brother.

His latest phrase, from the last two days, is “not today!” Its so cute to hear him say it when we ask things like “Can I tickle you?” or “Do you want milk with your cereal?” He’s a cutie.

Today, he told me he has greasy hair. Fact. It doesn’t help that I spilled iced tea on his head. Do I see a Mother of the Year Award in my future. No, I do not.

Ok ok, last one! We watch a decent amount of “19 Kids and Counting” around here. In the beginning, they list off all the kids by name. When we first started watching, Dekker would say “Josie” over and over, and request “More Josie’s.” It was super cute, and I figured she stuck out because she’s the little one and is introduced a bit differently. The other day though, Dekker watched the intro and said “Detter likes John.” Well, that was kind of hilarious, in my opinion! Why not like John? Sure thing, Dekker. And now, this evening, we were watching a 19 Kids special and they were recapping older episodes. One that really interested Dekker was when a couple of them went skydiving. Dekker loves any vehicle right now, including planes. We watched the clip and at the end, out of the blue Dekker comes out with “Jim Bob flies up in the sky!” I thought maybe I was making it up, but he repeated it. Turns out he’s really listening to what we watch in the background! Crazy boy.

Bottom line, I totally love that boy.

Wait. I mean Dekker. Not Jim Bob so much…

The Garden So Far

Ok ok ok, before I talk about the garden, I have to show you guys my new jammie pants! Its sort of a picture of the crotch of my pants, but there are blings where the fly would be, and I can’t miss those!


Back to the garden now. My parents were nice enough to put it all in while we were in BC. We had talked it all over and planned it out, and they planted it. We went and checked it out again yesterday and saw some great progress! Ready? What do we have?!







Hahaha, grass maybe?
Hahaha, grass maybe?

Wager some guesses, if you feel so inclined 🙂

On that note, babies are in bed and I’m looking forward to some chocolate and a bath.

Last but not least, this happened today…

IMG_5563Hopefully soon it’ll become a regular thing! She’s so grown up!