After breakfast, I knew I had to make todays post about my kids and their food. But then I was productive and I have to share that too! Often, in this predicament, I just make it into two posts, but I know I’ll forget everything by tomorrow! And I’m hoping to continue to be productive with my house and it’ll all run together.
The kids slept in a tiny little bit this morning, which was nice. 7:30 ish. But the kids talked and laughed at each other for a while before I felt the urge to go into their room and get them up. They were both happy to be up and at their spots at the table, watching the rain outside the patio doors. I got Dekker his breakfast and Laela some toys, and went to do some dishes. I talked back and forth with Dekker, and he continually requested that I come sit with him. I almost always do, so I would tell him I needed to quickly wash bottles so Laela could have breakfast too, but then I would come. He accepted that, and continued with his cereal. Until he said “Detter wants smooch.” I looked over at him, and he was peeking at me coyly over his glasses. So I made a mischievous face back at him, whipped my towel down and raced towards him. He giggled like crazy, but met me with big pursed lips, results in a LOUD smooch! It also resulted in my face being covered in butter. Worth it.
Dekker asked for a fruit cup afterwards. We discovered we had some in our pantry so Dekker’s been enjoying them once in a while. Turns out the jello ones look exactly like the not-so-jello ones, so Dekker accidentally got jello for breakfast. He was sooo excited, but he was so annoyed with how flimsy it was that he gave up halfway through!! Kind of blew me away, but its not like I was planning on force feeding him breakfast jello.
We went downstairs afterwards so Dekker could play and I could give Laela her bottle. Not only is she getting so much better at holding it herself, but She drank very hungrily at a good pace. Once she was done, I celebrated her and what a great job she had done, and Dekker came running up, passed me a burp pad, and said to her “G’job Laela!” I like that he likes to celebrate her small victories as well.
My last fun food news is about Laela’s progress with solid foods. I’m not sure how much I’ve talked about it on here, but she was sooo no pumped about spoon feeding around six months, so I just left it. She’ll eat eventually, and I didn’t want to stress. But the other day, in giving Dekker a mandarine orange fruit cup, I snagged one orange slice out and broke it into tiny pieces. I snuck one into Laela’s mouth to see what would happen. I knew she wouldn’t choke, since those oranges crush and immediately become juice. She winced a bit at first, with the strong flavor. But when I offered her more, she leaned into it and opened up her mouth. She never once opened her mouth for a spoonful of food before!! So this evening, I sliced a chunk off of a banana and mushed it up pretty good. and she LOVED it! Took it from me on the end of a fork, no sweat. So I cut off another slice ad mushed it considerably less. And she ate that too! I’m so excited! Its finally starting, and you know what, waiting was the best think we could have done. We didn’t have all the tears and fussing and frustration. Instead, we waited until she was good and ready, and now we can confidently get started. I’m pretty pleased with that. Solid food was really hard for us with Dekker, so this is looking like it might not have to be such a challenge.
So. As for organizing, here’s what I’ve got!
Last night, I cleaned out the magazine wrack in our bathroom and threw out over a years supply of several magazines. Then, upon deciding that a magazine wrack next to the toilet gets incredibly dirty, I threw out the wrack. Clean!!
This morning, I did dishes.
I moved the cradle and change table downstairs. That was mildly treacherous…
I tidied up a bunch of yarn laying around our room. Sadly, there is still a bunch downstairs that I have to deal with.
I did probably eight loads of laundry. I just kept finding stuff. I washed old linens for the baby cradle so I could fully pack that up.
I sold (pending pick up on Friday) the first double stroller we bought that we didn’t end up loving. Cha-ching!
I went through our snack cupboard and threw away over half of it. Because a) we don’t need to eat all of that, b) it takes up way too much space, and c) I don’t remember getting most of it.
I tidied up the basement. No, not completely, as I still have two little playful ones, but its better than usual.
I took out the downstairs garbages.
I actually put the laundry away!! Anyone else think that is just the worst part of doing laundry?
I threw out a ton of stuff! It was garbage day, and our dumpster is almost already full. I threw out tons of gift bags, old boxes from things we’d purchased in the past, candy, shoes that don’t fit or that I never wore, and just general garbage. Its amazing how I could walk into a room and just looking around, I would spot multiple things to throw out.
I currently have Brady doing a couple of jobs too 🙂 He’s finding a place for his old Handyman magazines that he doesn’t want to throw out, spraying spider stuff around our windows and doors, and he said he’d sweep the floor. To me, sweeping the floor after a clean like this is the worst part. Our room is tidier, but its waaay grosser. I hate all the disgusting dust bunnies that have been hiding underneath all my garbage. Its awful. So he’s agreed to do it. Thanks Brady!!
If I can come up with the motivation to keep going, I may try to tackle the bathroom drawers tonight. I recently cleaned my makeup drawer, but the “medicine cabinet” drawer in overflowing and in pretty rough shape. But honestly, I feel like I’ve done enough for the day so I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Maybe this was enough. Whew!
So as I reread this, it really doesn’t sound like lots. But it sure feels like lots! I don’t often spend my days doing housework, so this is a big change for me. It feels big and exciting and I feel better about my house. Or at least I will once its swept.
All I need now is a filing cabinet and some tubs, and I’ll be ready to go! Donations are joyfully accepted.