Brady is younger than me. Did you guys know that? Just by a little. He was born mid-October, so its like two and a half months, but I remember when I turned twenty and he was still a teenager. Gross, right? And then I was in my twenties while he was still only twenty. I hit mid-twenties first, and now I’m passing mid-twenties without him!!! Not ok with me. He’s so young and carefree. Sigh. To be young again.
I’M OBVIOUSLY KIDDING! No, I’m not thrilled with aging, but I know I’m at a good place at a young age still. I spent the day with the cuties that are my kids…

And my cute mom. I just don’t have a picture of her from today :/ Oops! We had a super delicious lunch of soup and grilled cheese (isn’t that always yummy every day of the week?) and then played and played with the kids until they were positively droopy. It was perfect actually, because Laela didn’t have a morning nap, so they were both equally wiped and slept for a really long time. My mom and I visited in the living room pretty much the whole time, which was exactly what I wanted. I know we are blessed to live close and see each other often, but it doesn’t always feel like we get time to just sit. We’re always doing stuff! So this was perfect. She even told me my birth story. As I kid, I vaguely remember rolling my eyes jokingly and laughing at the stereotype of the emotinoal mother blubbering her way through the birth story, but I love hearing it now. I have more questions and want to see how we can relate. I learned that my first cries sounded a lot like Laela’s big cries. I like knowing that.
Once the boys started making their way home, supper began to come together. I requested barbecued chicken, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole with the yummy mushroom sauce and crunchy onions. Everything was sooo good! I ate my body weight, I swear. My mom had prepared a yummy lemon birthday cake for me as well, which is an obvious favorite, if you know anything about me. LEMON! Delish. My parents gave me some cashola that I now have to be smart with and decide what to buy!!, and Brady gave me…drumroll please…the Naked3 palette! Beautiful eye shadow that I’ve been drooling over for months and months and was planning to buy with my birthday money originally, so I couldn’t be happier with that 🙂 Hopefully I’m good at it!
A couple other notable things about today are all actually centred around Laela, but I have to share. Firstly, this happened…
Yup. Thats poop. Aaaaall up her back. We had no idea what to do with her, as this was our first real blowout ever! But honestly, I know the fact that we’re three years in and have only had one blowout means that no one will have any compassion for us. So we wiped her up with blankets as best as we could, and Brady washed her off in the tub while my mom ran all the poop covered garments through the wash. Thanks guys, for not making me participate too much in the poop touching on my birthday!!
The other exciting Laela news is that she can climb stairs. Lets recap. Two weeks ago, she started crawling. One week later, she was pulling up. And now she does stairs. It would appear she is incredibly eager to keep up!! I love her. She is fantastic and exciting and I can’t wait to experience her childhood with her.
Ok, the end. I am still full to the brim from supper, and my hair hurts from being pinned up all day. Time to let myself down now. Tomorrow brings lists, potentially laundry, and finally getting my legs waxed! Should be a good day, busy with things I can pretty much do out of the comfort of my cool basement, with an outing at the end.
Anyway, happy birthday to meeeee! Thank you for all the Facebook love as well. I feel it <3