12 Weeks for the Third Time!

I was planning on staying home and having a lazy jammie day with the family, and I did that for the morning. Until the crazy realization came to me that Dekker turns three in four days!!!!! My goodness! Crazy, right? I have almost all of his presents together, but was hoping for one more thing. So Brady suggested I take the afternoon to myself and go to the city to accomplish some of the stuff we need done. Since I was actually getting dressed and partially put together, we took my first belly pic.
12 weeks
12 weeks

Ugh. I don’t know whats up with my phone but all of a sudden, the pictures are tiny and crappy quality, and I didn’t change a thing! What the heck?!?!

I went to a bunch of different places, looking for a few specific things for both Laela and Dekker, and was moderately successful. i can honestly say that Target is a bust. I was sooo hoping for good things when they came here, but I really just wasn’t impressed with anything I saw there. But I had a bit of success at Walmart, and Superstore. I bought myself some maternity clothes at Old Navy, since they finally got some new jeans. I haven’t been able to find my size the last few times I’ve looked, but the mat jeans shelf was stocked well, and I found exactly what I was looking for, plus some tank tops on a really good sale. Win! I bought some groceries, but of course forgot apples, which are a daily requirement around here. But I got pretty much everything else. I stopped at Costco on my way home and grabbed all our essentials, plus sleepers, because how could I not?, and then headed home.

I was pretty tired upon arrival, but the kids were just getting up and were pretty cute and low key. I lay on the couch, and Dekker pulled up a chair and brushed Laelas hair while she drank her bottle. It was completely adorable.


He’s pretty focused, as you can see. It was so cute! And yes, he is in a diaper and rubber boots. He’s funny that way.

We ate perogies and wings for supper, and spend the last hourish downstairs. The kidlets were tired and really acting that way, so we turned on the end of a movie and cuddled. It was nice and quiet and low key. I loved it.

The littles were good and tucked in just shortly after 7:30, and now Brady and I are going through our evening routine. I blog, he makes his lunch, we run a bath, etc. Usually we check and water the garden but it rained quite a bit yesterday and has been spitting on and off all day, so I think we’re good for tonight. Tomorrow will be the quiet day I was planning on having today, and I’m really looking forward to it. I know some people would be bored to be me, but I love our quiet days and our low-stress activities. Especially now when I’m low on energy and have been feeling so dizzy. These are the days to take a load off.

Sooo Relieved!

It was so nice to finally be able to share our news with everyone yesterday, and the response on Facebook was overwhelming and just plain awesome! I love that other people, some who I’ve known personally for years, and some just from a distance, are totally psyched and in celebration over our third child 🙂 I know we are sure pleased!

Can I be flat out honest with you guys? Brady and I were more nervous to share this time.  For one reason or another, we were scared that lots of people would be less happy for us. I was immediately hurt when some responses weren’t as loving as I’d hoped, or as excited as I thought they should be, but I had to come down from there as fast as I could, because you know what? I’m excited!!! Like, really really excited! So is Brady! Is this is our baby! No one elses. Ours 🙂 And Gods, obviously, since he’s allowed us to be pregnant and carry the responsibility. All I’m trying to say in this is not that I’m disappointed, but that I had to realize that I put a lot of importance on something that isn’t the end all and be all. Everyones opinions don’t matter. Its hard, being a people pleaser, to think that way, because I want people to feel like I feel, and to be happy when I’m happy. Doesn’t everyone want approval, deep down inside? I’d say so! But life moves on. And we are thrilled out of our skin that I am carrying another baby!!!

So many of you were enormous supports through our last pregnancy, I can’t wait until the day comes closer and we can start guessing about baby’s gender and wager on the birth weight and all that fun stuff! Guys, I really really thought I’d know for sure what I was having this time, since my first two pregnancies were sooo opposite, but I have no idea!!! I have some factors that lean certain ways so I think I’ll post about them soon, just for fun, and see if you guys care to wager any guesses. Maybe you know more of those games/wives tales than I do 🙂 But I’m really looking forward to going through another pregnancy on here! I promise, I won’t just focus on that, since its not everyones cup of tea, but as I’m sure you can guess, its kind of a huge part of our lives! Thanks for being excited with us.

*** For those of you reading this, thinking Brady probably hates it when I say WE are pregnant, he doesn’t. He did play a role in this whole thing, obviously, so he is indeed expecting a baby to be born into our lives! Just in a considerably less dramatic and physically painful way, haha! Lucky guy!

The belly is starting, and will likely make its first appearance on here very soon 🙂 Happy 12 weeks, baby Jim!!!

Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy…

But I’m somewhere in that zoooone!
I’m done being a downer. The last week or so has been incredibly emotionally charged. Any of you who have talked with me know my reasons, and have backed me beautifully. Those of you (you know who you are) have met a great need. I needed that backup and those listening ears. You will be happy to know, if you don’t already, that I am done. I am content. I have peace.
Now that I have it, I want everyone to know our incredible news! We are growing our family of four into five!!!!! In that case, I am BOTH elated and gassy 🙂 whoops! Brady and I couldn’t be happier to be adding another munchkin to our bundle of super adorable children. The kids are excited too!
Well ok, maybe Laela has no idea. But Dekker does! Since the day we told him about our baby, he has requested a “nunner Laela.” So a girl, I guess, is what he means. I love how much he loves his sister. He’s also dubbed the baby as Baby Jim, so that will be the nickname until official names are chosen.
For the details, I’ll be twelve weeks on Sunday, due date March 2, 2015. I’m incredibly light headed and a bit unsettled in the tummy but not too sick. No complaints really at all. Just waiting 🙂 and waiting. I’m sooo glad we’re almost through the first trimester!!!!!
So, behold our news 🙂 I’m so happy to share it with all of you guys!

Can’t wait to meet you, Baby Jim!!!

Finally with the Whole Gang!

All of my siblings are out visiting right now, and I finally got to spend some time with them! I brought the kids over for the afternoon and Brady came after work. And it was completely awesome! We just visited when Simon and Grace and the boys were over, so Dekker remembers them pretty well. And he remembered Caity and Stef from being out there just the other week, so he was right in his element. 

Burgers were barbecued while the kids played baseball outside with the uncles. Dekker was soaked in sweat and fit in wonderfully. It does my mommy heart good to see him warming up to people, and let me tell you, my family gets really loud when we’re all together! So the fact that he can get right in there and enjoy himself is pretty exciting. Go Dekker go!!!

After an enormous supper, the nephews went down for night. It was definitely bedtime for our kids too, but we wanted to visit just a little bit longer. Plus, Laela had a late nap, so we new we could afford the time. We had some ice cream and sat around the living room, visiting, while Dekker climbed behind the couch, underneath our legs, and mooched extra dessert. It was a good evening.

It was sad to leave, but we’re going back tomorrow for the day. Looking forward to a bit more family time before everyone goes their respective ten hours away :/ Love you, family!

New Hair!!!

Before any grows an opinion on my new hair, I want to throw it out there that I LOVE IT! Not only did I love being at the salon for a solid 2.5 hours, but I love the outcome. Here’s the progression:
This was after I "un-styled" its so the process could begin. It was in particularly rough shape this morning!
This was after I “un-styled” its so the process could begin. It was in particularly rough shape this morning!
Post blonde, and pre toner. Its always so unbelievably yellow at that stage! (Gotta love taking awkward selfies in public places...)
Post blonde, and pre toner. Its always so unbelievably yellow at that stage! (Gotta love taking awkward selfies in public places…)


The end result! Believe it or not, its not actually that different than previous cuts! Its actually quite similar, my hair girl just styled it down instead of up in a poof like I do every single day of my life. Its the same length (aka shortness) on both sides, and in the back. I just had no idea the top was as long as it is!! Crazy, hey?

I’ll reiterate that I completely love the color. I’m sad to say it will fade out with a handful of washes only, but it was hardly any extra money, so I will likely keep trying out these fun pastel tones each time. In my opinion, pastel experiment part one is a complete success!

After my hair appointment, I went downtown to apply for passports (ours expired forever ago and I want to go on a holiday one day!) and I picked up some pants that I was getting hemmed at lululemon. Believe it or not, both of those errands together took a total of 18 minutes. No line at the government building at all!!! How great is that?!

I ran around a bit after that. I shopped unsuccessfully, got a chiro treatment, bought coconut milk for a new recipe, and picked up some Starbucks. I had a few other places to hit but I was feeling pretty tired, so I figured the rest could wait. Rethinking that, I probably should have tried a bit harder to get a few more things done, but I wanted to really enjoy today, and doing more would have been work and not play. Hopefully that was a good decision.

On my way home, I stopped to drop in at my parents house. All of my siblings are officially out for the rest of the week, and my mom had expressed interest in seeing my hair all fresh and new. So I had every reason to go. And I’m glad I did. It was nice to be part of the group for a few minutes before going home. We’ll be over there tomorrow afternoon and evening, so I’ll look forward to more time with all four of my siblings, my nephews, and my parents. Its always wonderful to be all together.

The end. I’m tired, and I haven’t had supper yet. A donut does not count! But seriously, today was awesome. I really enjoyed the time off, the music in my van, and getting pampered a little. I really enjoyed getting pink hair. Its been a great day. Hopefully tomorrow is equally awesome 🙂 For all of you guys, too.

Post Birthday Party

I will admit, going from a spontaneous birthday party with Jerilee yesterday, to being alone today felt really, really alone. What I would have done for some company!! Dekker asked for his auntie aaaaall day. It seemed to be a bit of a day where I was just sort of on edge. All. Day. The kids were whining fairly non-stop, and everyone was overheated and feeling gross. Not our best day.

One notable thing that happened today was that Dekker finally found his K sound!!! This is a huge bonus when ones name is Dekker and not Detter. I was so excited, and went over every word with him that I could think of that he often mispronounces this way, and we celebrated each correct pronunciation with lots of hooting and hollering and high fiving. Book. Woohoo!!! Circle. Woohoo!!! Work. Woohoo!!! Snack. Woohoo!!! Stickers. Woohoo!!! Sooo many words, all said right. Its cool that he has developed this sound on his own, without me getting on his case. Success!

Other than that, today was a bit rough. I had good friends that I texted a bit here and there, and a loving husband who came home, plucked the crying children from my surroundings, and actually brought me supper downstairs so I could just have some peace. I did surface and spend the last half hour before bedtime with everyone, and helped get the kids down. But they are now tucked in and Brady is headed out to do some mowing. 

I can happily say that I won’t be a downer much longer. I’m sure a lot of you are getting bored with my lame sauce attitude, and I promise you I’m doing what I can to change it. But tomorrow, Brady has worked his butt off to give me a few hours away. I know I had some away on Saturday, but I haven’t had my hair done since mid-May and my hair girl only works on weekdays during common work hours. So this is the only way I can get my hair redone. I’m really looking forward to a couple of hours in her chair, getting beautified. After receiving an awkward amount of hate on the last cut, I’m thinking I’m not going to make my ideas public this time, haha! I’ll do as I want and hopefully people can keep their rude comments to themselves. Bambi rule, ok? Feel free to hate it, just not to my face, to my inbox, or to my husbands face. Not ok.

After my appointment tomorrow, hopefully I’ll get in with Dr. Mike as well, and then I have a few little errands to run. An entire afternoon, left to my own devices!!! I’m pretty sure I have tons to do tomorrow and won’t really get to move slowly, but at least its a change of scenery, and thats what my sanity needs right now. 

So yay for tomorrow!!! Today wasn’t so hot but I’m sooo excited to go on a date with my new purse tomorrow. She needs a name…

Happy Belated Birthday Party to Me and Jerilee!!!

I really can’t say enough good things about today. I’ve been so emotionally charged these last few days, and this morning was no different. I was really looking forward to Jerilee coming over to help break up my day. She ran a few errands and was over around 11:00 bearing two huge gift bags. She informed me that we were officially having a birthday party, since both of our birthdays passed in June and July, and we hadn’t been able to do anything significant for them. That girl thought of everything! She brought a lunch of chicken lemon rice soup and cheese biscuits (These are a few of my favorite thiiiiings!) and macarons for dessert. Best food ever. After lunch, we just played with the kids and lounged until nap time. Once the kids were down, things got ca-raaaaazy! (Bahaha!)
We are dorks
We are dorks

Party hats were broken out and the friendship bracelet kit was opened. Well, we made friendship necklaces. Tapefetti necklaces, to be more specific. Yup, its a thing.


I’d tell you how it works, but that would kill the mystery. Hmmm, shame these pictures didn’t work out better :/ Our tapefetti designs were poured over and debated for quite some time before we had the perfect combinations. Its an art, really. An art best mastered over coffee and to the sound of Say Yes to the Dress.

I feel guilty saying the best part, because the best part was celebrating with Jerilee, but she bought me the best birthday gift I could have ever received!!!


Isn’t it beautiful? I think it needs a name. She has this whole lie worked out a while ago when she purchased it, I fell in love with it, and then she “returned” it. I mourned its death to her for a while, which I suppose was all part of the evil plan. The ruse came to a halt today when I learned that it was my purse the whole time. Jerilee, I LOVE this bag!!! I’m so excited to have a sexy bag to sport on the days when I’m diaper-bag free! No more carrying my phone, wallet, keys, and lip gloss in my hands. A’int no one got time for that!

Once Brady arrived home, he finished up the supper I started in the crock pot and we had cheesy chicken and rice. A very hot meal on a very hot day, in the very hot upstairs of our house. Then we took a cutesy picture and sent Jerilee off to her evening of nerdiness with other friends. Psh.


I have to say, as a point of caution for wearers of party hats – You never know how close you walk to things (or people) until you wear a sideways party hat. Mine was pretty bashed in by the time I finally took it off. Huh, speaking of which, I still have a star sticker on my face…

Now that the party is over, the kids are in bed, I’m doing this, and Brady is mowing swathing our lawn. Soon, there will be a bubble bath and some Netflix, and likely more macarons.

Best. Day. Ever. This was exactly what I needed today. I love you, belated birthday girl!!! Thanks for your love and thoughtfulness <3

Awww! Moment 😉

Loudest Sunday Ever

Brady let me sleep in this morning, which I apparently really really needed. I woke up all on my own at 10:15. It was awesome. I felt way better physically and it seemed to help my mental health as well. It was good. I went downstairs and watched Magic School Bus with the boys while we waited for Laela to wake up from her nap. I learned a lot about the desert from Ms. Frizzle. Smart lady. Once Laela woke up, we all got ready and headed to my parents. My brother, sister in law, and their two boys are out visiting, and it was time we got our kicks in over there.

The house was teeming with kids, and it was awesome. While Dekker is still shy, he never screamed or got too worked up at all with all the new people. He fit in pretty quick, and played along with everyone else. Laela was a bit shy of my brother, Simon, as she tends to be a bit more timid of new men in general, but she got comfortable nice and quickly.

We ate all day, and when Dekker and Laela went down for a nap, us kids and the other two boys went for a walk in an effort to quiet the house for a little bit. It was nice to get a bit of fresh air while the kids could get a deep sleep.

My parents ordered in pizza for supper, and we feasted on that. Even Laela loved chewing on a crust, or at least the novelty that came with it. We had some cake for dessert, and the little boys begged for just a little bit more over and over. It was delicious though.I can’t blame them.

We left my parents house in time to get the kids down at a relatively normal time. Maybe a half hour late. Laela burped up a bit of pizza and chocolate cake after her bottle but frankly, at least we got milk into her! We worked on the sippy cup today but she hasn’t figured it out yet. Tomorrow is another day.

Ooo! Tomorrow is another day!! A day with Jerilee!!! Sorry, probably a lot of you have no idea who Jerilee is, and you likely think we have a fairly dependant relationship. You’re right, and don’t judge. We haven’t spent any time together for what seems like forever, so tomorrow, we’ll need to cover a lot of information, and I’m sooo looking forward to it!

Just waiting for tomorrow…

Unexpected Afternoon Off

The kids slept in until 8:oo this morning, which was a really nice surprise. Brady tried to sneak out to get them himself to let me keep sleeping, but I got up very shortly afterwards and spent the early morning with them. It was relaxing and nice. There was one instance where Dekker got a bit grumpy, but just a very little bit, and I imitated him. I wouldn’t normally, because I think sometimes its mean and gets him worked up more, but when its just borderline, I try it out. So I made his face back at him – scrunched up nose, furrowed brow, and pursed lips. He burst out laughing and raced over to kiss my pursed lips. Best result ever! I highly recommend this tactic.

In case you didn’t see on Facebook, the littlest munchkin is boycotting her bottle in a BIG way. I’ve been noticing a decline in her interest for sure, but today she drank half-sized feedings at best. If I tried to hold her or help her along, she would scream and scream. It would appear its time to learn about a sippy cup, and FAST! Because even though we can feed her more and more solids, she does still need her formula for another month or two.

When it became apparent that she wasn’t going to drink anything, Brady and I decided that I should take a few hours to myself and head to the city for some groceries, with Laela specifically in mind. So I got all ready and headed out, all by myself.

It was pretty therapeutic, actually. To listen to my music, have the windows open, and go wherever I needed to go. Right when I entered the city, though, I was met with a “challenge.” Stopped at a red light, I looked over to see who was in the lane next to me, and saw a man on a motorcycle. He was what I would qualify as “old-elderly,” and he was staring straight at me. Shaking his head. Over and over again, with this disapproving look on his face, while I looked back at him. When the light turned green, I got the heck out of there, kind of reeling from that. Who was he, even?!?! I was totally put off, and angry at him. Who was he to stare at me so judgingly? He knew less than nothing about me, yet he certainly seemed to have an opinion. I had to take a breather and talk myself off a ledge, before deciding that the devil wouldn’t have this day, and I would keep moving. So I did.

I bought some pants at Lululemon when I was visiting in Winnipeg and took them in to get hemmed. The woman helping me get all measured up was super nice to me and kept telling me how great I looked. I know its her job, but she was really good at it, lol! After I was done there, I headed to Superstore.

I warn you again. Everything at Superstore is cute!!! I bought my kids some clothes for winter, and while I so often end up splurging on Laela, I got only one outfit for her, and more for Dekker. The sweaters were sooo soft, and he needed new sweatpants. He has one pair, and they’re 2T. He wears 3T in everything now, so I picked some up. And new socks. It was a good haul.

I ventured into the rest of the store and picked up some groceries for us, and some specific stuff for Laela. Weirdly, I couldn’t find avocados, but I got the normal stuff like bananas, broccoli, and I even bought my first sweet potato. Go me! Hopefully I don’t totally screw it up. In the freezer zone, I discovered a bunch of stuff reduced in price that wasn’t even close to its expiry date! So I stocked up on baby yogurt and cream cheese blocks. Win!

I dropped in on Jerilee at work quickly (I have withdrawal) before hitting up Starbucks and heading home. It was a nice quiet drive home, and I was greeted by my husband and non-sleeping daughter, but a nice quiet house. Dekker was sleeping, and had been for a couple of hours. Brady, Laela, and I hauled off into bed so watch a bit of tv and rest. Laela tried out those Gerber puffs for the first time and fell in love!!!, so that was a nice way to keep her quiet anyway. We tried to nap her again once Dekker woke up, and she was sooo tired, but wouldn’t have it. Poor girl.

We had a bad supper of macaroni, but at least there was a yummy hot veggie mix too! Dekker calls veggies “budgies” which we find makes it waaay yummier somehow. He ate like a champ and Laela loved the broccoli and cauliflower. After dinner, the kids and Brady went downstairs to finish The Lorax while I chatted on the phone with my mom. Around 7:30 we got off the phone and Brady and I got the kids ready for bed.

It was probably the most fun we’ve had at bedtime in a long time. Usually, Dekker requests that Daddy changes him, and that Laela gets changed first. Anything to delay the inevitable, I guess. But today, I carried him and ran to his room, him laughing hysterically the whole way. Once in his room, he exhaustedly shouted “Mommy, change Detter first!” Don’t mind if I do! So we had diaper changes and lots of teasing and kisses and jokes. Until he realized he was without pants. “Detter want pants.”

All the laundry was still downstairs from yesterday (What? People put laundry away?) so instead, I figured we’d try the new sweats I bought him today. They looked pretty massive, but one night in pants that fall down wouldn’t hurt him. I had purchased a two pack so I let him choose his color. He picked blue over grey and we ran back to his room to put them on.

Again – love. He was sooo thrilled! They have a little truck on them, and the best part…wait for it…they have pockets! Everything is made better by pockets. He was thrilled to pieces, which was hilarious, because it affected everything else. Once he was in those pants, he was extra ticklish, extra goofy, and extra fast. It was sooo much fun! Laela was entertained, and obviously, so were Brady and I. The actual process of getting into bed was less fun, but I find if I say my “goodnights” and “I love yous” in funny voices, he recovers pretty quick. He did, and they both went down happy.

All things considered, it was a much better day. I really needed a much better day.

Thanks to all who are praying. Please don’t stop. I’m not all back yet.

About Yesterday

I apologize for the scattered nature of yesterdays post. I assure you, I was in no position to sugar coat. My day had been exhausting and emotionally charged. I had a couple friends and close family reach out and check on me, which I really, really appreciated. You know who you are. Thank you. I needed it more than you can know.

Today was still rough, but it was better. I was exhausted, and so were the kids. Laela woke up at 7:07am and cried and cried and cried. When it had been established that she was not going back down, I went in to retrieve her. This normally wakes her brother, but he didn’t even stir. So I snagged Laela and she and I enjoyed a nice breakfast of milk, cereal, and yogurt together. Unfortunately, right before 10:00am, she started screeching. Really loudly. I worked my butt off to keep her entertained and quiet, since our morning never looks like this, and Dekker obviously needed some sleep. Sadly, I snapped at Laela around 10:15. I knew then that I needed to put her down, so I went into their room. Of course, I had woken Dekker and he was nervous of me. It wasn’t my finest morning.

But breakfast with him was nice, and he insisted I get myself some tea. Afterwards, we went downstairs and got laundry started. We played toys and watched some tv and kept a pretty low profile. I spent some time on the phone with my mom, and my sister, and then eventually with Brady over lunch. Laela slept until 1:00pm, which is waaay longer than usual, but again, she obviously needed it. I just figured there was no chance of a joint nap.

But there was! These kids surprise me all the time. I kept Dekker up until 2:30 when I noticed they were both rubbing their eyes and the volume was definitely going up. So I tucked them both into their beds and they slept like logs until around 4:45. Laela got up at that point, and Dekker stayed down until supper. It was a wonderful day for sleep, but we all needed the peace and quiet.

My original plan had been to go to my moms for a visit. My brother, sister in law, and two nephews are staying there for the week, and had invited me for the day so I didn’t have to be on my own. And I really wanted to go. But I knew, just with the way the morning worked and how I was feeling, that a home day was important. So we did that. We slept and were lazy and did some laundry, and thats it. It was the perfect kind of day.

Even better, Brady came home early. The kids were still down and we could just visit for a bit. He helped with the end of the laundry and made supper. It was a really good day, considering how my heart and brain are feeling. It was good. God is good.