The service was a change of pace with a guest speaker, but he did well, and the kids were SO well behaved! Laela was a bit loud, but it was all her adorable little chatting, so the people around us thought it was super cute rather than obnoxious and disruptive. Dekker played really well and quietly. He only got a bit upset once when he spotted a spider on the floor. I killed it, and life kept moving. And Rowan was wide awake and silent the entire service. So that was a win!
Seven weeks old and he already didn’t want to be held. Independent kids I have!
As if my parents got a chance to listen once.
We went to my parents house almost right after church and got lunch ready. While we prepared and waited for the guests to arrive at 1:30, we talked to my mom about our camera quandary the day before. We showed her the specs and got all excited about the fancier camera again. Good thing the company arrived and we could take a break from thinking about it all! We had a birthday lunch celebration with Willa and some of her family in the early afternoon, where we devoured way too many tacos and fruit salad. I made my weird cherry cream cheese dessert for the “cake.” If I can be so bold, it was both messy and delicious. Dekker and Laela went down for their naps after lunch, while the rest of us visited in the living room for a bit before their family headed home for the day. It was really nice to see them, as we tend to only see everyone over Christmas. While we weren’t ALL together, 75% of the family will do 🙂
Once they left, Brady and I officially buckled. Yup. We ran into the city with Rowan and bought a camera. Our camera. THE camera. Its a Canon PowerShot G7 X, and its beeeaaauuutiful! I’ll hopefully start posting higher quality pictures soon, but for now, we have to learn about it. Once we actually know how to use it and aren’t in completely over our heads with it, we’ll play with it, and hopefully even make more videos. We were so excited to bring it home and play with it, but as it usually works out, the battery had just a tiny bit of charge left on it, and then it needed to be completely charged all the way up. So we don’t actually get to play with it yet. Maybe tomorrow. Except Bradys gone all day and I’m gone in the evening. Maybe Tuesday. Same story. Or Wednesday. Same story. Drat. Someday! Either way, I’m pretty happy we finally have a quality camera in our family. Now is the time to have it, when the kids are tiny and hilarious and begging to be documented.
We got home just a bit past the littles’ bedtime so two out of three are in bed but no one is sleeping yet. Hopefully soon. Then a bath and a snack for Brady and I before reality hits and we’re into another work week. Its a good day 🙂