** Let’s all keep in mind that Hailey’s blog is 1000% a judgment-free zone 🙂 The Bambi rule is live as of right now, or always. Celebrate small victories with us!!
We used to have Rowan on a fabulous sleep schedule where he woke up once in the night. Since we’ve had so many gatherings this summer, that has disappeared completely. Rather, he would eat three times per night, and almost not at all in the day. NOT ideal. We’ve been trying a few different ideas over the last few days and last night, we managed to get an eight hour stretch!! With that behind us, Brady and I felt strong enough to officially begin the potty training process with Dekker. I know, I know, he’s four. Trust me, no one knows that better than I do, you don’t have to tell me. We’ve been gradually getting him used to the toilet for a little while now. Today, we simply added underwear. Well, and lots of other aspects. Special drinks, treats, change of scenery, etc. I won’t do a big post on all of the details unless anyone really wants it. Either way, we started the day off like this.

Dekker got chocolate milk at breakfast to ensure that he would drink extra. It worked.
He sat on the potty A TON! Most visits were pretty short but when he seemed content, we tried to make it enjoyable.

We spent lots of time out of the bathroom as well. The kids were very happy and agreeable for the most part. Even Rowan rocked out in his jumparoo more than usual. I colored. It was a good vibe.

All of the stats are in! Ten pairs of underwear later, we had SIX successful pees in the potty!!! I don’t know if thats good or bad, and I don’t really care. Its a HUGE accomplishment for us!! I’m a bit nervous for tomorrow being on my own. Not because I don’t think I can do it, but because its really nice to have some backup that he is super comfortable with, but we’ll be more than fine. It will be a bit different for me, but I’m thinking we will really hide out this week, and be super antisocial. His first outing will be on Saturday at a friends birthday party. I’m confident they’ll be super understanding 🙂 I’m so hopeful about this week. Dekker is amazing and I know he’s learning.
Another cool milestone happened this evening when I decided to try and feed Rowan some applesauce. Again, I know, I know, starting with fruit isn’t recommended. But honestly, I always do, and my kids are fine, well balanced eaters. I’m not worried. Fun surprise, he ate like he’s been eating from a spoon for years. He opened his mouth for his tastes and knew how to move the food around in his mouth. He didn’t gag once. Out of pure curiosity, I gave him a mum mum, to see if he was coordinated enough to eat it. For those who don’t know, a mum mum is a “cookie” that is basically styrofoam for eating, and it pretty much dissolves the second it gets wet, so its good for little ones to gum on. We call them surfboards. He wasn’t great at feeding himself, but when we would hold the surfboards to his mouth, he ate and ate and ate. He ate an entire cookie!!! We were pleasantly surprised 🙂

After supper, Laela accidentally poured milk all over her tummy and into her bellybutton.

This was both hilarious and sticky. Didn’t matter. It was bath time.
Unless this goober pooped in the tub.

What in the world is a person supposed to do when Kid #1 and Kid #2 are clean, and are playing in the tub when you stick the baby in, and he poops a flaky icky poop into the water?? I took his little sudsy, proud self to the sink and rinsed his hair and body off while Brady rinsed out the tub, ran new water, and washed the older ones off again.
So today was messy, hahaha! But I’d call it successful!! I’m definitely nervous about the upcoming week but jumping in with both feet! Of course, those feet are wearing rubber boots…