I know this post won’t appeal to some people, and thats totally fine, but I also know there are some of you who, like me, love to follow a pregnancy. With all of the ups and downs, it at least appears mildly more interesting than some other things 😉 Regardless, I thought I’d recap the last little while for you who like pregnant talk.
I found out I was pregnant at the end of September. I was quite late on my cycle, but had taken a number of baby tests and they had all shown up negative. I decided to stop watching everything so close, and likely I’d just finally get my period when it was time and we could move on. A friend convinced me to take a test on the 25th, and lo and behold, there it was. That fabulous plus sign that so many of us wait for.
I don’t usually tell Brady in any extravagant way that we’re expecting, but one similarity is that I always give him a ring. He now has three thin silver rings, each one bearing our kids name on the outside, but quietly telling him we’re pregnant again on the inside. I always give him the appropriate ring when I tell him. This time around, I had Dekker bring it to him when he got home. I WISH the video wasn’t such a big file, and that I could load it on here, but these stills will have to do.

I felt great for the week or two following, though VERY tired. We had an early ultrasound, and found the baby to be another week smaller than we thought. (There’s a bit more to that story that I’m happy to share, but not on the internet at this point. Feel free to ask 🙂 ) So we changed our due date from May 30 to June 7 and called it good.
It was shortly after that when I felt quite sick. I would still say my sickness with Laela was by far the worst, but this is the first pregnancy I’ve had that has actually made me throw up. I had to be extremely careful what I ate, I had to force myself to eat and drink, to be honest. And I slept a ton.
There were lots of factors that have played into this tho. Since I got pregnant, I’ve been potty training Dekker, dealing with selling the house, having offers fall through on that, and discovering Rowans silent reflux. Its been a bit of a ride, and as soon as I gave in and started going to bed much earlier than usual, the majority of my sickness lifted.
So down to the doctor stuff. Its is a different set up for me this time around. My doctor ha switched clinics and is now training student doctors. I don’t see her as much at all, except for the last few minutes of the appointment, but I do see our student doctor, Jasmine. I’ll admit that I’m a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. Jasmine is great, and I know I’m still being followed by Dr. Guselle, but I do miss her exquisite care, and how comfortable I was with her. Its like I didn’t even have to explain anything to her anymore. She just knew us. But I have all the respect in the world for people learning, and Dr. Guselle is the best, and a fabulous example to her students. Its all ok, its just an adjustment.
I was lucky enough to hear the baby’s heartbeat just around 12 weeks. It was strong and in the 150-160s. The baby even gave the doppler a good kick before swimming off into the uterine abyss. I felt so much comfort in that. Whew!
Other than having morning sickness earlier in the game, I’m feeling pretty good. I’m really dizzy, as I usually am, but its a weird delayed light headedness. I’ll get up from sitting/lying down, and I’ll give myself a minute to get my bearings before walking away, but within 15-30 seconds, I have to sit down wherever I am, even if its in the middle of the stairs while holding Rowan. So its not an ideal circumstance but its not new either. Just something to watch. Also, I managed to lose 6-8 pounds in the first trimester. NO, I didn’t try to AT ALL. I was sick, its part of it. I just share that because I would normally share what I had gained. So far, nada. But I’m at a reasonable starting weight and I’m feeling nice and healthy and hungry again, so all is well in the belly department.
The biggest, most notable thing I want to share, though, is that Brady and I are in the best headspace we’ve ever been in during a pregnancy. Its just been different. I think he and I are just in a way better place then we’ve been in, and it is just a great time to be alive and to be having another little life join our crew. We couldn’t be more thrilled <3