Well, we made it safely to our rental!! Today was smooth, and as I’m sure you can predict if you’ve read my recent posts, it was also overwhelming. It followed the trend of holding more than we bargained for, but had some really bright spots 😀
My dad was back at work today, but Brady was able to push his work back to start on Tuesday rather than today. My mom offered to help us get ourselves situated, and I’m SO glad she did, because we had no idea how much we still had to do! We were lucky to be able to fit the remainder of our stuff into the van and her car. Both were packed FULL. One thing that was completely wonderful was that we made the decision to have our house cleaned rather than tackling it on our own, and the woman who came to clean it arrived before we left, so we were able to pay her in person, and figure out the process of things. She charged a very reasonable price, which always helps in expensive times like moving, and we accepted, paid, and fled.
We arrived at our rental around 2:30. Poor kids. We hadn’t eaten lunch yet at that point, but we did immediately upon arrival. Then my mom helped with getting stuff into the house while Brady unloaded the vehicles and I puttered around a little.
I won’t lie. I’m feeling more “done” than usual. I think its totally justified, and while I’m trying not to dwell on it, I do want to be honest. I think my feelings just come from all of the work we’ve done that has lead up to this point. We have purged and boxed and packed and made decisions and driven a TON and asked for TONS of help and have been going and going and going. Now, our old house is clean, and empty. We have stored and packed everything that needed to go elsewhere. We are FINALLY in our dwelling! And there is still so much work to do, just to get our life in order, you know? Boxes opened and things organized and placed. Just basic stuff that comes with relocating, but man, I wish we were just done. It will come though. We have so much support, and judging from all of the private messages on Facebook and texts I’ve been receiving, it doesn’t seem like it will be stopping soon, for which I am incredibly blessed.
We got the kids down a solid hour past their bedtime, and I’m really at a loss of motivation. But I think we’ve done enough to get through the night and tomorrow. Brady is rocking his role as my protector and support system right now. He’s helping talk me through things, making decisions as I struggle to, and encouraging me that we’re doing good and moving forward. I love you, my Brady. Thank you for being mine, and taking such good care of us through these transitions.
We are here. We are home. For now.