Oh boy…..

We’ll keep todays post short, because I am feeling somewhat exhausted. I’m not sure why it was as hard of a day as it was, but there were SO many tears, very few minutes of rest, and I felt very overwhelmed. It helped immensely to have my mom around. As I’ve said before, I try very hard NOT to load her up with parental jobs. I know my kids are mine, and I am capable of handling them, but it was a HUGE relief to have someone who the kids adore around to play with the ones that are cooperative. Not that she can’t handle when they scrap, but thats the moms domain, in my opinion. So we survived the day, and Brady came home and took the lead on the evening and bedtime with the littles, which was also an enormous help.

I have lots going on in my head and heart these days. I feel a bit overwhelmed, and I know some of that stems from whats to come in the next couple of days and weeks. That combined with my son who appears to be teething WAY harder than ever before, and all three of my somewhat overtired kids, I am not in the best shape I’ve been in.

Thank God for God.

The First Official Walk Through

It was a very exciting day for the house build! Brady and I were scheduled to meet the electrician at 10:00 am for our first walk through. It may not sound super exciting, but it was! It felt very official and important. However, just casual enough that we brought Rowan, haha! It worked 😉 He was very cute and quiet the entire time, so there was no issue.

When we met at the house, it was positively bustling! The plumbers were there, working hard, installing all of the ducting. The owner of our electrical company was in his truck waiting. The owner of KW Homes and his right hand man arrived shortly after us. The drywall guy was there, measuring for his part coming up soon. Even a roofing guy was there, shovelling snow off the house, so he could start shingling. SO MANY PEOPLE! It was awesome to see so many trades there, eager to get work done.

We walked through the house with our electrical guy, and went over where every single outlet, light switch, and whatever else will be. So many questions came up that we weren’t prepared for either. He wanted to position the light above our dining room, and that was a BIG question!! How big is our dining table? Exactly where is the island going? We needed specifics that we didn’t have yet! Thankfully, he was a very patient, professional man, and gave us lots of time to hem and haw over a few inches here and there. The way it was finally decided leaves us with extra space between our cabinets and our island, and still a nice sized dining room. We added one or two additional things but otherwise, there were no big surprises.

One thing we did learn, which we actually find kind of humorous, is that all of the trades hate building the particular floorplan that we’ve chosen!! Apparently its WAY more work with more physical work and less payout! I understand it more, as I learn more about it. It makes perfect sense! The footprint of the house is pretty average, but its as tall as a two storey. So people who only get paid by the square foot will make less off of it. Also, trades who have to go all the way up to the ceiling have much more work going up and down ladders and scaffolding than they would on a house without a vaulted ceiling. However, thank the Lord, people are somewhat desperate for work these days, so it doesn’t seem like anyone is complaining. Win for us, and for them.

We thoroughly enjoyed our walk through. It lasted just over an hour. When we left, Brady had to head back to work pretty quickly, but I went back to my parents place to get lunch into my kids before they napped.

When everyone woke up from their naps, I invited them to the city to join Brady and I at Dr. Mike’s office, but they opted to stay back and watch Paw Patrol with Grandma. So Brady and I had another little date with Rowan, and got some highly anticipated adjustments. They hurt. But it was definitely worth it! He was really great to talk to about the house, as he always is, so it was fun to get all excited about it again. Always fun to share new news with a fresh audience. Especially since its been FOREVER since we last saw him and I think that time, maybe the lot had stakes in it?? Its been a very long time, obviously.

The kids were completely toast by the end of the day, so they’re all tucked away after a VERY loud supper. Brady and I have had to make a few decisions about house stuff this evening, but they’ve been good, and have felt productive. Now, hopefully, we rest for a bit, and then hit the sack. It was a big and also wonderful day. I can’t believe how much stuff is happening at the house at once! Not only did we see lots of trades on site today, but we heard plans being made about who was wanting to come on which day, who would overlap with whom, and how fast the next couples of weeks are going to go!! Its a bit surreal, in the BEST possible way!

Ok, I’m pooped. Sleep well, all!

New Jeans and Needles

Brady has a nice light week this week, so we’ve had him home yesterday and today. Tomorrow he’s back to work but we used our last day together to take care of some errands as a family. But first, we put the kids each in new jeans, and they all fit PERFECT! This almost never happens, and I am so happy when it does! Laela has never had jeans that fit so well that are actually jeans and not jeggings. She and Rowan actually wear the same size of pants now, haha! So funny!


Once out the door, we went out for lunch, which the kids always love. We were going to head straight to Superstore after that, but I remembered that I actually needed to go in for a blood test! Oops! I got the requisition last week but with my tetanus shot, I didn’t want my already sore arm to suffer more than necessary all at once. After checking the wait times and seeing that the clinic just a block or so away had no wait time, we ran over there to take care of it really quickly. When we got to the clinic, I was about to duck in quickly by myself when Dekker asked if he could come in and help me. I remember telling him I’d love to bring him next time, to help me be brave, so I agreed! And honestly, he did awesome! The nurse didn’t look thrilled that I had brought him, but I said to her (for him to hear, of course) that he had been SO brave when he got a needle recently and that I wanted him to help me be as brave as him. She understood, and asked him if I was brave. He responded with “Sometimes” so that was that, and he stayed. He held my hand and watched the whole time. Wasn’t put off at all! He was a great help and distraction. Love that boy.

After that, we did Superstore, a quick and unsuccessful duck into both Walmart and Rona. Costco was last, and all three kids fell asleep right before we got there. We hung out in silence and let them sleep for about twenty minutes, but soon it was just time, so we opened the door, which unlocked everything unceremoniously, and they all woke up. Whoops, lol! Our Costco shop was quick and successful, and we made it home in time for Brady to make the whole family breakfast sandwiches for supper! They were delicious, as was the fruit salad. SUCH a good meal. The kids ate great too. I can’t believe how much Rowan is eating now. I’m only able to squeeze 2 oz maximum into him before bed, so I think the bottle is well on its way out. Which I approve of.

Now that everyone is tucked into bed, I’m done blogging for the day. Once again, I apologize to anyone who views my posts in a browser other than Google Chrome. I know sometimes the pictures are sideways or upside down for you. Its a stupid flaw with this layout that we cannot fix without getting in touch directly with the developer, which is not as easy as it sounds. But I can’t leave the pictures out. The kids are WAY too cute!

Last thing! Last thing!!! First official walk through of the new house tomorrow!!! Gotta go show the electricians whats what! Haha! Or tell them kind of what we want and see what they say… One of the two anyway…

FABULOUS First Day Back

I slept amazingly last night, and felt much much better this morning! What a relief! My body is still a bit weak, but I think thats to be expected when its so quickly and unceremoniously emptied. I genuinely felt so much better upon waking up, though. As if I wasn’t even sick yesterday.

Because of that, and my husband having a light work load this week, my mom and I went ahead with our plans for the day. We headed into the city in the late morning with a few goals in mind. And we accomplished them all! Our first stop was at our J&H, where I met up with a contact Brady has there. He showed us the doors he can get us, which are an enormous answer to prayer! Even better than we had in mind! He didn’t stop there, and asked if I had anything else I’d like to see, or ask questions about. It was then that we spent about a half hour in the door handle section. I’ve actually had a lot of weird questions and uncertainties about doorknobs, of all things, and he was a fantastic person to talk to about everything!! He wasn’t shy to tell me his real opinion, but I never felt pressured at all to pick what he would pick. Lots of pros and cons to ponder. It was a great visit to J&H. (Any advice on this kind of thing is welcome!!)

Our next stop was the real reason we went in today. We hit up a really good and seemingly lesser known fabric store to shop for flannel. For each baby we have, we go on a date, pick fabric together, and my mom sews the baby a big stack of beautiful, personalized receiving blankets. I LOVE that part of having babies!! We scoured the store and found some beautiful options! We got enough for four blankets and a good pile of burp cloths. We decided to hit up another store and see what else they could offer us.

First, though, we made a quick stop to get my mom’s adjusted (poorly) and then we hit Tony Roma’s for lunch. We ate shrimp and ribs and everything else delicious. It was amazing, and thankfully, I didn’t get sick. Win for not barfing!

We drove to a nearby town to a fabric store, where we found another four blankets worth of flannel that we loved! Its a decent amount more pricey at that store, but the fabric is noticeably better quality too, so we were smart about it and only picked what we really loved. I’m completely thrilled with what we found! But I’ll show you pictures of what we picked when its all sewed up and ready to swaddle a baby! Before we left town, we dropped in at a local thrift store that I had never been to, and snagged a pair of jeans for Dekker, as well as a little pair of 6 month sweat jeans for the new babe. I have a great amount of stuff for him from the other boys, but these cozy, fake jeans are new to our family! I’ve bought him one newborn pair, and I have a couple of pairs from Kim, but these were $2 and pretty brand new, so I figured I could justify another pair! I don’t always remember what we have in what size.

On our drive home, we detoured to go see our house, and it was SO exciting!! We have windows and doors!!!


Doesn’t it keep looking more and more real?? It was great to see 🙂 Now its all enclosed, they got our front door glass right, and I know they shovelled all of the snow out of it on Friday, so its all dry and ready for the week in there! A lot is scheduled to happen this week, so I’m greatly anticipating the next few days!

We came home after that, and I played with the kids a bit, finally! I’ve missed my little loves SO much! We had a nice time of play, and I rested my body a little bit. We ate big chunky chicken salads for supper, then did up the dishes and put the kids to bed. Rowan refused his nighttime bottle, which is kind of a huge deal! I’m fine with him being off the bottle now that he drinks milk out of a straw cup so well, so I’m curious how he will sleep tonight. If he sleeps through, this may be the beginning of him not taking a bottle anymore! Eek! Works for me!

What a Break Should NOT Look Like

Today did not at all go as expected! We had plans to go to church together, I was going to help out in the nursery during the service, and we would then go to lunch with a couple of cousins that Caity and Stefan specifically are very very close to. However, I had a very strange night. One of those ones where you’re not sure if you slept at all. In the morning, I felt dizzy and disoriented, and told Caity I wouldn’t be able to come to church. I assured her that I just needed to sleep some more and that I would for sure be good in time for lunch. She understood, and let me get back to bed. She secretly got in touch with a friend from church and had her cover our spots in the nursery, so I wouldn’t be alone while I wasn’t feeling well. Very sweet of her.

After a while, I STILL wasn’t sleeping, and I got up to pee. I didn’t really feel like I needed to, but sometimes a pee break and a drink of water is just what a person needs, am I right?

Fast forward through the next part. I want to still have friends after this post. Some unspeakable things happened in that bathroom. Once the worst seemed to be over, I decided to run a bit of a bath to rest my aching body in. These were not shining moments for me whatsoever.

I felt considerable better after my bathroom adventure, however, and came out to the living room to try and be social. Caity and I watched a chunk of a movie (SO sad we didn’t finish it though!!) and she made us soup and biscuits for lunch. When Stefan came home from church feeling a bit off, we cancelled lunch plans with our cousins and Stef went to bed.

Once again, bypass the details, all three of us were laid out for most of the day. I napped for a couple of hours in the afternoon, which helped a ton, but being a few hours ahead of everyone in whatever sickness we were sharing, I was feeling a bit better while the others were hitting their lower points. Praise the Lord for family who jumped up and took me to the airport when Caity and Stefan couldn’t.

It was definitely a strange way to end a weekend trip away, but honestly, it was cozy. I would have preferred that we could all be together at least, but it just didn’t quite happen that way, and it was really ok. I’m glad we only got sick on Sunday. It would have been SO sad if it had fallen on Saturday!! So this is really the best it could have gone.

My flight home was smooth, but having been sick in the day did not help. I was quite dizzy and light headed, and as I’m sure you know, airplanes are small, and there is very little room to get your body into a position where your blood gets to all of the right places. I praise the Lord for the most compassionate man sitting beside me. He stacked his coat up with mine and offered me his shoulder. I wish I could write more about him, but I’m decently tired and weak, so maybe another time. But seriously, he made the flight work for me. I apologized to him for having me beside him, but I told him he was the perfect person for me to sit beside, and he seemed to like that. He was lovely. Be nice to people! It makes a HUGE difference in a short time.

Now, I am HOME with my beautiful family, once again. I missed them more than I thought I would, if we’re being honest. I can’t wait to snuggle up with my husband for the night, and hug and kiss my kids in the morning!!!! In an effort to make that happen sooner, I will stop writing, riiiiiiiiight…


What a Break Should Look Like

I have a truly LOVELY day today. It was exactly what a break should be. There was a delicious breakfast to be had, casual getting ready, and then some really good shopping with my sister. We mall walked and each got just a few things. Nothing major, just relaxed. I required a soft pretzel, as I always do in Winnipeg, so we did that as well. We spent a couple of hours at the mall, but it was still the late afternoon when we hit a nearby Starbucks for a little coffee and cake pop date. It was delicious, and a really really nice time to just sit and chat. We don’t get on the phone too terribly often, though I’m very thankful every time we do make the time to call, because I love visiting with my sister. She’s pretty exceptional.

Once we got back home, we decided we weren’t hungry enough for supper yet, so we ducked over to Stefan’s parents place and lounged in their hot tub for a little bit. It was actually pretty perfect, since I forgot my pelvic support belt, and I was feeling fairly achy after walking the mall, even though I really hadn’t pushed it. But the hot soak felt great!!

This evening, we had an unbelievable fettuccini alfredo with caesar salad. I ate more than both Caity or Stefan. It was delicious!! We had dessert soon after, which I also managed to eat too much of. We watched a chick flick and rested our evening away. I feel so relaxed here. SO relaxed.

My trip comes to an end TOMORROW already, which feels crazy. CRAZY short visit, but its been refreshing and incredibly enjoyable! That being said, I do miss Brady and the littles. I was sent pictures of them all freshly bathed, as well as videos of Laela playing piano, insisting that she was playing from the heart rather than from the book 😉 I want to see some of that in person. And I will soon! But for now, I’ll enjoy my last few hours out here!

Where Am I?

Brady was home today, thanks to some warranty work being rescheduled last minute, so we were able to do my morning routine together! It was a treat, and I know the kids loved having him home for breakfast.

I left shortly after breakfast, and headed to the city for a couple of appointments. I got my legs waxed, and as always, had a really nice visit with the girl who has the dirty job of my hair removal. Turns out we’ve both had a ton going on since we last saw each other, so there was much to share in our short half hour together. But time flies, and I was in and out very quickly!

I went to my hair place next, just to get the chunk on the one side shaved again. I’m aware that this is something I could do myself, but the guard on Brady’s trimmer broke a while back and I just don’t want to risk a patchy job. And frankly, the girl who does my hair says it would be priced as a bangs trim. So I enjoyed a lovely but very short appointment with her, paid her $5, and was on my way home WAY sooner than expected. I grabbed some junior bacon cheeseburgers for myself, Brady, and my mom for lunch, and drove home.

We ate our burgers, and my mom headed into the city to run a few errands of her own. Brady came downstairs with me and helped me pack a small suitcase and get organized for a trip I’m taking this weekend! I don’t think I’ve shared it on here yet, but I took advantage of an unbelievable seat sale a while back and booked an incredibly short but still very anticipated trip to Winnipeg! Just a very special trip to visit with my sister and brother in law 🙂 It has come at a perfect time, when I’m feeling a really solid need for a rest/getaway, but not to the point of anxiety or like I feel like I’m losing it. Just the perfect time. This is also the one weekend that would have worked pretty much anytime in the coming months, and I couldn’t have gone sooner either. Once again – perfect.

Brady and the kids drove me to the airport. After lots of hugs and kisses, I headed in and enjoyed a surprisingly short flight. I was greeted lovingly by my sister and brother in law, with lots of hugs and stories and the promise of an amazing supper at a restaurant downtown. They delivered, and I ate my body weight in AMAZING food. Now, we’re back at their home, and I’m safely cuddled away in their guest room. I have everything I need, though I am certainly missing my husband already, and my three little loves. But if you guys know anything about my husband, my kids are in incredibly capable hands. This trip will be SO quick, they’ll never notice that I’m gone, I’m sure.

Tomorrow brings the promise of a yummy brunch, and a little bit of afternoon shopping. Hopefully a coffee date and a soft pretzel (or two) are thrown in there for good measure. First, though, we sleep. Its hard to sleep without Brady. I miss you, hubs <3 See you soon! After pretzels…

Housey House House

I haven’t been out much lately. Its not a secret. Along with the inclement weather, we’ve been settling in and letting down. My little Laela girl is sick again which is just cruel, so we continue to stay inside. My mom asked me the other day if I’m feeling any cabin fever, and I could honestly say that I haven’t felt tat way. Not shut in or unable to venture out. I just haven’t needed to. However, I told her that the one thing about being inside so much that was bugging me was not seeing our house build.

Today, I was finally able to lay my eyes on the beautiful house that will soon be all ours!! Brady came home, and helped me get everyone dressed and ready and out the door. They were very excited when we told them we were going to see the house again.

When we did get to our lot, Brady and I walked around our house in awe. Once we had a good fill, we FINALLY got the chance to haul the kids inside and let them see their house. They were SO excited!


So was I, frankly. There was a bit of hysterical laughter turned ugly cry.

Our master suite!!
Our master suite!!

I cannot BELIEVE that this house is actually ours. And in these rough stages, I can already imagine how its going to look, and how conducive it will be to our family.

Changes since last photo update:  ROOF SHEETING Entrance landing Entrance overhang Interior stairs Bundles of shingles
Changes since last photo update:
Entrance landing
Entrance overhang
Interior stairs
Bundles of shingles
Main living space towards the back of the house. Pantry in the corner there, door out to the back deck on the left.
Main living space towards the back of the house. Pantry in the corner there, door out to the back deck on the left.
Aaaaand the living space towards the front of the house. Big front window, stairs down to the entrance, and stairs up to our master suite!
Aaaaand the living space towards the front of the house. Big front window, stairs down to the entrance, and stairs up to our master suite!
This won't translate particularly well thru a picture but this is our master suite!! Our big beautiful window, an enormous closet that is almost as big as our fantastic en suite! Just wait until you can see pictures of all of those things!!!!!
This won’t translate particularly well thru a picture but this is our master suite!! Our big beautiful window, an enormous closet that is almost as big as our fantastic en suite! Just wait until you can see pictures of all of those things!!!!!

*deep sigh*


We are truly blessed.


It can’t be! Its not ALLOWED! Laela and Rowan both have runny noses!!!!! If we all get sick again, I’m truly not sure how I will handle the next two months. We CANNOT be six for the next six weeks. I don’t want to overreact, but I’m pretty spooked, as we’re all just recovering from the last blow of sickness.

That being said, we had lots of happy, playful moments in the day, but it seemed as though the bad attitudes were determined to win, and the kids struggled. Especially Dekker, which leads me to believe he could be feeling under the weather as well. Its a scary thought.

While the kids napped, my mom made she and I a delicious lunch, and we finished up a movie we had started the other day. We spent good time resting and discussing more housing details. She is a wealth of understanding, and a fantastic sounding board. After an afternoon chat, I feel so much better about so many little aspects of our impending move(s) and some extra confidence I didn’t have before. My mom is a rockstar, if you haven’t figured that out by now.

The kids are now down, which is a treat, because there were just so many tears this evening. I think it was hard for everyone. Dekker is so expressive, and I am so thankful that he can cry and say “Mommy, I’m sad!” I’ve always just said that Dekker’s volume knob is stuck on max, and that continues to be true, which is hard for me when we’re in a somewhat stressful time of life and I’m feeling low. But clearly, he is as well, and I definitely can sympathize. Poor kid. I hope they rest well.

28 Weeks!

Helllllooooo third trimester!! I know some people would say 27 weeks was already the beginning of the third trimester, but I figured I’d just wait and confidently say it today 🙂 Eek! I can’t believe we’re already at this point!

I had a prenatal appointment today that, of course, I messed up the time for. My mom had offered to watch Dekker and Laela, which was a HUGE help, especially when I picked Brady up, hauled he and Rowan to our appointment an entire hour early. Yes, I blame my unborn baby, and what he has done to my mind, or lack thereof. The struggle is most definitely real. The positive side is that this mistake bought me and Brady a coffee date in the mid-morning, which never happens. It was special and out of the ordinary. When we did head back to my appointment, my doctors were running behind, so we had a bit more time to kill, but it was nice to have some downtime.

We eventually got into our room and waited for our student doctor. I think its safe to say that Brady and I connected with her better than we have in the past. We had smooth conversation, which was good, because I had a decent amount to talk about with her!

The biggest change in the last month or so is that I can tell the baby has grown A LOT. Specifically in the last week, I can tell I’ve gotten considerably bigger. Its harder to roll over, sit up, zip up my coat, things like that. I have felt WAY larger the last few days. Also, my reflux is kicking my butt and I’ve started taking the meds for it that I was given in my last pregnancy. Thank goodness I have some leftover! Other than those things, I’ve had a lot of cramping, which is fairly unremarkable, but a lot like what the beginning of my labour feels like, so its kind of nerve wracking for me. So there was nothing of real concern to discuss, but a few things just to touch on.

Just for a point of reference for those who may not know, one way they measure me is from my pubic bone to the top of my uterus. However many centimetres it shows often corresponds with the number of weeks along I am. Its not a big deal that its exactly correct, but it shows consistent growth even, which is important. In the last four weeks, however, I have gone from 23cms to juuust over 30cms! So that is a pretty big jump, as I suspected. No one is worried, but if I have another super jump in size at my next appointment, we’ll order an ultrasound to make sure fluid levels are still looking right. I haven’t gained too much weight in the last four weeks either, so who knows. Another thing I learned today is that my hemoglobin has dropped a bit lower than they’d like, so I need to go get my iron tested.  I didn’t go today, since I had already stolen more of Brady’s morning than expected. Also, because today I also consented to having my whooping cough TDAP shot topped up. That was one big needle poke, and it was enough for one day. I’ll check for iron soon though. Want to keep my blood where it belongs.

Our appointment ended well, with Dr. Guselle around as well, asking about all of the kids and how we were all doing with our sicknesses. We told her that we had to leave our last rental, had moved to my parents, were moving again for April 1st, and again when our house is finally built. Oy. She kind of teased us for biting off more than we could chew, which we fully agreed with. We had some laughs, and our estrogen wildly outweighed Brady and Rowan’s testosterone, but the boys are good natured, and we all had a funny last few minutes, laughing at the antics of living with your parents/in-laws, with all of our kids, in our situation.

We left after booking our next two appointments. Four weeks until the next one, and then it goes to two-week intervals for a few appointments, and then once a week until the day!! My goodness, thinking of it that way, its coming SO SOON.

I drove home to my mom and kids playing in the living room, with grilled cheese sandwiches made and ready to be popped into the oven. Needless to say, its been a pretty decent day! The weather isn’t great but I’m staying in for the rest of the day! Hopefully Jerilee makes it out here safe for the evening!!