Anywho, onto the bulk of the post! Friday felt like Saturday, and I’m not sure what today felt like, but it definitely didn’t feel like a Saturday. I brought the kids (and myself) over to spend the day with my parents while Brady did his first day of finishing on our house!!! It was very exciting to know he was starting his work, and as I feel like I keep saying, it made everything feel more real.

There isn’t a ton to show for his work today, as the bulk of it was prepping jambs and machining doors. Subfloor also went in where tile will be laid down. Monday afternoon, hopefully he’ll get all of the doors hung, and then Tuesday should be all of the shelving!!! Our walk in closet is going to be SO exciting!!! I can’t wait to see all of the closets built. I bet they’re already aching to fulfill their duties of holding my clothes. As much as I’m loving having half of my clothes living on a drying rack in my living room, somehow I feel like a closet that is made to fit them will be even a tad bit better 😉
While he worked, the kids and I hung out with my parents. We ate a lot and played a lot and watched a little bit of tv when the kids began to fade. Rowan had a great nap, and so did my dad. When Brady was done working, we all drove over and we all walked through it. My parents haven’t seen it in person since they had just put in the insulation, so seeing it all drywalled, primed, with a poured basement was a whole new world. The kids hadn’t seen it for quite a while either, so they were very happy to get a good look at it too. Then we all headed back to my parents place and had a super yummy supper! They always feed us so well.
After tidying dishes and toys, we headed home. I’ve had some pretty wicked body pain today so while I wasn’t required to do anything strenuous today, its still nice to be home and in bed.
In bed, but just for a few more minutes. Brady and I will continue cabinet building this evening, and every evening until we’re done. We finished up the island cabinets last night, and I’m SO excited!!! They look awesome, and now that we know how they go together, its getting quicker and easier and way more fun. By the time Brady has assembled the actual cabinet box, and installed all of the tracks, I have the drawers mostly built (I’m usually a little bit behind, but its close) and we can slide the drawers right in. Everything runs so smoothly and the soft close is a dream. I’m really anticipating our new kitchen.