Breaking Up the Day

This is going to be a strange week for us. Not only are we settling in to living at another new place, but Brady is gone into the evenings at our previous rental, cleaning and repacking us. Its a lot of work, and the kids don’t see him between him leaving work and them going to bed. Its hard, and they miss him.

Today, I was so thankful to have a play date lined up with Kim and her boys! I brought the kids and myself over in our jammies (because we’re super formal like that) and we spent a chunk of the morning and afternoon together. It was SO nice to be around friends, of course, but also to break up the day a bit and do something we don’t do every single day. Does that make sense? I sure hope so. I feel like I’m not articulating things well these days. I’m trying!

I dragged the kids to see the house three times to today!! Before going to Kims, on our way home after leaving Kims, and then once again later in the evening. Because our schedule with Brady sucks for the kids so badly, we headed into the city right after our day with Kims family and met Brady at a Wendys for supper. We ate in the van (obviously didn’t think the “going out in jammies” thing through) and chatted with Brady. It was SO good for the kids to see their daddy again. They miss him, and ask about him a lot in the day. Nice to get the whole fam together again. I won’t say they were hungryΒ immediately upon arriving, but once they woke up, they ate well πŸ˜‰


We checked the house on our way home from the city, so I could take pictures without the framers staring at me in my sweats. Of course, my phone is FULL and I could only muster one picture, so here’s a brief explanation of what I saw today without any real photographic evidence.


The trusses above the garage are up! The floor of our above-garage master suite is sheeted, and the walls have begun to go up! As you can see, both side walls and the back wall are on! Earlier in the day, I saw two other crews on site. One was installing the meter to read our electrical, and the other was there to dig and run some other electrical lines. I might not have the specific details, because I don’t know them, but it was exciting to see all of the reflective onesies and so many different crews getting their jobs done!

My dad is on the road for a day or two, and my mom was out with a friend this evening, so the kids and I had the house to ourselves, which was nice, but different. Feels weird to be at grandma and grandpa’s alone. BUT it worked out. The kids played, and watched some Paw Patrol, Rowan drank some milk, and they went to bed well.


Nine days out of ten, this is what their relationship looks like. She loves him so much, she can hardly handle herself. Its SO wonderful to see!! This particular event started as Laela watching Rowan as he climbed the stairs, making sure he didn’t fall. When he decided not to climb them this time, and sat back down on his haunches, she apparently overcome with gratitude that he stayed close to her. I love them.


This picture is actually a very special one to me. I know some of you will see it upside down and thats ok. Ro was all tucked into the chair, having his bottle, and for the first time EVER, he held his own bottle. I know, he’s a year old. He should probably be done on the bottle soon enough, and he’s only holding it now?? I know, I know, it seems behind. But consider the reflux issue. He has HATED his bottle for the majority of his life. This is an enormous milestone for us. Even if he never ever holds it again, I did not have to force this bottle, nor have I had to fight for a bottle for quite some time. But I am SO relieved that he is well again!

So today was good πŸ™‚ I was nervous initially, but it was the perfect day, with the right number of events and just the right amount of busyness.

Last House, New Rental House, and NEW House

Thanks, everyone, for your care and concern about yesterdays post. Yes, we are moving again. I’m not going to go into any details whatsoever but I will say there is absolutely no ill will between us and the people who rented to us last! I like to think our relationship hasn’t suffered much at all, but that life circumstances happen, and sometimes plans just have to change πŸ™‚ All is well on that home front.

I’ll also say that we have been inquiring about and viewing a number of places in the last couple of days alone. We have seen some great places, and then some others that we know just won’t suit our group. We’ve been turned down by a small handful of places due to the size of our family, but I’d rather that than go to an appointment and have it be painfully clear that we’re too many people right away. Why waste the time? Anyway, we have hope that there will be another place for us soon.

In the interim, though, its nice to be back at my parents. Its definitely an adjustment for all of us, as one would expect, but its a familiar place that the kids love, that Brady and I feel relaxed in, and that is within a two minute drive of our build!! Eek!


This is how it looked today!!! The back and front peaks are on, and all of the trusses that were stacked in front of the house are now up on top, ready for action!! I’m thinking they’ll happen tomorrow πŸ˜€ VERY exciting! I took this picture and a couple of others before getting back into my van and driving away. But I drove back almost immediately after noticing that the garage was really really dark.


This is why!!! Those will not only be the obvious, and hold up the roof, but they will also be the floor of the master suite!!! Eek!!!!! I cannot WAIT to see our room come together! I want to actually see it in person, walk around it, get excited to have a haven with a big closet and a kick-ass en suite. I am SO excited!

So Brady is working hard at the last house we lived in, the next rental is still up in the air, which is comforting, as that is precisely where my great God’s hands are, and the new build is looking mighty fine!! I still feel like we’re in limbo, because we are, but I feel like we are also very blessed, and well taken care of, even in our unbelief and in a time of such unpredictability. We’re going to make it. We are GOING to get to our home, and its going to be sooner than it feels, I just know it.

For the Next While

So much has changed recently, and its not a secret that we’re feeling overdone. I am SO thankful that Brady has had the days off that he has recently, but today, a bunch of things changed and reality hits again!

We’ve relocated to my parents place for the next little while. We just moved into their place today, and the kids are thrilled! Brady and I are so comfortable here, and its actually been interesting this evening, to see how differently we respond. I feel surprisingly upbeat and energized, while Brady is wiped right out. Its ok, though. We understand each other, and I think we’re working with each other’s differences πŸ™‚

This morning was really busy. Laela had an eye appointment that she was incredibly uncooperative for, but once Dr. Rubab broke out the princesses and the tootsie rolls, we got enough information to know confidently that Laela does not have a prescription, and that her eyes are straight and working together!!! I’ll take it! Right after her appointment, we grabbed some lunch, and the kids ate while we drove back to our acreage. We put them down for a nap, and Brady and began the big process of organizing and packing up for the next little while.

We arrived at my parents around supper time, and my dad helped Brady unload the van. My mom served us an amazing supper of sweet and sour sausage on rice, and while the kids were skeptical (they love their food very plain) they both ate a good sized serving of the meal and then had some other sides without complaint. I think it kicked off our stay here very well!!

Tomorrow, life begins again, and Brady heads back to work. But we shall see how it all rolls out.Β I think he’s feeling ready to get back into the swing of things, and to a degree, I am too. We could really use some normalcy around here, and we haven’t had any in what feels like a very very long time. Hopefully our time here will help a little πŸ™‚

“Back at it” Sunday

Today was a very special Sunday. My parents shared the testimony of their marriage as the message in church, so obviously, we really wanted to go and support them in that. It was our first Sunday back in an incredibly long time, so it felt really really good to be back and see everyone. We were a minute or two late but lots of people were still arriving, and it wasn’t too terribly full, so the bench where we always used to seat ourselves was open and waiting. The kids are pretty out of practice with church, so they were chatty and we spent most of the morning shushing them, but the woman sitting in front of us was incredibly understanding and reassured us that she works with kids and that our kids whispers weren’t bothering her in the slightest.

After my parents shared, there was a time for anyone who cared to share to speak up and address the church. This is a lovely common practice that our church does every single week, where people can share exciting news, what they’re learning, or struggles and prayer requests. I stood up to share with everyone where we were and some of the things we’ve been struggling through, and let’s be honest. I blubbered through it. The congregation was SO supportive and responsive to the things I said, and Brady and I immediately felt encouraged and cared for.

After the service, not only did a large group of people come around my parents and pray with them, but many people came to Brady and I to offer information, encouragement, and prayers. Church is hard for us to get to these days, yet we felt surprisingly comfortable and relaxed being back, rather than stressed and kind of scattered like I expected to feel.

The whole day felt the same way. We felt comfortable, and rested. We haven’t spent time with my parents in WEEKS, which is completely out of the norm for us. The kids were thrilled to be back playing at their house, and Brady and I were SO happy to be spending the day again. It was a fabulous afternoon and evening of food and visiting and playing and reading stories and the kids showing off all of their new words and skills and telling all of their stories. It was wonderful, and we’re going back tomorrow!

Tomorrow evening, I mean. Laela has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow morning (just routine) and then we have a full afternoon. I’m SO thankful that Brady has had a few days off around this weekend, because we have a TON going on right now, which we’ll talk more about soon. Just continue to keep us in your prayers, if you’d like, and we’ll just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

Anyone Else??

Who is getting bored of my downer posts? *raises hand* I AM! Hopefully they are almost done for. We’re working hard for positivity over here, and I hope you can hear/see it soon!

I drove to Dollarama this morning to pick up a few things for the day. Some cleaning supplies, as well as a toy for each kid, as they all need pick me ups, and we rarely buy them toys or things like that when we’re out running errands. It was set up to be just a nice quick outing for myself, but it was set off by a serious of embarrassing dizzy spells that I could have done without. I will say that I was in control of the situation, as much as one can be. I didn’t wait to faint, but when I got super duper dizzy and was seeing black, I sat down, got myself together, before getting up and moving on again. Thoroughly embarrassing to sit down in the middle of an aisle, and then again right by the cashier, and then right outside the doors, but it was either that or fall flat on my face. I got everything in order and waited before driving home, but while laying in my van, trying to get blood where it needed to go, I was kind of sad as I realized that not one person offered to help me or asked if I was ok, even. I assure you, I was NOT doing this for attention. Not for a second. But it was weird that no one asked :/ C’mon, people. Help your fellow man when he falls. It may look like sitting down, but it might be a very gentle fall.

I made it home safe and spent a bit of time with the family before the kids napped and Brady and I rested up. We had a pretty anxious night, so we were feeling ragged and needed the rest. We got the kids up and headed out for a scheduled outing at 2:30. When we made it back from that, we gave the kids their toys, and I sat downstairs with them and we watched Paw Patrol while Brady did a bunch of cleaning that, unfortunately, I am not able to help with :/ He was a great sport about it, though, and did it happily while I dozed in and out of sleep, surrounded by my three kids whom I love more than life. This sickness has been a beast. I have never ever been this tired in my entire life.

We had a bit of a later supper before tucking the kids into bed. Now, Brady is making supper for us while I do this, and then most likely doze some more until its ready. I want to be stronger than this tomorrow, so we can actually go to church for the first time in a LONG time, and spend some time with my parents again. Its been a long time coming, and we don’t want to miss them again!!

Please don’t stop praying for us! We need a reprieve. Getting desperate over here.

Interior Walls, You Say?

After naps this afternoon, we headed out to run some errands as a family. Just quick ones. A quick stop in at Superstore, renewing the van insurance, picking up free coffees from McDonalds, and then Costco. I was really really proud of the kids at Costco. They were super adorable and listened really well.Β We recently learned that Costco gives out free cookies to the little kids at the bakery like Superstore does. When we went over to that area, Dekker waited for the person to come with the tongs, and then asked if he could please have a cookie. She was very happy to oblige, and gave him one. As always, I try to get Laela to ask for herself, just to practice her manners and talking to new people. I picked her up and said “What do you say?” to her, and she smiled all huge and perfect and asked “Tookie please?” So she also got one. And even Rowan did πŸ™‚ It still blows me away that he’s big enough to have his own cookie! Eek! So the kids were cute, and did an awesome job.

We ducked back into the city to grab some fast food supper, and then headed back out to go see our house! I love not calling it “the lot” anymore. “The house” is SO much nicer! And guys, they have been BUSY!!!



This picture shows the whole place-ish. The garage now has walls, which is SUPER exciting!! Side walls and the front wall are up, and there is an inside doorway to our entrance, as well as the door into our backyard. The heap of materials in front of the garage are the roof trusses, which will go up likely on Monday, and then probably our room will get done! Our master suite is above the garage, hence it being the last to arrive.

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This is the best way to show the next part, though it doesn’tΒ really show anything in detail. But we have interior walls!!! We have two kids bedrooms with closets, a main bathroom, and a linen closet framed in.


Aaaaand a pantry, which I am clearly a little bit too excited for πŸ™‚ (Forgive the lack of makeup!! I haven’t worn any since we all got so sick!) I loved having a pantry in our Radisson house. This one won’t be as big, but I don’t care. I am SO excited just to see part of my kitchen framed!

This was easily the best part of our day. The kids were excited to be back at the house, even though they obviously still only get to see it from the van. I can just see the wheels in Dekker’s head turning as we explain to him what will come next and what each part is. I can just tell that he is going to love every part of the building process. He already is. And Laela loves everything that Dekker loves, so she is super into the build as well.

It was good seeing the kids so happy today πŸ™‚ Tomorrow we have a brief afternoon outing planned as well, but otherwise, its going to be a BIG laundry day! Happy Saturday, everyone!

Glucose Test #4

Being that I am 26 weeks along in my pregnancy, its right around this point in time that I go in for my glucose testing. If you don’t know, it tests your blood glucose levels and can determine if I have gestational diabetes. Don’t worry, I don’t. I mean, I have no results back or anything, but I never do, and I would be fairly surprised if I turned out with it! That being said, I have my huge babies, and that is a common thread amongst women who do have gestational diabetes, so I don’t fight the test. Its just a nuisance because you have to wait a whole hour at the blood clinic!! Its ok, though, like I said, I don’t mind it that much.

I wasn’t the smartest cookie, however, and I ate some ice cream cake after lunch. This was the last thing I ate before venturing to the clinic. However, I had a few hours to spare in there so hopefully I’m good to go!

Do you know how sometimes, after having blood taken, you can get a super nasty looking gash on your arm? Like a larger than life type of bruise? Well, I did a bit of shopping after my test, and thought it was strange just how sore my arm was. I don’t much care for having blood taken, but even I know it doesn’t hurt that long at all! Once I got back home, I checked my arm, and sure enough, something gnarly and purple is growing under my skin, making me look like a intravenous drug user. I’m not one, don’t worry.

I did some Value Village shopping and got the kids some clothes before coming home. Brady spent the afternoon fussing with taxes a bit, which I greatly appreciate! Now, we’re going to have some delicious homemade breakfast sandwiches and call it a night! I hope you’re all doing well today. I really enjoyed my outing and am feeling a bit better than the last few days. And tomorrow will be good too!! A bit more errand running, this time with everyone, and going to see our house again! I can’t wait!

We’ve Got Stuff

Its so hard to know how to blog these days. I’m sure a good handful of you think I’m just fully losing it in my life, and I want to reassure you that I’m not. Keep in mind that there may be stuff going on in our life that I don’t make public on here. In our current life, there is a lot that I haven’t made public, and those are the things that are bringing me down pretty far. Because of this, its really really hard to know what to write, what to blow past, what to share, etc. And while you’re reading and thinking I’m being suuuper negative, know how hard I work every single day to share positives and different perspectives. We are working our butts off over here to stay positive.

I wanted to clarify that because yesterday especially, I was at some of my lowest moments. I felt like I was just ready to break. Everything yesterday made me cry. I was a flat out disaster. Today, I worked hard from first thing in the morning on to have a better attitude and to make the day better, even just for the kids and not myself. And you know what? Its paid off. We haven’t had the most seamless day ever, but I don’t expect perfection. They’ve just been happier, more cuddly, and they’ve all played better together. They’ve shared more, without prompting sometimes even. Laela is a much more willing sharer in our daily life, but today, Dekker is doing what he can to make her happy because of how happy its making me. We’re all learning and figuring, and I’m constantly amazed how my kids continue to thrive in such hard circumstances. They are rockstars.

Since all of the sickness has been through our house, we’re all still very tired and dragging most of the time. The one pro from this is that we all rest at the same time. I love this quiet time. It leaves me time to do this, doze in bed a bit, watch YouTube, and currently, eat popcorn twists. I’m going to take that relaxing time now, and hope that none of you think I’m insane. Thanks for your love and concern. We’ll get this all together soon enough.

Finding a Positive

Today was one of those silly days where I found it almost impossible to turn my tears off once they had started. It was in the mid-afternoon that my mom sent me a picture of how our house was looking. It was the biggest positive thing I had seen all day. Of course, it made me cry just thinking about it. We knew we needed to go see it in person. So we did! Once Brady got home, we dressed everyone and headed out the door. It wasn’t long before we were at our place!



It was SO surreal walking through OUR house! I may have cried. It is just truly unreal to see how much has happened and while there is still lots to do, its incredible to see how far into the process they already are!! I can’t wait to be able to walk through it when its more than just a shell with no roof. This was amazing, though. I have not a single complaint about how its all looking today. Not one.

We left down and hit up Walmart for some quick grocery shopping. The kids love Walmart. They love shopping. Because of our stop, we ate supper pretty late at home, but they were happy kids to have had an outing. Before bed, I asked Dekker and Laela what their favorite parts of today were. Dekker said he liked going shopping at the store, and Laela clarified “Ya, mart mart.” Dekker asked Brady and I for our favorite parts and we both agreed that seeing the house had been the highlight of the day. Then they went to bed, and I phone dated with my mom while Brady fed Rowan some milk.

Now, we rest. We are tired and down trodden, but working hard to find positives each day. I just wonder where the point is that we peter out. I feel like we’re dangerously close to reaching it. As always, prayers are appreciated.

Not Meant to Be

We had an event or two up today and I had high hopes of posting some great positives things this evening, hence the lack of day blogging. However, I am feeling incredibly discouraged at the moment and I fear I won’t be able to squeeze out any positivity this evening. So instead, I want to thank my mom for sending some delicious turkey broth our way the other way.It really hit the spot for me this evening, and the kids loved the grilled cheese sandwiches that went along with it.

Thats all you’re getting for today. I hope you’ve all had a happy Monday and that you continue smiling this week. God isΒ always good. Hold onto that, even if you have nothing else.Β Especially if you have nothing else.