Errands. Twice.

We had a relaxed day planned. Brady had a chiro appointment in the mid morning, and we had decided to all go in together, and then hit up Value Village afterwards for a few things. I sorted through the kids clothes a couple of days ago finally and was able to see what they actually need and don’t need. So I had a few things in mind that we could shop for. We walked out spending about $60, and for that, we bought Dekker a pair of jeans and two shirts, Laela some rubber boots, three shirts, and a dress, the new baby a jean jacket for summer time, Brady about five work shirts, and a purse for myself. I’d call it a very successful haul.

As we made our non-plan for the day, a number of other places crossed our minds that we needed to hit up, but they completely fell out of our minds until later that day. We had eaten lunch and put Rowan down for a nap, and while we were watching a movie this afternoon, I started remembering all of the places we had forgotten to go! It was then that we decided I’d go run another series of errands on my own.

It was SO nice to get out and about a bit by myself!! I went to so many places, got through them efficiently, and only bought the things I was intending to buy. I listened to music I loved and had windows open, despite the cold wind. I just felt good being out. Its a hard feeling to explain. I LOVE shopping with my kids, truly, but it was refreshing to just run into place after place for one thing, and not spent 70% of the outing putting people in and out of car seats. The ONE place that I bought one or two things that weren’t necessities was at Dollarama. We kept a few things packed that we use regularly in the kitchen, so instead of digging like crazy through all of our boxes looking for small things, I just snagged a few at Dollarama. An apple slicer, and some cutting boards, to be exact. As I was heading to the line, I thought of one last idea that I’d been tossing around for a while, and I decided to go get the kids their own lip chapsticks. They had some cute girly ones with princesses but the boys one was something that Dekker would know nothing about, so I opted for just regular Blistex. Mint for Dekker and cherry for Laela. Or if you were to ask them, green for Dekker and pink for Laela. Our kids LOVE putting on “lip fuff” and sometimes they accidentally massacre ours, or sometimes we don’t like them to share if we (or they) are sick. So I “splurged” and got them each their own.

I felt really good coming home to my happy family. The kids had eaten MASSIVE amounts over supper, which is awesome, and Brady had been on the phone a couple of times with our mortgage lady, and had really positive news to share from their conversations, so that was another pick me up for sure. The kids were even more pumped about their chapsticks than I had expected, and everyone seemed really upbeat. They were a very pleasant group to come home to.

Now the kids are tucked in, and Brady and I are cuddling in for a relaxed evening of quiet. Tomorrow will be a big laundry day, and hopefully we’ll get a few more things organized and unpacked around here. But until then, there will be coffee and Netflix.


I had planned to blog in the day while Brady was away doing some warranty work this afternoon, but I’m SO glad I didn’t! It was a very rocky day for us around here, and the post would have been really sad. Honestly, I’ve blogged about days like before, and you guys have always been more than supportive, but I just didn’t want to write a mournful post about how terribly I had failed. So I decided to wait and blog this evening. If nothing else, it would give me a little bit of room from the hardship that was the morning and afternoon, and would possibly offer a fresh perspective.

What did come from waiting, however, was a very exciting, eventful evening, which I am MUCH happier to tell you about! Brady and I attended an evening at the elementary school that Dekker will be attending in the fall, and learned about what we could do as parents to help prepare our kids for school. I was able to leave Dekker and Laela with my mom for the evening, but as she’s not really allowed to lift over a certain weight, Rowan came with us. Childcare was offered at the school, which was lovely, and the girls babysitting were really excited to have a little one around among the group of older children they were watching. We’ve never left Ro in a childcare setting before, and the moment he was distracted, we left the room. We stood in the hallway for a minute and after hearing no crying, we headed into the library and grabbed a table. We sat with some people we knew, and grabbed some refreshments while we waited for everything to start. It was very nostalgic for me to sit in the library and reminisce. I used to attend that very school as a student, and while not too terribly much has changed, I know I’ll have a lot to relearn, even just about classrooms switching around. While they didn’t recognize me, I saw a couple of familiar teachers, and that alone made me feel comfortable. I know my kids will be taught by excellent teachers.

I won’t break into details too terribly much, but hearing about what is expected of us as parents, of Dekker as a student, and how we can start preparing him was SO much fun! It made me really really excited! Of all of the things we discussed, I could pick out Dekker’s strengths and weaknesses, if you can call them that. I was able to pinpoint the places where he might struggle a bit more, but that doesn’t mean he’s not “ready,” but rather that I know where we’ll need to focus on with helping him prepare.

I won’t gab forever about little vague thoughts, but I am VERY happy to learn that the kindergarten teacher, occupational therapist, speech therapist, and principal, who we all met this evening, have the same idea as I do about what kindergarten should look like. There will be gentle pushes and lots of learning, but they won’t be on their own. The teachers are eager to help and teach and PLAY with the kids! They want to teach our kids through the things THEY are interested in. They want our kids to be able to be with their friends. I really left this evening feeling like they wanted our kids to love school. I really want them too, as well. I have high hopes.

When we went to collect Rowan, he was sitting on a girls lap, on a chair, watching a movie. She noticed us right away and brought him over. He was totally calm, though happy to see us. As Brady got Rowans shoes and coat on, I asked how he had done. The two girls nearby gushed about how much they loved him. They said he was the funniest, happiest baby ever. They said he laughed the whole time. “We’d show him his feet, and he’s laugh. He’d touch his forehead, and laugh.” They all seemed pretty smitten with him, and truthfully, he was making eyes at them too. He seemed quite enamoured. As we left the room, the girl who had been cuddling with him said to her friends “THAT was so much fun!” Warmed my heart that he did so well.

Now, we’re home, and after such a crazy day, the kids had a fabulous, happy bedtime, which was a HUGE relief to me. I love those kids. Completely, over the moon, in la-la-love with them! They are all truly exceptional.

Update on the Littles

Its important for me to intentionally note how my kids are adjusting to things once in a while. With all of these moves, I’ve expected some regression in them. This isn’t meant to give them less credit, or like I think they are less capable, but I haven’t expected them to thrive as much as they would if we were more rooted. I have been pleasantly surprised along the way, seeing very little regression in any of them! Yes, we’ve had some behavioural stuff come up, which I expected with their routines being so out of whack for so long. But I’m very pleased to report that they are continuing to thrive and grow even better in our current place. Brady and I agreed yesterday that we actually feel more at home in this rental than we did in our last few months in the house we had owned for the last seven years. We are finally comfortable, which I’m sure helps the kids as well.

I am finally seeing Dekker picking up on some of things we have desperately been trying to teach him over the last few months. These things include sharing lovingly with his siblings, helping with things without always being asked, and not panicking the second someone else breaks a rule. He still doesn’t prefer to share, but once in a while, he’ll offer Laela his toy when he’s done with it, if he knows she had wanted it before. He shares easier with Rowan, but Ro is still easier to overthrow 😉 That will come, I’m sure. He often sets the kids spots at the table before a meal, and he’s caught on really well to what things Rowan actually needs and what I just use of mine to share with him. This evening, he went to grab the kids milk out of the fridge, but it was a brand new jug, and he was struggling to get it out of the door. I told him as soon as I saw that it was totally fine, and I’d come get it in just a minute, but he insisted on helping more, and carried my skim milk to the table instead. Lastly, rather than immediately ratting Laela out every time she does something he thinks she shouldn’t, or yelling at her, he’s started to explain to her why she’s not supposed to do whatever it is. Then, if she doesn’t listen to him, he comes running to tell on her, of course. But he’s getting there, and I’m thrilled to see it!!

Laela is just talking a mile a minute these days! I know, she’s 2.5, and it makes sense for her to be chatty, but I’ve realized recently why I’m so blown away by this! At 2.5, Dekker was just starting to really form words. While lots of kids have different sounds that mean different things, or they’ll use made up words, Dekker never did. He didn’t want to say a word until he had it pretty close to perfect. So his words came slower. Laela, on the other hand, tries EVERY word. And because of this, she communicates beautifully! My mom finally got to come see our place today, and I was in awe as I watched her go from room to room and point out everything we owned by name! It was pretty crazy, as I really had no concept of just how many words she knew that I wasn’t even aware of. She understands everything. I constantly mix her up for an older child. But she is just growing and changing and helping. If Dekker has a question, she often knows the answer.

Rowan is also changing like crazy. He’s been crawling for a while now, and I figured he’d start walking while we were staying at my parents. He started standing on his own a bit there, but he didn’t walk. I felt a bit bummed that he hadn’t progressed as I had thought, and I assumed that yet another move would only set that back a bit further. (For the record, I’m not worried about him being “late” to walk, I just thought it was going to happen at my parents place.) However, being here and feeling how we feel, I’m very confident it will come soon enough. It is warm and comfortable here. We don’t have to worry about him breaking something that isn’t ours, or being rough with someone elses furniture, or knocking things over. Its just our stuff. He can do whatever he wants, as our life is pretty kid friendly. He has mastered the stairs completely. While we ALWAYS still walk right close to him, he is able to go up and down tall flights of stairs now, confidently. He communicates pretty well, pointing and grabbing for things. He says “ya” and “no” and “wow” and a few other words. Its not every single time, but we can tell its intentional. Sometimes he shakes his head “no” also. We can usually figure out what he wants. I couldn’t quite understand him not too long ago, but I can tell we’re getting better at that with each other. He is constantly changing and I’m so very smitten with him. He’s definitely my “boy band” kid.

So there you have it. Another update about the kidlets and how they’re doing life all together. We sure love them a lot, and they show us lots of love in return.

Feeling very thankful for my crew.

Eye Updates for Dekker

Dekker had an appointment to have his eyes checked today. Usually we bring the whole crew, but he opted to wake the entire house this morning before 7:00, which meant that his two younger siblings would be in fairly desperate need of a nap right at his appointment time, around 1:00pm. So for the first time ever, Brady and Dekker just went together, and I stayed back while Laela and Rowan napped. I had a nice quiet rest time, where I lay in bed, watched YouTube, and ate chocolate, while Brady struggled a bit.

I got text updates along the way, and got the impression that the first chunk of the appointment hadn’t gone especially well. That part is the bulk of the actual testing, where Dekker is supposed to answer lots of questions, play games, look through different lenses and glasses, and whatever else they try, in order to get as much information as possible about how much/little/close/far/clearly he can see. He’s usually a bit twitchy in there to begin with, but the orthoptists have always been very understanding. One even said to me once “We don’t expect full cooperation. We’re putting them in a dark room and interrogating them. They don’t like it anymore than we would.” True fact!

Because Dekker hadn’t cooperated, he had to get eye drops put in to dilate his eyes. I think I explain it every time, but in case someone doesn’t know, they do this so that his doctor can look deeper inside and behind his eyes, to get at least a little bit more information. Basically, the drops rarely need to happen if the kid cooperates. I can’t wait until Dekker figures out that connection, but for now, it just has to happen this way.

I was thrilled to find out that Dekker had done remarkably better with Dr. Rubab in the second chunk of his appointment! I’m so glad he likes her and feels comfortable with her. He still isn’t fond of the tests, but she does almost all of the same exercises as the orthoptists and he cooperates much better with her.

When Brady got home with Dekker, I got more details about what happened, and I’m really really glad I did.

Apparently the orthoptist was one we had never had before, and she was brand new and in training. I have ZERO issue with people in training, and I’m not trying to rag on her for being new. I know people have to learn, and I respect that, but I am under the impression that she was clearly frustrated with Dekker and wasn’t hiding her annoyance well at all. In the past, they’ll encourage Dekker to play games that are the kids equivalent to reading the letters across the room, but its with shapes. Dekker usually plays it for a bit but tires of it sooner than they’d ideally want. Apparently this person just harped away on him, and would not just switch games! When she finally did, she tried exercises that I remember only ever doing as an older child, as in well into elementary school. Once all was said and done in orthoptics, it had been almost an hour. So while I wish Dekker had cooperated better, I also understand why he was frustrated with it all.

Dr. Rubab won, though. She remembers Dekker, and they have a good thing going. She played the shapes game with him, shone lights into his light-sensitive eyes, and made conversation with him. Right off the hop, she had even asked him if he still liked cars. He replied that he sort of liked cars still, like he liked Paw Patrol better, and based off of that question alone, Dr. Rubab was able to converse with him that much better! Knowing a kids interests is huge, and I really appreciate her taking the time to learn about him.

As for his results, she says his eyes have in fact improved! Lots of people with eyes like his (and mine) are given the hope to grow out of their prescription altogether. I was also, but never did, and thats fine. I’m not too worried about him either. However, that improvement is what we’re working towards. She said he’s not quite as improved as she was hoping he would be, but that he is still improving. If we were currently hoping to replace his glasses, his prescription would maybe be a half point higher, but that there is no need to get new lenses for such a small change. He has 20/50 vision. I have no idea what mine is, but based on our prescriptions, mine is definitely higher than his and I can see pretty perfectly without my glasses, so I have zero worries about his vision 🙂

While it doesn’t seem like it was the smoothest appointment ever, I’m happy with the general results. Very glad we got him in and seen, and that Dr. Rubab is so great with him. He’ll go in again right before SCHOOL STARTS!!! Feeling very “twilight zoney” about that…

Things That Go According to Plan and Things That Don’t

I really have to say, today could not have gone smoother!!! It was wonderful for SO many reasons!!!

Reason #1. We picked up a microwave AND a Keurig from friends who had extra appliances laying around! I am so thankful they reached out to us and offered, since we have a great coffee maker packed waaay deep into our storage container, and our house has a built in microwave. Our friends saved us a lot of money. Thanks again, guys!

Reason #2. We got all three kids new shoes today! We finally found the box of footwear that isn’t winter boots, and no one fit anything! I’m sure we have Dekker’s old shoes somewhere for Rowan, but they are likely packed away as well, because they were nowhere in sight. Dekker and Rowan got matching velcro skater shoes, while Laela complained about shoe shopping the entire time!! She was so picky and hated everything, until she finally liked a pair of cute little slip on Toms-esque shoes. So everyone was happy by the end 😉


Reason #3. We went to see our house today. We weren’t going to, since as far as we knew, all that was supposed to happen today was continuing siding and the drywall was due to be delivered. However, when the site guy called Brady to give him some dates for things in the upcoming month, he said they were already boarding the place! We couldn’t NOT go see it, so we drove out and came right as the boarders were taking a break. Perfectly timed for Brady and I to duck in and see our house looking like a whole entire HOUSE. With walls, and a ceiling, and not being able to see through closets or anything. It was incredible to walk into a room and to fully be able to picture the size it is without any distortion or any hesitation. What an exciting time it is! (Sorry, no pictures of that yet. Felt weird with the trades all milling around, haha!)

Reason #4. When we got home, we sent all three kids up into the loft, secured the baby gate, and they played completely happily while Brady and I got some stuff done. I like having the kids around when I work, don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect things to get done at warp speed. But with that loft, I so desire that my kids have a safe, happy place to play toys, and that is exactly how its worked out. They LOVE it up there, they’ve been playing really well, I hear lots of good sharing going on, and meanwhile, I could get their clothes organized and hung/folded/put away where they all belong.

Reason #5. Branching off of reason #4, organizing the kids clothes revealed that Laela has one tshirt, and about three tank tops. This is awesome because it means I can justify buying some new tops for her! I’m SO careful not to overshop for her, because its so easy, but now I know what she needs, and that makes me happy 🙂

Reason #6: My kids are GORGEOUS!!

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Laela is super vogue in this picture, but she was posing like me after we took a belly shot. Speaking of which…

IMG_1807My belly never gets pointy like this until the VERY end of my pregnancy!!! Eek! How is this happening so early?! (See Rowan on the stairs? He is constantly crawling up and backing down these stairs. Practice makes perfect! It also makes mommy and daddy do the stairs A LOT.)

Now, to throw in the one not-so-smooth part of the day, we broke our new Keurig Rivo this evening. We bought one while living at my parents and have saved it for this place. When we opened it up, one of the cups from the handful they give you was missing. Huh. We decided it was probably just a little factory error and that it didn’t matter much in the big picture. I pulled out the manual and made the mistake of opening it. Several long, thick dark hairs fell from the book. Upon not a whole lot more of an inspection, it became clear that this machine was definitely used and returned. Not only was it used and incomplete and dirty, but it was also possibly unsatisfactory, hence the return. Sooooo thankfully, Brady drove it back and exchanged it for a hair-free, complete model! We might save trying it for tomorrow 😉 But I’m glad the whole situation was rectified!

All in all, its been a wonderful day. I really couldn’t have asked for more! Tomorrow, Dekker goes to see Dr. Rubab for a routine check up, and that is all we have scheduled! Should be another relaxed day of playing toys and settling in! Tho I am pleased to say we are incredibly settled here. We are happy, and relaxed, and restful. Thank you, Lord.

Settled, Again

We have arrived safely at our rental, which we lovingly refer to as “the cabin.” Before we got here, though, we spent last night at my parents, and attended church this morning. Rowan slept through the entire service. The kids were cute. (And possibly upside down. Sorry, folks!)

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After church, we toured everyone through the build again. My parents hadn’t seen it since it was insulated, so it feels like an entirely new place! It was so thrilling to walk through it again, honestly. I never get tired of it. I had someone comment to us the other day that our house was moving so slowly, and I actually laughed out loud, thinking they were being sarcastic. Guys, its been less than two months since ground has been broken. TONS has been done! I suppose anyone can think what they want, but this has been an incredibly fast paced build, especially considering the weather. Thank you Lord for a gentle winter.

We had lunch with my parents before we started the mad pack of the freezer and fridge stuff to take with us, as well as our bedding and a few other miscellaneous things. It took a bit longer than expected, which shouldn’t be unexpected at all at this point, since it seems to always happen, haha! But we did finally manage to get on the road around 4:00pm. The kids had never seen the cabin before today, so we were curious how they would react.

I thank the Lord, because the kids LOVE it here! It is unlike anywhere we’ve ever lived before, and they are ALL over it. They were comfortable immediately. We toured them around, and they were content to play and explore while we got supper ready and the freezer stuff unpacked and organized. They liked having some of their old familiar stuff lying around too. The couch is back, the dining table is back, and best of all, their TOYS are back!!! We have a beautiful loft that is carpeted and short with a big window at the one side. We took all of the toys that they received at Christmas that they haven’t been able to crack into, and put them up in the loft. I predict they will spend hours upon hours playing in that loft, as will I, because it is amazing. We had lots of playtime and some rest as well.

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The kids are comfortable, and so are Brady and I.

Bedtime was a little bit hard, but mostly because the kids are excited and riled up, as one would expect for a first night. It wasn’t the smoothest, routined bedtime, of course, and once Dekker and Laela were both in jammies and had prayed, this happened.

IMG_1797They snuggled into Dekker’s bed together, and we heard them each say that they liked the other. It was music to my ears. I’m glad they were cozy. I can’t wait until we can actually leave them in a bed for sleepovers!

Rowan went down right afterwards, and he was also happy and comfy.

IMG_1799He’s still wide awake, lol, but terribly cute, so its allowed.

Now, after a bit of a hectic day, Brady and I going to find supper and settle down for the night. Our first night here. I’m very very hopeful that we will be able to find peace and comfort here for the next two or three months. This is SUCH an answer to prayer for us!!! Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers. They have truly been felt.

The Second Last Move…

After all of the work Brady put in on Friday, and the hauling of furniture and organizing done by Brady, my dad, a group of fantastic friends, and myself (a little, anyway) we are as good as moved into hopefully the second last house we will live in! I feel incredibly hopeful and confident that this place will suit us well until our home is built and ready for us. The order of the day went like this:

Brady, my dad, and I left the house at 8:00am. Willa had arrived shortly before that to spend the day with my mom and the kids, which was WONDERFUL to know we’d have the entire day to move, kid free. My dad drove the truck and trailer, Brady drove the truck we had borrowed yesterday, and I drove the van, which was loaded down with all of our clothing and a few other little things. We met a couple guys at our storage container and sifted through the front half of it or so, pulling out furniture we’d need. Our last rental was furnished and this one is not, so we needed to pull beds, dressers, dining table, etc., out of storage. We found just about everything we were looking for, as well as a few things I didn’t think we’d be lucky enough to find! I found the tub of clothing that Rowan has just grown into, so now I dont have to buy him an entire new wardrobe. And I found a tub of clothes that were too big on Laela when we moved, so thats pretty perfect, as she’s currently sizing up as well. I found a few things for a newborn, considering we could very well still be renting when the baby is born, such as the teeny clothes, bouncy chair, etc. It was a very successful trip!

We all drove over to the rental and everyone began hauling furniture in right away. The guys who came to help could only stay for a couple of hours, so we put them through the heaviest parts of it. Our big couch ALMOST didn’t fit through the doors! But once all of the big things were in, they were gone. I was SO pleased when Jerilee and Hailey came!! Not only for moral support, but they hauled as many boxes as the next guy. They helped me organize my life and get things where they needed to go. We were all pooched by lunch, and the pizza didn’t perk us up as much as I was expecting. Unfortunately, my hips were in rough shape, despite my wearing the handibelt all morning, so I sat and delegated. I’ll be honest. It felt SO weird and uncomfortable to me to tell my really really good friends what to do. Passing them boxes and sending them to do laps. But they are some of the best people I know, and they were so normal about it that I didn’t have to feel awkward for long.

When I finally gave out for the day, I discovered my massive pregnancy pillow was already laid out on my bed!!! I went to lay in it, and Jerilee and Hailey came with me. We all sat/lay on the bed and talked about all of the moves and the exciting things to come. It felt weirdly comforting having my friends tour through the house and agree with me that it is going to be a good fit for us. I really really want it to be, and I believe that it will be too! It was hugely encouraging. What a great, productive day!

Speaking of productivity, we also ordered our cabinets today!!! I’m so so so excited about that!! They are scheduled to be here in less than two weeks time, and I’m super looking forward to assembling them with Brady in our basement while I inevitably force him to watch pregnant movies with me. Its ok, he knows its coming. I make him watch the same handful of movies in every pregnancy. It just happens.

With the day being so big and wonderful, we are wiped right out. WIPED. We watched a movie with my parents, and now its time for bed. I am too tired to even have a snack, and you guys who have read for a while now understand that is a pretty serious situation for me. But its definitely bedtime. I hope you guys had as wonderful (but maybe less busy) of a Saturday as we did!!!

The Day Brady Never Stopped Working

I’m starting this post at 9:05pm. Brady has been working since about 9:00am this morning. That doesn’t include the hours he put in yesterday unloading his van and packing it full of boxes from the basement. The events of today went as follows:

Brady drove into the city to pick up keys.
Keys acquired.
Brady meets up with cable/internet installer.
Cable guy does his thing for 1.5-ish hours while Brady does laps from his van to the house.
Entire van load of boxes is properly dispersed through the rental house.
Cable guy leaves.
Brady drives a few blocks and borrows a truck from a loving, willing friend.
Brady buys lunch.
Brady drives by the build and witnesses siding guy pulling off old siding and replacing it as he goes.
Brady and Hailey and mom celebrate!
Brady and Hailey and mom eat junior bacon cheeseburgers.
Brady hooks the truck up to the trailer that has been living in the driveway all through March.
Brady drives to the city and unloads the entire 15′ trailer BY HIMSELF.
Brady drives home for a 7:15pm supper.
Around 8:00pm, Brady begins to haul the rest of our stuff out of the basement and gradually loads it into the truck and our van.
Now, at 9:15pm, he is still doing laps.

My husband, how I love you. How I WISH I could help you. How sorry I am that I sat almost all day while you worked so hard. How I appreciate you more than I can say, though I really really do try!

My husband wins. Everything. Always.

We love you, Brady. Thank you for all you do for us.

The Inevitability of Mistakes

Brady and I ducked out today while the kids were napping to go see the house. Don’t worry, my mom was home while we were out. We wanted to see if the basement was insulated, and I wanted to see it in person, since its been a little while since I’ve been inside.

The on the main floor was 99% done yesterday, but Brady had forgotten to check the basement. Whether it was done yesterday or not, the entire house is fully insulated and polyed! The basement is tarped off, and there is a giant heater down there, thawing the ground so plumbing can be dug in and down the line, the basement can be poured. I can’t wait!!! While I’m reasonably fond of the rocks, I’d much prefer concrete in the future 😉 As Brady has told me yesterday, the house feels entirely different with the insulation!! Its quieter, and warmer, and not as echoey! MUCH more like a house and less like a shell that will turn into a house. I like it a LOT.

We did have one tough situation with our new house build today, and that is actually with the siding color. The siding has been making its way up onto the walls for a few days now, and I’ve been suspicious that the shade of grey was off. I’ve mentioned it a few times, but just kind of casually. Today, I really came to terms with the fact that I genuinely thought it was different than the color we had picked. I asked Brady seriously about it, and he took me very seriously. The color they are putting up is a lovely smokey grey. I LOVE that color of grey pretty much everywhere! But the big goal of this house is that we want it light. Very light. Everything about it. We compared some of the pictures we had taken of our house to some of the home we had used as our color guide, and they looked fairly different. But the lighting was also different. So Brady drove back to our house and took close up shots of the siding, far away shots, as well as the name on the box. Then he drove straight into the city and once again, took close up and far away shots of the siding we had asked for. SUCH a difference!

Brady took on the undesirable job of getting in touch with our builder and letting him know the situation. And this is why I LOVE our home builder. He got in touch with the siding company right off the hop and arranged for the siding to be removed starting tomorrow. No blame was placed, no fingers pointed, and we are getting the color we originally asked for!!! Mistakes are inevitable. It would be impossible to get every single thing perfect. I am completely thrilled that our builder is so willing to correct the mistake on their end and keep the process moving as quickly as possible. A large part of me really doesn’t like putting people out AT ALL, but the other part of me is incredibly thankful that we’re getting our original color after all. Big win for just about everyone.

We had a yummy supper to celebrate our success, and ended off the evening with a serious business dog pile between me and the kids. Now, Brady is doing some laps and hauling stuff into his van for the first load of moving tomorrow. He’s meeting our landlords and our internet hookup guy in the morning, so he’s getting some of the stuff transferred there already then. My mom is seeming to be organizing papers and doing some stuff on the computer. And I’m blogging, obviously, and anticipating some YouTube soon. Looks like a relaxing night after a somewhat stressful afternoon. Thank goodness that is over!

House Progress Through the Rain

I spontaneously tagged along with my mom on an errand afternoon today! Brady stayed home and got TONS of calling done in regards to our house decisions, our rental, etc. I am SO grateful to him for the amount of work he puts in without a complaint. He is a top notch husband!

My mom and I galavanted all over the city, and accomplished every single thing on our list. It was a huge success, and my body waited until the very very end before even showing signs of soreness or fatigue. I was vey thankful for that! As much as I try to power through things, because I WANT to be out and about, I know I have limits these days. Thankfully, I wasn’t too terribly limited today 🙂

When we got back to town, we drove to see the house, and I’ll admit that I was a bit disappointed. Not a whole lot of progress had happened with the shingling since yesterday. Very little, in fact. Still, we pulled up in front of the house and opened the window up to take a picture of the progress that there was, and I heard music. Through the glare on the living room window, we could barely see inside the house, but someone was still working in there! I loved seeing that, because almost everyone calls it at 4:59, but it was after 5:00 and whoever was in there was still up on ladders and moving quickly, from what we could see. Sadly, I didn’t have our key on me, the door was locked, and the music was blasting, so I didn’t get to go check out the inside, but Brady ducked out a couple of hours later to go check the progress.

I was THRILLED to learn that the vast majority of the house is insulated!!! The entire upstairs is done, minus a few little pieces that still need poly. Brady admitted that he forgot to check the basement, so I’m not sure if thats done or not, but if the one guy working there could do the entire upstairs in one day, the basement will be a piece of cake!!! I’m sooooo excited about all of this! I hope siding picks up a bit, but weather is weather. Its all wrapped in vapour barrier, and the roof is shingled, so nothing is stopping the progress inside. The next step is drywall, which feels incredibly surreal to me. Drywall. As in, walls. Walls that make rooms. That are part of the actual HOUSE! I know, I know, I sound crazy. But seriously, I am completely loving this entire process, and seeing it all come together.

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We are certainly blessed to be able to build such a lovely home <3