We had a busy night of tar poops and cluster feeding, but Solly gave us a nice stretch right at the end of the night. I got three consecutive hours before I woke up and was just awake for the day. I heard Dekker and Rowan were awake, so I got them up and we had some breakfast, just me and the big boys. Brady slept for a little bit longer, but surfaced soon enough and we began making calls for the day. Laela slept in for another good hour, and Solly even longer. It was nice, and while I like it when my kids do things all together, it was actually kind of nice to break up breakfast and get some good face time with everyone individually. No complaints there!
Without going into anything in too much detail, we had some pretty ridiculous mix ups with our lawyer (who wasn’t actually our lawyer, long story) yesterday. We found out there were problems, and were already getting calls on our way home from the hospital. We started getting calls on it again this morning RIGHT at 8:00am. After a lot of figuring and calls back and fourth, the mix up was figured out and we were able to set up all of the necessary appointments. We eventually bumped the lawyer to tomorrow, though, as today was already full.
We spent the morning making and taking calls, and Willa arrived to save our butts right around noon. Rowan had just gone down for a nap, and she stayed at the house while we took the others out. We dropped Dekker and Laela at my parents to play with my mom and their cousins, and we took Solly to the final walk through of our home!! We had no idea what to expect, as we had heard walk throughs take several hours, or they take 20 minutes. We didn’t know! But I am SO thrilled to say that the house is PERFECT! I am completely blown away by how corners were NOT cut, how PRECISE everything is, and how LITTLE, if anything, was compromised on. We combed through that house, top to bottom, and it is flawless. We are blown away. Part of the walk through was making sure everything was pretty. It was. Part of it was telling us just how many times they had patched and painted, patched and painted, patched and painted, to make it just that perfect. Part of it was learning about all of the mechanical stuff, which I am super grateful for. Again, no compromises there. Even in our basement, in the furnace room, it is tidy, all lined up and straight forward, and clean. It is at the BEST starting point EVER! We happily signed our lives away, shook hands all around, and accepted the house! Once tomorrow happens, we’ll meet up with our builder one last time to retrieve the keys! Some money just has to change hands before that happens 😉 but tomorrow, it will officially be OURS!
How cool is this?? The drawing from before the house was a reality, to TODAY. And WOW, were they accurate!!!!! Sure looks bang on to me!
We ducked by Kim’s quickly after seeing the house so she could get her hands on Solly 🙂 It was short lived but lovely!
Aren’t they both so pretty??
We stopped at my parents to grab the big kids, and quickly fed Solly and changed him before we headed home. The big kids were trashed, and slept the whole drive home. It was peaceful, and made me feel like today had truly been great. I was so relieved to just be able to go home and spend the evening resting like I know I’m supposed to be doing.
We were greeted at home by Rowan and Willa, hanging in the backyard. They had a FULL afternoon together, and both looked happy and content. Rowan had clearly loved the one on one attention, and I think I can safely say that Willa did too 🙂 They seemed to have a VERY good thing going. Made my heart happy. It was, of course, after she left that we realized our dishes were done, floors were swept, and just how much work she actually did in our backyard flowerbeds. We owe you one, Willa. At LEAST one!
We spent the evening cuddling a LOT with the kids, making the specific effort to get face time with all of them separately. Its really worth putting in that extra effort, because it shows in their demeanours that they feel more appreciated and noticed. They are truly all exceptional kids, and I need to remember just how much we’re putting them through. While its all wonderful stuff, they’re all very big changes, and they’re bound to struggle. I struggle! Why shouldn’t they? I would say they are doing incredibly well considering 🙂
Brady is putting the finishing touches on bedtime, and I think after that, we are DONE for the day! Not “done” in a bad way at all, but done with calls, organizing, working, etc. We need a little bit of downtime. So we’ll feed Solly and see what his evening plan is, then eat some supper, probably have a little soak in the tub, and REST! It sounds pretty much perfect for me, and I know it’ll help my moms heart to know I’m putting my feet up a little 😉
So, the legit countdown is ON.