Shortest countdown ever, I know. But realistically speaking, we’ve been counting down for 115 days. We were just unaware exactly what number to start on. Actually actually, Brady and I have been counting down for roughly four years. This has been an immense day. IMMENSE.
We kicked off the morning by getting ourselves dressed and ready to run around. We left Solly in jammies, and just barely got the big kids breakfast before Willa arrived to save our butts, yet again. She comes so ready, with snacks and plans and toys and SO much grandma love! She also came with a husband who ducked in, congratulated us on Solomon, and promptly headed outside to mow our lawn. This family, though. They are top notch.
We left pretty quickly after they arrived, and rushed downtown to meet with our lawyer. She had managed to pull everything together for us in incredible time, and it was time to sign the papers to officially accept the house, the mortgage, the responsibility, basically. I remember doing that for our last house, and how our lawyer made jokes about “signing our lives away.” It was funny and nerve wracking and exciting and ominous all at once, and we were happy to do it. And honestly, guys, this was BETTER. She was quick and professional, but totally positive. Nothing felt ominous, or scary. She pointed out all of the positives, and everything was just quick and painless. I loved that. I told her that she made me feel at ease, and thanked her for all of the work she had rushed in order to get this happening on time for us. She was a rockstar, because she also got us out the door in time to make it to our next appointment.

Because Solly was less than 24 hours old when we left the hospital, he hadn’t had this one particular test done. Its a bloodtest to check for all kinds of big, scary things, and it involves basically milking a decent amount of blood from his heels and filling in five circles on a paper they have that gets sent away to get tested. With our other kids, it takes FOREVER, tons of tears, and two bloodied feet. Its hard to watch, even though you know the kids won’t remember it, and its for their own good. Its still hard to see them hurt. It had to get done, and today was the day. We arrived just a few minutes before our time slot, and a nurse greeted us and took us right in. She was super friendly, very approving of us, our large family, our new son, his name, the list went on. Haha! It was refreshing, honestly. She was nice 🙂 She first asked all about me, and how I was feeling, did I have any questions, how was I coping, etc. It was nice, and I actually felt like she wanted to know, and less like it was all routine. I assured her I was feeling good in spirit and emotion, but that today was my pain day, when just everything hurts. I always have one a few days post, and today has been that day, but I assured her I’m confident all is in order, and I’m just sore, as I should be. She then asked about Brady, and made sure his emotions and state of mind was stable. Once it was established that he and I are both in good shape, she went on to ask questions about our Solomon. We answered as much as we knew, and handed him over for what we didn’t. I was SO pleased with the results of everything!! While we obviously don’t know anything about his blood test yet, he did great!! He only cried a bit towards the end of it, but it was SO much quicker than previous kids! While it sounds a bit awful, he bled really nicely, and she said he was really well hydrated. He pooped while we were there, and she snagged him to weigh and change him for us. She said his poops were exactly where they should be, also showing he was feeding well. And when she weighed him, she was pleased to tell us he was already gaining back the little weight that he dropped in the hospital! I don’t remember exactly what he dropped to in hospital, but he is currently 10 lbs even, so not long from now, he’ll be nicely back up by his birth weight, I have zero doubt. He loves his milk, and drinks beautifully! So our appointment felt good. Affirming and positive.
We left and decided to take a few extra minutes before going home. We were encouraged to go find a park to neck in 😉 but opted for a breakfast date. We hit up the Tim Hortons across the road from our rental house for breakfast sandwiches. Brady added a few extra yummy things to that order, and we enjoyed a date, just us and the newbie. It was a really nice way to end our morning of rushing around, running errands.

Hahaha! Almost got those pictures pieced together perfectly, lol!
We got home to see our happy kids playing with new toys while grandma Willa prepared lunch. It was a pretty lovely sight, I won’t lie. She has sure blessed us with her willingness and what I believe to be a genuine desire to be with our family! The kids love her too 🙂 And AGAIN, she did our dishes, and who even knows what else! Thank you again, Willa. We love you!
After lunch, Rowan went down for a nap and very soon afterwards, we got a super exciting text!!

Our builder had heard from our lawyers, and it was time to get the keeeeeys!!! Of course, we didn’t waste a moment. We woke Ro and loaded everyone into the van and headed to meet our builder at his house.

(And because all you can see of Solomon is his feet in the top left corner…)

We met he and his wife outside, and had a really nice visit!! They are an incredible couple with a funny dynamic, and they both were SO happy to hear just how thrilled we were with the house! I know that people have to sell their product and everything, but they spoke very highly of our house and how it turned out. And I can’t blame them, because we sure think highly of our house too, and of how smooth the process was. Remember the posts I put up on here about the days that weren’t smooth because something had gone awry with the build? There were two. Two. Sooooo it was incredible, and we would HIGHLY recommend KW Homes to anyone looking to build! So once again, we shook hands all around, grabbed the keys, and raced our van HOME!!!

We had no big plans at the house today. None at all. But we wanted to go and show the kids that it was finally done. All the way done, as Dekker would say. It seemed to take a while for that to sink in, but it wasn’t long before everyone was feeling more comfortable.

Rowan and Dekker both pooped at the house today. Sooooo I guess its definitely ours now!
Dekker says he loves the whole house, but if I had to say, I’d guess his favorite part is the closets. He and Laela both love hiding in them. I’ll watch them close themselves inside a closet, hear them quietly count to ten, and then explode out and yell “SURPRISE!” Laela would tell you her favorite part of the new house is the toilets. I asked her if she’d maybe start peeing in the toilet at the new house, and she wholeheartedly agreed! So we’ll see how that goes! Rowan can’t say a whole lot just yet, but I’d guess that he either likes the stairs or the cabinets best. Though not the drawer cabinets. Just the door ones. He got his fingers pinched multiples times, and its only the first day. Poor dude.
We hung around the house for a while, but soon, we began to pay the price for waking Rowan up from his nap, and decided it was time to go. The kids were a bit sad to leave, but I think they understand very clearly whats going on, and they accepted one last night in the cabin before getting to live at our new house. They’re great kids.
We had a delicious supper of pancakes, breakfast sausage, and watermelon. Then the kids played a little bit before it was bedtime. Now, they’re cashed out and Brady is out and about, picking up a truck and trailer set up, and bringing a few things to the house in preparation for tomorrow. Toilet paper, soap, hand towels, etc. Just so that we can have people moving through our house and to have it actually functioning. I’m just blogging and Solly is wide awake, so we’ll see what I all accomplish this evening, but I’ll probably keep my feet up for most of it. Thats the rules, I hear, and on an achy day such as this one, I would love to follow those rules.
Tomorrow is the big move! Eek!! Please, anyone with even the smallest big of curiosity, feel free to drop by and see the place! You MUST throw one box if you come 😉 but its a small price to pay! Come celebrate this amazing time of our life with us!!!
Three………. Two……….