How the Day Filled Up

All this week, I was anticipating Thursday, because I was eager to talk to my doctor. Its always nice to have the all-clear postpartum for me, to hear that Solly is thriving, and to just catch back up in general. Since that was all yesterday, I didn’t have too much on my plate for today. The one event on the calendar was a Bachelorette date with Jerilee in the evening. That is always a really lovely, low key date filled with trashy tv, visiting, and good food. I never have to prep much of anything in advance, and I never feel like my house needs to look perfect or anything. Jerilee is family, and she always will be. So my plan was to putter a little bit in the day, with no big goals at all, and then have Jerilee over in the evening.

First thing in the morning, I got a text from a friend saying she would be in town today to pick a few things up, and wondered if I would be up for a visit. I accepted happily right away! I love hanging out with her and her son, and we see each other so rarely. It was pretty perfect timing. We talked times, and figured we’d see each other around 11:00am. Probably about five minutes after we had discussed this, I got yet another text from another friend asking if I would mind a quick morning coffee date. Of course not! I would LOVE that!! So I threw my hair up in a ponytail and began my day with awesome anticipation for it all to play out!

Kim dropped by with Ellijah while my kids were still having breakfast. We drank lattes and she fed Solly his bottle. It was really nice. Kim and I usually text quite a bit throughout the day, but with her husband currently on holidays, they’re busier, and we’ve heard and seen less of each other than usual. It was really nice to get some time this morning.

When she headed home to be with her family, I hung with the kids and chopped some veggies and ran a neglected load of laundry through a second time (which will need a third run, thanks to my continued neglect) while I waited for Nicole to arrive. She came right on time, with her son in tow. Once again, we had a really nice visit! I don’t see them too terribly often, as we live a decent ways apart, but I was SO happy she reached out and got in touch today! She carried Solly around for me while I got lunch set up, which was a life saver because he was somewhat out of sorts. He often has a bit of a growly spell in the early afternoon, so the extra pair of hands was really really nice! They headed out mid-afternoon, and the house seemed to get very quiet. But then Rowan got up from his nap and everything was loud again 😉

Brady was expecting today to run long and to have to work for sure a half day this Saturday, but we were pleasantly surprised when he finished EARLY today!!! Granted, he went to a chiro appointment and to Home Depot on his way home, so he still arrived home at a fairly normal time, but I’m so happy he won’t need to go to work tomorrow 😀 Woot! He came home late afternoon, and by that time, the kids were in fairly rough shape. Brady sent me upstairs to take a rest, both from the kids, and to do an exercise or two recommended to me by my physiotherapist. Ladies, apparently laying on your back with your legs in a butterfly position is pretty much magical for our bodies! So do that! Anyway, I took my break, and then came down to help with supper.

The kids ate at the table while I fed Solly in the living room a few feet away. Unfortunately, it was a rough time for Laela especially, and she was eventually plucked from the table and put to bed early. Dekker and Rowan were doing a bit better, so at least Dekker seemed to feel pretty great about “staying up a bit,” even though he wasn’t actually staying up late at all. Jerilee arrived between the Laela being put to bed and the boys going down, so Laela missed her this time :/ Oh well, there will be other Bachelorette dates. The boys went down without a fuss, right on time, which is also a treat,.

We had big delicious tuna melt bagels for supper, and salted caramel cupcakes. My gosh, I could have eaten fifteen more of those. Except even right now, I can tell I’m completely stuffed, still. So delicious tho!

It is officially late enough that I’d rather be sleeping than blogging, so off I go! Tomorrow I’ll be ducking out briefly in the afternoon for a coffee and shopping date with Kim, but thats all thats on the docket! However, that can change at the drop of a text 😉 It was a really really nice day today! Thank you, friends, for making the effort to come over and be in our lives! I love you all SO MUCH.

Hailey and Solly at Seven Weeks Out

Solomon and I went to see our doctor for our six (but actually seven) week check up. I’ve been anticipating it for a while, honestly. Its not like I feel worry going into it, but I really like getting the all clear that he’s doing good, and that I’m doing good. Reassurance goes a long way.

Solly is the most important so we’ll start with him. He slept through most of his appointment, which was nice. He weighs 14 lbs 3 oz, which is pretty awesome if you ask me! He is a solid 24.5″ tall. In both height and weight, he’s rocking the 97th percentile, and his head is in the 99.9th percentile! Hahaha! I haven’t heard those stats since we had Dekker 🙂 He is THRIVING, which is always great to hear. My doctor is always so soft with our kids, and commented on his soft, chubby arms with all of his sweet little folds. She is such a mommy. She was happy with everything she saw and heard about him, so I guess he checks out! All is right in the world of Solly.

As for me, she went over all of the specifics of my recovery, starting with that blasted muscle pain I’ve been fighting with. I went over with her what my physiotherapist had said and the direction we were going in with my treatment. I didn’t go into too much detail about that appointment because where was a lot swirling around in my head, and it was too much to condense when I was still trying to put it all in order in my head, but basically we’re going with the idea that my pain is coming from tension in my body, stemmed from a handful of things. My pregnancy with Solly was by far the most painful, and I’ve since learned to observe my body’s actions differently, and there are muscles that I NEVER let go of, that are always tightened. Even in the last few days, I have seen improvement as I’ve periodically taken stock of my muscles and relaxed the ones that are unnecessarily tightened. Dr. Guselle was very much in agreement with that. While I have always felt her support, I was caught off guard by her today. She was so very encouraging about the whole mess, and seemed to really want to instil confidence. She assured me that learning this information now and possibly making a few small changes will greatly improve my mobility and health through future pregnancies. I told her how frustrated I was with the age old “every pregnancy will be worse than the last” idea, and she reassured me that it actually doesn’t have to be this way. She never once made me feel silly or selfish for having my babies so close together, but rather said that I was on the right track and that she suspects future pregnancies could be considerably more comfortable than the last ones. I felt very empowered and positive in todays appointment.

We had come to the appointment as a family, but Brady had taken the three older kids out fairly early, because they were just too loud. Not doing anything wrong, but just being busy. Its a lot of people in one exam room 😉 When they left, Dr. Guselle commented on how well behaved they are, and how the staff comments on us almost every time we’re through. I love that they feel that way about the kids. I laughed and said “even when they bang on the walls and ride the rolly chair across the room?” She just laughed at me and said she would never be brave enough to bring all of her kids into a situation like that. She said we’re doing an excellent job. I’m sure many of you can understand how special it is to hear that, especially from someone who doesn’t owe you anything beyond “You’re healthy, see you in a couple of months.” But I shouldn’t be surprised. She always leaves me feeling uplifted. I don’t think there are too many doctors out there like her.

When I got back to the van, Brady had driven to a nearby Starbucks and picked me up my favorite drink, so that was a lovely surprise 🙂 But alas, he headed back to work and I drove home with half of my crew sleeping in the back. I mulled over my appointment pretty much the whole time, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m in good shape. I don’t mean like fitness wise, but in the other, more important ways. I’m not struggling very hard with feeling blue, and when I do have blue days, its rarely based around the kids. On a surface level, I’m physically healed very well. Stitches out, uterus a normal size, cervix closed, muscles attached, etc. And for the first time ever, I’m taking more control of my postpartum care and seeking out additional help to ensure that my body can hold up to the rest of my life circumstances.

I feel good today. I love going to the doctor! Hahaha!

Peace of Lack Thereof

Today was not the smoothest morning for our family. Solly woke up in a pool of milk that he had clearly thrown up earlier in the night. It broke my heart to see SO MUCH of it surrounding his body, with the bottom half of his face crusted over. Being the ill-prepared mother that I am, I didn’t have an extra sleeper in our room for him, and it was far too early to duck into Laela’s room to retrieve any of his clothing. I grabbed a spare receiving blanket that we keep in the diaper bag, undressed the little dude, and we just had some lovely skin time to keep him nice and warm, and in turn, to settle his tummy a little. We obviously dosed off together a little, but while he is by far our snuggliest baby, he doesn’t appreciate the sweat aspect of skin time, and became uncomfortable after twenty minutes or so. I swaddled him all up in his blanket and we slept a little more.


When it was time to get the big ones, it just seemed like everyone got off on the wrong foot. Dekker was arguing almost constantly with all of us. I even heard him rudely chastise Rowan, which is almost unheard of for him. Laela was the peach of the group, trying to pacify everyone around her. Her sharing was on point, and she followed all of Dekker’s orders perfectly. But the moment she hesitated at all, all hell broke loose and she would SCREAM! Not like throw a fit, but its like her warning alarm. DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! I don’t blame her for having one, but that shriek is piercing! Rowan also did a lot of screaming today, but he screams when he is feeling any kind of “out of sorts.” Sore gums equal screaming. Fatigue equals screaming. Hunger equals screaming. Sitting at the floor staring at the wall equals screaming. I anticipate the day when he knows more than five words. Communication makes things SO much easier!

This all being said, they had their moments.


Its good to remember that they love each other, even if it only really showed for a minute or two today. They’re all exceptional kids.

Rowan was napping by 11:00am, and Solly was sleeping around the same time, so I got the kids some muffins and bananas and sat them in front of the tv to regroup a little bit. I used that time to get ready for the rest of the day.

Because we are suckers for punishment, Brady and I opted to head to the city in the evening. We had only a few errands to run, but some were important, and some were just things we had been putting off and forgetting about. Unfortunately, Brady arrived home to a bit of a mad house. I think at least two of the kids were crying upon his arrival. At least. I was trying to feed Solly, but the activity around us was terribly distracting, and he was struggling a little bit. However, to my credit, I was ready, everyone was dressed, and the diaper bag was packed! We just needed to load everyone up! This was done amongst many tears, but it was done nonetheless. Usually lunch and a brain break helps everyone regroup, but MAN it didn’t today! Yikes!

We hit up Starbucks first and foremost 🙂 I am LOVING the vanilla sweet cream cold brew these days, so I grabbed that, along with a big hazelnut coffee syrup that was on sale. Woot! From there, we stopped off at a friends house to drop something off, and then headed for supper. We grabbed some food at Wendy’s, but Solly was TICKED, so we drove and ate so he could sleep.

Walmart was the win of the day. Our kids love Walmart. And especially today, so did we. We bought a vacuum and new pillows! That might not seem super exciting to anyone else but we’re sure happy! We snagged a couple of other cosmeticish things we keep forgetting and we were done! The entire time we were in Walmart, everyone was happy and cooperative. Except Solly, I suppose, because he pooped while I carried him. Not cool, dude.

We filled up the van with gas, and headed home. From pulling into the garage to getting into bed, they all cried. I couldn’t tell you why today was such a brutal day for them, but my goodness, it was! However, every day I am given with my family is a great one! God is good.

Playgrounds and Sunshine

The kids and I headed to the playground this morning to meet up with a friend and her kids to play. One of hers is going into kindergarten this next year with Dekker, so we thought it would be nice to get them together to add another familiar face to the mix of all of the new kids they’re going to meet. Also, both boys are pretty shy, so the more dates with classmates the better!

I have to say that actually getting ready in the morning felt great! I don’t often “get ready” beyond putting on stretchy pants and deodorant. Not that I did a whole lot else, but I put my hair up and got dressed in presentable clothing. I packed up the diaper bag, fed and dressed everyone, and we walked to the park.

So its not the easiest to go for a walk just the five of us. Solly and Ro are in the double stroller, and Laela and Dekker walk. Its a fine set up, but Laela moves pretty slowly. (Cue my family commenting on how I was the exact same way.) So it took a solid half hour to get to the park, even though we live just a couple of blocks away. But when we got there, the kids were happy and entertained. Our friend showed up very soon after we did, and that just added to the fun. Dekker and his new friend were a bit shy of each other, but they warmed up WAY faster than I thought! They even ran off to some other playground equipment a little ways off together. It was really good to see! Laela was right in there, happy to play and try whatever the boys were trying, following closely behind for the most part. Rowan got tired and hot really quickly, and asked to be back in the stroller. So he sat in his spot under the shade and ate a fruit bar. Solly slept pretty much the whole time, with very little need for anything other than the occasional push of the stroller.

I really enjoyed getting reacquainted with my friend as well. It had been a really long time since we’d spent time together, and so much has changed in our lives. As I feel like I say a LOT, I LOVE living here, so much closer to my friends and family. I know its possible to stay in touch when you live further away, but this is so much nicer, and more personal. What a blessing it is to finally live here. Like I’ve said a handful of times, our address is finally here, but we’ve lived in this town for YEARS. Our hearts have sure been here anyway.


The date is over, the kids are SO warm, and everyone is worn out and happy. Brady will be home relatively soon, and I’ve been able to get a handful of small things done here at home. Since I’m less afraid of the pain I’ve been having, I’ve lessened my dose of medication, and so far I’m not suffering too hard. I’m not feeling 100% but I’m trying to remember some of what I learned in physio yesterday and take note of what my body is doing, and see if maybe I’m worsening my pain myself. Its nice to have a few other ideas.

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The sweat heads and I will sign off now 🙂 I hope you’re all enjoying your Tuesday!

Physio: First Round

My much-anticipated physiotherapy appointment was this morning at 11:20. I took the time to actually get ready, and then I chatted with my sister on the phone while I drove in. It was a really nice preface to the appointment. When my physiotherapist came to pluck me from the waiting room, she was very apologetic about running behind. All five minutes behind. I assured her it was more than fine, and the appointment started very well 🙂

There is a LOT to process, so I probably won’t go into everything too terribly much. I absorbed a ton of information and ideas, and I loved our conversation and her perspective on whats going on inside of me. She and I think a lot alike. I left with a list of things to think about and work on over the next week and a half, and a date and time for our next meeting.

What I really really liked about todays appointment is that she didn’t give me a long list of jobs, exercises, or pressures. The biggest thing I’m supposed to work on is self awareness. Multiple times a day, I need to take note of how I’m doing certain things, how I’m holding my muscles, and where I’m carrying tension. I TOTALLY agree with this direction of treatment. In my appointment, she was also able to reassure me about a number of things, and put a positive light on just about everything. There was no shame, blame, or negativity. Just life circumstances, and encouragement.

I left with a lot to think about, but I’m not overwhelmed at all. We just have a starting point. Some ideas, some directions, and a few things to assess along the way. I’m very much anticipating these days between appointments, seeing what comes of them, and learning new ways to cope and eventually recover. I think its closer than I thought. Maybe its not, but I feel that encouraged. Now that I have a general idea of where this pain is rooted, I’m considerably less afraid of it. WIN!

Quick Visit

Bradys parents dropped by on Friday on their way to a family reunion. Today, on their way back, they planned to stop by for a bit as well! The morning had been a bit rough on me, however. I woke up with chest pain, I was shivering, and nauseous. Solly had also woken up VERY sad with a tummy ache. He and I found some peace with each other after a while, and got a bit more sleep. Thank you, Brady for taking some pictures for me <3


We eventually woke up feeling a little bit better, and got the day going. We knew Bradys parents would arrive in the mid to late afternoon, and we just had a handful of things to get done before they came. I pulled some laundry out of the dryer and put it away. Brady bathed the kids. I got supper in the slow cooker and got the rest of it organized. Brady wiped down the bathrooms. We both did dishes, fed the kids, ran interference, etc. It was just a normal day with a few extras thrown in. Nothing too crazy.

When Phil and Elvira arrived, the kids were very happy to see them. They played and chatted and competed for their attention and once again toured them around the house. I think the whole group was thrilled to be together. The hubbub continued while Brady and I eventually set the table and got the food on. The kids were sad to break away from playing toys to sit at the table, but thank goodness, they actually like apricot chicken on rice, so it wasn’t too big of a struggle. Laela fought it a bit at first, but when she finally just ate it, she remembered that she liked it, haha! Thats not uncommon for our kids 😉 We had that and broccoli salad, and while I know its kind of tacky to say it, it was all really yummy!

After supper, there was a lot more playing, and dragging of grandma and grandpa downstairs. We gave them some extra time, but it had to be bedtime eventually. Needless to say, the kids were quite sad, but they did good. They still tidied up, got dressed and brushed and ready for bed, and come out to give lots of hugs and kisses. They did well. Once they were down, we made some decaf lattes and had some watermelon for dessert. It was a really nice visit.

They headed to their hotel for the night just recently, and Brady and I ran a tub for our soak. While today has been lovely, I’m very much anticipating tomorrow! I’ll be seeing a physiotherapist in hopes of figuring out some of this pain I’ve been having. If you care to pray, please ask that God leads her and gives her wisdom so we can finally get to the bottom of this!

Not Getting Stuff Done, and Liking It

At the last minute, late last night, we invited my parents over for brunch. As per our new usual, we served up waffles, fruit, and coffee. Last time we had them over for waffles, we had breakfast sausage, but we forgot this time. Whoops! Its ok, no love lost, everything was still delicious. I LOVE the satisfaction of picking a good watermelon at the store 🙂

The morning was really nice. The food was good, as was the conversation, and there was a lot of activity with the kids having a fresh audience and lots of stories. Never a dull moment around here!

We discussed our plans for the day, and I’m willing to bet that my parents went home and accomplished at least a chunk of their list. We, however, did not! Hahaha! We had a good list of things we could do today, but nothing that we had to do today. We had talked about Brady running into the city to snag some materials that we couldn’t fit in the van yesterday. We had talked about cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. We had talked about moving the furniture we want to paint into the garage and slapping the first coat of paint onto it. We had a reasonable list of things that we want to complete sooner than later, but nothing super pressing. And we did none of it!

What did we do? I booked a waxing appointment for Monday, and I ducked into the city to get the shaved side of my head re-shaved. I bought a new wallet. Brady re-arranged the garage so we’ll eventually have room to paint the furniture in there. He swept the floors. Thats about all we accomplished, but it was a really nice, relaxed day.

As the evening wound down, the kids wound up. Rowan cried from about 5:30 until 7:00. Solly had a burp we could not seem to get, so he cried more than usual as well. We’d pat his back, he’d fall asleep, we’d set him down, he’d burst out crying, we’d pick him up, and the cycle started over again. Thankfully, we FINALLY got that massive burp out as we were do diapers and jammies before bed. Now he’s settled. But besides the general din, supper of  chicken wraps really hit the spot for everyone, so at least we’re all well fed!

Solly is just bottlin’ with Brady, and he’ll be ready for bed soon too. And then I’m so anticipating a soak!! I’ve been fairly diligent with my meds today, but I’ve been a little bit late with the last couple of doses, and while I’m still trucking on, its kind of crazy how I feel. I don’t even feel it in that same spot anymore. I feel pressure in my chest and shoulders, and I feel nauseous. No good! But this week will hopefully be a week filled with answers! Until then, though, I will keep on keeping on with all of my medication and hot baths, and live my life the best I can. With joy.

Preconceived Ideas

At this stage of life, I hope I can say that everyone has learned that preconceived ideas hurt people. Most of you who read my posts regularly know that the stage of life I’m currently in is the one filled with new babies. Though I’ve had four babies, I know very little, and while the general population views me as an “experienced mother,” those of you who know me well know that I’m actually flying by the seat of my pants more often than not. That being said, the term “mommy wars” just breaks my heart. While I like to think I don’t participate in them and make a point not to judge other mothers and families, the “war” is on, and sometimes even those of us who try to stand back are involved in the controversy. What I mean to say is while I’m doing my best not to be involved, I often assume that people have a negative opinion about me and the way we’ve chosen to do life and build our family. While I try to stay neutral, I am indirectly thinking badly of people by assuming they are thinking badly of me. This is NOT fair to anyone.

I didn’t have any grand revelation today, by any means, but while we were out shopping this afternoon, I changed my tune a little bit. It isn’t even a question anymore that we draw attention when we go out. Not because the kids are crazy or acting out or running into people, but just because there are a lot of them, and they’re all little. So yes, people look. Their eyes widen. They count. And sometimes they count twice. Its hard to miss. But today, I noticed a lot of people regard our family, and smile at us. Not even making eye contact with us necessarily, but just smiling to themselves. And I loved that! I wondered how often people did that, but I miss it because I’m too busy on the defence, or trying to appear to have everything together. I consider myself a fairly friendly person, and I try to be approachable, but I know that when it comes to my family, I’m protective. So today, I made a specific point to smile at anyone who looked at our family and made eye contact with me. I didn’t care if they stared, wide eyed at the kids, or they smiled at them, or commented to their spouse, or whatever else. I just made a positive contact. And it was SO nice how many people actually smiled back!!! I didn’t know what I expected, beyond just feeling better myself, but it was really really nice!

We did a good grocery shop today, and then after supper, we stopped at Home Depot for a few things. Paint for some projects, and house numbers to replace the white piece of paper taped inside our front window 😉 When we went to pick up our paint from the counter, they had a question about one color, so it hadn’t been mixed up yet. They said they’d just quickly do that one for us right away, so we stood by the counter to wait. Laela noticed that the counter was vibrating, and asked me what was happening. I tried to describe the paint shaker under it, but the employee had one better, and invited Dekker and Laela back behind the counter with her to help. Dekker put the paint in the foam cover it wears, and Laela slipped it into the machine, and they watched it shake around for a minute. And I was SO pleased for that opportunity given to my kids! There was no judgement there at all! She was so warm and willing to include my kids! She left me, and I think everyone, feeling warm and fuzzy. From the paint counter, we went to check out, and as soon as we pulled up to the till, our cashier took one look at us, and said to the kids “You guys are SO lucky!” I wasn’t sure where she was going with it until she added on “You must love having so many brothers and sisters!” Once again, I was SO surprised! She ogled Solly while she rang our stuff through, and let Dekker scan an item or two along the way. She talked about how much she loved her sister, and how she thought siblings were just the best things you can give your kids. She was so genuine.

Walking out from Home Depot, I just felt really warm, and it had nothing to do with the weather. I think there has to be a way to love my family first, and to be protective of them, while still giving everyone else the benefit of the doubt. I’m not indifferent about how people feel towards me and my family. Of course, if someone outwardly said something rude or offensive, sure, it would sting, but I wonder how many people really think what we’re doing it bad enough to confront us about it. Probably not many. I didn’t see one judgemental look in our direction today, and maybe there were none, or maybe I didn’t see them because I wasn’t looking for them. Or maybe I smiled at them before they had a chance 😉

I don’t know why, but today felt wonderful! I feel VERY proud of the people in my family, and VERY confident in our decisions to build our family the way we have thus far. I pray that God protects this feeling so deep rooted in my heart.

Can we all drop our protective shields and judgemental spirits already, and call a truce on this mommy war?? Because I don’t like either side. I want everyone to win.

Cheesy Chicken and Cheesy Television

We had a nice relaxing day here at home. Did some dishes, played with the kids, Solly slept a ton, put some chicken in the slow cooker for an easy supper, and began organizing the whole mess of products we have towards the end of the afternoon. It was really really nice.

Once Brady was home, pretty much all of the kids joined the party in our en suite while Brady washed up and I sorted and planned and organized. As it got closer to supper time, I pulled up a chair and asked Dekker to help me. He dumped the last ingredient into the crock pot, and he and Laela took turns stirring it up. I have learned that including Dekker in the task at hand makes him much more inclined to cooperate later on. We just made a really easy, cheesy chicken on rice for supper. There is nothing to it, and its SO yummy. But its all stirred together, and Dekker liked his food plain and separated, if possible. He always fights this meal. And today, he ate it proudly! Two servings even. It was awesome! I’m so glad I’ve figured out how much pride he takes in his work. He’s so much like his dad.

Jerilee made it here towards the end of the kids supper, so she was part of bedtime this evening. Dishes were put away, toys were tidied, hugs and kisses given out, and everyone was down! Once it was quiet-ish, we grabbed ourselves some chicken and rice, and settled in for this weeks episode of the Bachelorette. We are so on the ball this time around, and only had the one episode to watch. We’re historically 2-3 episodes behind. So we ate, watched, and then had a nice visit afterwards before calling it a night. Jerilee leads a super busy life, and I always feel behind in what she’s up to, so today was great to finally hear about what is going on!!

As I type this, I know Brady is fading beside me, so thats all you get for tonight! Sleep deep, all! Tomorrow is Friiiiidaaaaay!!!

How Early???

This crazy thing happened to me last night. I dozed off in bed, and woke up with Brady’s big face right in my face, eyes wide, mouth wearing the biggest dopey smile ever. I swear, he wasn’t even breathing.

“Did you fall asleep?” he asked.
“Shut up.”

So I NEVER fall asleep first. Not even ever. Not even with a fresh baby. Not even if I’m on a sleeping medication. Not after a super duper long active day when we’re all sick as dogs. I NEVER fall asleep first.

And last night, it happened. At 9:00pm.

I’m not sure what made me tired enough to fall asleep quite so early, but Brady and I welcomed the opportunity with open arms. It was SO nice to sleep so early! Even with Solly waking up once more than usual, we both felt much more rested, obviously.

Our play date today was cancelled on account of one of the littles in the other family being sick. All is well, though. We rescheduled on the spot, so I can anticipate it for next week 🙂 Wonderfully enough, I’ve made a handful of plans just today for the next week or so. I’m really looking forward to the days to come. I’m very annoyed with this silly pain still chasing me, but I’m going to try and see what happens if I just keep moving, even with some pain. Obviously not overdoing it, don’t worry mom 😉 but I’m starting to feel very low with this inability to do ANYTHING beyond keeping my kids alive. Its a blue place to be. So I’m making some plans, and feeling motivated! Woot! Hopefully I can actually get a few things accomplished soon.

As for the kids today…


As I was doing dishes this morning, Laela came and hung out at the island. I had daydreams of friends and family sitting at the island while I worked in the kitchen, but somehow, I hadn’t specifically pictured my kids sitting and being together with me, and I LOVE it!!! Regularly, Dekker and Laela sit here and play toys, or help me assemble food, with Rowan always underfoot. Of course, its all fun and games until someone tries to show affection to another…


Lol! You can’t win them all, I guess!


Dekker has consistently been a rockstar for the last couple of weeks! I feel like he’s changing and growing, and really becoming his own guy. Its been happening for a while now, but he’s really been shining as of late. When he starts to get a little irrational (we all do) he’s learned to recognize that he needs a bit of a break, and he comes back when he’s done. He often says “I’m still a little upset, and I still have tears, but I’ll give it a try.” What more can I ask for?? This morning, he has made a conscious effort to have a positive attitude, and to be as sweet as possible. I am LOVING this stage of life with him! (Don’t mind his dirty glasses. He’s four.)


Gosh! This kid is SUCH a stunner! He just cracks me up! We haven’t seen a ton of Rowan these days. He is teething pretty hard (looks like all four eye teeth are on their way!) and, as with all of my kids thus far, he sleeps through his discomfort. Its not like he cries and cries and I abandon him there to weep and wail until he falls asleep. He’ll cry and chew, and as soon as I lay him in his bed, he is quiet, and sleeps. So we miss this little mug. But its just for a time 🙂 And frankly, his way of dealing with pain is one of the best! So sleep on, Macduff! We’ll see you soon!


Mr. Solly Wolly was six weeks old yesterday, and I can honestly say that he has made life considerably richer. Yes, things have felt pretty crazy around here since he was born, and I have found myself overwhelmed and out of control at times. None of those feelings are based on this kid. He has not complicated things. He fits in beautifully. I have to say, I know this pictures isn’t the best of pictures. Off centre and a bit shadowy. But I was taking a few others, and then he smirked 🙂 Whether it looks like it or not, I know he was. So I had to use this one. He is incredibly beautiful, whether my camera work is or not.

So I’m spending today being enamoured with my kids. Productivity can start tomorrow. Or the next day.