I spent more time on my makeup this morning, so I left my house feeling a tad more put together than usual. My hair lived in a bit of a messy bun rather than a tight practical “I can’t do my hair” ponytail, which felt just a little better than usual, too. That paired with my kids being happy about the outing ahead had me in a great mood. It was going to be a good day.
And then it turned GREAT when I spontaneously got purple hair. I went in for a hair tattoo, which I always have SO much fun with…
And I came out with purple hair! Like ALL the way purple.
I am SO thrilled with it! Fast and easy and attainable! It was a huge unexpected addition to my usual appointment, and it seemed to push me over the edge, haha! I really really don’t want to be annoying and self centred, but I’m pretty smitten with this new hair. Just let me be this way for ONE day and then I’ll come back down to earth. Promise.
A quick stop at Walmart got 3/4 kids and Brady some new shoes. Solly’s were my favorite.
From there, we grabbed some lunch and headed to take Brady to chiro. I waited in the van with the kids while Brady has his treatment. Surprise surprise, he’s a bit messed up and will need to go back in before the end of the week. Ugh. But hey, at least we have a WONDERFUL chiropractor who knows Brady’s history and treats him very well.
We next ducked into one of the wholesale cosmetics places and I set up an account while picking up a few things that I need for applying makeup on other people.
Then a run to Superstore, which was fairly uneventful, but all positives. The kids were cute and happy. They love grocery shopping. We got everything we needed.
I ducked into Tantrix downtown to get my conch earring replaced again. Its been a bit of a pain in the butt, but its all duked out now, and I have a really pretty new conch ring! Hopefully it lasts a long time!
Costco was last, and once again, successful. The kids were happy and entertained and didn’t complain for a second cookie or anything. They just shopped and helped. We even ran into my brother and his kids, so we had a quick visit with him before we both headed on our way to finish shopping. We paid and left. Laela slept the entire way home.
After a yummy supper of hot dogs and chips, Dekker volunteered to vacuum the floor 👀 So that was pretty awesome. He did a pretty great job, too! Now, the guitar is out, and the kids are singing along while Brady plays. A very special touch in the evening to end off such a fun, successful day!