At the end of day one, we had posts up, beam built and attached, everything levelled, AAAAAND joists went up!!! Doesn’t it look wonderful?
We slept HARD last night, for obvious reasons, which made our early morning wake up with Solly just a little more painful, haha! But we drank a lot of coffee and made it happen. I headed for the church around 8:30 and Carrie and I practiced music for the morning worship time. It went smoothly enough that we could run through it twice! Win! I went home in between practice and church and we got the kids dressed and ready. Its such a different vibe all of a sudden. Church used to be so much more difficult but the kids actually really anticipate it now! Apparently they’ve been missing it as much as we have been.
Singing went well, and the kids were really good during church. Dekker went to childrens church and for the first time EVER, we had to find him after the service because he didn’t come searching for us right away. We found him downstairs playing hockey with other kids 🙂 Its so good to see him so happy, being busy and playful with other kids, both bigger and smaller than him. Thats a big success for him.
After church, we drove to the city for lunch and to pick up a couple of small things we needed to keep the work rolling this afternoon. I had ice cream and fries. Together. Dipped. It was delicious. But we were eager to get home, get the little boys napping, and head back outside to work some more.
Laela joined us again today, but not Dekker. He just HATES the noise of the saw and the drill, so he prefers to stay in. It was fine by me, though. He played Lego happily, while Laela came out and played with the rocks, passed us screws as needed, etc.
It is now supper time, and the wind has really picked up. I’m thinking the rain is on its way, so we’re going to take a break for the evening. But we are doing well, progress-wise 🙂 We got the joist spacer blocks in, and we got the front of the joists all trimmed evenly and face put on it. We did a couple of little tweaks on yesterday’s work as well. I started the job of covering the entire top of the frame with joist tape, but that is a long tedious job thats going to take more time. At least I started it, right? I feel like we got less done today, but I was happy to be able to get behind the chop saw a time or two. Makes me feel like I’m actually participating. Win for me!
It’ll be a nice restful evening around here, which is probably more needed than I think. Brady and I are both scratching at the door to keep rolling, but the weather and our sore bodies are helping us make our decision to stay in. So a yummy supper after the kids go to bed is in order, followed by some cards and a soak. Yes!! This has been SUCH a good weekend!