Today, once I had supper in the oven, I was thinking about the raspberries I bought today. PBR had boxes of them for $10, and I had bought two of those boxes. However, upon sampling them, they were a little bit bland. I was thinking I wanted to put some on the side of our dinner, but they had been a bit disappointing in the flavour department. I resisted the urge to just stir them up with some sugar and eat them as is, and instead I did a quick google search for quick raspberry desserts.
Raspberry crisp was the first result, and would be an obvious choice to many.
Except for me. Because, as many of you know, my insecurities in the kitchen date way far back, and I have never ever made a crisp! However, I have worked to get braver in that department, so before I talked myself out of it, I rinsed a bunch of berries and picked a recipe.
Laela got the berries all sloppy and stirred up while I put together the dry ingredients. I doubled the recipe I was using, because even being down a couple of kids, there was NO WAY her thin layer of dessert in a pie plate would even come close to cutting it.
I spread the berry layer out, and then dumped the crumbly part on top. Laela insisted on flattening it, so she did that, lol!

Aaaaand while I definitely underbaked it, it was super delicious!
The more I push myself in those ways the easier its getting. And the more mistakes I make, the easier it is to roll it off and try it a second time. This was yummy and uncomplicated, and I will absolutely be making it again in the future. Maybe with rhubarb in there, too, since I have that in my yard now.
Conveniently, by doubling the recipe, I ensured a pretty epic night snack for Brady and I 😎 I will call this experience a win win.