We didn’t go to the lake this weekend. We stayed back for Rowan’s first ever soccer tournament!!
I know. Kids in sports. 🙄
I tease. Sort of…
We spent the day in Warman, watching games and killing time in between. We were all a little bit surprised that the games were half of their regular length, but such is life! Time moves quick when you have eight kids to unload and pack up every time! Well, not every time. Cher and my mom also joined, and they took two home after the first game. Even so, it was impossible to get everyone photographed together. I am SO grateful that Cher even tried!! 💜

Cher and my mom both took pictures on our behalf in an effort to let us be as present as possible 💜 Both even took a turn with the lemon drop, who never 👏 stops 👏 crying 😅😩 Goodness, I am SO grateful for both of those roles so I could just sip coffee and cheer from under a blanket! There was much cheering to do!!! Unfortunately, I can’t post pictures that contain other peoples’ children, so there are fewer action shots or team shots than I’d ideally post, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that it was very cute.
The first game was freezing, but had a great turnout. Everyone played hard and happily. Rowan is such a strong defenseman.

After game one, mom and Cher left, and took Wavy and the lemon drop with them. Wavy had a birthday party to attend, and the lemon drop needed to be out of the wind. Parting is such sweet sorrow.

We all loaded back up into the van to warm up and have some snacks. The soccer star got to choose the snacks we brought, so apple slices and pepperoni sticks were enjoyed by all!

Brady went inside and grabbed some hinges and things we need for some small repairs, and we headed back for another game.
It was fun to watch the kids get cheered on. If you go watch a kids sporting event, speak up! Be loud! It is SO fun to see them get pumped up! Rowan would get the ball, and he’d hear “GO ROWAN!” and his whole demeanour would change! It was AWESOME!

Between games two and three, we got lunch. Soccer star chose McDonalds, so we did that. And we waited forever, because our order is always massive, even when we’re down a couple of kids. The lemon drop doesn’t eat real food yet so really, we were just down Wavy, but the other two babies eat now, sooooo it evens out.
Game three had the most beautiful weather. The morsel was freed from the bike trailer, and crawled around beside the field so happily. Some cute entertainment on and off the field! I only wish I could show you those pictures, but alas, another cute one of Rowan will have to do.

It was a good tournament. The kids had a great hustle. They really worked, and didn’t get discouraged when they didn’t win everything. Still, everyone felt like a winner at the end.

That smug mug tho 🙌😍 It doesn’t show that the last few days have been some of his hardest maybe ever. This boy has stretched and persevered more than a child his age should have to, and he still spent the day running, competing, and rocking a beautiful attitude. We could all take a page out of his book. That chapter, anyway 😅

I love you, Rowan Toby 💜 Through thick and thin, my boy. I am incredibly proud of you and all you’ve come through, and all that you’re still working through. Its not about how many goals you score or how fast you run. I love your heart, and that sucker is gold 🏅