Rowans first ever season playing soccer is done and done!

As a nice little cherry on top, our team even won! Each kid handed in their jersey, and walked away with a voucher for a free ice cream 🍦 Double win!!
Its been fun to watch Rowan be part of a team that he really enjoys! He runs hard, effortlessly, sometimes with his hands in his pockets 😅 But when he has a chance to run and really take off, his hands come out and he runs big, with his arms out and his game face on. His face gets especially growly and toothy when people cheer 💜 Its VERY cute to watch. He is very prancy and lanky in his running and jumping. He will slide and throw himself down to try to keep the ball in play, but if he happens to be the reason it goes out, or he makes any kind of error, he will laugh at himself, and keep on trucking. I will admit, I was afraid of Rowan’s sportsmanship, and how his competitive side would show itself, but its been lovely. I’ve been so pleasantly surprised but how graceful he is during soccer.
His last game was attended by Brady and I, as well Laela, Solomon, Waverly, and the three babies. Dekker was at a youth thing. Also, my mom, Rae, and Tom were in attendance. Auntie couldn’t make this one, but she hit many others 💜 Rowan was well loved and celebrated.
We all came home, and it took a while to get everyone wound down and put to bed. This morning, I woke every single one of them from a dead sleep 😅 So I’m not sure if that was soccer, or a bubbling sickness, or maybe a weird moon thing. Either way, soccer finished with a bang, and while I’ve enjoyed it, I am so happy to have ONE thing off our calendar!
Onto the next, folks! Today has held a doctors appointment, a phone call with a social worker, some back and forth with a social worker over text, and there is still a visit to come this evening! But that works, because the rest of us can get a big shop taken care in the meantime!
Never a shortage of things to do!!