Soccer is Done ✅

Rowans first ever season playing soccer is done and done!

As a nice little cherry on top, our team even won! Each kid handed in their jersey, and walked away with a voucher for a free ice cream 🍦 Double win!!

Its been fun to watch Rowan be part of a team that he really enjoys! He runs hard, effortlessly, sometimes with his hands in his pockets 😅 But when he has a chance to run and really take off, his hands come out and he runs big, with his arms out and his game face on. His face gets especially growly and toothy when people cheer 💜 Its VERY cute to watch. He is very prancy and lanky in his running and jumping. He will slide and throw himself down to try to keep the ball in play, but if he happens to be the reason it goes out, or he makes any kind of error, he will laugh at himself, and keep on trucking. I will admit, I was afraid of Rowan’s sportsmanship, and how his competitive side would show itself, but its been lovely. I’ve been so pleasantly surprised but how graceful he is during soccer.

His last game was attended by Brady and I, as well Laela, Solomon, Waverly, and the three babies. Dekker was at a youth thing. Also, my mom, Rae, and Tom were in attendance. Auntie couldn’t make this one, but she hit many others 💜 Rowan was well loved and celebrated.

We all came home, and it took a while to get everyone wound down and put to bed. This morning, I woke every single one of them from a dead sleep 😅 So I’m not sure if that was soccer, or a bubbling sickness, or maybe a weird moon thing. Either way, soccer finished with a bang, and while I’ve enjoyed it, I am so happy to have ONE thing off our calendar!

Onto the next, folks! Today has held a doctors appointment, a phone call with a social worker, some back and forth with a social worker over text, and there is still a visit to come this evening! But that works, because the rest of us can get a big shop taken care in the meantime!

Never a shortage of things to do!!

The Week to Come

I feel like the weekend came and went SO fast!! Did I even have a second to enjoy it?? Wait. Yes. I think I may have enjoyed it after all 💜

*breathes in deep*

It was beautiful on the warmer day. It was beautiful as it poured. Kinasao holds an incredibly special place in my heart. I hope we have SO many more years there!

But as it happens, we are back home and entering another HUGE week.

The week holds a soccer game, two social worker visits, two other foster visits, three doctors appointments, and a school event. Plus all the other normal stuff, like the road work, aka not having proper access to and from my house, as well as a grocery shop, and getting ready for next weekend at camp! 😅

But I’m very fortunate! The ministry has funded me for some in-home domestic help, so my house is cleaned, and household jobs are much better maintained, even though I don’t have a second to do it myself. On top of that, this weekend at Kinasao, almost all meals will be provided for us!!! So that is significantly less planning than usual! I’m so relieved, hahaha! Aaaaall the rides and aaaaall the childcare is already worked out for the week. Its going to be a gooder, even if its super busy.

Thank you Lord for always providing for us, even when things are nutty.

Overshadowed Father’s Day 2024

This year, Father’s Day was greatly overshadowed by a birthday! A little one in our care celebrated a birthday today!!! 🥳 That birthday will not always fall on Father’s Day, and as it happened, it took precedence. Brady wasn’t hurt 💜 He agreed and understood.

Regardless, it is important to note that Brady is the best dad I have ever come across. Truly. He makes not a single excuse. Though he could.

Bradys brain stuff is not over. Not even sort of. He still battles the side effects of surgery and meds every single day, and very little of it is simple or nice. Almost all of it is really, really difficult. Yet, as a father of EIGHT children this year, he shows up for them. There is no bias. No favoritism. There is always, only love. Which is all have for him, also. Always, only love.

You are SO dearly loved by your family, Brady 💜 Absolutely every last one of us. Thank you for sticking with us though aaaaall the junk that has been thrown at you. We would not be us without you 💜

A Team Effort

I could not have finished off my latest crochet project without all the backup I’ve had. From Brady shouldering some extra things around the house to loved ones taking babies for a couple of hours here and there, I finally completely the blanket I started so many months ago! 

Kinasao has a celebration weekend every summer, and last year I put a blanket in for the silent auction. Once the weekend had come and gone, and my blanket had successfully sold, I felt like I could make another one for the next summers event. Insecurities aside, I made a beautiful foresty blanket, even adding the name “Kinasao” in the middle. Oh and I snuck some dwellings amongst the trees as well 🌲 I think it turned out really well!! 

I love how it came together. On time. Here at camp. It turned out nicely, and while I’m actually quite taken with it, I’m glad it’s done! The timeline is off, and the other projects on my docket either have no deadline, or one that is months off. So the pressure is off 💜 

But beautiful things are made under pressure, isn’t that the truth! 😍

I think you’re right

I Think You’re Right

I appreciate the input of those of you who gave your opinions about the laundry machine debacle. 

I so love the idea of one big machine to rule them all, but it is very true then that I couldn’t start the second load while the first one dried, and that super sucks. So while we can swing the cost of replacing both machines, we should. And I think we will. Hopefully soon! Costco rarely steers us wrong, so I’m sure we’ll be heading in that direction sooner than later! 

Maybe I can even get something fancy to tell me on my phone that the wash cycle is done….. #dreambig 

I Need a New Washer

Can you tell by the title what I want to talk about? Lol!

My washing machine is on the outs. Its spin cycle is less than effective, and its started to error fairly regularly and need to be restarted. I would put up with it longer except that I really don’t like the machine in general. Its front load, and possibly one of the first ever made 🤣 So while it claims to have an extra large capacity, it doesn’t even come close to the space we used to have. And that stupid front load door is a pain in the neck with our already very narrow laundry area. With these things, I would not at all be mad to retire this washer and replace it with a top load washer that I can grossly overfill without it spilling out onto the floor.

The dryer is ok still. Its big. Older style. Dries a lot faster than my old one, to be honest. Since we moved here, I’ve said I’m not opposed to replacing the washer but keeping the old dryer. I don’t care if they don’t match. However, recently, the dryer will run a whole cycle and nothing is dry. Not a lint trap issue. Likely an element or some small fuse that needs a bit of fixing. Which we’re not opposed to doing, except the question really is whether or not its worth the fuss.

So here are the options:

New washer + old dryer that needs some work

New washer + new washer


One big fancy pants washer/dryer COMBO

Have you guys seen those things? They are REALLY tempting! They’re more money than a complete set, its very true, but if we could swing it, it would fit SO much better in our laundry room! ACK! I dream of such a beautiful appliance!

I welcome input. Please. What would you do??

One Year of Fostering

Today marks our first full year of being a foster family!

In the last year, we have had five placements, four children, and currently, we are caring for three. Plus the five we started with!

We spent months furthering our training to become a level three home!

We have navigated a mountain of medical needs that none of us expected, including tube feeding, helmet therapy, surgeries, scopes, scans, swallow studies, blood work on poor veins, feeding therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy. We’ve been in contact with geneticists, respirologists, paediatricians, dieticians, therapists. We’ve spent time in the NICU, navigated medications, and found ourselves on a first name basis with multiple specialists and medical professionals, as well as pharmacists who have started to make house calls.

Believe it or not, that stuff ☝️ is the extras! We have met and worked with many social and resource workers. People shift positions constantly, so they are ever-changing. We have met and worked with many birth families, building real relationships where possible, while keeping at a respectful distance with others. I have come to find myself in all kinds of new places for visits, events, drop-ins, etc. I know the city SO much better now, and if I don’t know, I’m braver to find my way around.

We’ve experienced new placements, as well as placements leaving. The children have navigated through those things as well, which is a pretty huge learning curve, but we have been well prepared thus far, and nothing has come as too big of a shock to them. We have been able to celebrate with our young ones as they make positive strides, and to love them even deeper through the inevitable sad steps backwards.

In the midst of all the new territory, you may or may not have heard, but we’ve had some really big unrelated stuff going on! 🏡 🧠

It has not been easy. Not for a second. But goodness, I have NO regrets. Not even ONE. This feels like truly answering a calling, not only for me, but for our family 💜

The number one question we get is how long our placements will stay. And we simply never, ever know. But it really makes no difference. They are with us for a time, as long as they need us, and we love them dearly.

Any strength you see is from God. There is no way we could come through all the challenges without Him. Thank you Lord for bringing these amazing kids into our family 💜

Unproductive – or maybe not…..

The last couple of days have felt pretty unproductive. Yet, if I can look back without looking at what I hoped to all get done, or what parts of me say I should have gotten done, I think I actually did alright!!

Yesterday, I had some goals, and I didn’t accomplish too many because a certain lemon drop decided instead of cry aaaaall the livelong day if not being held. So. While that was challenging, I had a few minutes here and there where the baby would doze in the swing, or flap on the floor for a short time, and I would work in the kitchen. And by the end of the day, I had made not only my big batch of banana bread, but a double big batch!!! EIGHT loaves!

Of course, surrounding them you can see laundry, jackets, amazon boxes, a wii controller, a cooler, etc. This place is a mess, but the banana bread is baked! Hahaha! I cute each loaf into ten pieces and that was that. Boom. Eighty items to be breakfasts, part of lunches, or snacks. Believe it or not, with eight kids, seven of which are eaters, that doesn’t last long!

Even though thats basically all I got done yesterday, it counted.

And then today, while my morning wasn’t especially busy with getting things done, this afternoon I went to my very last counselling appointment.

I had a beautiful setup with my counsellor as she went through her residency, and now she is moving on to her next adventure, taking a job in a new province, on her own. Only my BEST wishes for her moving forward! We had a really lovely thing, and I will miss our appointments, but she sure gave me a lot to chew on over the last couple of years, and some great help to grow me closer to the person I want to be. I will miss her. I have no regrets.

I rushed home from that appointment, scooped my family up, and rushed everyone back into the city for one of our babies to visit with their mom. It was a really lovely interaction at both pickup and drop off, and it left me feeling hopeful for what is to come for their family 💜 I’m not naive. I know how things go. Its not perfect, or foolproof, or even simple. Its brutal. All of it. But todays visit left a good taste in my mouth and a sweet end to the day.

And now, I am beat. And I have much to do still. But there is probably still, what, an hour before my eyes will finally give up and close for the night?? I’ll use it wisely!

Goodnight, friends 💜 Sleep deep. In an hour or three.

Solly Turns Eight

(A while ago…)

This will be my first ever belated birthday blog for one of my kids! Conveniently, I know with confidence that Sol won’t hold it against me 🙂 He is my most chill, content, roll with the punches kid, and this kind of thing won’t be any skin off his back. He is ALWAYS fun to celebrate, even a little late. He has still had a great year, regardless of the day I write about it 💜

Solly continued to surprise all of us in all kinds of different ways. Our biggest first with him this year was getting stitches!! He broke trail for our family the day he got his head whacked open with a spade whilst digging for treasure.

He’s always been very content to just watch the goings on of others, but in the last year, he’s gotten braver to actually join! I don’t know how to say it without it sounding rude. Grain of salt? Solomon has more original thoughts. And I LOVE how he thinks! He has his own ideas. His own stories. His own input into situations. He has gotten comfortable having babies in the house, and he is SO GOOD AT BABIES!!!! Especially the bigger ones. He will be SO loud and SO silly, and they will just belly laugh in return. Solly is NOT afraid to play, and it is awesome to witness!! Yet, he is quick to wind down and lay beside the smaller baby, under the little mobile, and rub a belly while talking softly. I looooooove who Solly is becoming!!

And then I loved him even more when he put on his birthday gift in the Canadian Tire parking lot 🤣

‘Twas hysterical!

*sigh* I want to be like Solly when I grow up. Carefree. Finding the fun way of doing things. Answering just about everything with “Oh, sure!” and then doing it happily. Saying “I can try my best” every single day, and actually doing it. Something very special is brewing inside this little guy, and I’m really really excited to unlock that level!!

I LOVE you Solly!! Having you for eight years has been an absolutely dream 🥰 I am SO grateful that God gave you to our family!! Happy belated birthday!!!

Track and Field 2024

Track day is one of my favorite school days, but it sure is hectic! This year, Brady and my mom were with me, running to and from events, trying to take in as many as possible! Brady had two babies in a bike trailer behind his chair, and it wasn’t long before my mom commandeered the stroller and the third baby from me so I could be more present, which was a LOVELY gift 💜

So after deleting and re-uploading these photos yet again out of sheer frustration from mixing them up and not being able to get them into a nice smooth order, I’m going to let the post be hectic, also!

Sprints are always first. At least for the littler ones. The older kids sometimes start in other places, and this year, Laela was one of those kids. Brady hit up high jump while my mom and I watched the sprints.

Wavy surprised everyone by being one heck of a runner!!! 😳 We had NO idea!! She just tucked her chin, plastered a HUGE smile on her face, and motored!!!

See how there are no other kids in the picture? She wasn’t behind. She was ahead. And the little ones don’t run very far. So she was THAT far ahead!! Bonkers!!!

Solly hair just made me SO happy, hahaha! He did great, and his stride is WAY more open from last year!

Rowan’s posture is absolutely incredible. He just looks STRONG!

The grade five girls were supposed to be next, but they were all still doing high jump. Lots of good jumpers in that group! So they started running the second heats. Wavy, once again, took the cake!

Her first ever track event at her first ever track meet. She wore that ribbon SO proudly 💜

Laela’s group jumped high for a long time, but it did not disappoint!

Speaking of high jump, it was Rowan’s first year ever trying it! He loved it, but he was definitely discouraged not to make it further. However, everyone was a beginner in his group, and they all cheered and chanted and celebrated each other. It was adorable.

Back to the sprints! Laela did eventually run her sprint, and she did awesome, as she does.

More running played out! Solly ran the 400m without any issue whatsoever!

Laela ran the 800m super well! She led the ran until the very end, where she was surpassed by two of her friends. But she was not upset 💜 It was a great run.

Rowan’s 800m was nuts. He passed everyone right in the beginning and won by a mile. Goodness that kid can fly!

He can also throw! Seeing all the boys in his group bellow and shake the chain link backstop was just endearing.

Wavy, on the other hand, cannot throw to save her life 😅 But her pose says otherwise 🤨 Its all in the attitude, Wave!


I didn’t catch all the jumping events, but I caught 3/4 running long jump, and they are all a sight to see!! 😍

Solly would run hard, jump far, and then come personally attack me for a big loud and rowdy hug, and then go back in line and do it all over again. I loved it so much, and I know it won’t last forever.

Again, Rowan just oozes strength!! Look at him!! He has his own built in springboard!

And Laela jumped bigger and further than I’ve ever seen. SUCH a cool surprise!

I have NO expectations of my kids to be athletic. They don’t have to be! At all! But it is SO fun when they like to be active! Regardless of the ribbons, placements, times, or distances, I had a really fun day chasing after them and cheering them on. I feel SO fortunate to have these beautiful children in my family 💜