“As Planned”

As I mentioned previously, the kids were too sick to come to church on Good Friday, and my bestie, Jerilee, came over and hung out with them so we could go as a couple, and lead half of the music. Saturday left us hopeful that we’d be able to swing Sunday morning church, as the kids were less snotty and seemingly less sick. So we decided to duck out for some funtivities in the late afternoon, to break the day up and get a change of scenery. So often, that lifts everyones spirits, they sleep like rocks afterwards, and it would be the perfect set up for Sunday!

Except yesterday afternoon and evening were a HUGE flop! Our few small plans were butchered upon arriving at our first stop, and I mean butchered. It went so badly that we hauled the kids back out to the van and went home. All kinds of devastation there, for everyone. They fought us like crazy all evening and went to bed in a whirlwind.

Solly lulled in the night around 4:15. It seemed like maybe his throat was sore because he had a HUGE drink and settled a bit. But he was awake on and off until we all got up at a more reasonable time. But clearly everyone was feeling the broken night and within moments of everyone getting up, the kids were screaming at each other over everything, in tears. They ate breakfast with their heads half on the table. It just wasn’t our morning. So once again, we called for a movie morning.

After the movie, we had lunch and informed the kids that they’d ALL have naps afterwards. Dekker was devastated, as I’m sure you can imagine, but he was among the first to fall asleep. I’m not sure if he or Rowan dozed off first. Regardless, everyone slept. And now, here we are.

These days make me a bit gun shy about the week to come. Once again, school is out, and I’m SO hopeful that the kids will catch up on a bit of rest. But its been a long, difficult stretch of time for us, and I’m nervous for a week without activities. Yet I don’t want to be super busy! Because they NEED rest! Yet another tricky balance to find…

I love my kids. I really, really do. They’re amazing human beings! I just hope the weather warms up soon and we can play outside just that much easier. This weekend has not gone as planned, but if anyone knows that our plans are not our own, I know it.

Happy Easter, friends.

Small Progress

We made progress in a couple of different ways to far today. The most important way was in regards to the kids sickness. I’m not suggesting they’re “all better” but I’m happy see some some improvement! They’re definitely not as snotty as they were yesterday, and spirits are up a little bit, at least. Solly is still in pretty rough shape, and gets very sad very quickly, but thats not surprising. We still enjoyed our relaxed sickie-pants type of movie morning 🙂 I like watching movies with the kids. Today’s feature was good old “Little Rascals.” I loved that movie as a kid, and still do.

Other progress we made today was in anticipation for spring! Brady dutifully dug out some outerwear tubs and we tried spring jackets, boots, hats, etc. on the kids. The goal was for each kid to have a jacket for wind/rain, and one nicer jacket, a pair of rubber boots, runners, and sandals, and a hat. What we didn’t already have, we put on a list to fulfill, but we were better set up than I expected we’d be! I’m very much anticipating that Value Village shop! We did one a little while back because Laela sized up TWICE this last year and her snow pants were just no going to last through winter. We managed to find her a whole new set of winter stuff for next year (she started wearing the snow pants this year, obviously,) and a spring jacket for her, also. The kids LOVED it there, and we loved paying a fraction of the price of new. I’m not sure when we’ll get there, but hopefully soon. Hopefully we’ll need our spring stuff soon…

I think we’re all ready to see winter go. Any day now!

Good Friday Morning 2018

Our church combined with the other local church this morning. We realized yesterday evening that our kids really weren’t going to be able to hack the service, however. They are all pouring snot and while thats really the worst of the physical symptoms they’re exhibiting, they’re sad and temperamental and would struggle hard sitting through a service somewhere unfamiliar. Besides that, Brady and I were on the books to help with worship, and that means we’d need to entrust the nose-wiping to another family at church. We had lovely people lined up, happy to help, but we just knew it wasn’t going to work or be fair to expose other people to their colds. Our happiest, healthiest child looks like this today…

As happens SO often, Jerilee saved the day. She was going to come later in the day and spend the afternoon and evening with us, but she willingly came in the morning and hung with the snot faucets while Brady and I went to practice and then to church for the morning. What. A. Relief.

Church was lovely, and the music went well. We got home around 11:30 and were greeted by a happy group, who all seemed pretty content with the mornings events. Win!

We quickly discovered that Brady and I had an oversight, and hadn’t purchased a handful of the groceries we needed for the meal we had planned. Brady lovingly set up lunch with the kids while Jerilee and I drove to a nearby town and did a quick grocery shop. We had a bit of a laugh in deciding to bring home some cheap McDonalds burgers for lunch, but thankfully we weren’t the only people with that idea! The drive-thru was backed up pretty far, but we got our bag of sandwiches and made our way home. Come to find, 3/4 kids are in bed and Dekker had some Lego on the go. We clicked a movie on and ate our burgers WAY too quickly. They were so good today, don’t ask me why!

Once the kidlets are awake, we’ll start prepping our yummy supper of cheesy potatoes, sausage, and broccoli salad. But we’ve got time 🙂 No deadlines today. And tomorrow is a HOME DAY!!! I’m SO thrilled to have Brady home for three days in a row! Its been a long time, and I’m kind of a fan of him…

Todays Five Things

Not to be super vague or anything, but here are todays five things:
  1. Three out of my four kids have snotty noses and red moustaches. Additionally, three out of my four kids are napping. Not the same three, though. Yay, Rowan, for dodging the cold! Also, you’re next.
  2. Our always-lovely friend, Cher, dropped off a big bag of soft little costume hats for my kids today, along with bunny ear headbands, chicken beaks on elastics, and a handful of other fun stuff like that! Her timing couldn’t be better, because Dekker has next week off and I guarantee that time has now been filled with dress up.

    Some were SO cute!!

    And others completely horrifying…

    Buuut we’re thankful for the most part 😳

  3. Last summer, my mom and I planned a day to pickle together. We went to the famers market and bought all the stuff, and made plans for the next morning. Except I spent that very night throwing up guts up. It blew (literally) but my mom dutifully pickled ALL of the pickles for both of us, around 50 jars. Today, they are just tasting extra delicious. Seriously, you should all come try my moms pickles.
  4. In case you missed it, I have an operational belly shelf! It can finally hold my coffee if I’m sitting back a bit. It cannot yet handle a full plate of food, but that will come with time. I balloon like a crazy person towards the end of a pregnancy, so give it another month or two and this thing should be out in full force!
  5. Bambina has taken to kicking me directly in the butt. It is an awkward feeling that I’m not too fond of, but she’s growing, which is fabulous, and is likely just turned in at those moments. But seriously, RIGHT in the butt. Also, lightening crotch is a thing that it feels a little early for. Leave my cervix alone, weirdo.

Five fun facts, done and done! I guess I shouldn’t assume they were fun. Felt like a good day for a weird post 🤷 Hopefully you can hack it!

Big Days!

I have a pretty good list of things on the docket for today, and I am SO fortunate to have had help this morning! When I got back from taking Dekker to school, my dishwasher was unloaded, reloading, and running. Quickly after that, my floor was swept. The kids really got into that one.

Child labour? Lol! Not even 😉 They weren’t even asked, but they were willing participants. It was SO cute, and pretty productive! Win!

Once a few jobs were taken care of, the kids were occupied with stories and crafts. I ran upstairs and folded a few hampers of laundry, tidied up my en suite, and finally found a few places for things. I threw away a bunch of garbage that was accumulating and made some general plans to get our room back in order. I don’t know about you guys, but when I tidy any area of my house, the stuff that doesn’t really have a home gets dumped into our room. Our lovely little sanctuary quickly turns into a huge mess, and I’m feeling a bit flustered trying to get it organized now. But today was an awesome start!

Still to accomplish today is hopefully another load of dishes, a load of laundry, and putting away the laundry that I folded this morning. Beyond house stuff, we have a parent/teacher chat after school and I will attend a meeting at church tonight during kids club. I need to drop by my mom’s at some point today as well, and I know someone is dropping something off at my place too. Hopefully we all coordinate and no one misses anyone else! Maybe after that, there will be time for sleep!

Its currently nap time, and my littlest love who went down like a DREAM seems to have caught a second wind and is just talking non-stop in his room, not even a little bit asleep, whereas he was nodding off during lunch. He’s quite happy in there, so I’ll leave him to it for a while and hope he makes his way into dreamland. He will be a MESS if he doesn’t nap at all! Yikes!

While I wait to see how that will play out, I will be in my bed, eating rice krispie chocolate.

Pic Dump!

I have a handful of cute pictures from the past week or so that I don’t believe I’ve shared, and now they don’t really fit anywhere. So, this calls for a pic dump!! It’ll be pretty random but pretty cute, also! If I’m doubling up one or two, forgive me. I can’t keep everything straight, or even a few things. I’m doing my best!

We spent the morning with friends the other day, and accidentally overstayed into lunch. Whoops! It was the first time Solly sat at the table without a high chair and not on a lap, and he was so into it! Didn’t slip around at all! Way to be independent, Solly Wolly!

It was pretty much adorable! Though I have to laugh at how well Solly did and how Ro is still so clumsy, haha! Funny how different kids are!

Brady took this picture for me when he took the kids for groceries the evening I had my legs waxed and nails done. As per usual, at least one in the group wasn’t as on board as the others.


This is the three kids waiting while Dekker got his hair cut the other day. So many emotions in those faces!




They crack me up!!

This was Dekker the next day, explaining to me how happy he is with how his hair was trimmed around his ears. Doesn’t look crazy at all! Also, yes, that is macaroni surfing on his shirt. Don’t question it.

These pictures were taken while some VERY happy kids ate grilled cheese sandwiches post-bath. Now that they finally like soup (they didn’t like the drippy aspect) grilled cheese is way more fun! Everything is better dipped in something, right?

Unfortunately, I don’t think I can add Laela’s picture from the meal because she was the messiest and ended up eating supper in only her underwear. The look on her face is PRICELESS but I’m pretty sure there are rules that I don’t want to break :/ Merp. Pervy world.

Does anyone still have these mouths that Wendy’s gave away a couple years ago? I don’t know where the green one is but this thing is SO FUNNY! Best of all, Solly is very aware of being funny and was SO thrilled at the laughs he got when he tried it out. I just about peed, I laughed so hard!!!

The frowny one is MY FAR my favorite!!!

Last but not least, from a night or two ago ❤ Dekker invited me into his bed for a snuggle as the other kids were getting ready for bed. It very quickly turned into a dog pile, with one in particular laying right on top of my hair, rendering me immobile. My husband could’ve rescued me, but I’m so glad he took pictures instead.

I should say, he took pictures first, and then rescued me!

Sigh. So much cuteness. Its good for me to see these pictures all together after some super long, trying days. These kids are still amazing human beings, and I’m still THRILLED to have them in my family. No backsies!

Womb in Bloom: 25 Weeks

I actually had to look back at last weeks post because I didn’t believe I was 25 weeks today! CRAZY, right?? My goodness, each week just feels like a surprise that I am SO grateful for! I can tell my little Bambina is growing bigger and stronger with each week, and it continues to feel more and more realistic and possible that she might actually come home to us at a reasonable time. This might actually work! I am ever so slowly creeping up to my third trimester!

Size Comparison: Apparently Bambina is the size of a napa cabbage. In my research to figure out what a napa cabbage actually is, I learned that its pretty much the same as a normal green cabbage, though its leaves are more wrinkly. So *shrug* there you have it. Also, a prairie dog. Apparently she’s finally getting some fat on that skinny little body, too!! Yay!!!

Appointments: No appointments. I have one booked for Mid-April and thats all thats on the books. It feels weird, and a little unnerving. To have NO ultrasounds books in the foreseeable future doesn’t feel great to me, but I know that all is looking well for the time being, so why should I worry? Ugh. For lots of reasons. 

How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions are struggling hard, if we’re being honest :/ But so little of it is based around the pregnancy. Its not a secret that its been a very rough stretch around here over the last month or so, and I am just so drained on all of the levels. When it comes to my pregnancy, my emotions are better than they were in the beginning, for sure, but they aren’t exactly batting 1000 either. But thats ok. I’m not expecting perfection. The once in a blue moon that I get nervous due to not feeling my baby move, I still have our doppler to help my sanity. So, we’re making it. 

How am I feeling physically: My pelvis is so much stronger these days, and I’m SO thankful to my amazing physiotherapist for that! I’m rocking my exercises and its paying off. Its not perfect, but its way better than before! I’m so relieved! Other than that, reflux is in full swing, and I take Zantac for it every day. Not a max dose, thankfully, but thats likely coming. Yes, I know the tricks. Its part of the loosening tendons, unfortunately, and is hard to combat. Regardless of how close I eat before bed, how much water I drink, etc. its still raging and angry in the morning. So thats not my favourite, but again, I’ll live. A small problem, really. 

Wish Lish/Purchases: A while back, I posted two different carseat covers that I was debating between, but I strongly preferred this one. It was lovingly gifted to me this Sunday, and I am SO stoked!! It is soft and the colours are gorgeous, and I’m so thrilled to have yet another baby thing that just fits perfectly with what I’ve pictured for her. Another amazing friend mailed me a care package a few days back with some soft little personalized items for our little miss that brought me to tears. I’d show you, but that might give away too many secrets 😉 It did come with Red Vines, though!

Whats a good Canadian treat to send back her way??

I’m so floored by all the love for our baby and our family. You guys would just laugh if you saw my room in its current state. Little packages are building up on the chair beside my bed, on the dressers, and everywhere else. Its a MESS of things just waiting for their owner to arrive safely at home. Part of me knows it needs to be cleaned up, because our room used to be so nice and tidy and sanctuary-ish, and now its a total mess. But the other part of me loves to see her things accumulate around like they inevitably will once she’s home. 

Pictures: This mornings quick belly shot for your viewing pleasure…

I feel HUGE for 25 weeks!! When people notice my stomach and ask how far along I am, I always am a bit nervous to tell them, haha! I feel like the “you’re ready to pop” comments are juuust around the corner. I have to get over the complex though, haha! I have this particular picture in mind of being 22 weeks along with Dekker, and I was so much smaller. But really, that was pregnancy #1, and this is pregnancy #7, sooooo I think it makes sense. Haha!

How are the kids feeling: In our talks of going to the lake this summer, the kids are more and more excited about our little Bambina joining us! She comes up ALL the time. Dekker kisses my belly and whispers to his sister multiple times a day. He is going to be just an amaaazing big brother! They’re all in such high anticipation for her! Except Solly, who has no idea, but still. I think of how Dekker was when Laela was born, and he caught on and loved her pretty much immediately 😉 So I’m not worried. Just excited. 

Getting to know the baby: This might sound a bit odd or “sick,” so PLEASE don’t take it like that! This past week, I saw pictures of a few little premature babies born around the 23rd week of pregnancy. Sadly, these particular babies didn’t live very long at all. In seeing their pictures, however, I was able to see what my baby likely looked like around 23 weeks. And WOW! There is SO much to see at that point. These babies are amazingly small to be SO formed and developed and just gorgeous! While my heart will never not ache for the families who have suffered losses of children, it was mind blowing to actually see these beautiful children who very likely look a LOT like the little girl living within my womb right now. So, based off of some of what I’ve learned through seeing these little babies, I can tell you that my baby doesn’t actually look like an alien like people often think of premature babies. She is likely smooth skinned, fuzzy headed, with a fully formed face, ears, fingers, and toes. I haven’t seen Bambina recently, but I can confidently tell you she is beautiful

The BEST part of being pregnant: I think I can say that the best part of being pregnant recently has been actually planning ahead. Letting myself believe that she will join us at the lake. Letting myself make some minimal beginning baby party plans. Planning out where her clothes will go, and in whose closet. Its like I’ve bit a new bullet and I’m jumping in a little deeper. Yes, I’m still scared, but no amount of fear or nervousness will affect whether she lives or dies. Somehow, this last week, its come a bit more naturally to just let my heart open up a bit further, and I’m loving it. 

Favourite thing: I think my favourite thing right now is my hair! Is that bad? Haha! I really really love having the chance to play with my hair colour and be creative that way. Its been SUCH a fun thing to look forward to and plan for with my rockstar hair girl, and I feel more put together in the day, regardless of whether or not I’ve actually put myself together. Its good to be different, and I REALLY enjoy having hair that stands out. This coral has been SO much fun!!! Anyone care to weigh in on what color I should do next? Not only will my next colour be in all the new baby selfies, but it will likely be my summer hair colour! Yay! Another thing to think ahead about!

These weeks have been strange and challenging with our kids, but they’ve been going by surprisingly quickly! When I look at the upcoming week, I feel somewhat overwhelmed with ALL that is on my schedule, yet I’m so thankful to have things on the go and people coming over who I love and who help pass the time. It seems to be a good balance between busyness and quiet, which is exactly what I need!

As if it hasn’t been said enough, by myself and everyone else around here, Spring can’t come soon enough! I anticipate that will only make the days go by even quicker and a heck of a lot warmer!

We Got There! Barely.

Our morning before church was rough. A certain male middle child just couldn’t get himself together, and spend the hour leading up to church absolutely fighting against the rest of his family. It made for a pretty interesting time getting everyone dressed, jacketed, and out the door. But we did it! On a normal day, we may not have gone with him in that shape, and Solly not too far behind, but we were on the books for leading music. So, we went! Minus Dekker, who went to a birthday party, instead.

I got Rowan out of his car seat at church, and while his shirt was wet with tears from before, he had big smiles on, and reassured me he was happy to be at church and would have a happy attitude. Win! He stayed true to his word, and did a really good job through the service, even though it was a tad longer than usual. Laela went to childrens church, like always, so we had the little boys to juggle between us and my parents. Solly needed to sleep, so we put him down to sleep. He stayed quiet for a nice long time, but once he was ready to get up, it seemed like maybe he hadn’t slept at all. It was a bit of a wrestling match keeping him quiet and occupied, but it worked out. Both boys did well through church, and once it was over, Laela joined us upstairs and Dekker was dropped off to us post-party. It was a success all around!

Solly had hijacked the travel mugs, as usual. Brady and I tried to ask for sips in between, at least, but he’d just tilt his head up and stick his lips out for a smooch. Hence, the lipstick residue.

Once the service was over, an awesome friend at church went to our bench and scooped Ro into a piggyback ride. Thus began the laps with him squealing “Again! Again!” around the sanctuary. It was SO sweet, and he was content. Until it was time to go.

Ro wailed on the floor by the coats, refusing to put his boots on. He puts his boots on by himself every single day, twice a day, when we take Dekker to school. It takes less than a minute. But he just would not have it. He managed to get the one on through his fussing and laying on the floor, but the second one, he just would not! I offered him to walk to the van in his socks, but he got just enough help to make it happen and we hauled out of there SO fast! Ro was SO over it, as was I.

We made it home, and everyone besides Ro was chipper and happy. After fighting SO HARD to get his boots on, he was now unable to take them off. So he was helped and slid right into bed. He’s been solidly asleep ever since, about 2.5 hours ago, maybe more. Solly is just lulling awake now, and Laela actually napped, too! Wins all around.

All of these antics aside, it was good that we got to church. Sometimes it feels so fruitless to go to church, and I hold onto it because I think its great to be teaching the routine and the importance of church to my children. But its still SO HARD sometimes. Especially on a weekend when Brady worked on the Saturday. But it was good! We lead music, the little boys actually behaved beautifully throughout church, Laela went to childrens church, and other people got to put into our kids! I often forget how important that is, too. My church family is theirs too!

The afternoon snuggles can’t really be beat, either…

So Far Today…

I always feel a bit “off” when Brady works a Saturday. This is the day he should be home. Trust me, I know not everyone has the luxury of having their husband home on weekends, or in evenings, or to have flexible schedules. I know this. I am also THRILLED that he has work to go to! But, I’ll admit, I miss him. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

Saturday’s when Brady is gone can go lots of different ways, and with the weeks playing out how they have been recently, I was feeling quite apprehensive about today. Not that I don’t want to spend another day with my kids, but this is a day that I almost always have someone to tag team with, and today, I don’t. However, the morning has been really nice so far!

The kids are in happy moods. They ate breakfast well, and are now occupied with colouring, duplo, cars, etc. I know there is no promise that the entire day will go this way, but its a good kick off! I’ll take it!

Over breakfast, I was daydreaming about going to the lake, and I mentioned it to the kids. I said, as soon as its less snowy and more springy, we should drive to the lake on a Saturday. Even if its too cold to swim (which it will be for a WHILE) we could play on the playground. The entire group broke out into smiles and they started reminiscing.

Their favourite things included the playground, sticky buns, the big rock, walking, ice cream, chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs, and the Dekker special – the fact that its so calm. The kids remembered playing on the big slides, digging holes in the beach, and Rowan’s friend, Emma, who played with him for such a long time one afternoon last summer. She hauled him in and out of swings, pushed him, and walked hand in hand with him from structure to structure. My goodness, they were a cute pair!

After ALL the reminiscing, I told the kids about the longer trip we have planned there for this summer. Our ONE “vacation” we’re taking. I told them we were going for a little bit longer than a week, and they all gasped. I told them it would be over my birthday, which brought up questions of desserts and treats we may or may not have. I told them that my parents would be joining us for a chunk of it, which just made it that much better. I told them, best of all, the new baby would be with us. Every piece of information had them squealing louder and louder.

I was excited for our lake trip before today, but it was SO great for me to see the kids so amped about it, too! I’m realizing I haven’t taken an itty bitty baby to the lake before, so the fun of some minimal research and more daydreaming has begun! Yet, as I start thinking that far ahead, I remember how many wonderful things I have coming up to look forward to! And also, how quickly plans can change, beyond anyone’s control. So, we shall see what happens when.

But I’m excited, and will continue to be until I’m told otherwise. Summer is coming, baby!!

All the Pampering

As I mentioned, I’ve spent a little time at the salon/spa over the last two days. If only I had snuck in a massage or something, I’d be golden! 😉 But I’ll take what I can get!

Wednesday night was a leg wax and nails. I won’t share a picture of my freshly waxed legs, though as usual, they’re great, haha! My nails are SO nice and fresh and short like I like them. I have to laugh a little, because I was SO drawn to this particular tealy green color, I couldn’t shake it off, and I realized after the fact just how “St. Pats” they are, haha! But hey, I like them a lot! Its possible they’re already a little beat up, though. #momlife

Then yesterday, my mom drove me to my hair appointment. She was going in for a shorty grocery shop anyway, and this way the van could stay home with Brady to get the kids after school. We had a quick lunch date and ate our FIRST watermelon taste, thanks to Safeway. It was SO good!

Then I proceeded to spend four-ish hours at the salon getting my hair done. My always-lovely hair girl stayed LATE to get my look done. I am SO thankful for that sacrifice because WOW did it turn out!!!

Do you like my artistic picture, where my hair is hiding the dishes stacked up behind me? Yup, it was intentional. But I am LOVING this color! I requested a particular coral shade and she mixed it up for me out of all kinds of different things. It is bang on! I’m not sure if it reminds me more of cotton candy or watermelon or ice cream, or maybe bubble gum? But I love it!

Partway through my hair (after the bleaching of the roots and the removal of the pink but before the coral happened) Brady and the kids showed up to sneak in a MUCH needed haircut for Dekker. Thank goodness, it was a bit later in the day and many of the stylists had already cleared out for the day, so the kids all picked chairs to sit in and Dekker finally got his look refreshed.

It was a long time coming, haha! He told me right away “Now I won’t get as sweaty when I play outside!”

And now, today, this is what we’ve got.

SNOW and wind like craaazy! The weather is bananas, and not even somewhat spring-like. Maybe these wild winds will take he snow away with it.