Twenty six weeks. Mind blown. One of the best things about these busy weeks is that time is finally moving! It still feels a little bit inchy, because I’m watching it pretty closely, haha! But here we are at 26 weeks, only one week away from trimester THREE! There are SO many ways to look at where we are. Just the other day, I saw that we had 100 days left, which feels long and short. But that was a few days ago, plus I’ll deliver a week or so early, so we’re already down to 90 ish, which still feels long and short, but shorter than 100. On another hand, I know that we’ll have the baby shortly after Dekker is done school for Spring. So, three more months ish. But then I realize that the end of this school year is coming up! Which feels close and far away. And that means summer is soon! Guys, I know I’m not making any sense, but I’m just SO so excited, and there are SO many different dynamics to consider! I just can’t believe we’ve made it this far.
Size Comparison: I hear that this week, the baby is roughly the size of a butternut squash, or a bowling pin. But really, how many of us have held a real bowling pin in our hands? I, personally, have not. Also, squash vary in size. So in reference to our app, our baby is hypothetically 14″ tall, and putting on fat! Its been a while since we’ve had an ultrasound, so I can’t verify anything. I can say, at Bambina’s previous scan, she was on the smaller side, in the 28th percentile. Yet, by birth, that has never been the case. So who knows, haha!
Appointments: This week, I will go in for my glucose test, but thats it for appointments! I’ll see my doctor late next week, but we’ll talk more about that then. I’m looking forward to getting my glucose test out of the way. I don’t feel super strongly about it, like I know a lot of people do. I don’t object to going. I mostly don’t care for the time wasted at the clinic. But its one hour. I should be thankful to have an hour away, haha!
How am I feeling emotionally: Emotionally, I haven’t been great, if I’m being honest. However, I think a lot of it plays into the stresses I’ve had with the other kids, and with Brady’s schedule being fuller than usual. When I’ve had a great sleep, I feel much more capable and am slower to anger. This morning has been far smoother than any morning in the recent weeks, and I think much of it has to do with me being calmer and not raising my voice. However, yesterday evening, I could barely squeak a word out without breaking into tears. I was so overdone. Some of my anxiety inevitably rolls over into my pregnancy, but I don’t think its rooted there.
How am I feeling physically: Physically, things are still nicely under control pain-wise! My pelvis only gives me trouble if I get cocky and go grocery shopping or do a lot of walking and don’t bring my handi-belt. But for the most part, I’m pretty pain free! I get lots of braxton hicks contractions, and reflux is managed with medication. Nothing I can’t handle. Not so far, anyway! I’m juuust starting to feel that shortness of breath when I lay on my back, so I guess the baby is growing, which I will HAPPILY accept! I’ve never been so excited for the uncomfortable part of pregnancy, where the baby kicks me until my ribs bruise, and I struggle to breathe and sleep. I’m ready! Bring it, girly!
Wish Lish/Purchases: There is always a wish list, haha! It has a few little bitty things that I’ll likely snag next time I’m in the right stores, and the rest of it is expensive and hard to justify :/ Merp. A BIG wish for right now is to go get a 3D UC-Baby ultrasound done. We did one with Dekker, and then justified one with Laela because we couldn’t identify her gender at our anatomy scan. When we were expecting Rowan, we decided to do another, but even though we were well within the “recommended” weeks, he was already just way too big, and it wasn’t the best scan. This being said, these things are expensive :/ With all the craziness of moving and building our home and being suuuper broke, we didn’t get one done for Solly. They’re luxuries, and definitely not something a person NEEDS. Bambina is one well documented child already, but I’m just aching to see her again. I’d also love to see who she resembles, and who she might take after! We were able to see very clearly who Dekker would look like, and that Laela wouldn’t look like Dekker, and that Rowan would look a lot like Laela. So its been pretty accurate! If Bambina looks like Dekker or Solly, she’ll likely be HUGE. If she looks more like Laela and Rowan, we might actually need some smaller stuff for her. Would be so fun to know! But I’m not sure we can justify it :/ So, I’ll keep dreaming.
Pictures: Today’s picture of the bumpity bump…

It doesn’t look like much here, but it was pre-food and pre-coffee and post-pee, haha! It gets WAY bigger by the end of the day! However, she is still nice and big.

For example, I had the laptop sitting on my legs for a minute this morning while I finished my coffee before starting the blog. My laptop was barely resting on the edge of my pubic bone, and Bamina was just booting at it!! While I could feel that happening, I could also feel her up at my hand! She’s filling up her house nicely.
How are the kids feeling: I feel like the kids comprehend having another baby WAY more than one would think. Obviously Dekker gets it, and Laela, too. Rowan gets it more and more, drawing her pictures and saying he’ll rub her belly when she’s sick. Solly has no idea, but he understands so much that I don’t anticipate much of an issue when she gets home! Eek!

Laela feels less and less shy of her, and willingly comes to rub my belly and talk to her sister. She’s always been a bit reserved until she’s 100% comfortable, which is actually a really beautiful thing about her 🙂 You KNOW when she’s totally comfortable. And she’s getting there! I can’t wait until Bambina is jut that much bigger than I can always easily feel where her body is, so the kids can at least feel that, and hopefully her movements, too. None of the kids have been lucky enough to feel them yet.
Getting to know the baby: I think she knows who we are 🙂 I know that sounds crazy. Every app or developmental tidbit you’d read about her tells you she can hear sounds now, and that the more we talk to her, she could recognize our voices by the time she’s born. Already these days, she very specifically responds to Bradys and my voice. The few times here and there that I haven’t felt her move in a while, we talk to her and she’ll move for us. So maybe she doesn’t know who we are, but she responds to us!
The BEST part of being pregnant: Uuuuuhhh… the boobs that come with?? 😳 Awkward, lol! I’m a tad stumped on this one this week, as my answer is much the same as last weeks answer, which was planning ahead. I LOVE to picture the summer and months beyond with a new little lady added to our mix. I LOVE planning her party. I LOVE planning where she’ll sleep in our room, and who she’ll move in with when the time comes. I LOVE planning for the lake. I LOVE planning where her car seat will go, and where everyone will walk/sit when we grocery shop. Everything is going to be just that much sweeter with another family member.
Favourite thing: We’ve recently been fortunate enough to start buying eggs locally. Since thats started, we are burning through eggs like there’s no tomorrow! Brady is able to take a couple in his lunch every day, which is probably the biggest win of all. They give him a great boost of energy and aren’t just empty, sugary treats. But since we started doing it this way, I am just LOVING egg salad sandwiches!!! I’ve always been a fan, but for some reason, I just can’t get enough! I’m a very boring lunch person, and I never care to go to any trouble to actually prepare myself anything. I’m quick to either heat up leftovers if we have some on hand, or just eat convenience food. But I love cooking myself up some eggs and indulging in egg salad, probably a little too often. But yes, easily a recent favourite.
I want to close today’s post off with a question for you guys, and I’m really hoping to get a little feedback! I talk a lot about Bambina’s baby party, and I’m really serious about throwing it. I already am trying to iron out certain details, because I would be devastated to run out of time at the end and not actually be able to make the party. It will be simple, but the purpose of meeting this beautiful baby that SO MANY of us have prayed over and waited anxiously for will remain the same. My question is, invites. I LOVE the idea of sending out invitations, and because I want to send them to everyone I know (haha!) I would love to have lots of time to do that. I’m not kidding around when I say I want YOU (yes, you!!) readers to come, too! But the thing is, lots of you are silent readers. I get many more views than I get likes and comments, and I think some of you prefer it that way. I’m not sure why, but thats completely your call. I would LOVE to invite ALL of you!!! But how does one make that happen?? I’d need you to actually (gasp) admit to me that you read along, and give me your address! I thought about making invites, and posting the proof/picture of it on here, but that also leaves me putting my address on the internet, which is far from ideal… 🤔 See my problem? I want everyone to come, and because she’ll be born in summer, I know some people will be away or busy or whatever else, but maybe some people who are “away” could be away over here!! Lol! I don’t know what else to say, except I need some help and some brainstorming! Do I just leave people out? How do I leave it open without it being impersonal? I want a CELEBRATION!!!