We Took the Kids to a Funeral

I’m not sure if its something people do, but we brought our little brood to a funeral today. I mentioned earlier this week that a dear friends brother had passed last weekend, and there was no question that I wanted to attend his funeral. It became clear to me very quickly that it was important that we all go together, whether it was conventional or not.

Through the week, I’ve hit Value Village a couple of times, trying to assemble things for the kids to wear. We regularly attend church, so the kids have some dress clothes, but I thought it would be good to get them a bit more dressed up than usual. Not imperative, but it just seemed like a good choice. I picked up the missing pieces literally YESTERDAY, and everything was washed and ready to go for this afternoon. Call me tacky if you must, but MAN those kids looked cute!! My attempts at pictures of them were kind of hilarious…

Photo bomb!!

Here’s a better one of Dekker, anyway. His posed pictures always look so tense 🙂 He looks so soft and sweet here.

Laela deemed that she and I were twins because we both had dresses. I’ll take it.

Ro cried and cried when we dressed him. The outfit he was amped about the day before no longer was acceptable. Until I told him he could ditch the tie. I don’t actually think the tie was what was upsetting him, but he seemed content to meet me halfway, and he looked fly anyway.

Solly was also kind of miffed about pictures. This was his scoffing face at Brady when he tried to make a joke to encourage Solly to smile.

Group pictures turned out like this. I’m not even kidding. This was the BEST one.

No denying they’re cute, though!! Lol!

So we took their fancy little selves and drove to the funeral this afternoon. Once we had parked, we had a good solid pep talk about how funerals were pretty serious, and pretty sad. We told them we knew they might not understand everything and maybe even be a bit bored, but that we would really like them to try to sit still and quiet, because again, lots of people were sad and remembering the person who died. They all grasped the concept and promised to try their best.

And guys, they actually did alright! The two older ones were a bit twitchy but overall sat quietly and patiently. The little boys were trickier, and took more work to keep reminding them to be quiet, but they actually did better than I anticipated. We didn’t have to remove one kid once!! It helps that we had people we know sitting in front of us and behind us! It was a beautiful service, filled with love and memories and hope. I was thrilled to see so many people from school and our local churches in attendance. I hope the family felt honoured and supported.

There was food after, but our kids had been so still and calm for so long, we knew it was time to let them loose again. And by “loose,” I mean into their car seats in the van, lol! I wanted to go hug the family, and Brady offered to just take the kids out to the van, but Ro mentioned he wanted to see them, too. And that was really the whole point – to bring our whole family in a show of support and love. So we walked our group through the crowd and found our friend. We had a quick hug and visit, but hauled out pretty quickly, as we were obviously not the only people there to speak to her.

I’m glad we went. I hope we didn’t disrupt too many people, but it felt very important to go.

Our evening plan consists of sweatpants and a lazy light supper of english muffins and veggies. Anyone else planning for the same kind of wind down? I hope so!

FINALLY Sitting Down Together

Brady has had this week off, which has been SUCH a treat! I am SO thankful his work has picked up and we’ve been able to catch up a bit from his “hiatus” from employment, buuuuut going to work is also good so one can afford their life. You get it. We shook off the initial fear factor of him having a week off and decided to embrace the opportunity to finally see each other again!

Except that we haven’t! We’ve been GOING every single day this week! Monday and Tuesday were full errand days, and I was gone one of those evenings. Wednesday I was away in the morning and Brady had to duck into work to help with a warranty repair in the afternoon. Thursday had me helping with preschool and Brady getting the winter tires off in the afternoon. Most moments that we anticipated to be “spare” moments got filled up. Its been good, though. VERY productive, and SO helpful to have Brady home! But I think I can safely speak for both of us when I say I wish we could’ve spent a bit more time actually together.

Today was our chance! This morning, he offered to take Dekker to school, and when he got back, we had coffee and turnovers for breakfast, together, in the living room, while the three kids played toys. It was cozy and relaxed and date-ish. It wasn’t without any work, because laundry was humming in the background, and we still had three kids to keep alive, but thats just life, and we love it.

During our coffee date, we realized something we had overlooked that we needed for the weekend, so I threw on some real pants and headed for the city. Just a quick trip in and out, but it was very successful! I’m glad I went, but once again, we were apart. Merp. Thankfully, I came home to my loving husband putting lunch together for us, and we snuggled upstairs, ate, and watched a show together. It was nice and quiet and normal. The kids all napped.

I picked Dekker up from school dressed in capri pants, which felt amaaazing! The fresh air is so welcomed and needed! I hope it sticks around, as promised!! Melt the snow, dry up the huge puddles, and bring on SUMMER!

Some Small Reasons to LOVE Spring!

As if we need help thinking of reasons to love spring, there are a few reasons that aren’t really traditional that make my heart sing! These are the ones from today 🙂 Our FIRST day going out without winter gear!

I sadly don’t have a picture from the first one, but Dekker was SO excited to wear his spring stuff today. He went to school in rubber boots, splash pants, and a spring jacket. Even mini gloves instead of his winter gloves. He was AMPED. As I walked him towards the school, he spotted a classmate with the same boots as him, and they were both pretty thrilled about it. They also both had green and blue jackets, and they both had mini gloves. They celebrated 😉 It was adorable. He just seemed so much light hearted and happy. His spring stuff was all new to us this season. Someone had given us the pants and jacket as a gift, and the boots were from Value Village. Yay for free outerwear!

Speaking of outerwear, you guys now how much I love thrift shopping. I love it for lots of reasons, but because I’m happy to shop second hand, my daughter can have girly things! She is a great sport about wearing her brother’s hand-me-downs, but this spring, she is decked out in ALL pretty, girly stuff!

Her toque and mitts were from the local clothing exchange, and have been with her all winter. Rubber boots were from Value Village, as was the Gap spring jacket. The splash pants were off of our local buy and sell Facebook page. I intended to pay $5 for them, but the seller realized there was a tiny snag in the knee and offered them to us for free. Boom. Now that we’re having another little girl, buying some girly outerwear feels a bit easier to justify, but second hand is ALWAYS sweeter!

Let’s see if anyone can relate to me on this last one. Spring means less nosebleeds!!! Right?? Lol! More moisture in the air, less dryness, less nighttime nosebleeds! They’ve not been constant, but they come around often enough. We’ve gotten great at getting blood out of stuff. Solly’s been the worst for it but Laela was the victim last night. She woke up with blood on her blanket, pillow, sheets, stuffies, and smeared a bit terrifyingly across her face. I took Laela to preschool this morning and Brady took on the task of washing everyone’s bedding while we were away. Some ADORABLE pictures came from that endeavour!

These two little dudes disagree on juuust about everything most days, but Rowan invited Solly up to share his pillow and snuggle in his bed, and it went over really really well! It turned out pretty cute all around, if you ask me!

There is definitely some new freshness in the air today. I hope it sticks around for a while, because our winter tires are OFF, my jacket barely fits over my baby bump, and I’m just SO ready for the lake! Its time. We all know it.

For Your Viewing Pleasure…

Have you seen that thing online about under-beards and how bizarre they look? I remember seeing this years ago but it was was my husband was in the pre-beard stage. Now that he is mid-beard, someone reminded me of it, and we had to give it a go.

Its a short neck stump kind of head looking thing, but his hair beside it makes it SO much better! It looks like one of those earflap trapper hats! I sent this back to the person who suggested it to me, and she sent her own version back.

Thats a pretty welcoming face, if you ask me! I sent it to another friend and she had a VERY enthusiastic approach!

This last lady needs a name and a backstory, for sure! She’s easily my favorite! She’s zesty.

I have very little to really say on this particular subject, if you can even call it that, but if nothing else, I encourage you to surround yourself with people you can laugh with. In this case, that included my friends and my husband, all of whom I am incredibly thankful for!!!

Disclaimer: No beards were harmed in the making of this blog post.

Two Errand Days

Brady has some time off this week, which is good and bad. We had a LONG stretch there with little to no work, and I’ll admit that there are some nerves in having him home for a stretch now. I think we both feel that way. Yet, on another hand, he has been going nonstop for a couple of months now and I’ve missed him dreadfully. In a perfect world, I’d love to spend these days at home with Brady, eating brunch together mid-morning, tag teaming with the kids, taking our time, maaaybe going out once or twice as needed and wanted. Definitely not going out in random mid-April blizzards. But as many of you can attest to, him being home means its WAY easier to get things done! So, for the last two days, we have been CRUSHING things off of our list!

We’ve spent the last two days running around like crazy people. Today we drove to the city twice, and made it home just in time to get Dekker from school.

In the last two days, we made our first baby party purchases, rented a guitar, bought some small reno materials, as well as a canopy for the deck from Home Depot, got my rings cleaned, had my blood taken, replaced my phone screen protector, made a few returns, took in our recycling, found some dress shirts for the little boys for an upcoming event, purchased groceries, and bought the LAST thing the kids need for spring to finally spring – some pretty sandals for Laela.

Its the end of the second errand day, and to sum it all up, everything is wet. Everything. My mukluks soaked through at our first stop today. The kids hair is all messy an tangly from the wind and snow. Dekkers outerwear is SOAKED from recesses at school. Everything smells like wet dog in our house. Hopefully its not just us.

After two immensely productive days, my back has perhaps never been angrier. My chiropractic treatment today was one of those special ones that will likely make me feel worse before I feel better. Hopefully tomorrow hurts slightly less than this last week has. Wish me luck for my soak and sleep. I need it all to reset, because tomorrow is another busy day! This relaxing family week sure looks different than it would’ve a few years ago, haha!

Womb in Bloom: 28 Weeks

What is it about the third trimester that feels like a breath of fresh air? I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something different about it. I know things can still go awry, but I can’t live waiting for the worst to happen, so instead I’ll just keep praying and hoping for the best!

Size Comparison: This weeks baby size comparisons are bizarre. The most “normal” one is a coconut, which, I’m sorry, but I just don’t get. My baby is not a ball. Nor is she a rollerblade. Nor is she some upsetting combination of a porcupine/hedgehog/anteater. Google says she’s an eggplant. Guys, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m pretty sure she resembles a small scale baby…

Appointments: I had an appointment on Friday with my student doctor and family doctor. I had previous weighed myself at my parents and was a bit shocked at how much I’d gained in the last month, but thank goodness it was just a difference of scales! I’m not paying close attention to food or intentionally a certain way. Just going about life as always, eating at normal times, snacking when needed, etc. and I have only gained two pounds in the last month. That brings my weight gain up to 9 lbs thus far, which I’m happy with 🙂 Beyond that, at my appointment I got results from my previous blood work that showed that I do not have gestational diabetes, and that my vitamin D level is actually normal for the first time in the history of as far back as I can remember. However, the finger poke they did there in the office showed me to have low hemoglobin. Since cold hands can cause an incorrect reading, and I had just washed my hands, I was sent back to the blasted blood clinic for more blood work. Merp. Ah well, one must know about their iron levels whilst pregnant. Its important. Did that today. So we shall see if I need an iron boost or not. Whatever Bambina needs!

How am I feeling emotionally: I think I’m levelling off a little bit, in a good way. I’m finding myself in a place that feels reasonable to start really expecting this kid to come. Could I still have the rug pulled out from under me? Absolutely. But again, I can’t live like that. So instead, I’m letting myself get excited and anticipate her birth and bringing her home. My “hopefullys” are turning into “probablys.” It feels good. 

How am I feeling physically: My lower back has been positively screaming at me for the last week or so. I thought I had maybe just overdone it last weekend but its not letting up. Last time it hurt this way, it turned out that my pelvis was way out of place. In the last day or two, my pain is escalating and radiating into my legs, so I think its the same story. I’ll be trying to get in to see my chiropractor as soon as humanly possible. My reflux is amping, also, but I’m still below my max dose of Zantac, so thats a positive. I can’t tell I’m reaching that point, though, where I’m going to have to go up in that :/ Merp. But in the big picture, thats a pretty small problem.

Wish Lish/Purchases: This category is fun this week! Just today, Brady and I bought a pile of fake flowers for a specific part of Bambina’s party decor. It felt SO good to actually get our hands on the beginnings of the party supplies! We also made a little Home Depot purchase to hopefully complete a small project before she’s born, and I’m SO stoked about it! I’m not going to talk in detail about it, in case it doesn’t happen, but I really think it will, and you guys will definitely know! Lastly, we were in the mall today and I lamented about the diaper bag I’ve been eyeing for literal years as we walked past it in the store. I learned then that Brady had never actually seen it, so we ducked in. He is in full support of getting it, which is SO exciting! We didn’t buy it today, because its cheaper on Amazon, but I think we’ll finally foot that bill and get a brand new diaper bag!!! Eek!

Pictures: Sooooo I dropped the ball and I don’t have a picture of the bumpity bump! I should’ve taken one yesterday when I was actually put together and felt cute. But I’m currently snuggled up in bed, have no pants on, and am not photo ready. But here is a picture of the pretty flowers we bought today!!

That counts, right?? We need some more yellow and white in there…

How are the kids feeling: Dekker has taken to making cards for her. There are many scattered around the kitchen and my bedroom. I’m trying to save them all for her but its getting tricky.

The kids also talk constantly talk about taking her to the lake. I love the general feeling behind that – that they love the lake and want to share one of their favorite places with their little sister. She will truly be the icing on the cake of summer!

Getting to know the baby: The other day I made a joke at her expense, and she head-butted my cervix. 😔 I learned my lesson. At least she’s been hanging out head down for the most part!

The BEST part of being pregnant: I LOVE that as Bambina grows, she is easier for others to feel. Its not like many people have taken the time to put their hand on her and wait for her to move, but the other day, I jokingly walked up to my mom, who was sitting, and just poked my belly into her head. She lovingly leaned into it and rested her head on my belly while chatting with Bambina, and baby girl responded and wiggled for her. I love that. I LOVE when other people can participate, even in these small ways. 

Favourite thing: Stir fry!!! I think we eat stir fry more than we eat anything else these days. And it is SO SO GOOD! I always wanted to be a stir fry person, but we tried out so many different sauces until we settled in on one that we like, and conveniently, it claims to be the BEST! Lol! I’d call it basic, but sure. 

I should say, we don’t make it exactly the same. We don’t have sesame seed oil or rice vinegar, and our ginger is powder, but its all good still. Also, we double it up so we can stretch it out over the ridiculous amount of rice we make. Combined with some stir fry beef and a bag of Green Giant frozen veggies, its stinking delicious! Its possible we eat it out of the bowls that are larger than cereal bowls… Like think medium sized mixing bowls.

Overall, this has been a big week. There have been SO many tragedies recently, widespread and also close to home, and I’m just so grateful to have a healthy little baby girl within my body who is as safe as possible. She is good. I can focus on other things. I finally feel like I have the headspace for it, and that has come at exactly the right time! As always, Gods timing makes so much more sense than our own!

Hug Your People

Just a quick one today, but I think most everyone can relate to it in some way.

There is SO much tragedy – in our little province, in the rest of the world, in different people groups, belief systems, etc. SO much sadness and struggle. In our unassuming town, even. It is a heavy time in the world.

So, with that in mind, hug your people. You just never ever know.

For my today, I need to hug my people, even if they threw a full on face down tantrum in church. Even if they need to be told the same thing 30+ times and still won’t listen. Even if they lied to my face, twice, in a matter of seconds. Even if they’re screaming their heads off, refusing to nap. And even if their screaming is exaggerated by the fact that there are a handful of kids directly outside of our house, also screaming. I’m ready to pull my hair out, but what would I ever do to suddenly lose them all? I can’t imagine I’d ever stand again.

Don’t forget, however you show love, show love to your people!! They need to know you’ve got their back, and that you appreciate them and need them in your life! There is just far too much brokenness, and we need to come together. Fast.

Maybe Things ARE Moving Fast

Time has been standing still since we found out we were expecting Bambina. Its not been a secret, and I think most everyone can understand why. I don’t anticipate that all anxiety will be gone the moment she’s born and in my arms, but I think a good chunk will subside, at least. I cannot wait until its that time, and because I’m SO excited for it, it feels like it will never come.

I had an appointment yesterday, and as it was ending, I mentioned that I didn’t think I had my next one scheduled. My student doctor seemed surprised, and said they were all booked, and said Dr. Guselle must’ve booked them herself. I remember her saying she was going to the last time I was around, so it was unsurprising to me. I asked him to please print the list off for me so I could record them in all the right places. I left that appointment with my list of dates and times, another blood requisition, and my prenatal record, because I’m pregnant enough to carry that sucker around 😁 Yay!

This morning, Brady and I were cleaning the island off and tidying up some of the papers that accumulated through the week, and I found my list of appointments. I took a few minutes, then, to put them into my planner, and THAT, my friends, is where it got REAL!

All through the majority of a persons pregnancy (assuming its “standard” and uncomplicated by Sask Health standards) they see their doctor on a monthly basis. It picks up towards the end, but most of the time, you just see your health care provider every fourish weeks or so.

My pregnancy has been decently “standard,” but because of my history of losses last year, I’ve obviously had more appointments than average. For a long time, I’d see my doctor one week, and have a scan the next. Back and forth, back and forth, for weeks and weeks. It saved my butt and my sanity. Once I started to feel movement, the schedule changed, for obvious reasons that I understand. But I admit, it was a tricky transition. Going from weekly check-ins to monthly felt pretty cold turkey ish, even though Bambina was moving lots and I had reassurance every single day. It was just hard. But I survived a couple of those months between appointments. Victory! Lol!

Looking at my list of appointments, I have one in a month. Fair enough. After that one, I am suddenly into the two week stretches between appointments. Thats a big shift that I’m very much looking forward to. And then, looking slightly further ahead, there are only TWO stretches of two weeks between appointments before I’m in WEEKLY!!! And that only goes for a few weeks before baby comes 💗

I know, basic math tells us that makes total sense. I still have three months to go. Thats not news.

four weeks = one month
two weeks (x2) = one month
one week (x4) = one month

But, guys, thats SOON! I love seeing the time fill, with appointments, fun activities, school functions, day trips to the lake, etc. Today, I’m feeling hopeful that time will move forward at a decent pace, and that I’ll genuinely enjoy the days, and live out a happy spring before it turns to summer and we can welcome our beautiful Bambina home.


A Crazy Morning, an Appointment, and Spring Shopping

I was going to have blogged by mid-morning, buuut plans change so often, and today was one of those days! So instead, here is a quick breakdown of the day.

I spent the morning, legit, a bundle of tears. I discovered that all of a sudden, neither of the possible baby party dates were going to work 🙁 I was going to have to choose between INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT people in my life being there, and I couldn’t imagine my party without them all there. I know there is always need for give and take, but I couldn’t “give” up these people. I cried a lot, had some short lived but serious anxiety, and then someone heroically changed their schedule and the party can move forward once again! But WHEW! That took the wind out of my sales for a minute there! Yikes!

Brady pulled a half day (planned in advance) so I could go to my prenatal appointment that was poorly scheduled too close to school pickup, and he stayed home to get Dekker.

I had my prenatal, which I’ll talk more about in Monday’s series post, but all is pretty much well. I may have low hemoglobin, but apparently cold hands screw test results up all the time, and its still cold out, sooooo I have to schedule yet more bloodwork in the near future. Good thing Brady has some breathing room next week! Boy do we need it!

I made it back home about five minutes after school let out, picked up the family, and we drove back in for some errands.

Walmart happened. Dekker and Laela got summer sandals. Dekker got a lifejacket. We got groceries.

We had McDonalds supper in Walmart, which Brady and I HATE doing but the kids DREAM about. They were happy. I’m still hungry.

We nixed our idea of Superstore and decided to continue around to a few places in search of a canopy/gazebo for our deck. Canadian Tire happened. Rona happened.

It was already the kids bedtime, so we headed home, even though there was so much more we could’ve done. We’ll have other chances soon. But today was a fun start. We are all SO ready for summer. SOOOOO ready!

Quick stop for gas at Costco, and I ran in for a few staples we were out of. Cheese strings and spaghetti sauce were on sale! I stumbled upon bath bombs, also. I’ll let you know how those go.

Made it home. Dekker slept the whole way home, so who knows when he’ll fall asleep next. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday! The other kids were a mix of hyperactivity and exhaustion. Funny how those often look the same 😉

Saturdaaaaay! I’m so ready!

Planning Day!

My mom was over for the day, and we spent ALL afternoon planning the very real details of Bambina’s baby party. It was SO FUN!!! I cannot wait to celebrate this long-anticipated baby girl, and I truly, genuinely hope you all at least consider coming! Whether I know you follow along with our life or not, please reach out! It is going to be SO exciting to celebrate with so many of you!

I’ve been having trouble nailing down whether to ask people to help me assemble the baby party, or to make it easily attainable for me to just purchase and put on myself. We were able to write out very simple plans and details that she and I could make happen together, with minimal favor-asking. With that, we wrote down everything I’d need to purchase in advance, like paper dishes, some decor, etc. so I can keep an eye out for deals and make those purchases gradually over the next couple of months. I have one or two projects to get on, but its all SO well organized now, and I feel SO excited to actually have things to start on!

Food is chosen and planned out in detail.

Invitation proofs are created.

Decor ideas are nailed down.

Date and time are picked.

There is a list of people to contact.

All is well!! I’m so amped, and SO ready! We had the goal to make some other summer plans as well, but we used up ALL of our time on the baby party. Oops! Sorry, not sorry! Planning for the rest of summer can wait. I just want to partaaaaay!!! And by “partaaay” I mean that we might have mimosas, and thats the “craziest” its going to get 😉

Are you enticed now? Are you coming?!?! COME! BRUNCH! BABY!!!!!