One. Month. Left. I can’t even believe it!! We’ll be aiming to have our baby in the very first few days of July, give or take, meaning the countdown is ON! This past weekend was the biggest thing we were committed to before Bambina’s arrival, and now that its done, I think time is going to absolutely whip by!! There is no shortage of things to do around here before she comes, but its starting to get done 🙂 The nesting bug has hit hard, and Brady and I have been hard at work accomplishing next to nothing off our list, but all kinds of other things, haha! She won’t care either way, right? Right. Whew!
Size Comparison: A “bunch” of carrots. Thats technical, haha! I appreciated the comparison to a small kids backpack, also. The internet says baby is 18” tall and 5.25 lbs. I can’t see inside of myself, but I’m willing to bet she’s bigger. I’ve been thinking small for a while, but recently, I’m thinking she’s going to be another big one. I already feel noticeably overfull, which I really noticed with Solly, and while he was technically lighter than Dekker was, I’d argue that he was my biggest. I guess we shall see!
Appointments: I have my next prenatal on Friday, and they will be weekly from there on out, which really says something! Once you get into the weekly appointments, you know you’re RIGHT at the end! Eek! I am, however, less looking forward to the test coming this week. This is the week of the test to check for Group B Strep. If you’ve had a baby, you know this is a pretty standard test, no big deal, but its definitely a swab of your bum hole, which I could do without 🤷 Not my favourite thing, but its got to get done, so I’ll roll with it! Besides that, I don’t have too much to talk about. Some apprehension, but as I seem to say every week, I think I’m just going to have that until there is a baby safe in my arms.
How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions are working in extremes these days. I am beyond psyched that the time is drawing nearer and nearer where we will finally hold our baby. Friends, family, and my doctors have all assured me that, even if I went into labour today, our baby would be nice and strong and all would be well. But I admit that the other side of my emotions aren’t afraid of going into labour early. They’re afraid of my precious child dying with no warning, and our being left empty handed once again, with another child to grieve and miss and wonder about. I don’t know what I’d do. I’m terrified of that happening, truth be told. But on the opposite side, I know the chance of that happening is slim, and I’ve successfully brought children home before, and I hope very much to do it again! Just a lot of swirling thoughts, thats all.
How am I feeling physically: My body continues to hold up decently well, considering the stage of pregnancy I’m in. I’m not sleeping very well these days, but thats been a theme for a while now. Since I’ve been nesting so hard, some of my aches and pains are worse than when I’m not doing as much, but thats not shocking. I think the only really notable change is my legs. I guess you could say I have leg cramps, except for the fact that I never notice they’re cramping until I’m mostly asleep, stretch my legs, and they go into crazy spasms. That’ll wake you up, let me tell you! My natural stretch is to point my toes down, and recently, when I do that, my calves go into spasm, and I cannot move my feet. My feet and calves burn like crazy, and I basically am just stuck trying not to cry out in pain for a minute or two until they settle. I’m learning that they’re worse and more frequent if I don’t get evening soaks for a couple days in a row, and Brady massages my legs once in a while now, too, which seems to be making a huge difference. Live and learn, I suppose!
Wish Lish/Purchases: I bought a dress for the baby party this week!! Don’t worry, its not a fancy party or anything. I’m just going to be so freshly postpartum, and I wanted to have something a little bit fresh that fit my middle ground body, if that makes sense. So I’m happy about that 🙂 I don’t have much left to buy, so perhaps this category is about to get boring. Sorry in advance if it does!
Pictures: The bumpity bump! Or should I call it the lumpity bump? Both are accurate. My size changes so significantly each week, it seems. Agreed?

Last week was the first time I was asked if I was having twins 😳 Sooooo that was a thing. I laughed, don’t worry, but in case more people are actually wondering, there is only one in their. I would be THRILLED to have twins, no joke at all, but there’s only one cooking in there this time! Its ok, though. She’s at least three kids worth of “awesome.” At least.
How are the kids feeling: Yesterday, we did a TON of things around the house, and one of those things was moving Bambina’s clothes into place. Her sleepers and blankets are staying up in our room, where she is staying for the first chunk of her life. Her hanging stuff is going in the HUGE closet in Dekker and Rowan’s room, which tends to be the place where everyone gets ready for the day together, and winds down before bed together. Her little bottoms and extras go in the dresser in the same room. Dekker was SO THRILLED when he opened his closet and saw all of her little girly things in there! I think Bambina’s entry into our family is going to be so smooth. Not perfect, of course, and there are always unexpected things that will come along, but Dekker has always been our one who struggles harder with change, and is a bit standoffish of the baby. We never push him too hard with it, and he comes around quickly, as he is SO loving and sensitive naturally! But this time around, I anticipate nothing but love and instant attachment to her!
Getting to know the baby: For some reason, speculating about our beautiful daughter feels ballsy and vulnerable these days. I like to think she’ll be a content little sweetheart who will just fit the bill perfectly for our family. It feels scary to dream too specifically, though. I’m not sure. Now that we spent so much time in the last few days actually preparing for her, I think I’m just irrationally worried that she won’t come after all. If she does, she is going to be one CELEBRATED birth, let me tell you!!! She’ll know how to party, straight out of the proverbial gate!
The BEST part of being pregnant: This baby hasn’t been super hiccuppy like other babies I’ve had, and I’ll admit that I’ve missed it. Some people find baby hiccups annoying, and thats completely fine! To each their own! I love them, though 🙂 They’re so small and consistent and some guaranteed movement for a few minutes, at least. It just feels like a gentle poke, but its so humanizing. I love them. The other morning, I woke up a little bit before Brady, and as I took my time lulling awake, the baby got the hiccups. I was laying still, with my hand on her, enjoying feeling her hiccups, when Brady rolled over and lulled juuuuust enough for me to coax his hand onto my tummy before he fell back to sleep. I lay still for a nice long while, feeling my baby hiccupping, with my husband held her. It was glorious. These are some of the best moments. Sigh. ☺
Favourite thing: BLANKETS!!!!!

My mom and I chose fabric together a while back now, and my mom spent this week pouring over her sewing machine, making Bambina her beautiful little receiving blankets! They are all perfect. I don’t have one I like more than the others, to be honest. They just feel like they’re SO “her,” if that makes any sense. They are exactly right, all soft and sweet and pretty. They are EASILY my favourite thing this week! Hands down!!
I’m SO excited for June to play out, and I hope and pray I can finish it out strong, without letting my anxiety and nerves get in the way of all the other fun stuff! School wrapping up, track and field day, a handful of appointments, Jerilee’s birthday, the list goes on! I hope to add in a date night with Brady and maybe a pedicure towards the end of the month 😉 Its always hard to prioritize the fun stuff, but I think it will be worth it! Now let’s just see if I can fit it all in! Wish me luck, guys! And welcome to JUNE! Our last month without a new baby in hand!