We have had our delicious little daughter in hand for just about a week, and what a sweet week its been! We are all just completely over the moon. Tickled PINK. Beside ourselves.
All the phrases for downright thrilled. I figure now is a logical time to close out this series that I have SO enjoyed putting together week after week! I’m almost sad to see it go, yet I am happy to wave goodbye to pregnancy for the moment. Hopefully this won’t be my last series 🙂 Did you guys enjoy it, too?
Size Comparison: Wavy’s size is now only comparable to a baby. A small baby! I haven’t had her weighed since last week Wednesday but assuming she’s gained at least a little since then, I’d peg her around 7.5 lbs. I should get one of those baby scales…
Appointments: I guess our only “appointment” since Wavy was born was when Healthy and Home came over. If you’ve been following, you know we checked out well, no problem. We were deemed healthy and functioning well. Our next appointment is our two-ish week check, which we’ll have on July 20th. I weirdly love those early appointments because I like knowing my baby is doing well, and I like seeing my doctor. I know that seems weird but it really isn’t if you know my doctor. Either way, getting the all clear feels good.
How am I feeling emotionally: Truthfully, I feel victorious! I am thrilled beyond belief that our baby came home, and that she is healthy and thriving! I am not 100% anxiety-free, thats for sure, but I don’t think I can ask that of myself anytime soon. It took a lot of lead up to get to where we are, and its going to take some time to wind down again, if that makes any sense. Wavy breathes SO quietly, with absolutely no gurgle or rattle whatsoever, and while I’m happy her lungs are clear, I definitely get nervous when she’s SO quiet and SO still! There is a constant “Is she breathing??” worry in the back of my mind. Hopefully I don’t feel that way for a whole lot longer, but its already petering out. Thank goodness.
How am I feeling physically: This one might be a long one! Sorry folks! Physically, I’m feeling a lot of things, yet everything is pretty under control at the same time! I’m taking Tylenol, which I’m sure is taking care of some of the discomfort, but my observations so far go like this: I’m hardly cramping at all. I’m hardly bleeding at all. I wouldn’t know I had stitches if they hadn’t told me. My pelvis still cracks sometimes but rarely hurts anymore. My reflux stuck around for a day or two, but is gone now. Everything has been SO smooth. My two big issues – my boobs and my back. As many of you know, I bottle feed from the get go (PLEASE let’s not get fired up about this issue! ❤) so my boobs are engorged like there’s no tomorrow. I’m trying to take the best steps in drying them up, and while its working, its taking SO LONG! I’ve been wearing a tight fitting, life sucking bra non-stop for 3+ days now and these suckers are still rock solid. Sooooo thats been interesting! My back is also quite sore, as it tends to be after I have an epidural. Its not unreasonably painful or anything. Just enough to remember that there was a pretty sizeable needle in it not that long ago. However, this time, I had TWO full epidurals, so thats probably why it hurts more than usual.
Wish Lish/Purchases: Inevitably, we’ve purchased Waverly a few clothing items in order to have some that fit her! We ONLY purchased 3 month items, and we were gifted a good handful of newborn items which have helped immensely. Yet, most of the sleepers we were given were 0-3 and she is still just swimming in there. So we bought a few newborn sleepers, and were given a gift of a few other beautiful little newborn sized clothing items. And for a wish list? Nothing 🙂 We are SO set up. We have everything we could ever need or want for her. We are GOOD.
Pictures: Have you not seen enough pictures?! Lol! I can give you more!

And those aren’t even the labour and delivery pictures yet!! EEK! Just you wait until I get that birth story together, pictures and all! THAT will be a post, let me tell you!!
How are the kids feeling: I definitely jumped the gun on this one, but I couldn’t resist! You can read the post on how the kids feel about Wavy here. Spoiler alert. They LOVE her!!!
Getting to know the baby: No more speculating! Waverly has a beautiful, content, happy demeanour. She’s been sharing her sweet little secret smiles already, and they have not been followed by gas or vomit. Say what you will, but I think she’s pretty aware. Just the other day, she was laying on the floor when Solly meandered his way over. He sat down and leaned over to be near her face, and smiled at her. And she smiled back. It. Was. Awesome.

Yes, I admit I 100% stole this picture from my mom. But she stole the smile from my daughter so, fair and square.
The BEST part of being pregnant: The BEST part of being postpartum is sleeping comfortably, using my right leg again, bending forward, etc. My body is much happier in general, and I’m so thankful for it. Its funny because so many women say they forget the pain of labour when its behind them. I very much remember what labour pain feels like, but what I forget is the pelvic pain, leg pain, and the general weighted down ness. So while I am incredibly grateful to be able to be pregnant, its a welcome change to go from full term pregnant to suddenly be not pregnant, and physically comfortable again! The distraction of the newborn baby doesn’t hurt either.
Favourite thing: Dekker is hanging with me as I write this, and he’s pretty adamant that my favorite thing should be Waverly. And he’s not wrong! She is the BEST thing about this last week! But I feel like that would be an easy answer 😉 I think I’m going with Wavy’s hair being my favorite thing. Its thick and beautiful and even and gives her SO much character!! The best thing is about is that it smells AMAZING! Which isn’t surprising, but doesn’t make it any less my favorite. The best. The absolute best.

I have so loved this series. It helped me stay sane through this pregnancy, and has let me enjoy it a bit more than I would have if I didn’t have to dig in deep to get some of the answers. Does that make sense? Its been a good push to celebrate my pregnancy, no matter how far it went. And guys, it went full term!! Today would have been my due date, and instead, we’ve been able to have our amazing Waverly Violet at home for an entire week! Hopefully there are many, many more weeks to come. I appreciate SO MUCH how so many of you have followed along, and contributed in our life. You’ve prayed and encouraged and helped and loved us through all kinds of in the last year and a half. In that span of time, our life changed drastically, and it was really interesting to see how many people stuck with us as we struggled to figure our life out, and as we didn’t figure things out and just treaded water instead. Its not been smooth, but the love and prayers have not gone unnoticed. Please hang around as we keep on trucking, with our now FIVE kidlets!
Womb in Bloom is officially closed!! 🌸