Do We Want More Kids?

Yesterday was an odd day. Memories floated around in my mind all day, though I didn’t talk about them too much. I waffled constantly between feeling a great heaviness, and feeling peace. I’ve come to terms with the fact that things will never look or feel quite “right,” because regardless of how hard I try or how long I wrack my brain over the details, people are just not supposed to lose babies. No matter where Jamin’s ashes are, or how his few little things are displayed, it won’t matter, because he’s not here with us. And thats just life. I can have some peace about his life in heaven, but the little details here will never feel fully ironed out. And maybe thats ok.

After yesterday’s post, I figured I should address another “frequently asked question,” if I can flatter myself enough to suggest that people actually want to know, haha! Do we want more kids? That is the question.

Short answer?


We absolutely hope very much for more kids. Its a funny thing to explain. My views have changed SO MUCH since losing our boys last year, but I don’t know how to express it all smoothly. Bear with me for the long answer.

Simply put, we want all of the babies that are supposed to be ours, however that looks. Our hearts and arms are wide open. Are we just going to keep pumping out kids until we can’t anymore? Nope. Not doing that. Our decision on whether or not to have another baby has always been discussed and prayed over. We haven’t just thrown caution to the wind. I regularly ask for God to reveal to me a clear point where we are to be done having babies. I just don’t feel that push yet. Have we used birth control? Sure have. Do we think birth control is wrong now? Absolutely NOT. Are we planning to use it anytime soon? Beats me. No big plans one way or the other. We just so very strongly hope for more children. The answer is YES.

Laela has already begun colouring pictures for “the next baby. And it will be a boy.” So to answer that question, yes, the kids are VERY much hoping for more siblings as well.

I want to put this out there, too. This is the first time I’ve talked about future children where I’ve been worried about judgement, which feels silly, because we have had nothing but support from SO MANY of you! Yet, with all the lead up to Wavy’s birth, I fear people will think she’s being overshadowed, or that we’re taking her for granted if we conceive anytime in the near-ish future. This is simply not the case. Let me try and reassure you this way.

When we conceived Waverly, I was unsure how it would look to mourn the loss of Jamin while celebrating another baby. It was an interesting thing to navigate, and it wasn’t perfect, but it worked. In the possible scenario of another pregnancy, I would be loving my children, including Waverly, while anticipating another baby. That should be easier, right? Am I making sense? I hope so.

I respect that not everyone will agree with our lifestyle, or that some people think we’re “crazy.” Thats totally fine 🙂 I ask that you keep those opinions to yourself. Trust me, I’ve thought of all the same “what ifs” that you have. Probably more. We’re working hard to follow where we feel led, whether its a popular choice or not. We are confident in our decision to grow our family further, and LOVE our houseful of children!

Jamin’s First Birthday

Our little baby boy, Jamin, was born one year ago today. Its been a full year since I held him or kissed him. I was recently scrolling through some old blog posts looking for some unrelated information when I came across his birth story. Part of me didn’t want to read it, but the bigger part of me hated that I didn’t want to read it. So I did. I read them, part one and part two, by myself.

I had a good cry while I read. The details just poured back on me. Not that I had forgotten them, but re-reading it made it all real again. It made me remember that I did go through that experience. It wasn’t a dream. I wish it were.

Its been a bizarre year and a half of learning to navigate grief. Losing Theo in January was the thickest grief I had ever known. The deepest waters. But then losing Jamin was being held under those waters as I struggled to reach the surface or take a breath. As time has passed, I wouldn’t say my grief has gone away or even gotten better, but the things I experienced feel more normal. They’re not new or shocking anymore. They’re just my life. They’re just what happened.

A tricky thing happened when we had Waverly. We had our seventh kid, but actually our fifth, but actually our seventh. The babies I lost are just as precious as the ones I have here at home. I know that, and you know that. I haven’t had to convince anyone. Yet they do feel different, and thats felt bad to me. Any parents who have experienced any form of baby loss know how hard the “how many kids do you have” question is to answer. Through some recent contemplation, I’ve come to realize what makes them different.

I carried Theo for 11.5 weeks. I carried Jamin for 16.5 weeks. I gave them love, and a place to grow and develop for those months, but that was it. That was all I gave them. I never had a chance to raise them, or take care of them, or comfort them. I was never responsible for them. Ever. I will NEVER discount them as my children, but realizing this has helped me understand why they’re different from my other kids. I would have LOVED to have been given the opportunity to care for Theo and Jamin, but I was not. Rather, I have their older siblings to care for and raise, as well as our latest addition, Wavy. One is not better than the other, nor more important, but circumstances have not allowed me access to a couple my children. It was out of my control.

I will forever love the little boys I miscarried in 2017, but they are 100% taken care of. God has all of my children in His hands, for which I am forever grateful. Lucky for me, I’m still on the hook for raising these five and walking them through life. I’m responsible for my children here on earth, but not the ones in heaven. Its just different, and maybe thats ok.

Happy birthday, Jamin! I’ll see you later ❤️ 

Bday Road Trip with Jerilee

Isn’t Brady a fabulous blogger? While I was wracking my brain over what I could pre-write and post on the day I was away with Jerilee, he offered to write for me! I took him up on it, obviously! Win for everyone.

Jerilee had a birthday plan in mind for me, and it took until now to actually make it happen, since we were waiting for Brady to have a day off. Yesterday was the day! She drove to pick me up in the morning, where I said goodbye to my family, grabbed my little backpack, and didn’t look back. I kind of really needed the day away.

We listened to good music, drank coffee, and chatted the time away. It wasn’t long before we arrived in Regina. We drove all the way there solely for Pizza Hut buffet! Yes, a few locations still exist that serve a buffet for lunch. We proceeded to eat our body weight in pizza and breadsticks. We both grabbed a bit of salad, but who were we kidding? Pizza pizza pizza. Pizza Hut always wins!

Who doesn’t want to eat far too much pizza and follow it up by putting a bathing suit? We did!! ✋✋

We backtracked to Moose Jaw and headed to the spa. I had never been there before, and was so ready to soak my worries away in a nice warm mineral spa.

I should have pictures or more stories. We chatted goals and reflection and what the next year could/should hold. Work, school, family, friends, etc. We covered a lot of basics, but we literally bobbed around the pool for four hours. It. Was. Awesome. We waited until we were solidly pruny and somewhat dehydrated before finally calling it quits.


Don’t we look great?

We were both solidly loopy trying to get out of the pool, haha! Slow moving, a bit light on our feet, etc. But we made it to the change rooms and got our bearings back. We meandered our way out to the car and checked the time. It was supper time. Based on the fact that we ate SO MUCH lunch, and the lazy afternoon spent in the pool, neither of us were even a shred hungry. We opted for slurpees and made our way back home. We tried to stop and eat some supper partway through but neither of us were hungry at all, so we skipped it.

We were way quieter on the drive home. Just sleepy and content and squishy. It had been SUCH a nice day away, and I wasn’t entirely ready to go home at the end of the day. Not quite ready for reality again. But Brady greeted me with a baby girl who hadn’t slept longer than 45 minutes at a time for the whole day. She felt SO good in my arms, and once with me, she settled so beautifully. I’m flattering myself, but I’m choosing to believe she missed me. I missed her, too! But the break was good 😉

WHAT a great day! I felt loved and celebrated and appreciated, and that day, being 30 didn’t feel as rough. Let’s hold on to that feeling!

When the Hailey is away…

Her husband blogs.


So Hailey is away for the day celebrating the 10 year anniversary of her 20th birthday and I agreed to write this for her today so she wouldn’t have to worry about blogging. I dug deep down into the hidden recesses of my brain for something to write about and came up with nothing. 🤦

Then Hailey told me that some of her readers have expressed interest in what I do for a living. So here goes.

I am a finish/finishing/trim carpenter. I have no idea which one to call myself because everyone has a different label for it. And everyone has a slightly different idea of what a finish carpenter does. I feel like a general handyman a lot of the time. Finishing (see what I did there) the little jobs that need to be done to make a house look pretty. So I’m going to give you a run down of what I do. I’m using the pictures from our house build 2 years ago, sorry if some of them aren’t the greatest quality.

I like to call myself a trim carpenter these days because most of what I do is installing doors and trim in a house. I’ve been doing this for a solid 8 years now, being that I had a longtime carpenter friend of Hailey and myself offer me a job learning under him just a year after Hailey and I hitched our cabooses to each other.

I am lucky to have a contract with a fairly well known home builder who has now expanded to 8 western Canadian cities. I have been working with them since they started in our area over 5 years ago. It’s a good setup for me. I have dibs on the majority of the houses they build so for the most part I can dictate how much work I want. However, there are always slumps in the home building industry so I can’t say it’s a flawless setup.

Basically I take a house from freshly finished drywall and some bare framing to operational doors, trim, and closets.

From this…

To this…

And this…

I call this my ‘Stage 1’. So once I’ve installed the doors, trim, and whatever other custom woodwork needs to be done such as a fireplace mantle or basic handrails, then everything gets painted.

Once painting is done and flooring is installed I come back to install baseboards and any hardware required in the house that isn’t plumbing or electrical fixtures. Not much special to see there. Once I’ve installed baseboards and hardware I call it a day for that house. I may be required to go back to fix something but for the most part I’m finished with that house.

I do, however, occasionally do other carpentry related things such as kitchens…

By the way I also made that butcher block countertop.😎


Even framing. (Which I do not have a picture for. LOL)

I’ve really tried to round out my field of carpentry knowledge and skills in the last couple years. Pushing myself to take on projects that I would have turned down 5 years ago. I pride myself on doing my job right, leaving no mistakes, and being a respectable/respectful businessman.

So there’s my sales pitch. Thanks for listening. 🙂


Wavy Has Cradle Cap

The last time I bathed Wavy, I noticed that her scalp was pretty dry. I combed through her hair while she was in the sink (yup, don’t judge) and there were some pretty decent flakes. But when her bath was done and her hair dried, there were no flakes left. I figured I had magically solved our “issue” with my quick comb job.

Yesterday, I remembered what had happened and figured I’d run a comb through her hair, since thats what we’re all supposed to do for our babies, and WOW! SO many flakes!!! Upon checking her scalp, I could see just how crazy dry it was. Time to oil that little head of hair up!

I’m not looking for tips on how to rid their head of cradle cap. We’ve dealt with it a handful of times and know our way around. She was suuuuuper oily for the evening, which not only provided entertainment for me, but she also seemed super happy with the result of her new ‘do.

She was not a fan of the bath to follow, but she was fine, and fell asleep the moment she was all dried off, diapered, and dressed.

We’ve still got flakes, so another treatment or two is in her future, but thats fine. A small problem to fix.

THIS is my question.

Waverly has curly hair. I do not, and am somewhat uncertain of the rules. I DO know that you’re not supposed to brush/comb curls out, and I don’t really want to! I love when they’re fresh, defined curls! But then how do I keep the whole dry scalp business at bay? The general rule is to brush baby’s hair every day, but do people do that when they have curly babies too? Help me, guys!! How do people keep their curly babies curly?!

Go-To Jammies

After a much better night than last night, the morning was much smoother than yesterday. I woke up with Wavy at 7:00am and got the rest of the kids up shortly thereafter. Our friend came and picked up Dekker and Laela for VBS, and I was down to three!

Wavy was more settled today, and Ro and Solly were playing really well together! I got laundry going, did some dishes, and felt like a human. I invited Cher over for coffee, which was a lovely way to spend the morning. She left right around lunchtime, and I fed the little boys. They ate really well, which is not always the case. Woot!

I put the boys down for naps, continued on with laundry, and hung with Wavy until the big kids were dropped back off. They were both, once again, buzzing about their morning away. They ate some lunch, and then settled in to play Lego for their quiet time. Meanwhile, I folded laundry on the island. Its my favorite place to fold and organize the kids clothes. We weren’t overwhelmingly behind on laundry, which is usually when I choose to wash it all, but we were out of a very key item! Wavy’s sleepers!

To be fair, Wavy has TONS of sleepers. Like a full drawer of jammies. We weren’t out of all of them. We’re out of her best sleepers, and I just don’t want to use the other ones. Newborn is getting tight on her, but she’s swimming in the 3 month Carters ones. But guys, I’ve recently hit the jackpot on jammies, and I have to share.

Children’s Place.

Bear with me, here. Let me tell you my reasoning.

  1. They fit like those delightful Carter’s “snug fit” sleepers, but those ones only start in bigger sizes. At Children’s Place, the snug fit start at 0-3 month.
  2. The 0-3 month size at Children’s Place fits like newborn, only taller and longer in the limbs!
  3. Baby’s feet will actually stay in the feet of the sleeper!
  4. Children’s Place recently changed their policy, and shipping is always free, no minimum.
  5. The price is right! Usually, anyway 😉 Children’s Place is unfortunately a store that I almost always feel is overpriced, but sleepers are so often 50% off, taking them from $20 to $10, therefore making them comparable in price to Carters, if not a little better 🙂

I couldn’t resist sharing this with those of you who have a tiny one to dress in cute, skinny little sleepers! I don’t very often like the designs sold at Children’s Place. In fact, I almost wrote a post the other day based solely around a onesie I saw on their site that I HATED, but I cooled off and decided against it 😉 If you can find a pattern or color that you like, I encourage you to give it a try and a buy!

These are just a few of the ones we have, and I like them all! I highly suggest you consider these things for future baby gifts for your loved ones! They are just SUCH a nice fit!!

The Adventures of Dekker and Laela

My two oldest children tend to butt heads more often than my other kids. Ha! Buttheads. Seriously, thats just SO right some of these days. They can coexist in the same room and be around each other, but most days, it seems that anything one does will bother the other. It can be incredibly exhausting refereeing their little games all day long. Dekker is the oldest, and his personality is that of an oldest child. He’s very responsible, somewhat controlling, and whether its from birth order or just himself, he is very sensitive and easily wounded. Laela is a middle child, but it seems like she just thinks of herself as another oldest. Perhaps the oldest girl. She, however, it a bit more of a go-getter than her cautious older brother, which tends to put them on a pretty level playing field. Dekker was a bit behind on a few things until Laela pulled him along with her as she learned them. They could be a great pair!

I have high hopes for next year, when they’re both in school and have more to relate on. When they both feel more grown up, both have homework, both know some of the same people, both are learning more, etc. I’m excited for them to eventually walk to and from school together, and be pushed to converse and become better friends. Up to this point, they haven’t had much time one on one. Today, however, they did!

A friend offered to take them to a VBS program in a nearby town this week. She was bringing her children, and she knew of another mom or two doing the same. She lovingly texted me a while back and said she’d happily register my kids and drive them each day. What an amazing offer to me, and a great opportunity for my kids! We took her up on her offer, and it all started today!

They were SO excited this morning!! They burst through breakfast, got dressed and brushed quickly, and then waited by the stairs asking “How many minutes until they get here?” It was both annoying and endearing. Thankfully, their ride and their friends showed up shortly thereafter, and off they went. No one even hugged me or said goodbye. They just booted it out the door. Sweeties.

I figured, with two less kids, I could be somewhat productive in those few hours, but no dice. Miss Wavy woke up for her breakfast within five minutes of the big kids leaving, and that was that. I had my three little sweeties on hand for the remainder of the morning. It was pretty cute, though vastly unproductive.

We didn’t accomplish much at all this morning, but it was still lovely. The little boys raced cars together, the baby slept on me a lot, and we had a quick drop in visit from a friend bearing a beautiful gift for Waverly. She didn’t even judge my grey on grey on grey stylist outfit. Thats a good friend right there!

I got the little boys fed and down for naps before the big ones made it home, which was actually pretty perfect. They were absolutely amped upon arriving home, eager to share their excitement and stories. They had eaten a snack when they were out, and neither of them were especially hungry for lunch, so they split an apple and we pulled out the lego.

I haven’t seen them play this well together in SO LONG.

They’re just chatting nonstop as they play and build and work together. Once in a while, Laela gets irritated with him, and I’ve been able to talk her down off her ledge pretty quickly, which isn’t always the case. I’m getting such a nice vibe from them right now, and I can tell they’re feeling it, too. Lots of pleases and thank yous and little secretive giggles as they show each other their creations. Just a minute ago, Laela asked Dekker politely for help, and when he tried, he broke what she was making. He apologized and tried to fix it. I heard “Well, its a little different. Is it ok that I changed it a little?” Laela replied completely happily and said it was fine. The good manners are flowing. Even if it just lasts a few minutes, I’m SO happy its happening. These moments keep me alive sometimes. Its IN there! They DO love each other!

I’m excited to see what the rest of the week of VBS brings! And I’m so thankful for friends who reach out and love on my kids on their own.

Why I Feel Great Today

There are a small handful of reasons why I’m feeling great today, and I want to share them with you lovely people. Here are the top five.

The stormy, windy, rainy weather makes me happy. I don’t know what it is. I’ve always loved a good crasher of a storm, but not as much the gloomy weather. That seems to have changed in the recent year or two. I’m literally only realizing this moment that my view has changed. Perhaps because I’ve seen beautiful things come from my own personal storms. Huh.

Wavy smiled so nice and big at me this afternoon! Her social smiles are juuust starting, and I mean juuust barely. Today, I was smooching her beautiful little lips, which usually annoys her more than pleases her, and when I pulled away a little, her eyes locked on me and she just gave me a beautiful, bright smile. Gosh, I can’t wait until she smiles all the time!!!

We convinced Cher to come over for brunch, and Brady made a delicious breakfast ring thing. Its super easy and ridiculously yummy! No better way to start the day than with good people and good food!

Waverly slept a SEVEN HOUR STRETCH for us last night!!!! From 10pm – 5am! She drank about half of a usual daytime bottle and went back to sleep until about 8:30am. That girl, though. She’s so great.

Thing number five is a big one, and the attaboy goes to you guys! 💜 I wasn’t kidding when I wrote on yesterday’s post that I wished I could turn off comments. I was SO worried about everyone’s reactions, and on such a sensitive topic as this, I didn’t want anyone to end up hurt. But I also wanted to share our backstory and my reasoning behind the choices we’ve made. I actually wrote that post out a while ago and flip flopped about whether or not to actually post it. Sometimes I go back and forth, decide to post, and regret it afterwards. Not often, but its happened. But I’m SO happy I posted yesterday’s post! I posted it, shared it, and then left my house for the rest of the day. And I’ll admit, every time a notification popped up on my phone about another comment on Facebook on the link, I got more and more nervous. You guys know I’m not some big known blogger, so I knew that any conversation in the comments would be between my friends, and I really care about my friends! Reading through the comments, however, just made me love you guys more. No one put anyone down, no one said anything snide or rude, and while I KNOW there were a lot of different people in the comments who feel very different ways, we ALL settled on the same point – that a fed baby is the priority, plain and simple. END THE STUPID MOMMY WARS ALREADY!! I want to be part of that change 🙂 The more women speak to each other the way they did in the comments section yesterday, the less defensive we’ll all have to be, and the less we’ll judge each other. That positivity has me still feeling good today. So THANK YOU for that!!!

Tomorrow begins the new work week! Brady is working the first few days, and the end of the week is busy with good stuff! Its nice to have things to look forward to.

Why Don’t I Breastfeed?

I’m not shy about the fact that I bottle feed my babies. I used to be, but I’m not anymore. I REALLY don’t want this to be a controversial post AT ALL, so I beg of you all. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Feel free to judge me if need be, but I’d prefer if you kept it to yourself. This was such a tough subject for me not too long ago, and while I’m more confident in my choices these days than I was years ago, I’m still human, and things still hurt me sometimes.

When I had Dekker, I very much planned to nurse. Bottle feeding was SO taboo and was only to be used as a last ditch effort. It was (and still is, I’d say) considered a failure to bottle feed, because if you’re feeding your baby with formula, you obviously COULDN’T nurse! So I very much expected to breastfeed my child. I stocked up on nursing pads, nipple cream, etc. I bought a nursing pillow. I had done my research on the subject, knew all the tricks to make it easier for a first timer, etc. I was ready.

And then I delivered this MASSIVE child. Ten pounds, ten ounces. He was huge, and I was so scrawny. Holding him hurt my arms SO much, being that I was new at holding babies, and that mine was so much bigger than average. I was asked in delivery if I was going to breastfeed or bottle feed. I said I was going to try to nurse. She responded to me with “Are you going to try to breastfeed, or are you going to BREASTFEED??” To this day, I’m not sure what my response was, but if I could go back, I’d probably laugh and say “I’m going to try.” But I was new, so I’m sure I politely said I was going to breastfeed.

I was encouraged to start immediately, which is great. He nursed and nursed and nursed and nursed unceasingly. He was so hungry, and my milk was obviously not in yet. Again, all normal. I know this. But it was hard. I was so wiped out. Being that I was new, I let a few bad latches go too long and ended up with bleeding nipples. Guys. There is no other pain like that. Trying to let him nurse on a wounded nipple was unreal pain!! Just bananas. But I worked with it. I agreed to sit with that crazy breast pump for a while to try to draw SOME milk out for him, and then a nurse came in and fed him the few drops we retrieved off of a little plastic spoon.

I kept being told to position him in a way that I didn’t actually have to support his weight. Prop pillows up, they said. Hold him like a football beside you. More pillows. Lay beside him. Aaaaall the pillows. I stacked those pillows to high heaven, let me tell you. I tried all the holds. Maybe I was just bad at it because I was new, but there was just no way! I couldn’t figure it out. “Keep trying, you’ll get it!” So I did. I kept trying! I nursed him through our couple of days at the hospital and took him home with the plan to continue.

The home visit nurses came over sometime in the next day or two. They weighed him, measured him, and deemed that he was doing fine size wise. I told them I was struggling with nursing him, that I was in huge amounts of pain, and that he was never ever satisfied. He was dropping in weight still, but he had started so huge that no one was worried. They came once more a couple of days later to help me with breastfeeding. I sat in my bed with all of my pillows stacked under my son, popped my boob out, and accepted the help. She walked me through latching, and I wept and cringed as he attached. “Don’t tense up like that, your milk won’t let down that way.” So I bit my lip and fought through it. She sat and watched him drink for a bit once it was clear the latch was established. Maybe 30-45 seconds in, she asked me to detach him. So I did. She looked at my sad, broken nipple, all misshapen and bleeding, and said “Huh. Well it looked like a great latch, but that doesn’t look right.” I had a brief moment of relief before she said “Well, keep trying! You’ll get it!”

And that was that.

I feel like I HAVE to say something here, because I know someone else will. Yes. I could’ve travelled to the city and sought out the breastfeeding cafe, lactation consultants, etc. There are absolutely resources I could have looked into. But for lots of reasons, both good and bad, I didn’t. I was new, and figured I could figure it out eventually. I was embarrassed. I was exhausted. I was nervous to take my baby out by myself. And unbeknownst to me, my stitches from delivery were dreadfully infected, and the pain from that made it incredibly difficult to leave my house. So I didn’t, and I kept fighting through the struggle at home.

Those weeks were brutal. I didn’t realize it right away. My baby would cry, I’d nurse him, and then pass him off as fast as I could. I would cry and cry and cry. I had the purest mouth before I breastfed, but I swore my way through that pain. I WANTED it to work. I remember feeling such shame, all self inflicted, when I went to buy a breast pump and bottles. I just needed to give my broken body a rest. “You know pumping doesn’t do the same as actual nursing. Your supply might drop.” Yes, yes, I knew that. But I NEEDED to. I continued to nurse as I could, and pumped and fed in between. I was in SO much pain.

I took my son to our two week postnatal appointment right on time. And my son had continued to drop weight. Not a lot, but enough. Now you guys now how much I love my doctor. She is exceptional. The picture of what a family medicine physician should be. And I know for a fact that she is a HUGE advocate for breastfeeding. She took one look at my weary face and gave me an escape. An out. A life saver.

“Are you just done?”

“I really want to be…”
“Then be done. That is perfectly fine. Its not worth this much. Thats why we have options.”

And that was that.

Just like that, I knew it was going to be fine. She told us where to go and what to buy, and she pulled ALL the fear out of bottle feeding.

One week later, we went for a follow up visit, and we celebrated as a group upon discovering that my son had gained a TON and was easily up past his birth weight. We made the RIGHT decision! Praise the Lord for options!!

Now, you’d think the story would be done now, but its not. Because the answer to the question “Why don’t I breastfeed” isn’t answered yet.

Not many of you know, maybe, but we started trying to conceive again when Dekker was around four months old. We had conceived the first one so quickly, it was an immense surprise when we struggled and struggled to conceive over the next full year with no success whatsoever. It was awful, and I believe that was the very beginning of my experience with anxiety.

I had just received my letter in the mail with my appointment to see a specialist about my fertility when we found out we were finally expecting another baby!!!

And my FIRST thought, I kid you not, was “Oh no. I’m going to have to nurse again.”

Thus proceeded to be an incredibly anxious pregnancy for me. It wasn’t all centred around nursing, of course. There were lots of things I won’t get into, but I was basically a wreck. Partway through my pregnancy, Brady and I made the very private decision to bottle feed from the get go. Not because I couldn’t nurse, but because that was just one less thing on my list of things to worry about. It was just done. Off the list. That was that.

And it was SO freeing! An amazing weight lifted off my shoulders, and I could breathe again. We told Dr. Guselle our decision, and she supported us fully. She even put it on my prenatal info sheet, and requested, albeit professionally, that no one needed to harp on us about it. Done and done.

And thats how its continued throughout the years and the babies. We have found an amazing groove with bottle feeding, and I can say 100% that I am SO happy with our decision.

We all do it differently, and that’s ok 🙂

I know its a super hot button topic, and I have NO desire to stir that pot whatsoever. I just want to share our backstory and answer the question of why we bottle feed our babies 🙂 So there you have it.

That is that.

Unexpectedly Great

I’m trying not to do so much writing about the day before on here, but its tricky not to when I vastly prefer writing in the morning. So bear with me, if you will, while I tell you about yesterday!

It was going to be a pretty average day. Nothing too crazy. The one thing on the books was that Cher was coming for lunch, so that was a fun, low pressure thing to look forward to. Its always nice to break the day up with a friend. In the morning, however, I became a touch overwhelmed with my growing list of things that needed doing/buying before the weekend. My initial count showed that I needed 14 things (that number grew significantly) from about six different places. I talked to Brady a bit about it and he suggested we run errands in the late afternoon/evening, and wipe as much off of my list as possible. So we planned for that.

Cher came by around 11:00 ish, I believe, and I got the kids and the two of us lunch while she snuggled Wavy for a bit. We ate egg salad scooped on Doritos, because we’re grownups and we can. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

We both had somewhere to be that afternoon, so right around the time she left, my mom and my aunt who happens to be out visiting popped by! It worked out so perfectly 🙂 I don’t remember the last time I saw my aunt, but I know for sure she hadn’t met Wavy or Solly. Maaaybe Rowan, when he was still itty bitty?? I’m not sure. But she fit in beautifully with the crew, and the three of us ladies had a really nice visit. I wish they could’ve stayed longer, but they headed back out on their walk, and not ten minutes later, it was time to get the kids dressed and head out to meet Brady in the city.

I won’t bore you with the details. We went to SO MANY PLACES. We got lots of stuff done and some information about the things that we couldn’t complete. Felt super productive. Wavy made a fuss only once, for milk, so we helped her with that and carried on.

While we were away in the evening, Jerilee was at our place getting some work done. I LOVE that. That kind of thing makes me feel like our house is homey for others, not just us. On our way out of the city, we grabbed some Subway for ourselves and for Jerilee, and headed home. After putting the kids down and putting groceries away, the three of us settled in for an evening of the Bachelorette finale and some laptop reloading. Can you guess who did what? Hahaha! Was entertaining for everyone in different ways 😉

The day turned out so full and so great. I just love days like that, where you’re kind of always moving, and never bored, but happy pretty much the whole time.

Today has been busy, too, and the evening will once again be filled with company that we are very much looking forward to seeing! What a great way to kick off the weekend!