Basement Progress Report

I’m so tired of talking about the whole debacle with the van, but its been somewhat all consuming. So much so that I didn’t tell you guys some exciting news! The electrical in our basement is DONE! I’m SO thrilled to have that finished and taken care of. We have light switches in every room now rather than just a big one at the bottom of the stairs that turns on the whole basement.

The goal I sort of had in mind was to have electrical done by the end of October, and I’m super thrilled that without me having to be pushy and stressed out, we still reached that goal!

We’ve also got a good chunk of the plumbing done! Its not quite finished yet. We still need a utility sink plumbed into our laundry area, but the bathroom is all set up with running water. What a relief!! Won’t be too much longer on that home front!

With the van doing what it did, we likely won’t be able to shell out the money for drywalling right away here, but I’m so thankful to have done what we do already!

We’ve lived here for about two and a half years. When we got here, Rowan was just starting to walk, and Solly was brand new. So we had two walkers, a toddler, and a newborn. Today was have four runners and a baby. We need more liveable space soon, lol! But we’ve gone this long without it, so delaying it another few months isn’t going to hurt too bad. Hopefully. 😉

The last thing I’ll say is that I’m sorry for the lack of pictures. Its SUCH a mess downstairs! When there are walls, I’ll show you guys around in photos, while inevitably moving the mess from room to room to get cleaner pictures. #realtalk

Van Shopping and Picture Taking

We laid out plans this morning to go take a look at a work van for Brady. Like I’ve said, we’re kind of in a time crunch, but would like to end up with a good van as opposed to a cheap piece of junk. We have a few prospects, but one seemed more hopeful than the others. We called the small dealership to ask a few questions. They were hard to get a hold of, but we remained optimistic. The man then told us they weren’t open yet. It was 9:30 and he said they only opened at 11:00, which was a bit curious with their Facebook page hours stated they opened at 8:00am, and Google said 10:00am. Again, we tried to stay positive. Our kids were already dressed and scratching at the door, so we made a quick Costco run first.

Wavy held the bread.

We got to the dealership around 11:15 and no one was there. However, they pulled up basically right behind us. Brady did a thorough once over of the van and very quickly discovered this place wasn’t worth our time. Not only was the van overpriced according to the black book value, but he noted how many different things were leaking. The salesman wouldn’t entertain a price drop, and wouldn’t look at what Brady had found, so we just left. Which sucked.

On our drive to the dealership, however, we noticed another cargo van on someone’s property with a “for sale” sign on the windshield. So we backtracked to check that out. It was virtually the exact same van, same year, slightly higher mileage, but even higher priced. So we gave up for the day and headed home for lunch.

Lunch went quick and naps were quiet. About mid-afternoon, Cher showed up to help us get ready for – drumroll please – round two of family pictures!! Round one was incredibly successful, and I’m SO excited to make a Christmas card up with them, but we didn’t get many candids at all. We also realized after the fact that we should’ve done a few other combos, like a boy picture and a girl picture. Things like that. So we figured we could dress everyone the same as last time and go run them around outside a little 🙂

The pictures look they were taken on the same day, however it was SO windy today and therefore, quite cold! Not everyone was totally on board, lol! But we rolled with it and got a good handful of super cute pictures! You’ll see all kinds of them soon enough, but not quite yet! I want to choose whats going on our card first! (Who waaaaants one??)

We’ve spent the evening eating perogies, watching a movie, and playing immature games with Cher’s photo shop. While today wasn’t as successful as we had originally hoped, it was still a lovely day, and a nice way to wind down at the end.

Wish us luck tomorrow, as we have another van to check out. The sooner we solve this problem, the better. But we have to be smart, too. Gah!

REAL Friday

It’s REAL Friday today rather than just feeling like Friday like yesterday, and I’m so happy about it. I love Friday. Friday means sleeping in tomorrow. It means everyone is home tomorrow. And lucky for me, Brady is home today, so that’s a little added bonus 🙂 I was able to go to a wax/nails appointment this morning while Brady worked on his quarterly GST report. So we’re all getting stuff done today!

This weekend won’t be the most standard weekend ever, though. You guys have probably seen on my Facebook, but Bradys work van died. It died HARD the other day. (Trust me, I’ve been nagging him to write a post about it, but there just hasn’t been time.) We were lovingly offered a truck to borrow for a couple of days, which saved us this week, but starting Monday, we’re kind of on our own. We need a solution, and we need it fast. We’re in no position to shop for a good deal either :/ Unfortunately, we just need to find something. He can’t just not go to work. So that leaves us likely dropping at least a few thousand dollars this weekend that we weren’t originally planning to. While we can make it happen, its obviously less than ideal when you’re not prepared. Merp.

So rather than coffee in bed, waffle brunch, puttering away at laundry, and maybe a little errand running, we’ll likely either be split up, with him van shopping and me wrangling the kids, or we’ll all go together to look at vans. Not ideal, but not the end of the world.

With all of this in mind, Friday doesn’t feel as fluffy as it often does. But when the times get tough, we don’t get to just bail. Rather, we buy vans. Because we have to. Because ours caught on fire 🔥

An Outing with the Little Ones

I’m pretty familiar with taking the kids out grocery shopping, errand runs, and whatever else. Its so nice when I can tag team with someone, but I am also capable of going on my own, of course. However, we’ve been getting better and better at limiting our errand runs to maybe once a week, in an effort to save money, so we often go in on a weekend as a family.

This morning, the little boys were at each other, and Wavy was up and happy. I figured it was an ideal time to go out for a bit! While getting them ready to go, I realized that I have NEVER taken out just the little ones on my own!

The little miss had the right idea. All the cool kids wear sweatsuits!

Today was a whole new world 🙂 The boys were so psyched to be out and about, and Wavy was pretty much perfectly content the entire time. It was just a small trip in, which sometimes feels a bit fruitless, but today it was just right!

We went to Walmart for a very short list of things we needed. I bought two big bags of bananas (We need to start buying those things by the ten pound box or something) and some coleslaw for tonights supper. We snagged a couple small things off of our list, but the main stop was in the dairy aisle. Sigh. Guys, I think Ro is lactose intolerant. Which sucks. So I’m on a mission to figure that out, and bought him a carton of his own milk. He is SO excited to have something that no one else is allowed to have, haha! Let’s hope it makes a difference. I’ll talk more on that once this “experiment” is over. Next week, probably.

We bought our groceries and went back to the van. Our only other plan was to go get coffee and bring one to Brady. We don’t do it too often, but sometimes, if I’m in the city with the kids on my own, we go and stop and have a ten minute coffee break with him. Its breaks up the day for all of us, which is really nice.

We were sitting in the bus, sipping coffee, when one of his sight supervisors stopped and rolled down his window. I hadn’t seen him since before we had Waverly, and his wife had a baby right around the same time. We had a brief chat before another site supervisor pulled up next to the first. We all rolled down all the windows and had a chat before they drove off. A very confused man in a truck eyed us all suspiciously before driving past us and on down the street. Apparently we were blocking someone by accident. Whoops! It was a funny interaction tho.

We’re now home, and everyone is napping. Supper survived its time unsupervised in the slow cooker, and Brady shouldn’t be too much longer at work. Tonight holds some Bachelor in Paradise with Jerilee (We are SO BEHIND!!!) and some more work being done in the basement! The electrical is in full swing, and might even get done tonight, and plumbing is well on its way, thanks to a helpful, diligent friend coming and working last night.

Tomorrow is Friday, and hubs is even home for the day! Guys, its basically already the weekend!

Postpartum Physiotherapy

I don’t consider myself especially freshly postpartum anymore, but I realized recently that I haven’t been back to see my physiotherapist since a few weeks before Waverly was born. While I don’t have any big problems on the horizon, but I’d far rather be safe than sorry when it comes to things like my abdominal wall and my pelvic floor.

I am SO happy to report that everything checks out! ✅ My abdominal muscles are nice and tight together, and functioning well. My pelvic floor also appears nice and strong, and I can easily do kegels without any other muscles interfering.

Some very basic investigating showed my only lingering “issue” is that my pelvis is still mobile, as in the ligaments and tendons that loosen like crazy while I’m pregnant haven’t tightened back up to 100% just yet. While thats not super ideal, its also not surprising with my history of symphysis pubis dysfunction. Frankly, even without my history, the general rule with this is that it takes between 5-8 months before everything is back up to full strength. And obviously I don’t always give it that time. So I guess its allowed to still be a little wiggly a few months down the road. I forgive you, Hailey’s pelvis.

I’m so relieved and encouraged by all of this information! While nothing is ever guaranteed, I am in pretty decent shape in some really important ways, at least considering what I’ve put my body through over the last seven-ish years.

As our appointment came to a close, she told me very daintily, that IF it were to be the right choice for our family to go through all of this once again, and we decided to have another baby, she wanted us to feel like we could go forward with confidence 🙂 I told her we very likely would try for another, and she smirked and said she kind of figured. I love having the support of such a well-educated medical professional. She, as well as my family doctor and resident doctor have ALL told us they’re in full support of us having another, and that they’re excited for the day they hear our news. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. We have the BEST people in the world of medicine!!

My physiotherapist is very knowledgeable in terms of womens health, and she recently started up her own women’s wellness clinic. I’d love to share her with anyone who’s in the market for a fab physiotherapist!

Ok, Wait. What? Who?!

I had such a bizarre experience this morning that I have to share with you guys!

It was odd right from the start. Waverly woke up and cried around 6:30. I went to make her a bottle, and of course, she was back to sleep as soon as it was ready. So I lay in bed in the dark and played on my phone. I always make the bad choice of dozing off for another half hour or so and then I’m a total zombie trying to get up. This time, I felt more awake and chose to stay that way.

As I was looking on my phone in the pitch dark, my bedroom door creaked open. This will never not be creepy. Lucky for me, I know its always one of the kids. So I whispered “hello?” into the darkness.

I was met with Laela’s chipper voice at full volume. “I pooped.” *sigh*

Me: You pooped?
Laela: Ya.
Me: Ok. And you came to tell me?
Laela: Ya!
Me: Why? Wait, did you poop in your pants?
Laela: Ya!
Me: Oh! Shoot, thats too bad! Do you need my help cleaning up?
Laela: (laughs) Ya, I do.
Me: Ok, I’ll be right there. Go wait for me in the bathroom.

I watched her little frame exit my doorway and head down the stairs. She was waddling. Gross.

I headed down the stairs after her moments later, and was surprised to see bright lights on, the boys bedroom door open, and a bunch of crashing sounds from the bathroom. Apparently Rowan was awake, too, and was taking this exact opportunity to pull his potty seat out from under the sink, crashing everything else under there out with it. I closed the boys bedroom door and just stared at Ro for a second.

I couldn’t really compute what was happening in that moment. I didn’t see Laela anywhere. Had she misunderstood and gone back to bed in her mess?? I headed into her room, and she rolled over groggily to see who was at her door. “Mommy?” she asked. She seemed confused. Solly was sawing logs, fast asleep.

I glanced back into the bathroom, where Ro was cheerfully standing around, seemingly waiting for me. And then it clicked.

Laela was actually Rowan, not Laela at all.

My goodness. What an odd moment that was for me! I had a full conversation with a child, thinking it was a different child! I’m thankful for the outcome, though. Ro had apparently been in a dirty diaper overnight and it needed fixing up, and I’m happy that Laela didn’t have an accident! But seriously, it was SO strange! It took me a while to piece it all together! Mystery solved, haha!

I hope you guys has a smoother, less weird start to your day!

The Monday of an Ideal Week

Knock on wood I’m not jinxing anything but calling this an ideal week, but as it looks on paper, its going to be a gooder!

I’ve learned my “perfect” level of busyness is lower than many other people’s, and thats fine. I’m happy to have a commitment each day, but one feels like enough. I can do more, but as I’m sure you can imagine, our regular day to day is pretty busy on its own. Extras often feel like too much. But I’m learning that, if I can keep them to one a day, it leaves me anticipating something! They also often break up the day, which we can all appreciate, I think.

So this week, we have something up each day! Tonight, I’m out for a chunk of the evening, wearing a pretty dress for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, Brady and our electrician friend are going to put their heads down and get some work done in the basement! I’m SO happy about that! I had previously talked about wanting to set some goals and timelines for the basement, but considering that we’re counting on some connections and friends to help us with these next steps, we can’t exactly force them to come work for pizza! However, even without the push to be finished by a specific time, our people continue to come through, and we’ll likely soon be done electrical and plumbing rough-ins! We already have the insulation, so as soon as plumbing is in, we can put that in place, and I believe the next step is drywall! I admit I’m a bit nervous to stall out when it comes to that part, because drywall is going to be more expensive :/ That, and the fact that we WILL be hiring out mudding and taping, which will also be expensive. It seems like most of the next steps are going to be more costly, so they’ll happen a bit slower, and I’m nervous we’re going to lose momentum. But! We can only do what we can do! And right now, thats electrical and plumbing rough-ins! And BOTH of those are getting some time spent on them this week! YES!

The rest of the week consists of a couple of day time appointments for me, seeing some friends, and more basement work. Something good every day!

Currently, the whole house is napping. Aren’t her jammies SO cute?!?!

This girly has the right idea. I’m off to put my feet up.

Music and Shopping and Pizza

I know. All three of these good things on a Sunday! I’m telling the truth.

Brady, Carrie, and I lead music at church this morning together for the first time since May! My goodness, it was SO good to be all back together, leading our church in worship! When it came time for the closing song, both she and I were rocking our sad babies in the back of the church. Our pastor was ready to just blow past it and end the service without a final song, but the amount of arms, outstretched to hold our babies for us was just awesome! I love our church.

After church, we got the kids home and lunching. Mom and I had already made a bit of an afternoon plan, so once she and I had both had some lunch, and she came and picked me up for the afternoon. I know how hard she tries not to do work on a Sunday, but sometimes it just has to be done, so I tagged along on her afternoon of grocery shopping! We moseyed our way through a couple of grocery stores, just for a few things, and I was able to find Wavy a few more sleepers that actually fit her (my first tall/skinny baby!) as well as winter gear for Solly (nothing like two boys who are the same size over winter!) and bananas (because we ALWAYS need bananas.) We had some good visits and good laughs, as always. We doddled a little towards the end of our trip, and made our way home by picking up Pizza Hut for the family for supper!

So thankfully, supper wasn’t a fight with anyone today. Everyone ate their pizza happily, because they’re not crazy. Pizza Hut pizza is the best pizza of ALL restaurant pizza!! YUM!

Mom is already on her way home, and we’re ready to call it over here, too. I want a soak and to go to bed early! This poor little baby just can’t quite kick her cold, and has been waking up far more than usual. C’mon, Waverly. Your parents are tired.

Enjoy the last shred of your weekend, friends!

A Day of Photos

The plan for today was to try to get family pictures taken, so I booked an early morning hair appointment to get a loose curl put in there. I am useless at doing hair. Useless. However, as we were getting the kids up before I left, Laela told Brady that she felt sick to her stomach. Brady got her a bucket and left her in bed and came to tell me. When I went to check on her, she was indeed folded over, tossing her cookies.

I texted Cher that photos might have to be put off, and I headed into the city for my appointment. I couldn’t exactly cancel at that point, as I was her first appointment of the day. It was great to see Carlinna at her new location, and I enjoyed my little half hour chat with her while she did my hair.

While I was getting my hair done, my phone was blowing up with plans. Laela had asked to eat breakfast after all and was suddenly back to 100% health. Who knows what happened there, but she felt great! Cher had suggested we go forward with a photo shoot we had talked about a while ago, so we made the plan to take some photos together during nap time, and try for family photos after everyone was up.

I got home and made a quick run around the house, pulling possible clothes for the kids for our possible photo shoot. I loaded our bed with options for them, as well as for Brady and I, and made Cher promise to help us. When she came over, she helped me pick a couple of outfits for myself for our own little shoot, and once I was ready to go, we headed into the city.

We were promised clouds today, but we were given the sun instead, which is lovely and bright but not ideal for photos. But we made it work, and did some wandering around by the river. Some were more serious than others…

A couple of hours later, we called it and headed back home. Brady had showered and gotten the kids up from their naps. We made some final decisions about what everyone would wear, and we all got ready! My mom headed over to lend a hand and be someone for everyone to look at while Cher was tucked behind her camera. Once the group was assembled, we made our way to our location – basically just across the street.

Some of us weren’t as into it as others 😂

I’ll show you the real ones another day, but I’m saving a couple for this years Christmas card!!

Overall, it felt like  super full day, but I actually super enjoyed it! I got my hair done at my hair girls new location. I got some pictures taken of myself for a few things. We got family pictures taken, and everyone was looking! I’ve been in good company all day.

Its been a really lovely day! I hope you all enjoyed your Saturdays, too!

Waverly’s 3.5 Month Appointment

I took Wavy to the doctor for a routine checkup yesterday. We were aiming to come around 4 months, but this was a week where both of my doctors were in the office, so we specifically booked in that window. Poor baby girl didn’t sleep on the drive over, and then things were running a bit behind, so once we got in to see the doctor, she was a bit fed up and tired. But we managed. She just wasn’t all that impressed.

We started with Wavy’s weight, as per usual. She’s up to 13 lbs 9.5 oz, which is SO tiny in comparison to her siblings, but puts her in the 50th percentile. Her height is in the 85th percentile at about 25”. She’s been growing like a weed!! No wonder all of her 3 month sleepers are so short on her all of a sudden!

As always, we had a super great appointment. I really, really like our doctors. We started with Dr. Khatra. The first thing out of his mouth was a heartfelt thanks for the card I brought him last time we were through. It was just a thank you card, but he said it was his first, and he was really touched by it. So guys, if you feel the need to thank your doctors, do it! I think they really appreciate it, and probably don’t hear it enough. He went on to run through the whole thing with us, asking all kinds of questions about Waverly’s eating, sleeping, pooping, socializing, and general developmental stuff. My favourite question was “Are you still formula feeding? I kind of just stared and laughed at him. “No,” I said. “I’ve switched to breastfeeding.” He laughed at himself. He liked all of my answers otherwise, and was pretty smitten with Wavy in general. I don’t blame him. He talked about her hair, her super pretty eyes, her smile, etc. She’s just SO sweet! She was definitely tired and got a bit grouchy when he actually physically checked her over, but just barely. She doesn’t cry too often, so I figured she’s allowed to fuss from time to time, just to prove that she can cry.

I was next in line in the appointment, and I had a few questions. I’ve had some strange body changes that I haven’t talked about on here just yet. I was a bit worried I might have a hernia, or something like it, but upon checking it out, I think we’re working with a bit of weakening of the abdominal wall. I have no pain with it at all, but there’s definitely a weird bulge there when I eat or drink. Sooooo thats a fun thing for me to worry about. Lucky for me, I have an amazing physiotherapist who I anticipate will help me with this. I put an email through already today for an appointment. I’d love to address it sooner than later!

Beyond that, we talked about basic health stuff – eating and sleeping, and how I’m doing. I can tell I’m not in the best health I’ve ever been in, so we brainstormed a bit how I can improve my overall health. I could still use some input, however, so if anyone wants to talk food with me, I’d LOVE to bounce ideas off of someone! All things considered, though, I think we’re doing well 🙂

He was about to send me home, but then he remembered that Dr. Guselle was around, and said he’d duck over to ask if she wanted to see us quickly. I overheard the conversation just outside the door where she literally said “Don’t let them leave.” I love that 🙂 He came back in and said it would be a few minutes, but she wanted to see us. He said goodbye and headed in to see his next patient, and I rocked Waverly on my shoulder while she dozed in and out. She is SO cozy.

Dr Guselle came in very shortly thereafter, and just breezed in the way she does, with a big smile and such a welcoming air about her. She commented on Wavy, all sleepy and squishy, and confirmed that my appointment had been good, no big issues, etc. And then she went back and talked to me about this debacle I had back in August. Its another thing I chose not to share on here, but I had a pretty frustrating stretch trying to get a hold of her a while back. I think its probably pretty standard to get the run around at a doctors office, but I’m quite spoiled at mine, so its unusual for me not to be able to reach my doctor. We hashed it out today, which felt SO good, and she put something together for me so I wouldn’t be left hanging the way I way again. If I haven’t said it enough, I’ll say it again. LOVE her!

We have another appointment booked for down the road in December. Its far enough ahead, but I can’t even imagine how different Waverly will be by then! Probably standing a bit stronger when I hold her. Maybe able to be awake longer. Even more interactive, possibly?? She’s already SO fun to talk to, and will coo back and really engage when we talk with her. I love them all little and munchie like this, but truly, I am just loving watching her change and grow and develop.