I took Wavy to the doctor for a routine checkup yesterday. We were aiming to come around 4 months, but this was a week where both of my doctors were in the office, so we specifically booked in that window. Poor baby girl didn’t sleep on the drive over, and then things were running a bit behind, so once we got in to see the doctor, she was a bit fed up and tired. But we managed. She just wasn’t all that impressed.

We started with Wavy’s weight, as per usual. She’s up to 13 lbs 9.5 oz, which is SO tiny in comparison to her siblings, but puts her in the 50th percentile. Her height is in the 85th percentile at about 25”. She’s been growing like a weed!! No wonder all of her 3 month sleepers are so short on her all of a sudden!
As always, we had a super great appointment. I really, really like our doctors. We started with Dr. Khatra. The first thing out of his mouth was a heartfelt thanks for the card I brought him last time we were through. It was just a thank you card, but he said it was his first, and he was really touched by it. So guys, if you feel the need to thank your doctors, do it! I think they really appreciate it, and probably don’t hear it enough. He went on to run through the whole thing with us, asking all kinds of questions about Waverly’s eating, sleeping, pooping, socializing, and general developmental stuff. My favourite question was “Are you still formula feeding? I kind of just stared and laughed at him. “No,” I said. “I’ve switched to breastfeeding.” He laughed at himself. He liked all of my answers otherwise, and was pretty smitten with Wavy in general. I don’t blame him. He talked about her hair, her super pretty eyes, her smile, etc. She’s just SO sweet! She was definitely tired and got a bit grouchy when he actually physically checked her over, but just barely. She doesn’t cry too often, so I figured she’s allowed to fuss from time to time, just to prove that she can cry.
I was next in line in the appointment, and I had a few questions. I’ve had some strange body changes that I haven’t talked about on here just yet. I was a bit worried I might have a hernia, or something like it, but upon checking it out, I think we’re working with a bit of weakening of the abdominal wall. I have no pain with it at all, but there’s definitely a weird bulge there when I eat or drink. Sooooo thats a fun thing for me to worry about. Lucky for me, I have an amazing physiotherapist who I anticipate will help me with this. I put an email through already today for an appointment. I’d love to address it sooner than later!
Beyond that, we talked about basic health stuff – eating and sleeping, and how I’m doing. I can tell I’m not in the best health I’ve ever been in, so we brainstormed a bit how I can improve my overall health. I could still use some input, however, so if anyone wants to talk food with me, I’d LOVE to bounce ideas off of someone! All things considered, though, I think we’re doing well 🙂
He was about to send me home, but then he remembered that Dr. Guselle was around, and said he’d duck over to ask if she wanted to see us quickly. I overheard the conversation just outside the door where she literally said “Don’t let them leave.” I love that 🙂 He came back in and said it would be a few minutes, but she wanted to see us. He said goodbye and headed in to see his next patient, and I rocked Waverly on my shoulder while she dozed in and out. She is SO cozy.
Dr Guselle came in very shortly thereafter, and just breezed in the way she does, with a big smile and such a welcoming air about her. She commented on Wavy, all sleepy and squishy, and confirmed that my appointment had been good, no big issues, etc. And then she went back and talked to me about this debacle I had back in August. Its another thing I chose not to share on here, but I had a pretty frustrating stretch trying to get a hold of her a while back. I think its probably pretty standard to get the run around at a doctors office, but I’m quite spoiled at mine, so its unusual for me not to be able to reach my doctor. We hashed it out today, which felt SO good, and she put something together for me so I wouldn’t be left hanging the way I way again. If I haven’t said it enough, I’ll say it again. LOVE her!
We have another appointment booked for down the road in December. Its far enough ahead, but I can’t even imagine how different Waverly will be by then! Probably standing a bit stronger when I hold her. Maybe able to be awake longer. Even more interactive, possibly?? She’s already SO fun to talk to, and will coo back and really engage when we talk with her. I love them all little and munchie like this, but truly, I am just loving watching her change and grow and develop.