I always want to post pictures of our kids costumes on Halloween, and I usually delay the post late into the night to get it all done on October 31st. I don’t know about you guys or your kids, but usually, we come home from trick or treating, and its a TOTAL disaster getting everyone to bed. They’re all overdone, crying, asking for more treats, whining about bedtime, etc. So usually, those posts go up LATE, and I’m too frustrated to really get into it! So this year, I’m just doing it the day after.
Before I get into all the details, I want to say a HUGE thank you to a couple of very important people in our lives!! While we could get the kids dressed and out the door on our own, it is an undertaking, and it is SO much nicer with the help of loving friends!! Thank you SO much, ladies!! We all love you so much!

(I feel like Jerilee will want me to mention that she had a costume on earlier, hence the makeup choice, lol!)
Yesterday was just awesome. Easily our BEST Halloween yet! Dekker had dressed up in his costume for school, and once he arrived home in it, the kids were itching to get into theirs.

We ate an early pizza supper and began the task of getting everyone set up to go trick or treating.

I should say, everyone was excited to dress up, except Rowan, haha! He has been our wildcard every single year. He really doesn’t care to dress up. He had lots of options this year. He could choose between being a skunk, a giraffe, a slice of pizza, or a fireman. The animal costumes were a bit snug, and he was SO unhappy! It was pretty hilarious, actually.

He kept flip flopping between what he wanted to be, but I could tell he really just didn’t want to be anything. So I told him straight up that it was his choice, but I thought he would be the most comfortable in the fireman costume. He’d be warm, he’d get to wear the cool hat, and he wouldn’t feel like he was even wearing a costume. Pants and a jacket, you know? So he woefully agreed, and like every other year, quickly forgot about what he was wearing.
So Rowan was a fireman. He was only mistaken as a “fire lady” once! Haha!

The fire station was a fun stop for him!!

Laela was an unnamed princess, not a bride, as so many people thought. Thank you, Cher, for braiding her hair! It is CRISPY today, but was super cute yesterday, haha!

Solomon was a tiger, which he first felt very pouty about, but once I muscled him into the costume, he wore it with pride, and roared at everyone. It was SO cute!

Dekker was also a tiger! He’s such a sweaty kid, though, he wore it with the hood off for most of the night. But it still counted. He really loved being the same animal as Solly 🙂

Waverly wins ALL the cute awards with her butterfly costume! It came with a cute little matching mat with antennas, and she tolerated it really well, but the pigtails were WAY cuter! Thank goodness it was a warm night and she didn’t get cold! She was a peach the entire time!

Our general method around trick or treating is that we start at grandma’s house, and move from there around to the houses of our friends, any local teachers, etc. We have our hot spots, haha! It won’t always be like that, but when the kids are all little, we’re going together, and we’re driving for most of it. I feel like we went to around ten houses, only, but it took a couple of hours.
A new thing this year was a “trunk or treat” event at one of our local churches! Wednesday night is usually kids club, but since most of the kids were going to be out trick or treating, they invited families to come by the church for supper, games, and then candy! People decorated the trunks of their vehicles and passed out candy from them! I know this is somewhat common in many places, but its new to us here. We didn’t cash in on the earlier festivities, but we stopped in while we were out trick or treating, and WOW! What an AWESOME event!!! Everyone was SO sweet to our kids, getting right down to their levels, complimenting each one of them, and stocking them up well with treats! As we neared the end of one side of the street, a woman called out to us “Come on already! We all want to see your group!” It was SO cute! She just mooned over them, it was SO cute!! And I have no idea who she was. Just loved our kids. That kind of thing makes me want to be better. I want to be that woman.
As the evening drew to a close, we drove home and unloaded the kids to stop in at a couple of our neighbours places. It was good to see them! We have a nice little group of four houses, but we don’t all see each other too often, just because of life. Its always nice to pop in on each other! But soon, it was time to tuck everyone in for bed. And guys, there were NO tears. Everyone was content and happy, and juuust the right amount of tired. We clearly hit the sweet spot, which was just so wonderful. They had clearly had an awesome time, and so had we.

All of the kids were tucked in by 7:30. AMAZING!
This one’s freckles gave me a run for my money, though! Hahaha! She looks like a sunburn victim, but she really just has lipstick stained cheeks. It never stays this long on my lips, of course…

Once the kids were in bed, we had supper, a soak, and headed to bed ourselves.
Halloween was just such a win this year. Thank you EVERYONE who showed our kids love and made them feel special. It always takes a little bit to get them out the door, but this year, more than the last, it was SO worth it!!
Thank you for all the pictures, Cher 😘