It is what it is

Yesterday ended really really tough. We didn’t get kids to bed until really late, which was hard. A couple who were going to sleep in their own rooms opted to room together. The house was finally quiet shortly after 10:00, and Brady and I were able to get some supper into our bodies – taco salads. Something about late night taco salads. I can’t explain it. They just hit different.

We got up this morning at a “normal” time for us for summer. It was around 8:00. Brady stayed home for the morning to be with everyone after the kerfuffle the night before. The house was a total wreck.

It doesn’t look horrible but yikes, we don’t leave it like this overnight ever. Its so yucky to wake up to the living room, dining room, and kitchen all in this level (or worse) of disarray.

Brady did as much work as he could from home, and I tried to get some housey stuff done at the same time. I rearranged the living room a bit. Hung up some cuuuuute new decor! The evening before, my mom had picked up and delivered a big stack of groceries for us, and they remained on the island. So I worked on that until I dropped a salsa. *sigh*

So. That sucked. Brady was working to install a security camera in the backyard and came back into the house to me sitting in the pantry, taking a breather. He very lovingly shooed me out of the pantry and cleaned up my mess while I took a second to recoup. I felt pretty frenzied, and this just proved to me how shot my nerves truly were.

Praise the Lord, the kids went to Tom and Rae’s for the afternoon so I could take Brady to work, and the morsel into the city for an appointment. Then, my mom drove Brady in to radiation, and I picked him up from radiation and took him to an appointment with Dr. Guselle. Goodness it was a FULL day! And like. Not the best.


We are overwhelmed with gratefulness for our people. My mom and Rae watched the kids all day. My mom drove Brady in to the city today, and Rae drives him to work almost every day. Cher cleans our house right now and helps me keep up with the workload. She even left me a present in my underwear drawer today 😂 Tonight, we ate supper at Tom and Rae’s, in their WORKING air conditioning. We are surrounded in love, and its not lost on us how fortunate we are 💜

Tomorrow, our new AC unit will be installed! That cannot come soon enough!! 😅

Everything is Broken


Goodness, guys. There is a LOT going on over here!

This month, we’ve decided to replace our laundry machines. They still work most of the time, but there are some things that are starting to lose their charm. The washer is front load, first off, which isn’t my favorite but I can live with. However, its starting to glitch pretty badly. It shows error messages regarding clogs that aren’t there, or it just slowly spins for hours, locked. Its also a lot smaller than we’d like it to be. So its been on our radar to replace it at some point. When the dryer started struggling as well, occasionally running a full cycle without drying at all, we figured we could replace the element and such, or we could just replace both machines like we knew we’d need to do eventually. So we did a bunch of researched and ordered machines from Hague Hardware. They were SO helpful when we ordered freezers, so we happily went back to them! In the last week, we ordered two BIG machines, both wifi capable, and they will be delivered, installed, and the old ones will be removed! Ack! I can’t WAIT!!! Hopefully they’ll come in the next two weeks or so!

This month, our bus started making a lot of noise. The thing is, with me driving SO MUCH, I really can’t be without the van for very long :/ We’ve been vetting a local mechanic for a while now, and Brady got in touch with him and told him as much. So the van went to him for one day, where he came back to us with a diagnosis, or an almost diagnosis. It will be one of two things. They cost about the same, and either one can be completed in one day. So I have the bus back until he has all the parts and is ready to get opened up. So again. One day. That is WAY easier to manage than an open ended “We’ll call you when its done.”

This month, specifically this week, our air conditioner stopped cooling. Because why not. 🥵 We troubleshot for a day or two, but frankly it is WAY too hot to keep doing that. Brady called Leah the Plumber and she came this morning to diagnose our issue. Her company has bailed us out once before in the Bitner house, and today was no different. But. It is a LOT bigger of an issue, lol! Sooooo, to go along with the theme, this month, we are getting a new air conditioner! 😅 Ours is both wrecked and also undersized for our home. Merp. So we’re getting one that is appropriately sized for our house, and redoing the ducting and such to accommodate for it. Apparently our furnace is also undersized, but with our in-floor heating, it still works just fine. One giant purchase at a time!

So. Its been kind of a nutty month so far. Its definitely felt a little bit “When it rains, it pours” but also, there is true peace about a lot of it, which we can only explain as a covering from God above. So forward we go!! And how HANDY is it that we have so many places to go in the coming days in our van with a good pumping air conditioner! At least that isn’t broken! 🤞

Thank you, Lord, for giving us peace, and ALWAYS providing for us!

Brady Got Promoted!

It has been in the works for some time now, but it is not officially official! Brady has been promoted to sales manager!!! 🥳

Oof! He’s handsome!!! 😍

He has been working at Zak’s for just over two years now, and he has fallen into his role as a salesman SO much better than he ever imagined he would! He is so unbelievably invested in the sales team at his work, so when the sales manager left the company for something new, Brady began itching for the position. But, as you might have noticed, brain cancer sort of got in the way a little, and held a few things up. Then cancer treatment began, and it seemed like the ideal was waiting it out to see how the radiation would affect him. But Brady has more than proven himself, over and over and over again. He was told officially last week that he was being made sales manager, and yesterday, at their monthly sales meeting, it was announced to the staff. Brady is SO excited. 

We’re all thinking it. The timing stinks. Lol! But Brady is nothing if not determined and, even if he wears out a bit in a couple of weeks and has to miss some days and some hours, he is the more dedicated person for the job. 

They chose WELL. 

HUGE congratulations, Brady 💜 I am beyond proud of you, with ALL the things you already now, and now this – a management position!! I can’t help but feel like our eight children have prepared you for it just a little 🤏 but much of your drive has always been there, so I guess we can’t take full credit. I love you so much, honey. Onto the next adventure!

Praydiation: Week Two

☝️👌 ✔️

Brady is down TEN radiation treatments today! Ten out of thirty.

Just about every day, I drive to pick Brady up from work, and we drive together to the cancer centre. There’s been construction on College bridge for so long, so my route has changed drastically from when I used to go for counselling and such. We get there, park in one of the two usual spots, depending on if there is anything extra to do in the cancer centre that day, and in we go. We never wait long before Brady is called back. Then he is masked and put up on the table, into the radiation machine for a mere two minutes or so, and then out he comes. We make a corny joke about how he’s healed now, and then we go back to the van, pick up some iced coffee, and drive home. Or, back to work, if its an earlier appointment. Its a quick turnaround, for which we are very grateful.

With two weeks of radiation down, Brady is feeling it all a bit more. He is still feeling MUCH better than you’d expect someone with his diagnosis to feel. The main thing he’s noticed is weakening in his legs. That happened last time he went through cancer treatment, so while he forgot about this side effect originally, he now remembers it and it feels less daunting that way. Conveniently, Brady has a wheelchair handy handi at all times, so weak legs aren’t such a big problem after all.

Thank you for diligently praying, friends 💜 It means the world to us, and I firmly believe it plays a role in Brady’s healing, as well as his mental health and wellbeing. God always provides, many times through His people. So thank you for being good neighbours in that way 💜 We don’t take it for granted!

Two weeks down! Four to go! 💪 Take care of us, Lord!

We Lost Another…


We gained back Rowan and Solomon, but Laela is spending her week at camp with Avery this week! We will miss her, of course, but I have no doubt she will LOVE being at camp, away from everyone she sees everyday. I hope and pray she comes home feeling refreshed and happy!!

I LOVE how Jaxon just scoops her up to hug her! Ack! Its SO cute!

Stacy and I brought the girlies over to register them for camp, and once we arrived and got lined up, the Heavens opened and BOOM! ⛈ It POURED!!! Which was awesome, except that their stuff was not under the shelter at all. A couple of us ran and retrieved the girls things, Jaxon being the only one who ran back for a second time, rescuing Laela’s water bottle from the back of the golf cart. He. Was. SOAKED.

Laela goes “Eeeeek! Welp. I guess I’m wet now.”

We got the girls all checked in and as the rains came home hard, the staff assured us they would get everyone settled into their cabins, which both Laela and Avery were fine with 💜 So we got our hugs and kisses in, and off they went!!!

Once they were off, we tied up a few loose ends, and then we were also off! But then we forgot something and went back, and then we were off again!! Hahaha! Whew! It felt whirlwindy but also pretty peaceful. The van went from hyper to verrrrry quiet to verrrrry tearful in that final stretch 😂

We got home and unpacked, and then Rae and Tom arrived with Dekker! The gang is back together!!! It feels oddly boy-heavy, which is funny because we are only one girl short! But she has a lot of personality, and it really shows when she’s gone 💜

We already miss you, Lala!!! Have the BEST time at camp!!

The Morsel and the Coleslaw

It was beautiful out today. Windy enough that it kept us all in denial about how much sun we were all getting. 

A day of good food and friends and even some crocheting. Not by a fire, of course 😩 c’mon rain!! 🌧️ but it was still absolutely lovely. 

The highlight came about this evening. After a potluck supper, we made our way back to our site, and the morsel was toddling around on the deck. Without warning, the morsel pulled a messy plate from supper down atop their head, landing up with a face pull of coleslaw dressing. When I ran over to rescue aforementioned toddler from themselves, little feet stomped the plate and spread the coleslaw yet further. My efforts to clean the baby were in vain as it wiggled away from me, much more interested in eating the goldfish crackers left on the floor of the deck. All in all, it was a hysterical “throw your hands up and let it go” kind of laugh. It felt good to laugh big. I would give just about anything to share pictures on here but you’ll just have to take my word for it, I suppose. It was absolutely adorable 🥰 

Time for bed. We are all tired but the kids are coping quite well actually 💜 thank you Lord for giving us things to laugh about and enjoy, even when we’re dog tired and going through all kinds of things. You ALWAYS take care of us. 

How Did We Get Here?

There are few things I never ever tire of. But goodness. This kind of view is one of those things. 

I remember asking Brady how we were so blessed to get a spot here so easily when we did, only to have everyone after us stack up on waiting lists for summer after summer. It felt unfair. And now, I can see how beautifully timed that gift for us was. At the point we were madly building this camper in anticipation of this campsite, Brady’s back was starting to hurt. His tumour was on the move. We got three weeks in at the lake that season, and the next spring, we came here in a very different position with totally different needs. And we were cared for so beautifully. This place is so perfect for us. 

Thank you Lord for always providing. Even the things we don’t need. What a beautiful love gift Kinasao is for us 💜 

Deceptively Quiet

Today felt somewhat restful. Or like, quiet. QuietER than usual. Its not ever quiet quiet. But, I sat for a little today. I gathered up some very minimal stuff for camp. I daydreamed a bit about crocheting I am aching to work on. So many projects. So little time. But it was nice.

Dekker biked around a bit. Got the mail. Packed clothes for the weekend. Read some new books he got. He spent some time in the afternoon with a friend.

Laela had quite a few jobs on her plate today, so she worked quite a bit, and then she packed up, and even went to the spray park with Wave. They did nails and tattoos.

Wavy followed Laela around to a degree, but she coloured. Practiced writing. Looked at booked. And mostly, she played with the babies. She is awesome with that. She sat with the big babies through breakfast so I could feed the lemon drop a bottle in the living room. It was awesome. And thanks to that, she got herself an afternoon at the spray park!

The babies were a little bit less peaceful. They played alright for times, but they alternated their naps, one altogether boycotting naps. There was a very brief moment where everyone was quiet, but it did not last worth anything. But. Isn’t that what happens? As soon as it seems peaceful and quiet, someone wakes up screaming? Just us? Cool 😎

As a very generous gift, Brady and I were offered a kid free couple of hours to go out for supper after radiation, which we jumped at. We enjoyed some restful time and ate a giant supper at Montanas. It was awesome 💜 and really nice to see each other away from all the other stuff. Cancer stuff. Busyness. Kids. Work. Driving. All the messy stuff. Its easy to get lost in there. So this was incredibly refreshing. Thank you, Rae and Tom, for not being afraid of our crew, no matter how the numbers change. Wait. You’ll still love us if the numbers change, right? Don’t worry. We are NOT looking to add anytime soon!

Ok. Everyone is tucked now except one, and that one isn’t home yet. So while we wait, I think we’ll eat dessert and watch some shows and finish up the deceptively restful day. My body and brain knows tomorrow will be worky and then whirlwindy. So for this evening, I hope to rest. Tomorrow, I will work. I will have help, thank goodness and also Cher! 💜 And then we’ll be gone – to radiation and then the lake!

Psh. Who stops?! 😅

Quick Costco with Dekker

The plan after radiation today was to knock out a speedy Costco shop. And by speedy I do not mean that we had a short list. We did not. But some days we meander a bit more, while others we motor. And today we were hoping to make it a quicker one so we could actually be home at a reasonable time to have supper at home.

As it tends to go recently, some of the family broke down in a big way and I was left to rush in while everyone cried in the van. As you can imagine, this method is fun for absolutely no one. And today it was especially a bummer because there had to be two carts. Brady was gracious and said I should take in a big kid to help me, so Dekker grabbed a second cart and in we went to tackle Costco!

We had to get some diapers and wipes, so we went there first in order to load carts in a smarter way. However, for the first time ever, we did the rest of the shop from there instead of going with the natural flow of the store, and that was a MISTAKE!!! Hahahaha! Dekker said “I didn’t know there was a right way to do Costco!” But guys, there absolutely is. And with that, there is also a wrong way to do Costco. Going against the flow of traffic after work hours. Do not do what we did.

However, we did get a good haul. We only missed a few things but they were things that either could wait or weren’t there this time. No big loss. We even watched the Amazon guy come and go on our doorbell camera while we waited in line.

We came home, got everything put away, and had ham and eggs for supper. For the kids, anyway. Everyone was so hands on. Brady and I will eat later. And I am SO looking forward to it. Toasted tomato sandwiches with cottage cheeeeeeese!!!

All the Mountains We Climb

We ALL have mountains to climb. Without a doubt.

I know many people feel the need to compare mountains. And thats not necessary. EVERY mountain is a challenge to conquer. They all still feel rewarding to overcome. A “smaller” mountain is definitely still a mountain.

When Brady has his first surgery, I hated that I struggled because it was not about me. Except, realistically, of course I was part of it. Of course I struggled, too. Absolutely NO ONE faulted me for that except me. It is literally what brought me into counselling. I needed to be able to suffer without feeling guilty. Yes, Brady’s stuff seemed way bigger than mine. And I think thats a pretty fair statement still. But my suffering was just as important to come through. My struggle was just as relevant. I needed to climb my mountain just as much as he needed to climb his. Both were super important. Very different, but super important. Hopefully Brady’s mountain is wheelchair accessible….. 🧑‍🦽

Cher gave me this yesterday.

It means a LOT to have you with me on my climb, girl 💜 Your care and love are a huge support, and something I desperately need and do NOT take for granted.

Snacks, however, are on you. I’ll bring the coffee 😘