I know we’re not the only family out there who kisses ouchies. Brady and I can kiss most things better. However, a long time ago, the kids implemented the same concept between themselves. Its not specifically mommy or daddy’s kisses that fix the problem. Its the kiss itself, apparently. Its been SO cute to watch them do that on their own that its sort of become part of the apology when they accidentally hurt each other.
I have a memory from a few years back, where Dekker accidentally hurt Laela in some way, and she wanted him to kiss it better. He got all huffy about it and retorted “I’m not the captain of kissing, Laela.” We laughed SO hard about it, and thats now a known story between the kids that we all can laugh at.
Back to today’s blog story. Yesterday, we opted to wrap up the evening with some music videos. The kids dance and get their sillies out, and it usually means no arguments or disputes for the last half hour ish before bed. We had just begun, and Dekker and Laela were dancing beside each other. It was getting pretty lively, and Dekker accidentally kicked Laela in the knee.
So here’s the thing. These two fight more than any of our other kids. They LOVE each other at school,

and the moment they set foot in the door, they snap at each other, nitpick at each other, and generally try to get at the other. Whether its trying to take a toy because they know the other wants it, or taking a particular color of plate because the other wants it, or just straight up tattling, my two oldest battle it out all day, err day. It loses its charm fast, let me tell you. So if one even kinda sorta maaaybe seamed to hurt the other, they milk it hard.
Laela jumped away from Dekker, but her angry, accusatory eyebrows quickly wrinkled up before she started to cry. She was far more sad than mad. So we knew he had actually hurt her. But a TOTAL accident! They were both dancing rowdy.
She stood tipped over and cried, and Dekker finally worked up the courage to try and help her.
Dekker: Do you want me to kiss it, Laela?
Laela: Ya… (she pointed to her knee) Its this one.
Dekker: (kisses her knee) You know its not actually going to help.
Laela: Yes it did!
Dekker: Its just like, I’m kissing your knee…
Laela: Ya but it goes IN! In the skin!
Dekker: It works better in the jeans that have holes in the knees.
Laela: (looks confused)
Dekker: (looks mischievous)
And then they laughed like maniacs, and all seemed to be resolved.
I liked it, though 🙂

They sat together on the couch after a while, and everything was right with the world. Uuuuuntil the next thing wasn’t. But as I’ve said before, he’s the oldest kid, but she’s the oldest girl, and I think they’re fighting for that spot to be the leader. I can’t wait for them to settle some of those differences out and be just the best older siblings!!