Today had to be an errand day for a handful of reasons.
- We were out of basically everything.
- A couple of things were under a time crunch.
- There’s an impending snowstorm.
We took our time this morning, but left for the city after everyone was dressed and fed. We were bundled up and gone around 10:00am.
Our first stop was pretty unsuccessful. We unloaded everyone and dragged them into Canadian Tire, only to leave with a single thing. Merp. But we grabbed some coffee and continued on. We dropped by Lawson and got my screen protector replaced under warranty by a really helpful employee. Then lunch, and the Walmart.
We needed such a wide variety of things at Walmart, and while we didn’t get them all, we did ok. We got the big kids new helmets, because with skating at school and a quad ride or two, it was clear they needed the next size up. We got some groceries. We got the school kids valentines, and got Laela a new water bottle since she lost hers a couple of weeks ago, and the one she’s using in its place is leaky. We did not find antifreeze, nor a comfy sports bra for myself. Or a new phone case. Possibly most disappointing, I inquired at the pharmacy about those little over the counter skin tag remover kits, and learned I can’t use them. I have a small skin tag that grew right under my eye, of all places, and I can’t remove it myself there. So that was discouraging. But, small potatoes in the big picture.

After Walmart, we headed to Costco. Everyone was fed and watered and happy, but there was a throw down, let me tell you. Solly still sits up in the cart seat, and the big kids hold on to the side of the cart when we’re in the parking lot, because we want them to live. However, whichever side Solly sits on seems to be GOLD, and Dekker and Laela fight to the death over who gets to be on that side. Today, we were unloading everyone from the van, and Dekker and Laela were scrapping over who got to be on which side of the cart. And they started flat out yelling at each other, because we’re not already a bit of a side show. Sigh. Brady stopped their argument and reminded them to speak respectfully. And then yelled back! Would not have it. Sooooo everyone got loaded back into the van, amidst tears from the guilty parties. I waited in the van with them while Brady ran in and blitzed Costco on his own. It went surprisingly fast, haha!
We headed home with our tired, emotional bunch, a bit nervous for what was to come of this nap-free day. As soon as we got home, I fed Waverly and put her to bed. Dekker got into the bath, and the middle kids played hide and seek. We decided on and started supper, and I headed upstairs to blog. At one point, Brady came up to talk to me, and upon going back down, he saw these beautiful little beings.

Dekker had finished up his bath and had joined the others. All on their own, they had found something quiet to do as a group!!! These small moments always feel like such a win, but especially after a big day out.
No promises for the rest of the day, but I like what we’ve had so far!