Yesterday evening was interesting enough that we didn’t bathe the kids before bed. We always bathe the kids the day before church, but there was just no way. So we bathed them this morning. They’re so cute when they’re clean 😆

I admit, we didn’t get to bathe Waverly this morning. Our poor little dear is SO sweet and SO teething, her sleep is all over the place. She slept beautifully through the night, as she had been for the last week-ish, minus a few minor hiccups. She woke up around 7:00 and she went right back down after her feeding! SO awesome for her, and for us, but we couldn’t justify waking her for a bath when she’s still so little and not stinky or greasy. We put her hair in a curly little pony and called it.
Our kids made it through church pretty smoothly, except Wavy, who we had to wake up for church and who would’ve rather been sleeping. One particularly eager little girl held her through a good part of the morning, and I traded her out for the second half.
My mom came over for lunch and the afternoon. We ate super easy food and chatted our few hours away. We showed her the progress we’ve made in the basement, and talked about whats coming next. Just before she headed home, Wavy woke up, and was in way better shape.

I’m happier when I don’t have to wear pants, too. I get you, Wavy.
The kids are eating a snacky supper, and Brady and I have a yummy supper planned for after they go to bed. We used to eat after bedtime a lot more, but we’re trying to make some changes. Eating with the kids is nicer for them, and healthier for us. Its a bigger challenge oftentimes, but its a habit we’re trying to set, and its working! But today, we feast on stir fry that we love that the kids hate. Lol! I can’t wait!