Yesterday, we were going to begin priming our basement. However, Brady has had a stereo for his van waiting to be installed since Christmas. He opted to do that rather, since the weather was a bit nicer yesterday. So our plan was to prime a bit the next day. Yesterday, I called our doctors office for an appointment for Waverly. I asked for anytime in the next week or two, and they said “How about tomorrow morning?” So that became this mornings plan. As I type this now, I can hear Brady stirring our primer in the basement 🙂 So its finally happening!
Once the big kids were out the door to school this morning, we got ourselves looking like humans before heading out to Wavy’s appointment. The boys were stoked for the outing, and Wavy was chipper and happy, too. I’ll share all about the actual appointment in a few days, but all went well. We got in a little late, but that was fine. It gave Brady time to go run an errand with the boys.
They went together and switched out our wifi router for a new one. Here’s hoping it improves our signal because our internet has suuuucked worse than usual for the last few months, and we are over it. Then they waited in the van while we were in our appointment. At one point, the doctors ducked out for a second and I texted Brady that I was almost done. He and the boys drove to pick up coffee.
Wavy and I finished up at the doctors and met the boys in the van. I always feel SO uplifted coming out of there! But off we went to the next place. We stopped by Home Depot for a few small parts that we need to install our laundry sink, as well as a new cordless nailer for Brady. His died the other day at work and the estimate to fix it was maybe $20 less than the cost of a brand new one. While Brady was shopping, I fed the boys some lunch I had brought along. They waited patiently for Brady to come back, and once he had, we began heading home. We picked up his broken nailer from the repair place along the way, and made it home by nap time! It was pretty perfect!
The only one who slept on the drive home was Waverly, so she stayed up for a little bit still, but was sleepy and fussy before 2:00 and went down for a nap.
The house is quiet now, save for my clicking keys. The basement is quiet, too, but I got this picture texted to me…

My kids will be home in about an hour, and I want to write out the details of Wavy’s appointment so I don’t forget the important stuff when I post about it. So, excuse me while I do that. And tonight is music practice, and its a JUST FOR FUN one!! I’m so stoked!! Would anyone come listen if he hypothetically played a coffee house gig?? 🤔
We’ll talk tomorrow, as usual!