As mentioned, I’m going away this weekend to get my crocheting on! I’m looking forward to trying a whole new avenue of crocheting, and I have a few to choose from. Who knows where I’ll end up, but I’m very much looking forward to it.
I spent some time yesterday getting things together. Many women who go to this retreat either do paper crafts (cards, scrapbooking, etc.) and many others do quilting. They have to bring WAY more stuff than I do. I bring a couple tubs of yarn with some extras thrown in. I feel like I just went to one of these retreats, even though it was a few months back, but I think I have a pretty good handle on what actually needs to come along with me. What I didn’t use last time, and what I forgot and needed! Here it all is!
Basic clothing – sweats, leggings, and a stack of grey shirts. I’m not even kidding. I added a grey/blue one to make me feel like I had variety. But I’m just bringing all the comfy stuff. I’m not even bringing jeans. Sock and underwear. Don’t forget jammies, so sharing a cabin with a group of people doesn’t get awkward…
Food – So meals are provided but its suggested to bring a snack for people to share. I’m behind on this, but the plan is to bake up some quick Ghirardelli brownie cookies before I head out. Also, last time, coffee creamer hung out in the dining hall but not in the craft area where we spent most of our time. Sooooo I’m bringing creamer too, because, coffee snob.
Toiletries – Almost nothing. Toothbrush and paste, brush, deodorant, and moisturizer. Chapstick. The end. I might bring mascara so I can look put together if I want to. But I likely won’t want to.
Sleeping bag and pillow, obviously. Phone charger. Maybe a snuggle blanket. Trying to decide how cold its going to be there…
Crafty stuff! – YARN! So much yarn! In with the yarn, I have my iPad (for the sake of patterns) and a binder with patterns already printed off. I have a pencil, a good eraser, a sharpener, and a notebook. I have a beefy extension cord to plug in whatever I need, and for my tablemates to share. I have good scissors and all kinds of little hooks, needles, and accessories. I think I have everything I need for any of the ideas I have brewing, but because I’m not dead set on any specific one, that leaves wiggle room to have forgotten something small, and to switch to a different option.

Last time I went to this retreat, it was SO cold. Its still winter, but I don’t have to tell any of you local friends that this weather is BEAUTIFUL in comparison to what we’ve been having. It feels like Spring! Its possible I’m wearing leggings and bringing my capri length leggings, just in case 😉 Crafting is an extreme sport, after all.