Hey Solly! Smile!
Hey Solly! Give a nice smile!
Hey Solly! Make a funny face!
Hey Solly! What does a cow say?
Hey Solly! Are you ok?
Hey Solly! Are you tired?
Hey Solly! Are you happy?
Hey Solly! We’re going to the city!
Hey Solly! We’re going to church!
Hey Solly! Do you love Wavy?
Hey Solly!
Every. Single. Time. Always.
Just in case you were wondering what the inside of his mouth looks like.
Great teeth, though!
Brady’s week off of work couldn’t have come at a better time! I’ve been unexpectedly away from home for the last couple of days, and Brady has graciously taken on the role of single dadding. I’ve been able to be out of the house without any guilt or resentment laid on me. I know I’m SO fortunate to have a loving, understanding, involved spouse to count on! It gives me some very real, very important opportunities.
I’m also thankful to him for sending pictures all along the way, so I don’t miss anyone too too much 😉
Yes, Solly has a ponytail now!
My kids are also totally understanding about my being away, and it makes the mornings that I see them SO sweet and special. The hugs are genuine and the conversations are about whats important to them now. I love those times, and I’m happy to have them. Soon, I’m sure I’ll be back home full time, and they’ll be bored of me again 😉 But this has its sweet aspects too.
It was so good to come home to our beautiful family yesterday. Sometimes, after a trip, I feel not quite ready to leave, or that it was too short. This weekends trip was short, but it still felt great to be home. I missed our kids, and then comfort of our home. Also, our bed. The hotel bed was fine, but our bed is sooo comfy, and our blankets and pillows are better. It felt so good.
I was on the phone yesterday evening when someone knocked on our door. We weren’t expecting anyone! Brady went down to see who it was, and wouldn’t you know it was someone with treats! LOTS of treats!!
You better believe Brady and I ate a few pieces of these before we went to sleep, and will likely do the same today if the kids don’t beat us to it! But MY GOSH! Can I say it any louder?? WE HAVE THE BEST PEOPLE!!! What an enormous gift, again.
Brady and I realized this morning that Dekker actually has today off school! We had completely forgotten! So we just hung out! Dekker likes school just fine, but he loves home. Today, I harassed him while we sat on the couch together, and we had SO much fun!
He’s getting tougher, so I can really put my weight on him and rough him up a bit, and he just laughs and laughs and laughs. He’s so serious so often, and it’s SO GOOD to see him laugh the way he does!
Our trip to Regina came and went in only 26 hours! It felt longer than that, and I’m SO grateful to Jerilee for giving us that night away! The life we’ve chosen isn’t quick to give us getaways, so we are SO thankful when we do get those opportunities!
We left Saskatoon early/mid afternoon on Saturday after filling the van with gas and picking up iced capps.
We listened to good music on the drive, specifically the mew Marianas Trench album. Guys, its SO good! We were amped to hear it live, we wanted to know the songs as well as possible!
We got to Regina and checked into our hotel. We had missed the memo that our Holiday Inn & Suites had suites. I know. Thank you, captain obvious. But thats what we got! A nice big room with a king bed, a couch and some chairs at a table, a bathroom (obviously,) a small fridge, a keurig, among other things. The staff were nice, too. We checked in and got ready for the concert. It wasn’t long before we needed to leave to go get ourselves fed! To Boston Pizza we went!
I know, nothing too crazy, but we like it there. We got an appetizer and a pizza and had a really yummy supper. Guys, I could eat tropical chicken pizza all day every day. Its my faaavorite!
From there, we headed to the concert! We were about an hour early, but that turned out to be a good choice, because even that early, we parked a good ways away.
For the sake of parking, it made sense to be early, but for no other reason. Rather than another arena tour, Marianas Trench is going through auditoriums, so picture theatre seats rather than crowds of people pushing towards the stage. I like both, but the old lady in me loves having my spot to set my hypothetical stuff, and the guarantee that no one will be standing directly against me. Except Brady. He’s allowed.
We waited along with everyone else, and the doors opened about a half hour before the show started.
We felt pretty “meh” about the opening band. They had a LOT of fun, which was great, but everything was super electronic and distorted. I couldn’t understand a single word, and I think lyrics are a big part of the music I like. But to each their own. I was MUCH more excited about the main event band!!
And guys, they did not disappoint!
Say what you will about Marianas Trench. I know they’re a popular radio band, and not everyone’s cup of tea. If you like their singles at all, I challenge you to go listen to the music they haven’t put on the radio! Their opening and closing numbers are SO artistic and full, and a clear display of their raw talent. They can jump from style to style, seemingly effortlessly, and ace it all! The lead singer ran around the auditorium, sang HARD, and hit all the falsetto notes, with serious power behind them! It was pretty amazing! I screamed and cheered for them like I would’ve back in high school. It was just so so fun! And WOW, was I deaf afterwards!! Worth it!
We got back to our hotel, after picking up some ice cream, and snuggled in bed, watching some tv and eating dessert. I fell asleep embarrassingly quickly, but I was completely spent!!
This morning, we took our time getting moving. Meanwhile, Jerilee was decorating cookies with our kids, sending pictures, and feeding them/keeping them alive for us. A loving neighbour even dropped by a bunch of fresh cinnamon buns!! Our family was SO well cared for! We were able to doddle a little bit getting our of Regina, and made our way home without rush. The best way!
We’re home now, after a warm reception 🙂 Everyone was happy and well and full of stories! And truthfully, we were very happy to be home. It was SO nice to get out, but man do we love our kids, also! Its great to be home. Always.
Thank you, friends, who help us get out once in a while, and make sure we get some treats and special times away together. What an enormous gift!
Spring tends to get people excited and motivated, in general, and I’m no different. All of a sudden, goals feel a bit more reachable, and getting up in the morning feels less backwards. Who gets up when its pitch black out anyway?? But now, the suns out, the temperature is up, and everything feels a bit lighter. There’s so much to look forward to! The kids are going to school in lighter jackets, splash pants, and rubber boots.
Here I am, over here, just itching for my annual spring Edmonton trip with Jerilee! It is SUCH a fun part of the weather improving!! Our very first year, we went in February and that was a poor choice. We FROZE. We both hate winter, so spring is just a way better time for it.
In the spirit of dreaming about shopping, I present to you my Ikea wishlist!! Now, guys, I’m counting on you. If I’m missing something awesome, tell me!! Also, it feels important to say, there is NO WAY I’ll be getting all of these things. Hence, “WISH” list. I’m not made of money, but dreaming is free!
We’ll start with the big stuff. Ready? GO!
I’d love a bathroom vanity for the basement! Now, we’re trying pretty hard to make the basement match the rest of our house but to be totally honest, we like our kitchen cabinets from Ikea SO MUCH BETTER than our “custom” bathroom cabinets. So even if the basement bathroom vanity doesn’t match the one upstairs, I’d rather not buy the same ones locally.
Ideally, with that vanity would come a sink. Or two! I anticipate we’ll have a small handful of kids getting ready for school downstairs eventually, and I think two sinks would be smart. So I’d at least look at Ikea.
I’d love to get some cabinets over the toilets. I don’t know why I didn’t think of these sooner, but they’re an obvious choice for a family like our who will always need more storage solutions. So ideally, we’d have one for all three toilets in our house. I’m not sure we’d need one in the en suite, but we’ll decide when the time comes.
Once our basement exists, the tv will move downstairs and we’ll just have a sitting area upstairs, probably with our instruments and such. I’d love a cabinet that sits on the big long wall along the living room and dining room, to sort of break that area up. Maybe something like this. We’ll have to see.
Possibly this bitty little bunk bed for the little boys when the bedrooms move around. Possibly not. Its SO nice and short, with full sized twin mattresses. But I’m not sure yet.
Ok, to the smaller stuff!
I want metal garbage cans! No link, because I don’t even care. But our plastic ones upstairs – the plastic garbage cans that EVERYONE has – have absorbed the smell of Waverly’s diapers, and I’m pretty over it.
I’m thinking maybe some new pots… Doing research on that. Ours are starting to wear out, and I think I want to change what we use completely. There’s also a big pasta pot with a pasta insert. I love the idea of that way too much. Also the steamer insert thing. We love steamed veggies over here.
I’m stoked about the 365 food storage containers! The containers are big and priced well! I’ve seen some large families use them on YouTube who swear by them! I’d love to check them out myself. My pantry would be happy, too.
I bought some cute succulents at Ikea the last time I was there, and I’d love some more! Plus, some cute pots to put them in! I don’t know what happened last time around, but there were NO pots for them that weren’t ridiculously large.
Also this bougy watering can would make my life, haha! Seriously, I put this towards the end, but its actually at the very top of my list of wants.
We need more little glasses. Now that the older kids are using real glasses, they’re breaking a little more often, lol! Ours from Ikea have pears on them, but those are long gone. Not sure what they’ll have when we get there next, but we’ll probably get the same size and shape so they all stack together.
I’d really like this little hanging laundry thing! For little annoying things that I drape over hangers and end up on the floor. Bras and such. Would be SO nice, and will fit nicely in our laundry area in the basement once its all finished. Could also bring to the lake for swim suits, wet clothes, etc.
Whew! Guys. How did I do? Its kind of ominous, but I’d never buy it all at once. And if I did, I’d be dumb, because it wouldn’t all fit in Jerilee’s car, haha!
I’ve been SO anticipating this weekend!! Brady and I are getting a whole night away to go see one of our favorite bands in concert in Regina! Jerilee agreed to watch all of our kids so we could go away for a bit 🙂 What amaaazing people we have!! Goodness!
I’ve been saying recently that I’ve been working hard to not buy food before eating up ALL we have. Mostly that means convenience food right now. Pantry stuff. Frozen stuff. You know the stuff I mean. And we’ve been doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself! But yesterday it became clear to me that we NEEDED a grocery shop!
We are out of bananas. We have three apples. No more fresh veggies besides a bag of some sad lettuce I chopped up a while back. (Don’t worry, no ones getting scurvy over here. We’ve been rocking all the yummy frozen green things in our freezer! Green beans, brussel sprouts, and broccoli!) We officially drank ALL the milk this morning. ALL of it. I even took the last shot of creamer for my coffee and it wasn’t enough to make it taste like I like it. We’re OUT! And as you all know, when we run out of milk around here, its time.
So today was going to be a big errand running day. We need Costco for most of it, and Superstore to fill in the gaps. Does anyone wish they could just hit Costco? How great would that be?! If they got our creamer, we could almost do it! I was also hoping to take Wavy in for her flu booster finally. We’re so behind. There were lots of things to pick up and do today.
A wrench got thrown into my plan when Laela woke up feeling queasy. She said she felt like she might throw up, and couldn’t find a comfy way to sit or lie down that felt better. She decided to try some breakfast, and sitting out in the dining room, in the morning light, she looked pale and droopy. I called the school to confirm her absence, and she cried. But she understood. In the last week, Dekker has come home with nausea, and Brady had a nauseous tummy for a couple of days that never turned into anything. I’m SO hoping this is what Laela’s does, too. Just an off day for her tummy, but no actual barfing. Please, Lord!
So, no grocery shopping today. Brady will have to do it after work. No shot for Wavy. As for this weekend, we’ve already put money into tickets and a hotel, so we can’t exactly skip it. So PLEASE pray Miss Laela is totally fine by tomorrow morning! Rather than accomplishing big things today, we’re going to lay on the couch, read stories, drink water, and keep it suuuper lame. Could be worse. A cozy home day is always nice!
Yesterday was the first day of Spring! So weird how Winter was kinda short but SO LONG at the same time, hey? Goodness, I’m so ready for it to be over! Wavy and I spent a chunk of yesterday at the doctors, but I’ll talk about that another day. I made the joke at the office, crying on the scale, that she was just bummed to be spending the first day of Spring there. But she actually did awesome, so thats great.
The best part of yesterday was wrapping up the day with my mom. We had a pretty chill plan to hang out together for a bit while Dekker was at kids club, but with his day home from school, he didn’t go that evening. Even though he was feeling WAY better, he was beat by the end of the day. Knowing he would be home, I texted my mom and said Dekker wasn’t going to go after all, but we could still get together, maybe go for a walk, maybe play cards. I suggested she could come for supper, if she wanted. So we decided to do all of the above.
I can’t imagine a nicer way to welcome Spring than with a walk with one of my very favorite people ❤️
It was beautiful out. We had to hop a few puddles but I couldn’t have asked for nicer weather or better company. We walked and talked about all of our recent busyness, and what the coming months might hold. It was refreshing and good for the soul.
We made it back home and played a few rounds of cards with Brady before calling it a night. I hope there are MANY more Spring and Summer nights that look like this. I think this year, we need to get some good patio furniture so we can play cards out there! One day at a time. If every other card game evening looks this way, I’m a happy camper!
Ack! Camping!!! I’m SO ready for this weather! How soon is too soon to go to Waskesiu?!
Its been a while, but it was bound to happen again at some point! I got the call from the school yesterday that Dekker was complaining of a tummy ache. Apparently he had been upset and crying on and off all morning, so they decided it would be best for him to go home.
When I got this call, I had just gotten all the kids down for naps. I felt a bit helpless for a minute there, but I knew Cher was on her way over for a visit and would be in town within a few minutes. I told the school I’d be there shortly, and they said to come gather him at the office.
As soon as Cher pulled up, I left, giving her a two second rundown of what was happening. There was no panic, but I didn’t want to leave him floating by the office in the admin’s hands for too long.
When I arrived at the school, he was sitting in a doorway with his stuff piled beside him. He looked pretty zoned out. He had a chocolate moustache and a cupcake in hand. I crouched down to talk to him and help him gather his stuff, and heard the high pitched happy little voice that I know all too well.
“Hi, Dekker! Hi, Mommy!” Laela squealed as she walked down the hallway past us. I greeted her back and Dekker stared into nowhere. It was time to take him home.
We walked towards the van and I asked how he was feeling. It had been kind of suggested to me that maaaybe he was upset about having a substitute teacher that day, or maaaybe he didn’t like gym, or something like that. Maaaybe he wasn’t actually sick. So I tried to open the conversation really gently, and asked him why he thought he was feeling sick, and when it started. He immediately broke down into tears, saying his stomach and head have been hurting all morning, and that it had been a really, really hard day. I reassured him that I believed him, and that I was more than happy to take him home. I suggested we’d maybe save the cupcake, and he willingly handed it over. On our drive home, I asked if he’d had any lunch, and he hadn’t. I asked if he wanted some, and he started crying all over again.
“No thanks, mom,” he said. “I think I just want to go to bed.”
So thats what he did! Usually, when I keep a kid home from school, I ask that they nap/rest during quiet time. But he was the one who initiated it, and went totally willingly. I put a bucket by his bed, just in case, and tucked him in, but he resurfaced soon thereafter for his water bottle. He was just shrucking and teary the entire time. He said he was ok, but he wanted to go to bed.
That was around noon. He slept for a good while. I went to check on him around 2:45, and he was awake, but still weepy and miserable. I hugged him, and realized, he was HOT! He was fevering good and proper. I offered him some Tylenol, and told him it would take a little bit to kick in.
“Can I stay in bed while I wait?”
Yes, of course!
So I gave Dekker his medication and he tucked back in. I went to get Laela from school pretty quick after that, and by the time I got home to check on him, he was in way better spirits! He came out of his room and unpacked his backpack from before. He put his lunch in the fridge for another day, and he even played with Wavy a bit!
We haven’t had a sick day in a while, and this was a pretty gentle way to have one. Dekker is such a good sport, and so self aware! I’m very proud of him for knowing what he needs, even when he’s upset, and standing up for himself.
I’ve gotten this question a handful of times, so I figured I’d talk about it! Is Rowan potty trained? Very recently, the short answer was “no.” But you know I’m going to give you the long answer 😉
Our current short answer to that question is “pretty much, yup.” Yes, he’s four, and that seems late. But we had reasons!
One big reason was his personality. While fabulous, Rowan has a really floaty personality. I’ve often said he’d never take off in a public place, but if the wind blew, he’d be gone. He just kind of goes along with whatever. With that general carefree nature, he was pretty neutral on the subject of bathroom stuff. He seemed completely unaware of when he would go, and it didn’t bother him to have a wet/dirty diaper. Waiting for him to be “ready” took forever.
Another factor, which I won’t go too in-depth with is that Rowan pretty much always had diarrhea. We’ve since figured out his lactose intolerance and turned that whole thing around. We couldn’t imagine trying to potty train a kid who was in a perpetual state of the poops.
The last factor around why we waited with the potty training is just that life picked up, and we weren’t in a rush. We knew he’d use the toilet eventually, and frankly, this was not the first time we’d had three kids in diapers. Changing his diaper didn’t put us off. It was just life. So we weren’t feeling the big need to push him to train, and he couldn’t have cared less about it.
Around Christmas time, kind of out of nowhere, Rowan decided he wanted to wear underwear. Which was AWESOME. Its always SO much better when the kid initiates it! He successfully used the toilet a handful of times, but our quiet, low key Christmas picked up and literally every single day of the holiday was loaded with plans and play and company. It just was not the time to potty train, so we put him in pull-ups, and he used them as expensive diapers over the holiday. Sadly, after the holidays, Ro was over it, and didn’t care to try and potty train. Booooo.
You’re probably aware, but Rowan turned four towards the end of February. We talked a lot about how he was officially big now, and it was time for underwear and toilets and all that stuff. And he was into it! He rocked pull-ups for a bit, but it was just too easy for him to pee in them. He peed in the toilet often, and was totally capable, but when he didn’t feel like it, he wouldn’t. Our incentives didn’t affect him much, either. So we bit the bullet and finally put him in underwear, anticipating at least a few days of peeing on the floor. Lo and behold, he did SO well!!! He definitely knew what to do, and he didn’t pee on the floor once! However, as many kids do, he saved most of his business for nap time and bedtime, when we’d put him back in a pull-up. So last week, for naps, we left him in underwear. Ad let me tell you, he SOAKED that bed a couple of times! WOW! Thank the Lord for mattress protectors!! Hahaha! Lucky for us, he was super put off by the wetness of his accident. He was finally affected by his messes! It seemed to open his eyes.
The last several days have been accident-free! He’s still usually wet in the morning, but that will be along shortly, I’m sure. I had to share all of this today just so I can tell you what happened last night. I’m still torn about whether to be horrified, or giddy, or so so proud. Maybe you can help me out.
Yesterday evening, Brady went down to the kitchen for something (Any other late night snackers out there?) and found Dekker, Laela, and Rowan ALL in the bathroom!! Just hanging out! He obviously sent everyone back to bed, as no one was actually using the bathroom. Just having a party. (Ain’t no potty like an S Club potty!) The kids all went back to bed, but I learned this morning, this was not their last potty party of the night.
Upon getting Laela up for school this morning, she told me she helped Rowan in the bathroom overnight. I figured she meant that evening party, where clearly at least one of them had gone into the bathroom with intention to use it, and maybe she had been there with Rowan while he peed or something. But apparently that wasn’t what she meant at all.
Apparently, she had gotten up to pee, and while she was in there, Dekker and Rowan had both knocked to come in. She finished up and let them in. Dekker peed and left, and Rowan took his turn. Apparently he peed, and then pooped! AND LAELA WIPED HIM UP!!! I’m sure I looked like a total fool as she told me this story, but I was TOTALLY floored. “Its really ok, mom.” Laela explained. “If I hadn’t helped him, he wouldn’t know if he was clean or not. He doesn’t know how yet. I just helped him like you used to help me.”
Totally. Floored.
Is that awful?
Or adorable?
Or mature?
Or gross?
Or amazing?
I can’t decide for sure, but I’m inclined to just be so proud of my daughter, who knew what I would do, and took it upon herself to do just that, even though its a bit of a dirty job.
I’m also SO proud of Rowan for pooping on his own, in the middle of the night, when he could’ve very easily used his pull-up. He didn’t want to! He wanted to use the toilet!! I’m SO impressed with his newfound self awareness!
Could they look any more similar??? 😮 Also, his arm around her! 😆 SO FUNNY! He’s all “I love you, buuuuut…”
I post these things for my memories, and to maybe encourage others who don’t do everything the most conventional, common way. Its vulnerable, and I hope I can count on you guys not to judge us. I probably say “To each their own” multiple times a day, every single day. I respect you, so please respect us 🙂 I am SO proud of the direction we’re moving in with Rowan, and his maturity level!
Soon, I assume I’ll confidently be saying we’re down to only two in diapers!! Even now, Ro is only in a pull-up overnight, and if they’re going to keep having potty parties, I could see the pull-up not being necessary for too much longer! I’m so so proud of them all!
I was feeling pretty discouraged and sick this morning, so Cher came to offer some moral support. It met SUCH a need. Wavy woke up later in the morning, which pretty much meats she was going to alternate her naps with the others. Sometimes, thats a real pain. Especially on a low day, I revel in the moments that everyone naps together. But today’s naptime turned into such a fabulous time, and a surprise photo shoot of our little miss!
She ate some lunch with the other kids, and drank a good bottle, but she still seemed quite distressed afterwards. I sat with her while I ate my lunch, but that just wasn’t enough. But then, she caught me off guard and got exactly what she wanted.
So innocent. Don’t let her fool you. She knew exactly what she was doing.
We laughed SO HARD!! But WOW was she happy! Have you seen that video of the baby desperately trying to eat its moms burrito? Ya. She was a lot like that baby.
Brady thought it was funny, too 🙂
As you can see, she was in my favorite sleeper of hers, and it was a HUGE mess after she was finished with her pizza. So I took her out of it…
and then she was really happy!!!
And annoyingly photogenic, as she tends to be.
Could she be any softer?
She was just the most beautiful thing for such a lovely stretchy of time. I eventually noticed she was starting to suck her fingers and rub her eyes, and decided it was time for her to nap. I got her dressed in some fresh jammies, not that she made it easy for me…
and put her down for bed. Goodness, she was cute to the very end!
Soon enough, my three sleeping children woke up, and everyone was up for the day. It was cute, and not totally smooth, but cute nonetheless.
Lol!Sincere apologies
It was such a cute day 💜
Thank you for the visit, my friend. These memories are SO precious to me!