Dekker and Laela LOVED camp. Plain and simple. LOVED camp.
We got to camp a little bit before 7pm, and as we approached the big play structure, I saw Laela’s cabin leader. She saw us too, and suddenly Laela was running in our direction. Dekker was a few seconds behind her. Big hugs all around! They were SO happy.
And SO dirty. And SO exhausted. And SO SO HAPPY.

Dekker had a full five o’clock shadow of dirt on his face, and Laela’s was a bit more spread out, but she had basically the same amount. They were a bit scraped up, too, Laela on her knee and Dekker on his face from a fall off a swing. But they were both unconcerned, and just buzzing about their time. Both were tanned and messy and beautiful. They looked like camp should look.
We were able to visit with both of their cabin leaders. Both reassured us they weren’t homesick or sad or unhappy. Dekker had taken a good fall from the big swing, and had some good scratches by one of his eyes from his glasses, so he had a cry there, but it really didn’t affect his time.

Laela had been quite shy her first day, as I thought she might be, but she was still happy and polite and had a lot of fun. Laela herself told me she felt shy until another little girl sought her out and invited her to sit on her bunk bed. She liked that, and said she felt more comfortable after that.
They ate lots and played on the playground lots. They sang songs and shot archery. I feel like some of it went over their heads because it was all just brand new, and they’re young 🙂 But what they did know is that they were happy, and they wanted to go back!
The closing program was pretty cute, but our kids were SO tired, and didn’t participate much. Laela did some actions to the verse while sitting in her chair, but that was it. Dekker sat in his chair, staring, mouth half open, eyes half closed. He was ZONKED. Lol! But the whole camp was bustling, with kids dancing up at the front, in full camp mode. It felt just like it used to when I went as a kid. I loved it. So did they.
Family camp was running while Dekker and Laela’s camp was running, and I am SO appreciative of my friends keeping an eye out for my kids. I got a handful of texts along the way reassuring me that the kids were happy and hyper and having the time of their lives. That did my heart good. I know my kids are wonderful, and I know the staff at camp is wonderful, but never having been on the other side of it, I was a little apprehensive they would just be too nervous to let loose. I’m glad they settled in. And I was glad to have eyes on the inside 😉 Thank you, friends!
We got home after 9:00, which is WAY past EVERYONE’S bedtime! The littles ones were so close to breakdown mode but we kept it together and got bedtime rolling. There was no time for baths – those would have to wait for the morning, but I wiped the big kids down good and proper. They both stood there with their eyes closed, unmoving, as I wiped their faces.

“This feels sooooo good” Laela said.
Needless to say, our kids went to bed no sweat. They were SO overdone, but in the best way you can be overdone 🙂
We’re onto the next special family thing tomorrow – Sunday! So today is a day for unpacking, laundry…

and repacking. Except for all of us this time! Also, hopefully a smidge of rest and relaxation in there.
❤️ Thank you for the beautiful person who paid for our children to go to camp this year. What an enormous gift to them, and to us as parents. I’m so thrilled to be able to start their camp experience so young, and so are they. We couldn’t have done it this summer without you ❤️