Motivation for the Week Ahead

This weekend, Brady and I drove to camp separately. We had worked out plans for Brady to bring the work truck to the lake for the week in order to bring up a schwack of patio stone (eek!) for our site. The kids and I came up to the lake early afternoon on Friday to pick Dekker up from camp, and Brady was going to join quite late after he’d finished out his work day, driven to Asquith to pick up the stones, and then driven all the way to Christopher. But, when he called to confirm the plans, the person we were meeting had forgotten, and the plan had fallen through. Merp. We’ll try again in a couple of weeks, I suppose. The upside was that Brady would be able to join us sooner 🙂

So our weekend didn’t turn out to be as worky as anticipated, which works out because I think this week will be craaaaazy full! Hahaha!

We left camp a touch early so we could drop off the minivan and unload the camp stuff before driving into the city to pick up a new storage shelf for Rowan.

See, this week, the kids are moving. Like. ALL of them. Almost. I’m not even exaggerating. Just this evening, after getting home from the city, three children are sleeping in new places! Not all permanently, but here’s the breakdown for what whats been done and whats to come!

Tonight, the Spoonful moved in with the Morsel.

Tonight, the Lemon Drop switched sides of our room. Does that count? I’m not sure.

Tonight, Rowan bunked in the with the girls. Just for a couple of nights, untiiiiiiil…

Rowan is moving upstairs!! He will now sleep in Laela and Wavy’s room!

Laela and Wavy are moving into Dekker and Solly’s room downstairs! They are getting an awesome new bed setup, and it wouldn’t fit in their current room. Plus, Rowan has wanted to be upstairs all along. So this is a GREAT move!

Dekker and Solly are moving into Rowan’s room! This is also a big win because that room is the coldest room in the basement, and they are my sweaty boys! So this is also a win!

There is lots to do this week, and I won’t lie – thats not even all of it. But! It WILL get done! Maybe not all as quickly as I would ideally want 😅 But the ONLY person putting that pressure on me is me!! So I guess we’ll just see how far we get! Lol!

Sleep well, friends 💜 Tomorrow the real work begins! 💪

Pasta Salad

I will leave you with the highlight quote of the day today, and that is all, as I am eagerly awaiting tucking in for night over here. I plan to watch a little bit of a show with Brady and eat some s’more popcorn that Cher gave me for my birthday. So I’m making this quick. 

Today, during lunch, I got this face, and this line: 

“This pasta salad tastes like frogs and pickles.” 


To be clear, it does not. But goodness did I ever laugh 🤣 I can’t tell you what frogs taste like but it seems Rowan can! 


For the first time ever, I drove up to camp on my own with the kids. I had 7/8, and we went early in the day so we could receive Dekker after his week at camp. I spend the day with all eight of them all the time. No real stretch there. 

Except it totally was a stretch. It was challenging. Very little went smoothly with naps, and attitudes were tough. I was more than ready for Brady to join us. Aaaaany minute now. 

Thankfully, I got this cute little text mid afternoon 🥰

Spirits lifted after that and I have to say, time actually went quicker at that point, which I did not expect. 

Thank you Lord for a husband who WANTS to be with his family 💜

Now that THAT’S Over…

I didn’t know the effect that the end of chemo would have on me. And I KNOW it isn’t about me, don’t you worry. It isn’t. I’m aware. But there are still things that happen and feelings that come along, so these are mine.

I woke up in the night feeling SO gross and bad and off. My body did that mean thing that it does when I’ve pumped on adrenaline too long, and attacked me with heartburn and a raging headache in the night. Its a very rude awakening, especially when I felt fine going to bed. I even had a soak, just to give my body a chance to recover in a reasonable way. But. Here we were, my adrenaline in overdrive, yelling at me from the inside. I did what I could, eventually got back to bed, and ended up sleeping in.

I woke up feeling quite renewed. I feel ready for the next stuff on the list. I’m still quite tired, but I’m motivated and anticipating many things. I am eager to prepare for fall and get a bit of a routine built. I want to fill in my calendar with all the comings and goings of our family. I want to start thinking about Halloween costumes (GHOSTS!) and Christmas presents. I want to bake and puree pumpkins.

But, let’s be realistic. I don’t have tons and tons of time. It makes no sense to think that far ahead. So if we aim for much more reasonable priorities…

I definitely want to write out my calendar for September before too long, and make a laundry schedule for the kids.

I want to catch up on foster care expenses, and chase a few signatures and whatnot. I would LOVE to stop being SO far behind in that stuff and start being able to do it monthly like I’m supposed to.

And guys, I REALLY need to hit Costco. Like, STAT.

But before I can look at any of that seriously, I have a really exciting visit to take my crew to this afternoon, where my kids will get to meet the Lemon Drop’s siblings and play together! Everyone is excited about it, and are all fairly idle, just waiting for time to tick by. The day is going slow in the one way, and so fast in others. Never ever ever enough minutes!

Another Chapter Closed: Radiation

This summer has been one of the crazier summers. We’ve had our share of bumps and details that have kept things interesting, to say the least, but there have been a few undeniable challenges of which we have been eagerly waiting to see the end. Three in particular have loomed over us for so so long.

First was Brady’s license. Not having his license has been a wildly frustrating struggle. He has needed rides to work, rides home from work, rides to radiation, rides back from radiation, and rides absolutely everywhere else he needs to go. With that, he has been completely at everyone else’s mercy. Meanwhile, he has been unable to run a single errand on his own, take a kid to an appointment, or drive his family absolutely anywhere. Driving is rest for Brady, and he missed that aspect, as well as his independence. The day he got his license back was victorious!!!!!

Second was our road. The road in front of our house was closed for what felt like an eternity. Of course it wasn’t, but it made things like packing and unpacking camp stuff, groceries, and people a lot harder for a lot longer. When the road was finally paved, it rested over the weekend and we were able to start driving on it the next Tuesday. And the very next day, they filled in the end of our driveway and re-poured that as well. They did not drag their feet, which was a huge relief, and now, as things stand today, all is well to drive on our street and onto our driveway. And maybe you didn’t know that we had a ram poured right before the road was redone! So Brady can leave the house and get into his vehicle and drive to work with total ease now!! It is SUCH a win!

Thirdly and likely the most important, Brady officially wrapped up his radiation therapy today! 🥳😭 I was able to go in with him, and not only be there to greet him on the way out, but I was invited into the back treatment room where I got to witness them all set him up on the bed, with the scary mask on and all the lasers in place. And if that wasn’t enough, I was invited to sit behind the desk with the staff running the machines, and they explained the entire process to me while I watched it on cameras. It was such an experience! He came out of his treatment happy and well, like he did every single day. We met with his radiation oncologist one last time before he said some goodbyes, got a hug from his closest nurse, and rang the bell on the wall that signifies “ringing cancers bell.” And then we left. It was an oddly beautiful last treatment. SO much nicer than the last time he went through this, during covid. It felt warm and celebratory 💜 And really really really good to be done!

I will definitely talk more about that last radiation therapy appointment soon! Or maybe I can weasel a post out of Brady, since he has nothing but time now 😏 There will be more, though, one way or another.

These were the three huge, looming challenges this summer. Brady not having a license. Us not having access to our street. And radiation every weekday for six entire weeks. And EVERY one of those things is now taken care of and behind us!!! It is almost surreal, but I am not at all mad at it. It has been a positively exhausting stretch of summer thanks to these details, as well as so many more. And there will still be things that add to the action over here, I have no doubt whatsoever! But the big, scary, daunting things have come and gone.

Brady has his license and independence back, which timed out beautifully with his promotion at work 💜

Our road is open, smoother, sloped better, and we can use our ramp and fresh driveway perfectly 💜

Radiation is over and done with, meaning no more daily appointments 💜 He never even needed to be on meds for discomfort or pain.

PRAISE THE LORD for getting us through some really large, long weeks. The devil tried to intervene a handful of times, but God is stronger!!! The strongest when we are weak! And let me tell you – we are 😅 So any ounce of strength you think you see on us is ALL from God!!

Amen, and onto the next!!! ✅

When the Dekker is Away…

… the rest of the kiiiiiids PLAY!

… or do they???

Hahahaha! I miss our biggest boy 💜 He is such a funny guy, with just the right mix of silly and crusty to fill the group dynamic perfectly.

But! This week he is busy at camp, nerding it up, which we say with TOTAL love and respect! He truly thinks being called a nerd is a term of endearment, so I assure you we are not hurting his feelings willy nilly. He is really excited for camp this week, but he was very huggy and squishy with me before I checked him in 💜

Of course, once he was in the cabin, he was very cool 😎 and hugged me from up on his bunk, reaching down to me. Little punk 😆 Its ok, I can take it. He was SO handsome up there, getting himself settled, already surrounded by kids he knew from last year.

Goodness I am SO proud of this kid 💜 I LOVE you, Dekker! And I MISS you!! Ack!!

I can’t believe he is almost a teenager 😳

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today, my mom celebrated a birthday, and I wasn’t even there to see it!! Lol! I joke. She is out visiting loved ones, and I imagine she is being well loved and celebrated 💜 Though I do wish it were me doing the celebrating!! That will have to wait until she’s home, and hopefully free of the cold we are rocking.

While we can’t spend the day together, I can remember some squishy times we’ve spent, and I like to think there will be a few more soon enough 💜

I miss you, mom!! It feels like its been a bit too long since we’ve spent time together, and as someone I REALLY admire and model parts of my life and parenting after, I need to close that gap up a bit 💜

I love you, mom 💜 I’m so so happy you were born. Thank you for ALL you gave to us growing up, and all you continue to do for all of us. Your efforts are not lost on me. You still do SO much, even though it looks different than keeping us alive as children. I still need you in my life 💜

Come home soon!

Happy birthday, mama 💜 We love you.


Hailey and Brady,
Dekker, Laela, Rowan, Solomon, Waverly,
the Morsel, the Spoonful, and the Lemon Drop


Christopher Lake Days 2024

Today was Christopher Lake Days! 🥳 We spent the morning watching the parade and essentially doing laps of the town, checking out garage sales, the farmers market, the trade show, and whatever else we could find. It was more walking than we’ve all done in quite some time, but Rowan was my trooper who did not tire out!! It was nice to spend that time with him 💜 

After what was a very rough night for our group, we didn’t last terribly long, and came back to camp for lunch, a fire, and naps. We joined the campground for a fish fry supper, and wrapped the evening up with an evening swim with the few brave souls who wanted in. 

It was a beautiful day. I’m very tired. The camper is coughing. It’s time to pack it in and get a few hours of shut eye in. I have hopes for tomorrow to hold s’mores, the beach, and a bit of crocheting. 

But first – sleep. Warming up my feet. Sucking on a cough candy. Laying on Brady’s arm. Falling asleep to the same episode of our show that we just cannot get through. 

I am VERY grateful for my life 💜 Thank you Lord. 

Firsts: Sister Edition

I thought this was a pretty lovely moment the other day and I wanted to share it here so we always remember 💜

Wavy came into the living room with a brush and an elastic, asking me for a braid. And before I could even respond, Laela jumped at the chance! Now, these two gripe at each other pretty regularly. I think most siblings do. Summer has been extra taxing for some of my kids relationships, and the girls feel some strain, for sure. So I was VERY surprised when Laela volunteered so eagerly! 

As she sat on the couch and started brushing Wavys hair, I heard her say to Wavy that she had never braided anyone’s hair before. 

Now, if she’s anything like me, that takes some guts. I confirmed what sge had said, and she told me Avery taught her about braiding at the lake on her stuffed unicorn that we accidentally renamed Stefan Buttcheeks. Thats a whole other story. But anyways, Laela had only ever braided Stefan Buttcheeks’ mane. So this was a first. 

And it was a success 😍 

She commented that it was a little loose and Wavy jumped right in and reassured her that she LOVED it! I’m pretty sure she just loved the experience with her sister 💜

I loved it too 🥰