I took a night away. It was SO refreshing. I feel selfish saying it was necessary, because I know I’ve been riding a “break” all week while Brady has been home and I have been resting my body upstairs. But Cher and I planned a long while ago that I would come over for what we’ve been calling “teenager sleepover.” And that was last night!
Brady and I took the kids in first for a Costco shop. I don’t remember the last time we did Costco all together as a family. It was really cute.

We did Superstore next, but didn’t get a whole lot. We grabbed toilet paper and creamer and got out of there. I was pretty eager to get to teenager sleepover! We grabbed some Subway for Cher and I on the way.
It was SUCH a nice day with her. We watched some movies, along with one of the terrifying true crime documentaries on Netflix 🙀 We ate so many yummy things, and got in lots of good snugs! We went to sleep SO late, but that only makes sense for teenager sleepover, right?
Our morning held some tv (Schitt Creek is leaving Netflix March 1st! Binge watch while you can!), more snugs, and breakfast in bed.

Yes. We have matching onesies.

Yes. We’re dorks.
We tried to get up and go a handful of times, but it took until the early afternoon before we finally surfaced, packed up some stuff, and headed to the car. Yes. We did wear the onesies outside.

All in all, it was SO nice to have a whole day away with Cher. We just rested, and relaxed, with zero expectations or deadlines. I’ve been missing her a lot these days, not seeing her even close to as often as I usually have the pleasure of, so this was really, really nice.
Meanwhile, while I was away, Brady worked on reloading our laptop (any laptop nerds able to help us with a keyboard issue, PLEASE message me!) and he set up his drum kit for the kids to play on!

Its cool to see which kids lean towards what interests. One of our children in particular has a pretty incredible natural rhythm, and expressed an interest in learning the drums.

I’m really looking forward to having our children help lead worship someday.
Its been SUCH a nice weekend so far. I hope you all feel the same.