Monday Plans and Event Dates

Here we are, Monday morning, snow flying. I’m so thankful that its not miserably cold, at least. After a really nice break, having Brady home for a bit, he’s back to work today. I’ll have to tell you guys all about his job soon, because its changed up a bit, as is over quality of life! He currently has confirmed work all March, halfway through April, and even one job scheduled for May! Going from last years incredibly long, challenging, unceasing slump, to this, is a HUGE answer to prayer! I know for a fact some of you prayed actively for us, and God answered! But we’ll get into that all another time soon. All of that was just to say, Brady is back at work today, and I’m back home chillin’ with the chillen. Lol!

Dekker and Laela are off to school, the middle boys are playing downstairs, and Waverly is upstairs with me, dancing to the new playlist I just put together in preparation for our next coffeehouse! Who wants to come?? 🙋‍♀️ Its at our usual place in Mville, on March 12th, starting at 6pm! We had plans to do a coffeehouse for Valentines Day, but my pain was just not under control leading up to that point, and we took a full hiatus from basically anything extra. Merp. I don’t feel guilty and responsible for that AT ALL 🙄 However, things are under control now and we’re back at it! PLEASE come out and enjoy some super tasty coffee and dessert while we play! We have SUCH a fun time to Clearcut! 

Today holds a quiet morning of coffee and music and playing. 

I have a lunch date with Cher, and the plan is to finish up a Netflix series we’ve been watching together. So that will be a delicious, relaxed, and somewhat unnerving afternoon 😆 Not unnerving because Cher, but unnerving because Joe Goldberg. Anyone else? 

And the evening is band practice! Suddenly our gig is only ten days away! 😳 We have some work to do!!! 

All things considered, its going to be a super lovely Monday! I hope you all have the same! 

Brady’s Hair

Brady’s been talking about cutting his hair recently. Not that he’d cut it all the way off, but maybe to his shoulders, or somewhere around there. It’s SO much work to get it detangled and cleaned nicely, only for him to wear it down for maybe a half before before it goes back up in a bun.

Now, it’s his hair, this I know. But as I was getting my hair done the other day, I lamented to my hair girl that I would be SO sad to see his hair go. My hair girl actually moved salons a couple of months ago to a place very well versed in curly hair care. I told her I had made a deal with Brady that, before he went for a cut, he should go to her just once and see if she could make him love his hair. She was all for it, and said she would absolutely do her part in helping him along! And if not, she’d cut it for him. A deals a deal!

We were discussing it with Cher over coffee this morning, and all the hair talk got a little out of hand. We rabbit trailed a little bit…

Sooooo the last time Brady had straight hair was when we were at bible school. Brady had recruited Jerilee and I to colour and straighten his hair. That was about 13 years ago. His hair is WAY longer now, and we figured it would be fun to see how it looked! Brady settled into a chair in the kitchen with a coffee, and off I went! It took about an hour. Wavy was OVER it…

We went piece by piece, layer by layer. It took a lot of time. But it was worth it!

It got a lot longer, haha! Surprise!

Bonus! We figured we’d add Rowan’s length in here, too, for comparison. 

My long haired boys 🥰

It was pretty fun to play with…

He didn’t hate it, but I think everyone agrees it won’t be a usual thing 😉 

Can’t imagine why 🤷‍♀️ I still think he’s terribly cute ❤️

It was SUCH a fun morning 😁

Low Key Leap Day

First of all, thank you for ALL the love on my new hair yesterday! Its completely different than I’ve done before, and I’m feeling a little bit brand new 😁 Which is a good feeling. My kids and husband also really love it, which is a bonus. I’ve toyed with the idea in the past of doing a poll and letting YOU, friends, readers, and people on Insta, choose my next hair colour 🤷‍♀️ I’m not sure if I trust you folks or not, hahaha! But I’m thinking about it 😉

Second of all, does anyone else feel the eerie anticipating of Spring? I’m holding myself back from getting in too deep, but this beautiful weather is really deceiving. Let’s be real, my prairie province friends. There is another blizzard to come. At least one. Winter is not over. But it really, really seems like its ending, and that would be SO nice! Yesterday, I opted to walk and pick the kids up from school, just because it was so beautiful out. I wore a fall jacket and was more than warm enough. My mukluks took on a bit too much muck and water, because, melting. I should say, though, thanks to this season of pain in my life, and the lack of movement that has come with it, I was winded embarrassingly early in my walk. Its time to get back out there and get moving! Yet I know, as soon as the snow flies again, this will all go out the window. But its fun to get out when we can now. 

Today’s plan is really chill. Cher is coming over to spend the day. Kids need baths. I’d like to go for a walk. I’m a little itchy to hit Walmart for some yarn I couldn’t find the other day, but I doubt I’ll get there today. Brady will probably practice songs for our upcoming gig. We’ll listen to music, eat yummy food, and hopefully watch a little Parks and Rec after the kids go to bed. Its going to be relaxed and enjoyable and low key. It is leap year, which comes but once every four years, and we’re celebrating it by really not doing anything 😆 And I’m so ok with that. 

Happy Leap Day, friends!! 

New Hair: Its Been a While

Today was hairrrrr daaaaay! I haven’t gotten my hair redone since early September! Since then, we’ve suffered some loss, some pain, and some financial hardship. There just wasn’t time or money to play with my hair. But today, I could get back into it! I spent most of the school day at the salon with my hair girl, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I figured I’d share the ever-flattering photo series with you 😆 So, enjoy this on my behalf. 

The “before.” My colour was still looking pretty great, but those roots were LONG. It was time.

First was roots. It was suggested I looked like I was wearing a bald cap. Or perhaps a wig cap/headband. Which is obviously what I was going for. 

Then we removed the rest of the colour and toned the heck out of it. 

When it was adequately bleached, we dried it up so we could get a good feel for where to put what colour. SO yellow! Hahaha!

Then we threw a bunch of colour in it, and some silvery pieces in the front, too. 

Then I sat for SO long while the colour worked itself in. And then it was DONE! 

I haven’t had anything like this before, and I’m so happy to have a complete change of pace! Its super strange to be back in the blonde spectrum, but I’m happy to be here, lol! Its fun to mix it up from time to time, and in case my bright hair isn’t already mixing it up enough, this is even more of a change! 

It was a really fun day, getting my hair done and being all refreshed in this beautiful weather 🙂 Stay, spring! Staaaaay!


I feel optimistic today. As I sit on the love seat, with Waverly grooving to some Shawn Mendes beside me, I feel hopeful for this year. I don’t always feel that way, but today, I do. I think its worth talking about 🙂 

My pain is improving, slowly. About two weeks ago, I tried to barely go down in my meds. I literally cut a corner off of a 1mg pill, and my pain was back in full force for about four days. My pain centres are just in a panic, so I’m on a new medication to calm that part of my brain down, and I feel hopeful about that medication! 

I feel on the emotional upswing in terms of my kids. 

Dekker’s collarbone is strong, and he is back to himself.

The middle boys are doing better! As far as I can tell, no one has any infection left, and even Solly seems back to himself after that perforated eardrum. 

Laela remains healthy, well, and overachieving, as always. She just graduated to level N for reading yesterday! Nothing is going to hold that girl back!

Wavy came through her breath holding just fine and is exactly herself. What a relief! She is SUCH a bright little girl, and is talking more and more.

My heart is so happy to watch the kids heal and develop and become more and more themselves! 

Meanwhile, I feel so happy to have our basement finished, and to already have SAVED enough money for a fence to be installed in the spring!! Thank you, Lord, for a change in Brady’s job, making him SO happy, and making our life more feasible. Quality of life has gone up!

I’m really excited to be back playing music with Brady and Carrie every week, and to have an upcoming gig in March, and one in April, too! Its been a while, and we’re dreaming a bit bigger in a few ways this year 😉 Please stand by!

Speaking of dreams, I’m trying to be vulnerable and talk about some dreams and goals I have with people close to me, and my passion for those things is reigniting! Bigger things feel more doable, and important. I’m excited for what this year could bring! 

In a simpler window of joy, supper is already in the crock pot! Heyo! Lol! Honey chicken is making a reappearance tonight, and I’m SO looking forward to it! 

If you remember from my “to do list” for the year, I mentioned wanting to plan a couple of little weekends/day trips. I’ve been really putting thought into them, and I’m getting very excited for them! Its always nice having something to look forward to! And our whole July is basically mapped out already! Woot!

I am loving the sun and the warmer weather. Its fickle, but I’ll enjoy it while I can!

I have some knitting and crocheting projects I’ve started to pick away at, too, which is a relief for my poor creative outlet. That thing has been neglected since I found myself in all of my pain, and its good to get back into some of it now that I’m healed enough that my hands allow for it. 

I feel optimistic about my life. I have joy. Currently – today – feels lighter than many. And I’m grateful for that. I’m grateful for every day, but today is just a little easier somehow. 

Tell me something you’re grateful for today, or optimistic about!! ☀️ 

Yesterday’s Outing

Thank you, everyone, for your love on yesterday’s post. From comments to Facebook messages to texts, I felt so supported, and that a great deal of people care about Waverly. I am always blown away by people caring and loving my family who aren’t required to. So for that, friends, I thank you ❤️

Onto the next!

Yesterday, we got an itch to run into Saskatoon for some quick errands. In the last few days, a few non-grocery things have graced our lists, and last night seemed like a good night to run out and get that change of scenery with the kids! So we ate hot dogs as an early supper and got the kids out and ready to go!

If you remember, Rowan got a booster seat for his birthday! With that switch, we moved seats around, and absolutely every kid is in a new spot! We worried that one or two would be unhappy, but everyone liked where they landed!!! When does that ever happen??

So Rowan and Solomon are still in the back row, but Rowan is now in that back corner and Solly is out a bit more reachable, since he’s the one who can’t buckle himself up and Rowan can. Then, Dekker used to sit on his own in the middle row, but Laela took that spot. Now Dekker sits up beside Waverly, next to the window. Wavy sits in the middle of the front row where we can more easily buckle her up, aaaaand we turned her around got forward facing! (I know, its controversial. Please no negative comments on the subject!) Everyone – EVERYONE – is happy with where they’re sitting! I don’t have pictures of the back row, because, hindsight, but the front troop was happy!

We didn’t have tons to do in the city, so we just took the straight shot down the highway and went to Walmart. 

The kids were SO happy and SO happy to be out after supper, which we basically never do. We started in groceries and got the few items we needed because, while that wasn’t why we were there, it would’ve been silly not to grab it while we were there. We buy a few things only from Walmart, so we got those things, plus milk and bananas, because we always need milk and bananas. Then onto home stuff! 

Our living room curtains got pulled down a few days ago 🙄 The curtain rod had already been broken and jimmied back together once, so it was pretty weak. And then a kid chose to sit on the window ledge with the curtains hanging down, sat on the curtains, and effectively tore the curtain rod off the wall. So we went to the curtain section and bought a new curtain rod – a different one that isn’t quite as easy to break. We loved the simple style of our curtain rods, but its a bit too fragile. So, new curtain rods. 

We went to the back auto/paint section in search of some things, but were unsuccessful. We needed some drywall anchors, shelf brackets, etc., and they didn’t exist there. Ah well. We tried. 

I went to the yarn section to feed my sickness, hahaha! I have a project brewing and I needed a couple of colours. I only found one out of three, but its a start, anyway. 

Then we hit the pharmacy area for a thing or two, and headed out!

And by “out” I mean we left Walmart, but Brady ducked into Lowes for some of the things we couldn’t find at Walmart. They weren’t all at Lowes either, but we got a couple, anyway. 

We got home maybe fifteen minutes after bedtime, and everyone tucked in and went down super easily. I think the outing had been a total win. 

And thanks to that outing, Brady is currently installing our curtain rod, and I plan to feed my creative outlet a little bit this afternoon! Woot! With Walk Off the Earth playing on Spotify, the boys playing nicely together downstairs, and Wavy dancing in the living room, it feels like a pretty good morning! I hope you’re having the same!

Breath Holding: Round 2

Its been about a week now, so I feel less trembly sharing with you guys. 

Waverly had another breath holding spell last week Wednesday. 


I’ll link the post here where she had her first one, and I shared all of the information I learned. Having never heard of breath holding spells before, it was all completely new information to me, and as it seemed, many of you had never heard of them either!

This second spell was marginally less scary than the first, mostly because we had been there before, we knew what was happening, and we had done our research. I will say, though, it was not easier seeing her limp body and her eyes rolling back in her head. I think its worth sharing this experience, though, because information is power! We learned a lot the first go round, and this second spell felt like a test. So here’s what happened. 

Waverly fell off of a chair. It was that simple. What kid hasn’t tipped out of a chair before? Ours all have, for sure. So, she fell out of a chair and landed on her back. I was upstairs and heard the thump. I heard her burst out crying. She cried out for so long, not taking a breath in, that her voice started to fade. At that point, I had stopped what I was doing and was listening for the second burst of wailing. But it got eerily quiet. I called to Brady “Is she ok?” And after a one second pause, he called back “No. No! She’s going to do the thing again!” I heard his footsteps pick up, bringing her unconscious little body up to me in a panic. 

I called to him the only thing I remembered from our research that would be helpful in the moment. “Lay her on the floor! Put her down!” 

So he did. We met right outside our bedroom door on the little carpeted landing. He had lay her on the floor and she had woken up immediately. She lay on the floor and looked at us quizzically. Then her eyes would roll back into her head, and we’d rub her chest and talk her back awake. We did that a few times before she furrowed her brow and finally started crying furiously!

Guys 😭 I kid you not, it was like waiting for the first cry of a newborn baby. Once she was crying, we knew she was back, that blood was where it belonged, and that we could lift her up and comfort her properly. 

Now, from the last time this happened, we were told over and over again that breath holding spells are WAY scarier than they are dangerous. There would be risk if she fainted from a high place and fell, or situations like that, but the breath holding in general is not something to fear. Yet, everywhere acknowledges how scary they are for the parents, and forgive me language, but that feels like a “no shit, Sherlock” fact. They’re horrifying. I hoped we would NEVER experience a second one, yet here we are. But according to everyone we’ve spoken to about breath holding spells, because they are not dangerous, she doesn’t need to be seen after these spells. And that just felt INSANE to me!

So I called the Health Line. Because somehow it felt negligent not to. I spoke to a nurse and told her what had happened, that we’ve been here before and had her seen and diagnosed. I told her I was just hung up on the idea of NOT bringing her in afterwards. It seemed crazy, yet the logic was there, and I understood why. Maybe I just needed someone to talk to :/ I don’t know. She was really understanding and helpful, and told me that if I was actually worried and my gut told me to bring her in, I should. That’s ALWAYS true. But she read through everything on breath holding and also assessed her behaviour after her fall, and it was established that she didn’t need to be seen. 

So we didn’t have her seen 🤷‍♀️ That felt BANANAS. Like, is this just going to be something she does now?? Is it our new normal? Ack! I am NOT a fan! But I’m learning. And this experience reiterated a couple of things to me about breath holding. Two things specifically. 

Thing one is that, if it happens for a FIRST time, go in. Its a HUGE peace of mind to go in and learn about what happened. Breath holding is actually a like a built-in safety feature for some kids, and when you know what it is and why its happening, its a relief. Its good to have those pale lips and that limp body explained by a professional. 

Thing two is that laying the kid down on the floor really does help. The blood reaches their brain a lot faster that way! The nurse I spoke to said some kids stop breathing for up to a whole minute 😳 Wavy stopped breathing for ten seconds MAX and it felt like an eternity. But lay that kid down, and it’ll rectify itself faster than if you’re holding the kid close in a snuggle, as much as you might rather do that. I think that really helped. 

Bonus thing number three. Your kid might be really soft and squishy afterwards ❤️ At least ours is. 

The small pro that comes along with injuries and sickness is the snuggles to follow. 

Lucky for us, in this case, we kept Wavy up a little later than day and she was a complete peach, fully recovered very quickly. She was completely herself once again. 

Aaaaanyway. Always learning. She is the sweetest little thing but she’s certainly always teaching us new stuff! 

We’re SO glad you’re ok, Waverly Violet!

Rowan’s Birthday Party

Rowan’s birthday was yesterday, in case you missed it. We do birthdays super low key around here, and our kids are so happy with them ❤️ for which I am so thankful. Rowan’s birthday was on a Sunday this year, so we woke him up with singing and snuggles, and then a very standard breakfast of milk and cereal. He was happy. Previously, we would skip church on a birthday and do a family day at home, but our kids have learned to LOVE church and Sunday school, so we got everyone dressed and took the kids to Sunday school! It was actually a bit odd, because there was no Sunday school for adults this week, so Brady and I stayed home with just Waverly. She was so uncertain, I think with it being so quiet. It was funny. 

We did church together as a family, and then went home for lunch. I had given Rowan the opportunity to choose his birthday food, and he had asked for peanut butter and honey sandwiches for supper 😳 I talked him into having them for lunch, so thats what we did. 

During nap time, my mom came and picked Rowan up. He had requested a candy pizza for his birthday cake, and that is a grandma-made dessert, so she invited him over to help make it! He was super excited to go, just him and grandma. 

Ro and grandma resurfaced maybe around 4:00pm, and not too long after that, we began assembling supper. At Rowan’s request, we had pancakes, breakfast sausage, and canned peaches. It was a SUPER yummy meal, and once it was all over and done with, Rowan was too full for his candy pizza! So we decided to break for presents and try again after 🙂 

I LOVED how Rowan’s presents turned out this year. Brady and I got him a booster seat, which is SO exciting, because, independence! We also got him a long stuffed snake that has the flippy sequins all along its back. Seriously, guys, they’re at Dollarama and they’re amazing. My mom printed and framed a bit poster of a fox for his wall! He is the FIRST one to have real art up in his room! She also brought everyone a Hot Wheels car, as well as a duck call with a beak attached to it. Those things were SO popular and hilarious! And loud, lol! But they’re downstairs toys 😉 

After gifts, Rowan was ready for dessert, and we sang to him again. It took forever for him to actually blow out his candles 😂 he seemed to blow over them, and I finally pushed his head down a bit and it seemed to help, haha! 

We all ate some candy pizza, and then Rowan got to choose between watching some music videos or going for a walk. He chose music, so we all moved downstairs. We usually put our little list of songs on shuffle but this time, we let him choose each and every one. And none of the kids fought about it! It was awesome 🙂 He even dictated when he figured it should end, and told me the next song would be the last one 🤷‍♀️ 

Everyone stayed up a bit late, and then we visited with my mom a little after bedtime, too. When she did head for home, Brady and I went to the van and installed Rowan’s new booster seat, as well as moved the other kids seats around a little bit. When we came inside again, we discovered Rowan was still awake, likely still jazzed from his birthday festivities, so we gave him his last gift. Cher wasn’t there, but we had her permission to give it to him. A hilarious, light up, singing card, and some glow in the dark stars. He opened the card and replayed it over and over while he dictated to Brady where the stars should go. The stars were perfect because, upon going to bed, Ro had been discouraged that he couldn’t see his poster in the dark. But now he has something he can see, and he was SO happy for his bonus late-night gift! 

It was a very cute day. Rowan was SO happy, and SO satisfied with his normal, casual birthday party. I’m so grateful for how the day went, and I’m so grateful for Rowan. 

Rowan Turns Five

How is that this little baby is suddenly FIVE years old!! 😧😭🥰 

Mr. Rowan Toby has had a BIG year! Being four was a year of hard work for him, and by default, us, but he continues to learn and grow and mature into a big kid! 

Its seemed for a while that Ro has been stuck in the middle between the big kids and the little kids. He is our middlest kid, and I can tell he’s struggled to find where he fits. But he never gives up, and is usually very happy to include his siblings in the games he plays. 

Rowan loves drawing, colouring, cutting, stickers, etc. Crafts, I guess. He loves preschool. He loves going to church and Sunday school. He loves soft things, most importantly, his stuffed foxy. He loves music, and wants to learn the drums.

Ro is basically the same size as Laela. He is our BEST eater. His hair is down by his bum, and while he asked for a haircut recently, he has since taken it back and wants to leave it long. He willingly lets me throw it in a braid or ponytail really any time I deem it a good idea, such as going out in a jacket, eating a messy meal, etc. He has a big beautiful smile, and all of his teeth, still. He is confidently left handed. He is less “intolerant” of lactose these days, and more so just a bit sensitive. Now that potty training is long taken care of, we worry less about little bits of dairy here and there. He can take care of that stuff easily. 

Speaking of Rowan’s abilities, just for fun records sake, I’m going to make note here that he is pretty self sufficient, which I love! He can easily get all of his winter gear on, and has just started to learn how to zip zippers! He can complete lots of tasks around the house and is an excellent helper when given a job. He likes to be responsible. He also knows most of the alphabet, and counts very easily. I can’t say perfectly, but pretty darn close. He loves to ask how to spell things, and write words. Sometimes he needs refreshers on how certain letters are formed, but he really enjoys practicing, it seems. 

I am SO proud of Rowan. He has been my first experience with a “strong willed” child, and it hasn’t always been smooth navigating those waters, but there is no one else I’d rather put that effort into than Rowan ❤️ We have a loving, smushy, snuggly relationship, with nothing but love. 

Rowan, my dear, I cannot believe you are FIVE! I wouldn’t trade our five years together for anything, and I’m excited for all the years to come, as many as I can get! What will this next year bring for you, Ro??

I love you, Rowan Toby! Happy birthday!

Real Saturday

Yesterday, once again, felt like Saturday. We spent it with my mom! She came for a bit of the morning, and then she and I ducked into Saskatoon for some errands.

We moseyed through a couple of stores and just took our time. It was really really nice! We got back to the house mid afternoon, and everyone ate a huge taco supper! Tacos are always a bit hands-on, because as fast as you can make them, they eat them, so there is not sitting and eating for the adults assembling the tacos. We often just make a big taco salad, which is easier to serve them, but they vastly prefer to have soft tacos like we do. Wavy ate taco salad, and everyone else had wraps. All four of the other kids had two good sized wraps, loaded with meat, veggies, and some yummy toppings. I couldn’t believe how much they ate, but they all loved it. Solly kept saying “This is SUCH a nice supper.” I loved that. 

After the kids went to bed, the three of us played some Skipbo. Probably the longest, slowest, worst rounds of Skipbo ever, but we laughed through it. 😂 Two rounds of cards and almost two hours later, we called it a night. It was a really nice day. On top of all of the fun, Brady did a bunch of laundry and got started on taxes. Woot!

Of all the Saturdayish days this week, today is actually finally Saturday! We had baked oatmeal for breakfast, and I’ll be heading out for a lunch date and some shopping with Cher this afternoon. We have no deadlines or big goals to meet today. Just enjoying the actual Saturday. 

Thank you, Lord, for nicer weather, and the ability to let the kids run some energy off!