Cher and I decided Monday to go to Edmonton on Wednesday! Woot! It was a last minute decision, but she let it slip that she was thinking of taking me to Ikea as a birthday gift, and with July filling up the way it is, we decided to go sooner than later! And that happened yesterday!

We left at 5:30am, which was both gross and strategic. We hoped to avoid lunch traffic in Edmonton, and we did! We grabbed coffee and bagels on the way in, and listened to good music. The rain came as we drove, which we were eagerly anticipating, but it got a little too heavy, and made getting around big scary, spraying semis a bit more difficult than we’d have liked. But we made it!
We got to Ikea in good time, and only waited about five minutes to get in. Its worth noting that she and I both wore black leggings, grey leggings, and a blue button down. Of course its not well documented at all, but, great minds thing alike!

The weather was overcast but not cold. It was a pretty perfect setup actually! We scrambled a little to find a cart, but when we finally did, the shop began!

We spent a good three and a half hours in Ikea, and while it was sparser than usual, thanks to Covid, we both got quite the haul. I came out with new dishes, kids cutlery, bookends, a waterproof outdoor blanket, a yellow cactus and a planter, a big pot, a corkscrew, a cheese grater and container, sandwich bags, a kids duvet cover, drawer organizers, and plenty more than I’m confident I’m missing. It was an excellent haul!
Post-Ikea, we hit up Olive Garden. It was only mid-afternoon, so we basically had the place to ourselves.

And MAN the food was ridiculously good!

We ate far too much, packed the rest up, and headed out for a quick Winners break. Cher found one item, bought it, and we headed home!

We listened to good music, good stand-up comedy, and had a lot of good conversation the whole way home. It was such a special birthday celebration for me, and such a special trip for us 💜Here we were, thinking we wouldn’t get a chance to go on a trip together this year, and look at us go!
It was SO nice to be away together, but it is always SO nice to come home!