I was given a few hours off today, which was unexpected and so so welcomed. While Cher played with/lunched/kept alive my three babies, I lay in my bed and watched true crime while I accomplished a small handful of things. I did up the October calendar, and when that was done, I crocheted. I can’t explain it. Crocheting is when I feel SO inexplicably myself. I put the finishing touches on a baby blanket I’ve been making that I’ve been SO close to finishing for what feels like forever. That felt good. Meanwhile, I was brought coffee, twice, as well as Pocky sticks, a strudel, and fresh hot scrambled eggs.
It was a deliciously restful few hours spent tucked away, and while I’m still quite tired from the new schedule of nonsleeping we’ve been running 😅 I feel a bit fresher in the brain and patience department.
Thank you for the lovely break, sweet Cherice 💜 That was SO kind of you.
Tonight holds a yummy supper that will be eaten after kids go to bed. And then tomorrow I’ll pull together the rest of the packing. And possibly going into the city if I ever hear back from the social worker I need to hear back from. Hahaha! We shall see!! It’ll all get done!
It was a really fun morning 💜 I left when the kids left for school. Brady stayed with the babies. I picked up a gigantic coffee, and headed to my salon, where my hair girl opened for just she and I. We spent about four hours together, and she got my hair all freshened up for fall!! Its never a pretty process 😅
But it tends to end well!!
Bright pink, with some peach and yellow thrown in there, and purple at the roots. *chefs kiss*
I SO appreciate having a good long history with Carlinna. She knows what I’m going for. We click and converse so smoothly and easily. We agree on a lot of things, and can relate on many others. Its always a lot of fun going there and catching up!
When I finished up with my hair, Brady and I (and the babies) met nearby at a Telus location and got new phones! Heyooo! We are long overdue for our upgrades, so it was fun to go in person and get it all fresh and new as well.
Home was fairly calm and easy. Brady took Rowan to parkour, and I hung back and fed the kids leftovers. The Morsel yelled pretty much all evening, so my nerves are fried and I’m ready for bed!
I had a nice 40-ish minutes in Value Village by myself this evening while Brady took the kids to pick up some supper. I went in with some goals, and unfortunately, they had nothing that even sort of resembled what I wanted. Which was a bummer, but also, gave me some time to just peruse and take my time.
Even in my meandering through the store, to all my favorite shelves and racks, there really wasn’t much that caught my eye. I did come home with two really nice quality festive puzzles for the kids, but also for me 😅 I already did them and I can confirm they have all the pieces!! Success!!
I thought about bringing this one home. Like I REALLY thought about it. 🤣
If it wasn’t SO much money I would’ve probably jumped because 😂🤣 WHAT IN THE WORLD?!
Anyway. I giggled to myself a little. I felt restful. I took my time. And then I ate a junior bacon cheeseburger and drank a vanilla coke, and it was nice.
Today felt like an extra special ballet day. Both of the girls missed it last week, thanks to a gross virus and a fever. I didn’t know for sure if ballet would go forward today, because there was no school, but it was confirmed this morning. Both girls took a bath and I did their hair. I don’t do much for hair, and they don’t want me to, but the ballet teacher has requested their hair in buns this year, so I went for it and while nothing is perfect, the girls hair was up off their necks and out of their faces. Put all that together with new tights (thanks, Amazon) and new little onesies (just from Walmart) and they looked so fresh and ready!
Aaaaand a little dorky, because thats who we are, lol!
It is SO funny having ballet here 💜 I never thought I’d be able to have kids in dance, and it is SUCH a pleasant surprise that we CAN!!!
I really like having the kids in stuff. In their stuff. What a beautiful opportunity.
It was a two drink kind of drive home 🤣 Sounds like drinky drinks. Not that kind. This kind.
McDonalds has a feature milkshake that claims to taste like orange and cream, and I REALLY wanted to try it to see if it was as creamsiclish as it sounded. And it was!!! YUM! Like. Its total trash, I don’t deny that, but it is a really fun delicious treat that our entire family was able to enjoy!!
There is a weird part of me that almost feels shameful when I buy all of my children a treat. Like, I shouldn’t, because its just too much. If we had two kids, I wouldn’t bat an eye. No one would. But when I’m buying nine milkshakes, it seems frivolous and inappropriate. I don’t know. I’m not looking for validation. Its just something I’ve noticed about myself, and I think I need to switch my mindset a little. Because its great that I can buy them treats like that sometimes! Its awesome, in fact! And they shouldn’t be without special things because there are a lot of them. Our family size wasn’t their choice.
So anyway. I ordered a schwack ton of milkshakes through the drive-thru today. Even for the bit babies, who care about that stuff now. Conveniently, snack size milkshakes exist for only $2! Cool, hey?
Anyway. I downed that thing super quickly, as expected, and chased it with a big coffee. Considering the nights we’ve been having, the coffee was necessary to survive to the end of the day 😅
And we DID!!! 🥳 Its definitely bedtime, thought. For all of us.
I’ve made some posts in the past about things that have given me a giggle. My humour is pretty dry and rough, and also a lot darker now, thanks to you know who.
☝️ This guy and all his fun trauma. Anyway.
I scanned through my phone pictures to see what funny things I’ve saved recently and let me tell you 😅 my sense of humour has TANKED, hahahahaha! Its SO dull and dumb. But. Here you have it. The latest and greatest things I’ve laughed at that aren’t actually funny.
First one is a little shocking but MAN did I laugh when I read it.
I think this next one has changed the lyrics to this song forever for me 🎶
This one 🤣 I don’t know, I can’t place it, but I just want to laugh at that cat.
I can feel with this man, 100% 😅 But also, if I just saw that, I’d super think he was dead…
Aaaaand I completely fell for this one. Hook line and sinker.
Well there you have it. Things that have brought a smile to my face in the recent weeks. I concur, they’re not the funniest things out there, but in my current state, they are completely hysterical.
Thanks for going on that ridiculous journey with me!! Happy Friday! I hope you all slept a bit more than I did!
It has begun. Pumpkin cooking season has started! And I am DETERMINED to get more in my freezer than I did last year. Buying canned pumpkin is fine. The muffins turn out taller and prettier. But goodness, it is SO expensive, and more painful now that I know how much it actually costs to process a pumpkin.
Yesterday, I cooked up my first pumpkin of the season. It went a bit different from last year. Not in a huge way, but my oven is different! Its not as deep! So if I want to put two pans in, side my side, they need to be little pans. I don’t love this about my oven, but the convection works great so I haven’t really taken issue with it, but that’s irrelevant when your pumpkin is massive. So, I used the little pans, and things just spilled over a little.
I ended up cooking two pumpkins that day, and I removed one of the racks so it wasn’t such a tight squeeze.
It cooked forever because it was just huge, and once it had cooled completely, I scooped out its guts and pureed them in my ninja. This was my first pumpkin!
Two pumpkins later, I had 27 CUPS of pumpkin puree!!! This whole haul cost a whopping $8.
Isn’t that BONKERS?! A can of pumpkin from the grocery store shelves is roughly 3 cups, and cost $6.50.
I’m so grateful that canned pumpkin exists but I will ALWAYS jump at mine first.
Once all the kids were down, I washed up ALL the pumpkin stuff in preparation for day two of pumpkinning.
It is absolutely worth the work. There is no question.
The biggest point of disorganization in my regular daily life is the baby clothes. The three babies have TONS of clothes, but they’ve grown out of so many of them and I haven’t put them away. So the mess is on me. I’ll own it! Lol! But, as the season has started to change I’ve gotten even sloppier with it because I expect to soon switch out tank tops for long sleeves, and cotton jammies for fleece! However, as the babies grow, they need new stuff, and I’m bringing it in as I come across the right things.
Yesterday, while one baby was at a visit, I popped into the Gap outlet. They have these great little onesies that are made out of sweatpants material. So they’re warmer than sleepers but nothing too crazy. I like them for babies in buckets in colder weather. They’re not very easy to find, however, because the outlet has funny things at different times, so its hit and miss. But yesterday, my search was a success, and I bought the next TWO sizes up for the lemon drop! I debated buying all the sizes in all the colors, just to have for future babies, haha! But even at great discounts, they’re still a decent price, so I didn’t feel I could justify it. We’ll have to see. Even just buying all the sizes in grey would be ok….. we’ll see. Anyway. I bought two for the lemon drop, and then I accidentally bought a bunch of jeans for the babies. All they all have right now are shorts and some leggings. So, six pairs of jeans later, plus a pair of leggings and a pair of sweats, I had spent more than enough money there and hauled out.
*after writing this out, I’m KICKING myself for not buying the grey ones also. Ugh.*
I did some more pop-ins while we waited for the Spoonful’s visit to be done. Walmart didn’t provide the shirts I was hoping for, but it did provide some fun Halloween stuff 🙂 Beetlejuice fanta. Peeps. and PUMPKINS!! You know I’m ready and waiting to cook the heck out of as many pumpkins as possible to keep me afloat for the next YEAR 🤣 And baby formula, of course, because that is ALWAYS on the list.
Aaaaand a last stop at Value Village provided me with some cozy things also 💜 Because after fall comes winter. Behold 🙌 this cozy thing…
…that I would not have justified if it wasn’t only $5!!!
And another beautiful hand sewn quilt 😍
This one is at least a double size, and its SO nice and heavy! I LOVE it. Value Village doesn’t recognize the value of these quilts but I certainly do! A few little stained moments can be resolved, and do not take away the quality I so appreciate!
Separate from the shopping yesterday, I also had a small Temu order arrive, as well as a few Christmas presents from Amazon. Whew! Its time to get rid of some things around here, I think. Too. Much. Stuff.
Ok. I have put a cup of coffee into me while typing this out, and I can hear the babies are waking up. Time for the day to begin!! Happy hump day, everyone!