I call it “sickie week” because of the guidelines put forward by the health authority and school division. My children must be symptom free for a full 48 hours before re-entering the school. Because of this, Dekker will absolutely be out all week. Laela is almost done being snotty, but even so, the absolute soonest she could go back would be Thursday. I’m not confident about Rowan and Solomon yet, but Waverly is definitely still sick. It looked about like this all weekend.

Unlike other years, that means they will be expected to complete schoolwork at home. Which I know isn’t a huge deal, but its hard :/ My kids like school. Its not hard to get them there. Laela is SO sad she can’t go, because she feels completely fine. And Dekker has ZERO issue going, either. The work isn’t upsetting…
But doing it at home is!!! The lack of separation between home and school destroys them. Dekker had to practice handwriting Ms and Ns the other day, and he bawled, because he just hates doing schoolwork at home :/ Laela cried over counting by 5s. It sucked. But they made quick work out of their pages, and life continued.

Today has been ok in terms of school stuff. Specifically because they didn’t really do any. Maybe thats wrong, but especially Dekker being in those really gross, drippy, snotty days, his crying becomes just SO uncomfortable, and he should have a break! So rather than homework, I left the two kids cuddled up, reading good books in/above their levels, and they eventually moved over to lego. But they read for at least 45 minutes. If they don’t get to their assignments today, so be it.
Dekker has read almost all day. Laela has coloured, too.

They’ve both been doing some kids cross stitch that my mom gave them. Rowan has also been colouring, and he’s been doing a lot of complaining, also! Lol! Thats mostly why I wonder if he’s secretly sick 😉 His attitude blows. But, we’ll figure that out. Solomon has been playing in the Halloween costumes for most of the day. And Waverly has alternated between yelling the word “no” and playing costumes with Solly.
At least Brady is able to work! And so far *knocks on wood* I have managed to stay cold-free! Pray for our little family, if thats something you do! The sooner the cold is gone, the sooner normal can begin again!