Yesterday, I spent the day with my mom. It was SO special. I love her 💜
We first went for lunch, because she had gift cards. Going to restaurants almost never happens anymore, so that was a HUGE treat!

Kudos to our server, who had a really great attitude, made conversation, and was just generally so pleasant. And kudos to the cook, because the food was unbelievable!
My mom and I did some Christmas shopping afterwards, and got to the places I can’t really get to easily on a regular basis. But coming up on 3:00pm, she drove me to La Loop for (deep sigh out) a hair appointment. Its been TEN MONTHS!!! I was due.

Do we agree? It was absolutely time. Not only were my “roots” just about as long as the previously colored portion of my hair, but my ends were just destroyed. Horribly damaged. We discussed the cut first, and I told her I wanted all the crap off. A fresh start. She warned me that it would be a lot, and I said to go for it. No looking back.
(Don’t worry, its not TOO drastic!)
She hacked a bunch off and started lightening it all!

Bleach is the longest part, always, because my hair is SO dark. Carlinna brought me a coffee and I sipped and scrolled as other clients had their work done around me, a couple of chairs apart.

Her salon is just so light and bright. I love it there.
Shortly after regular closing time, everyone else cleared out, and Carlinna and I had the place to ourselves! I SO appreciate her, because I know her hours, and she definitely exceeded them for me. 💜
The bleach was good and on, and hella yella! Hooooboy!

Normally at this stage, she tones it up good and proper to a ashier color, but because of the colors I chose, she didn’t need to! We dove into the colorful part!

We sat with the color for a good long while, and just chatted and caught up. After going to Carlinna since I was pregnant with Laela, we know each other pretty well by now, and ten months without spending 4 hours together left a lot to catch up on! We laughed a LOT. She carries such a positive vibe with her, and it was such a time of refreshment.
When styling was all that was left, I texted my mom, and she finished up her errand and came to get me. What a gift it all was to me. I felt SO loved and cared for, and pampered!! My goodness. What a beautiful day I had had!!
We hit up Wendys for a quick supper after hair, and it was there that I realized my play-by-play photos were missing an “after” photo 🙄 Sooooo I did that in Wendys.

I’m a very serious person. 🤨
The day was such a win for me. I loved spending time with my mom. I loved the food we ate. I got to shop at places I never get to. I got my hair done. I caught up with a friend. I was actually out in public. It was SO fun!
Thank you, mom, for the role you played in yesterday. It was such a special day! I love you! Thank you for everything!