After Brady’s MRI late on Wednesday night, we realized that his doctors may not have been notified that he got a last minute cancellation spot. On Thursday morning, he called around to our family doctor, his neurologist, and his physiotherapist, and left them messages to say his MRI happened early, and to be on the lookout for the report. He called around 9:30am.
In true Dr. Guselle fashion, she looked into it immediately, and called Brady within a couple of hours of his message. Around 11:30am. She said she had not received the report yet, but that his MRI was on eHealth, and she was able to look at it. She confirmed that there is a “foggy, undefined area” of his spine, between T7 – T12, in the lower thoracic region.

She said she had already spoken to his neurologist, and that she would be calling Brady at the end of her workday to give him details of the full report.
Sooner than expected, around 2:30pm, Brady’s neurologist called.
She believes something is growing inside of Brady’s spine. She cannot be sure what, and for that reason, Brady needs a second MRI.
This second scan will be performed with contrast, so he will have dye injected into his arm first, and it will produce clearer pictures of things like inflammation and blood flow. It is possible that Brady’s spine has a soft spot in it due to a lack of blood flow, but because his symptoms are changing literally by the day, its not as likely as something growing.
On top of that, he has a bulging disc in his neck, which is unrelated to his legs but is still something to note. Because, why not something else?
He got that news around 2:30, and the MRI clinic called at 4:00. His next MRI is booked first thing Monday morning. He is finally, officially considered emergent. Which is a completely bizarre thing to be excited about, but we are.
To catch everyone up to exactly what we’re looking at right now, Brady is in almost no pain. His back gets sore and stiff from time to time, because his legs are not working and his back is compensating. For months now, his left leg has been numb, and his right leg has had extreme muscle weakness and lack of motor skills. In the last week or so, however, his right leg has started to feel numb, and he has weakening of the left leg. Its changing very fast. It is an emergency. And its FINALLY being treated as such.
All of this being said, Brady has been told that, no matter the MRI results, he is being referred to a neurosurgeon. So we’re pretty sure we know where this is headed.
We have been offered SO MUCH CARE from SO MANY of you!!! For this, I am SO thankful!!! I haven’t known what to ask for, as everything is still just so uncertain. For the time being, I can say we are well taken care of! Praise the Lord!
I have a couple of kid-free hours tomorrow that I will use to prep kids lunches and some suppers for the week ahead.
I have childcare on Monday morning so I can drive to Brady’s MRI with him and the kids can still get off to school.
I have a friend working in the hospital Monday who offered to hang out with me for a bit of time during Brady’s scan, so I don’t get too in my head.
I have live-in help, at the moment, and my mom just SO close by, so we are covered in case of an emergency.
As I’ve been saying for what feels like an eternity, we are just waiting. We don’t know what is ahead. I feel a dire need to prepare, and I’m starting to think maybe I’m not crazy, and we’re really going to be in need shortly. I just really don’t know. But I know nothing is done, yet. Its not over. And we continue to need your prayers and support.
Todays post is not expressed as well as I wish it were, but hopefully the information translates. I feel like things will be ok. But at the same time, we’re teetering a little.