Brady and I were granted the beautiful privilege of having a day away together yesterday. Not only did we get to be kid-free and out of the house, but we went to our lake spot 😍 Our first visit of the year! We have tight limits these days, so we went just for the day, just to make some plans, just to get a feel for what this upcoming season might look like and what we might need that is different from last year.
I won’t make you wait. It was the BEST day. We really couldn’t have asked for more.

We drove into our spot and checked everything over. Looked good! We went into the camper next. It is exactly how we left it!! It looks amazing. None of our measures taken against rodents were even disturbed. Praise the Lord for a critter-free camper!!!
We have some plans in the making for this season, but we can handle SO little at once :/ So this day was just for planning. We called the site manager to let him know we were there, and he headed right over to meet with us, as we had planned. He was very surprised to see Brady in a wheelchair, so we had quite a bit of catching up to do. He was really warm and understanding, and very willing to help. He quickly got on topic about where we wanted to move our camper, and if it were possible, and he eagerly offered to go get his skid steer. Rather than just planning with us, he decided the camper move was happening NOW.
I have no pictures of us moving the camper because it was a very hands on process, and it was much more on me this year! The site manager offered up understanding that he knew Brady would prefer to be in there like a dirty shirt, which was both insightful and true, but he was so encouraging that I would be able to do it, too, which was also insightful and true 😉 I’ve not always been given the opportunity to be strong and handy and helpful, and yesterday, I got to. He showed me how to get the legs up under the camper, where to move the railroad tie, and how to block things properly. He also explained to me where he was going to drive the camper, where I needed to be, and where it was the most likely to hit. He would be driving backwards the entire time, very very close up against the trailer, so I needed to be his eyes. I loved that he trusted me.
He raised the camper up, and I climbed under the pulled pins, and locked the feet up. I dragged the tie to the side of the sight into the bush, and then helped guide him out. He definitely knew what he was doing, but our camper is pretty big and it wasn’t an easy gig. We did a whole round around the hill until we got back close to our site. By that time, one of his friends, who also resides at camp, had come to help, and myself, he, and Brady guided the camper into place together.
It went perfectly. It could not have been placed better!
Its hard to show in pictures, but it was off to the side last year…

Note the distance from us to the fire pit.
And this year, its at a completely different end of the campsite, freeing up a MOUNTAIN of space!!!

Our camper was previous off to the right side of this picture. Can you see where it was, and where it is now?
It doesn’t look like much yet, but it will 💜The trees will fill in, and soon, we will build a beautiful patio and make it more homey, and to add some even ground to make life easier. We are SO excited.
We ate some lunch together in the sun. It was beautiful weather. My mom packed our lunches. She is officially adorable.
And as if God knew what we wanted most, as soon as we were done eating, the rains came! YESSSSS! It smelled amazing!! We thought about hauling out, but then we decided to hole up in the camper and play some Skipbo, because that is exactly what we’d have done if we were staying. It was perfect. Smelled and sounded amazing.

And then we drove home 💜 That was it. It was SUCH a beautiful, simple, unexpectedly productive day! We were SO grateful to get our camper moved where it needed to be! There are still some changes to make and things to do, but now we know what we’re looking at, and we feel more prepared and capable.

It will be very hard not to overextend ourselves in the next month. Unfortunately, being done radiation does not immediately bring back our energy. Brady gets headaches when he overdoes it, and I have anxiety attacks. Its just where we are right now. I wish I could say we’ll be out there May long, but I don’t think its feasible without a deck. Maybe we’ll make a day trip with the kids. Maybe we won’t. We’ll have to see 🙂
We are SO grateful for our spot. For the friends we have out there. For the help we have out there. For the comfort and care we have out there. For the rest and relief to come. For the getaway.
For these things, we praise the Lord.